Are You Ahead of Your Time?

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Are You Ahead of Your Time?

Post by Welles »

This brief reminder by Stephenie Zamora is particularly important in the realm of spiritual growth and actions although she doesn't specifically address that arena. I've found that many of my attempts to do something of value in this world have apparently failed even though I felt the reality of their potential. Subsequent to each of these apparent failures continued learning allowed me to discover areas of personal growth that were required before comparative success was achieved. Often I think failures are more important than successes but it all comes down to appreciating a potential prior to realization. If you feel a potential within yourself it will be realized in the fullness of your existence. If it seems to fail now you are just ahead of your time.

Are You Ahead of Your Time? by Stephenie Zamora ... your-time/

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Re: Are You Ahead of Your Time?

Post by Sandy »

Thanks Welles, That was extremely helpful for me! :kiss:
XX Sandy
“We measure and evaluate your Spiritual Progress on the Wall of Eternity." – Guardian of Destiny, Alverana.
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Re: Are You Ahead of Your Time?

Post by memawlaura »

I can certainly relate to this topic. I put a dream out there in writing and with vision only for everything else to begin to unravel. Now I see the unraveling as working through personal experiences needing to be addressed. I have learned patience very well, I am still learning unconditional compassion and judgment. I AM more in touch with my inner self and less concerned with what is on the outside. I now realize the phrase "knowing what I can change, excepting the things I can not change and knowing the difference.
Love and Peace Always,

It is good to have an end to journey toward; but it is the journey that matters, in the end.
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Re: Are You Ahead of Your Time?

Post by Jenm55 »

I am not new to the 11:11 phenomenon but new to asking questions. I would like to be in contact with someone on a regular basis as I will have a lot of questions along the way. I received an email from George (from Australia?) to get me started.
I have experienced 11:11 for several years. Just the other day I had 1:11. This whole issue is unique to say the least. At first I thought what a coincidence!! I just googled 11:11 one day last year! Wow!! I had no idea. I live in Central Illinois. Are there any groups that meet on a regular basis in this area or is it all on line??
Are the angels departed loved ones?? How do I communicate with them?? Are they telling me to become stronger in my faith?? Are they encouraging me to change bad health habits??
I could use a lot of help. I am just beginning to wrap my head around all of this. Thanks ahead of time.

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Re: Are You Ahead of Your Time?

Post by overmind »

Hi Jenm55,

You can ask questions anywhere and there will probably be answers. There are certainly no regular physical meetings involved with this website as the users here are all over the place. Most of us are scattered around the US while George and Sandy are in Australia. And as I answer your questions, it may seem like you are being thrown in the deep end of the pool. Just notice that higher revelation can become very complicated, so answering simple questions can involve explanations of linked concepts that you have not heard of yet.
Are the angels departed loved ones?
No, and in answering this question, I feel that I must briefly cover the beginning of human ascension. Our departed loved ones are either busy with their own ascension career on a set of training worlds light-years away (and are technically in heaven or on High, if that improves understanding), or are in a form of sleep and will awaken as part of a large group during a new dispensation of spiritual/celestial administration (like a rotation of responsibilities). The fate of people depends on their own spiritual growth, but quite a few are resurrected a few days after they are transported. It is also possible for people to linger on this planet a while if they are incredibly confused (like if they don't even know that life after death is possible), but these guys are eventually aided as well. Hell doesn't exist, so there is no need to worry about that, but it is possible for people to destroy their own soul and survivability if they are morally corrupt enough or simply refuse to let it grow. Growing one's soul simply involves working with God (most times unknowingly) during one's life, but these co-creative efforts can be more understood with practice. And this partnership with God is a huge topic that I dare not get into with this first post, but you can certainly ask about it. The next group of worlds people experience are called the mansion worlds (there are seven of them). The first world is usually called Mansonia. The next phase of existence, between matter and spirit, is called morontia, and it is a form of energy organization. This substance can be created by the Master Physical Controllers and the Morontia Power Supervisors when the revolutions of the primary units of matter are modified and energy associations transformed. The morontia realms are the local universe liaison spheres between the material and spiritual levels of creature existence.

Angels are known as the Daughters of God, and come from the Infinite Spirit. Some examples include: Seraphim, Cherubim, Sanobim, Omniaphim, Supernaphim, Seconaphim and Tertiaphim. There are probably more I am forgetting and a million more unrevealed. Everyone does have guardian angels (Seraphim being aided by Cherubim and Sanobim pairs), and they are assigned in accordance with human intelligence, spirituality, and destiny. A large portion of individuals are watched over in groups, but after enough human development, it is possible to gain personal guardians (known as Destiny Guardians). These angels will actually help you (and you them) throughout your ascension career, so they will become companions of yours for a very long time.
How do I communicate with them?
Your guardians are always aware of your activities and thoughts, so communicating to them is incredibly easy. Receiving an obvious response from them is not as easy as their job is to guard you and facilitate the ministry of God in your mind, but it is possible for them to manipulate your surroundings if they deem it helpful for your growth. The easiest way to communicate may be for you to decide on a specific dream interpreting system, like a specific book about dreams, which the angels can then use to manipulate your dreams. I haven't tried this though, so I would ask around if anyone else has had success in this regard.
Are they telling me to become stronger in my faith?
Number prompts are usually used as spiritual wake up calls, so this may be the case. But the ones who are usually involved with such things are not the angels, but the primary and secondary midwayers.
Are they encouraging me to change bad health habits?
All I can say is that it is better to have good health. I don't know what your habits are.

