Monjoronson Just needs a Garden of his own.

We will post here messages received about the coming of Monjoronson.
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Monjoronson Just needs a Garden of his own.

Post by inlikeflint »

This might come across as a dumb post, but it seems to me that the more advanced spirits usually have some sort of Garden of Eden thing going on.

I'm just recalling the stories from the Urantia an the allotment of land specifically for the Spiritually advanced.
Maybe, Monjoronson is waiting on us to construct an environment for him to exist in. It's like a physical manifestation of an idea... Kevin Costner Field of Dreams scenario without baseball and Kevin. Action to manifestation... Or even a plan of action to initiate the action of arrival.

Plant a seed of an invasive plant somewhere and let it grow for the purpose of preparing a place for the Monjoronson to go/arrive. He needs something of us or the earth or a purpose for him to be here now. It is like willing him here.


Maybe, we meditate and "Construct" the Eden and Monjoronson manifests...or where we construct his garden. We focus on our Garden of Eden and construct it just like our library, or make it some sort of extension off our library to provide a place for the Monjoronson to exist.
The elevator goes up and out to garden that is outside of our library building.

I can't even pronounce Monjoronson... I was just thinking aloud again.

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Re: Monjoronson Just needs a Garden of his own.

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Maybe it's a dumb idea.
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Re: Monjoronson Just needs a Garden of his own.

Post by 11light11 »

I like it! :sunflower:
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Re: Monjoronson Just needs a Garden of his own.

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Re: Monjoronson Just needs a Garden of his own.

Post by overmind »

I would like to mention that one of the goals of the Magisterial Mission will be promoting and facilitating both physical and social sustainability. This can be done in your own community, even before the Magisterial Son's staff arrive in the flesh. Anyone can create a design team for tackling local problems, provided they have the means to gather people for such a reason. If you want to make your own neighborhood a kind of Eden, then start growing (in the spring)! Get the community involved! There was a TED talk about this very thing.

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Re: Monjoronson Just needs a Garden of his own.

Post by Sandy »

It was a very good idea, Flint! Sorry, I have been away...well not away, but up to my eyeballs in cookie dough the last couple days and to tell you the truth, a little gardening is just the ticket to get the sugar out of my system. :flower: In my opinion, a garden is a well spring of Love. :happy
Arthur....I like your "gardening ideas for our world too... and will read the ted talk when I have the time, hopefully tonight. Right now the cookie buzzer is going off again.... sigh :roll: :D
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Re: Monjoronson Just needs a Garden of his own.

Post by inlikeflint »

Thanks for the responses.

Ron Finley was good to watch...

I'm not thinking about sustainability though, I already attempt to do things like this.
My idea is more like the idea of bringing something to fruition. It's like focusing on something or building something in your mind (or wherever) and then making it happen. So it is a lot like gardening, and planting seeds, but you are visualizing the results before the results to bring the results.

(Imagineering... Disney term)
(Mind is the builder = Edgar Cayce)

For an artist to make the intangible tangible, the artist either creates it in material without being conscious of the end result, or aware of the end result by imagining what the end result should be an then creating it with that conscious idea. (IE; Jackson Pollock action paintings of purposeful drips.)

This is imagining what the garden should look like, and it is a community garden that exists where everybody can go to when they fall into their scene in nature that is exactly the same each time you visit it. Build it in the mind/then build it here. You become the portal/bridge between the intangible & tangible.

I think this is what I was trying to say... (It's still a far out concept.) If you get enough people building the same garden in hyperspace the thing becomes a reality even if it does not have a tangible form. It's like the Internet, sharing ideas and a common goal, to then creating a website that exits,but can only exist in virtual space... then it exists. Then once it exists it can be built into something physical.

This is what minds like mine build after too many Van Halen concerts...
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Re: Monjoronson Just needs a Garden of his own.

Post by Welles »

Hi Derek,

I think you are exactly right. First we start thinking about possible realities of transcendent potential and then as the means become available we start creating them in material reality. To put it more elegantly, The World is the Substance of Dreams.

