Confused on two dreams

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Confused on two dreams

Post by Andy »

This is my first post here and I do feel sort of silly about it as I never would have considered this before.
Recently, I have been receiving "messages" and seeing things related to a personal issue I am going through at the moment. All of these occurrences seem to be telling me that I am on the right path and to hold on to my beliefs. I would go into detail about the issue but, there isn't that much time.
I had chalked all of these incidences as messages from above as they happen in a very specific manner and occur too often to be written off as coincidence.
I had heard that you could call upon an angel to talk to you while you sleep. So, I have trying that. I even keep a notebook by the bed just in case.
The other afternoon, I was very tired and finished what I was doing in the kitchen and went and laid down. I fell fast asleep until I felt I heard the words "Wake up, wake up. I can't give you messages while you are sleeping. Wake up!" I also saw these words in my head as if they were being typed out. With that I awoke, got up and went back into the kitchen where I found I left a burner on the stove turned on. While nothing bad happened, I had left the burner on. There was definitely reason to wake up. I took that as a sign.
The next night I was sleeping and I "heard" a woman talking. While I knew the woman was my girlfriend,but the voice wasn't hers. In the statement I heard my girlfriend was saying that a period in her life, unrelated to me, was ending. In my awake times of any day, this period in my girlfriends life was a huge cause of concern for me. After hearing the voice say it was ending, I awoke with a very strange sensation of calm in me.
I have tried to explain it to friends who I thought were spiritual and they toss it aside as coincidence or instinct or anything other than words from above.
My question is would the first dream involving the stove be confirmation to take following dreams seriously? Or am I just wishful thinking?
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Re: Confused on two dreams

Post by overmind »

Hi Andy,

It doesn't sound like wishful thinking to me. Dreams can act as an early form of communication before more sophisticated methods are adopted in adult life. I don't get a lot of metaphorical dreams that I can understand, or simple messages that I can remember. Even if I receive something profound, I quickly lose it. Someone I know may speak in a different voice and provide new information about the fabric of reality, and then I'll get distracted by something else. It's almost funny. :roll:
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Re: Confused on two dreams

Post by Sandy »

Hello Andy,

It sounds to me as if you had some rather powerful hints as to the presence of angels and celestials around you. Nope, they are not a coincidence. It is easy for me to say that, though, as I too have experienced things of this nature. In fact, my first communication with Midwayers was very, very similar to your burner stove warning. Would you like to hear about it? Well I'm gonna tell you about it whether you say yes regardless. LOL

You see, when I first came to this wasn't because I was seeing number prompts. No rather I was interested in knowing more about the Midwayers and George Barnard had been seeing talking and working with them just about his whole life. So after a couple weeks of no prompts I was certainly beginning to wonder what was wrong with me. (feeling a bit whiney and unwanted... not that there was any basis to that mind you. :roll: ) One day I saw my birthdate 711 everywhere... even on the movie extras at the end of 'The Village'. I was just drifting off to sleep on the couch later when I heard quite loudly "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" in my ear. I jumped to my feet but no one was there. By the way it wasn't my birthday but in a way it was a new beginning for I suppose it did count for something wonderful. And it didn't stop there...and this is another reason I never had a reason to doubt my sanity. You see, I had a large aquarium with 2 fish (bear with me and you'll realize while I suddenly switched gears and are talking about my fish. ;) ) Anyway, my fish were two large yellow parrot fish, a male and a female. The poor female for months now had been suffering from a clogged and infected "egg layer" for lack of a scientific term. I lamented over this so many times and had poured many fish antibiotics into the water to try and resolve the problem but to no avail. As I switched the light off that night I lamented over her sad state and wished I could help her. The next morning when I went to turn on the tank's light there she was completely healed with no evidence what so ever she had ever been ill! I am sure that she and I had extra help that night and I am ever so grateful for the Midwayer who assisted and brought her back to complete and full health.

So I would never brush off your experiences as coincidence. You know within how these things made you feel. Many of us here know and understand that same wonder you felt and in fact how these experiences grow and blossom when you take off the human "mindal" limitations. There is so much possible, a universe of stuff, when we allow ourselves to become quiet within and listen to the whispers from eternity.

I have also heard people talking as I become drowsy. When we are resting we are naturally in an open state or at least a more open state then when awake with a hundred and fifty items on our plate for the day. So messages are easier to get across to us at this time.

It is a wonderful thing what you are experiencing and it can grow and become ever more enriching as you devote a little time each day for stillness.

Well, I have jabbered on enough for one post...don't want to put you to sleep. LOL

It is great to read of your experiences, Andy. Please jump in with both feet and make yourself at home here. We will love to hear what you have to share. :hithere
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Re: Confused on two dreams

Post by Andy »

Thank you both for your replies. I am still confused by the whole experience. My daughter who has been a doubter about my "visions" through the years may have finally come over to my side after hearing about the burner incident. Another friend said it was my instinct that warned me of the burner.
I am a pretty thorough person, (at least I think so) and as a rule not prone to leaving burners on. But, just last night, I did it twice. I was awake and in the kitchen. But the only reason I noticed them was when I wondered by the stove. Only once, in my 58 years of life have I ever forgotten about the stove or anything on the stove. The first time was 1979 when I let hard boiled eggs boil dry. A smell you don't want to experience.
I am thinking that last nights two episodes were a way to remind me that my instincts were not at play during my dream or my instincts would have remembered the burners. I was awoken by something.
Thank you for confirming my feelings. Especially, the feelings of calmness after the second dream where the message from the girlfriend came through.
I have received a great many message related to my girlfriend that I would love to share and get your thoughts. When they come, they are at times overwhelming and I "know" before confirming it, that what I am seeing is a message.
But, I think I need help in translating them.
I will post a rather lengthy post titled "Andy's messages". Please look at it and let me know your thoughts. I am sorry in advance for the length of the message as I already know it's going to be a long one.
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Re: Confused on two dreams

Post by Sandy »

Hi Andy,
Only once, in my 58 years of life have I ever forgotten about the stove or anything on the stove. The first time was 1979 when I let hard boiled eggs boil dry. A smell you don't want to experience.
Oh my! I can only imagine! :shock: George could commiserate with you though as he left a whole pot of eggs to boil dry once. :lol:

Yep... I could possibly see it as confirmation too but please no more of that stove burner forgetfulness, okay? No need to give your Ruth any more work to do then she is already busily doing... ;) :D
XX Sandy
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Re: Confused on two dreams

Post by Krystalshard »

Hi Andy,
Welcome to our board, and thank you for sharing your experiences. I too have had significant dreams that leave me with vivid images and deeply felt emotion. In these instances, I realized during the dream that I was in the midst of a communication, or experience that I was "participating" in. It is humbling too. I cherish my connection with my Helpers, and am so grateful that the Love and Light in my life is an active, vibrant resource for me!! Your connection with the Divine is yours. Each of us travels our path until we come to that door, and we are invited to step through to our awareness of this. Then the true journey can begin. So excited for you, as there is nothing to fear or defend, as our loved ones can seem resistant or skeptical. We are always safe in Love. There is always Light, as it is from within.

I look forward to hearing more of your journey!!


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