Most of the terms I use which you are not familiar with are in the Urantia Book, which is a public resource and can be downloaded for free. Anything that is not covered in that huge book is either covered by our teachers on High through the transmitters/receivers (sort of like certified channelers) serving the Teaching Mission, or is simply information not available yet for humans.
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Re: Are You Ahead of Your Time?

Post by Sandy »

Hi Janet,
I am George’s wife, Sandy. It is nice to meet you! :hithere
I too ask lots of questions. One of the good benefits of being married to George. ;) LOL So fire away whenever a question comes to you or even a declaration of something you, yourself, have intuited and learned from your own spiritual adventure. You see, we all have something to offer, not only for this group, but those around us in life and who knows even the world in general. Every little bit of compassion, kindness , caring, Love etc. helps. I guess if there were ever a general message in the 11:11 prompt it would be to practice Love in all find your loving Higher Self, your gift of the Divine One within, and to ever nurture and grow this Love in every way you can and are led. Love is something that is universal. It embraces all people, cultures, and religious and spiritual groups not only here but where ever they exist in the entire enormous universe. So it is Love then that unites us all and in following Love, whether it leads us to our own back yard or to the ends of the universe, we find our greatest joy and our greatest challenge as mortals now, and as eternal beings in the many thousands of years to come.

It seems the Midwayers and our angels always want the best for us and so they long for us to learn to take care of our bodies and our minds, to refresh our spiritual selves as we practice “listening” to God and the “whispers of eternity”. We learn to do this by quietening our mind, by bringing our plethora of “chattery” thoughts to rest in some type of stillness meditation.

But with all that said, it is a rare thing to be chastised for the mistakes of our human nature by our celestial friends. Many higher beings associated with the upliftment of this world and more importantly, those associated with the individual enlightenment, the ascension of each and every child of the Creator, have watched for thousands of years the misery that the human race creates as we struggle to find ways and means to peaceful and prosperous outcomes for all people. They have seen it before and have seen the success stories on other worlds and even those on this world...over and over again. So they are patient with us, just as we are to be patient with ourselves as we learn and grow in powerful life changing loving ways. You see, our own self admonishment can at times create a tough “wall” that is difficult to “scale” in our pursuits of our “lofty goals” for self. It is helpful then to remember that we are all much loved beginners, and all children of the same God. We will simply try to do our best as the road to the heavens stretches before us. This is our adventure of infinite lifetimes.... and every bit of it important and profitable in the task of growing our unique souls.

Before I abandon my ramblings here, Janet, you may be happy to know that we do have several members on this board who live in Illinois so that lovely state is well represented. :)
I hope to see lots more of you around our little message board. So please jump in where ever you wish to make a contribution. :hithere
“We measure and evaluate your Spiritual Progress on the Wall of Eternity." – Guardian of Destiny, Alverana.
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Re: Are You Ahead of Your Time?

Post by Jenm55 »

Thanks to both of you for your answers. I am on a spiritual journey. I have tried several Bible studies, both by Beth Moore; I will start another Bible study on my own called "The me I want to be", which I hear is quite good. I have been told by several people that some of my actions are just as Jesus would do-going the extra mile for someone (I work in a hospital and recently received a letter from a former patient who described me as caring for her so well that I was was very Christ like and recommended that I continue to read the Bible if I was not already doing so.) Some years ago,I gave a birthday card to a patient who was to live another month- she was so impressed and so touched that she suggested I read the Bible as I was doing God's work.
I will keep track of the sequence episodes that I experience, as well as the circumstances, so I can find a pattern.
It is interesting that you mention dreams. I dream every night, in color, and generally remember my dreams in great detail. I have always wondered what they mean. Sometimes they are work stress related. I have written some of them down to see if they come true. A general recurring theme is not finishing my school work, being late to class, which I feel relates to some unfinished project, not necessarily education related.
Will I ever actually see my angels or do I just "know" they are around me
Thanks for the great start!! Thanks for the support! :hi there
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Re: Are You Ahead of Your Time?

Post by overmind »

It may be possible in deep meditation for you to see angels, but normally people do not have that experience in the flesh. They are always around though. I have actually named mine. :D
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Re: Are You Ahead of Your Time?

Post by Sandy »

Hi Janet,
I haven't seen my angels either but I know people who have. I can hear my angels from time to time when I have cleared out a great deal of "the clutter" inside. But I do talk to mine frequently and converse by name with them. It is a beautiful thing to feel them as they move through our lives. And on the reverse side they very much appreciate our thoughts directed towards them.

I have always thought there could be no better example of pure love in action then Jesus life in the flesh. We will all do well to follow his loving example. :happy
“We measure and evaluate your Spiritual Progress on the Wall of Eternity." – Guardian of Destiny, Alverana.
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