Anyhow, I have also given considerable thought to 'creating the new world.' As I pondered the Monjoronson appearance (whom I've renamed Major Johnson in a moment of whimsical lèse-majesté), I embraced the concept that He will be accompanied by a number of Melchizedek staff members. When I read your post about Garden-of-Eden creation I found myself in complete agreement with the spirit of your idea but I've interpreted it a little differently. (No! What a shocker! :roll: )

Eden was to be the home of Adam and Eve and their offspring who would eventually provide an actual biological uplift. They needed a home of botanical elegance to support the long view of their goals in an agrarian society. The appearance of a Magisterial Mission is a different kettle of fish, it seems to me. Major Johnson and the Melchizadeks will be teachers. Because goal is spiritual uplift in a fairly short period (maybe 1,000 years) it seems to me that the Melchizadeks will probably be the heads of schools scattered across the planet while Major Johnson may well travel from one to another, reinforcing the fact of spiritual reality with His presence. I believe the individual Melchizadek schools will be taylored for the uplift of major cultural groups while the experience of Major Johnson will be the spiritual synthesis of all.

Now as I look at the possibility of beginning the establishment of a Melchizadek school in advance of their actual arrival it seems to me that such a school would be focused on practical spiritual advancement. This would mean spiritual practice of course but as that is manifest in our actions, such a school would be centers of agricultural advancement, the industrial arts, petrie dishes of social experimentation, the fine arts as manifestations of beauty etc. The effects of a series of Melchizadek centers would percolate throughout the surrounding socieites. That would include both spiritual influences as well as tangible techniques and technologies for better, sustainable living.

I look around the world about me via the internet and see high minded people creating initiatives of great spiritual substance such as the work of Ron Finley and am mightily heartened. I believe that in the not too distant future we will see the creation of the beginnings of the future Melchizadek schools as people like Ron find others and combine their efforts, not because they need help but because their efforts will be magnified.

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Re: Monjoronson Just needs a Garden of his own.

Post by inlikeflint »

Major Johnson... That's funny and a good mnemonic device.

I like your thoughts on this and the independent schools.

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Re: Monjoronson Just needs a Garden of his own.

Post by Sandy »

I love all your guy's thoughts! :sunflower: 8) (hmmm....not sure about the grammar in that sentence. But you get my drift. :mrgreen: )
XX Sandy
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Re: Monjoronson Just needs a Garden of his own.

Post by LurkerAbyss »

Hi there Derek :hithere

I don't think your idea is far out! In fact, I don't think it is strange or even complicated at all. It is rather simple and sensible, I just think that it is something that not very many people have contemplated or realized yet. Although I don't emphasize a belief or religion over another, I think that your way of thinking is summed up rather short and sweet by a couple of phrases in the Bible.

"Seek, and you shall find" and "behold, the kingdom of God is within you".

So many people still, in this overdue age of change, would think of that garden and that kingdom as something that they need to keep looking around for, and feel like they don't know what it looks like or what it would be like. Even in the year 2013, why? I think we need only look within. We can seek it, imagine it, and build it in our minds, and I think then shall it manifest. "On Earth as it is in Heaven".

One of the problems with old, archaic religious or cult-like thinking that still lingers is that it seems people do not realize their power, and more importantly their responsibility, to do the work of imaging and manifesting that kingdom. They seem to think that it is more a matter of waiting around for the coming of Jesus, Maitreya, Monjoronson, or whatever the name for the same avatar/prophet figure, to show up and just magically change the world for them.

Don't get me wrong. I am not undermining or invalidating the concept itself of that second coming. Again, I just think that people really need to own their role and responsibility in the making of that future world they believe to be ahead.. in the bringing of Light and Life. Just as with any other groups and religions, I have seen in circles devoted to the Urantia Book this fantasized, science-fiction-like idea that Monjoronson will show up and there will be announcements and trumpets and we will see this obvious-as-daylight massive teaching mission sweeping the globe, clear for all to see. As if transmitter-receivers will all receive this "hey I'm here" message and we'll all log into our message boards and dance in welcoming and man our battle stations. Think of it this way.. how will we even know? This isn't pertaining to this board or the Progress group, but in other places I've already seen people so focused around their trusted and respected 'channeller' that they've already been deluded and deceived with news and announcements about Monjoronson. Thankfully, George's work is among the most trustworthy out there I have come across, but even then, it's not enough to just hope that Major Johnson (I love it!) is going to announce his day of coming through mailing lists and then arrive in flesh and give us a thumbs up or show up on news stations and we'll all be like "oh sweet he's here". What if, and this is just hypothetical, but what if he was already here? How would we know? How would we recognize him? I don't think he would just walk up to us on the street and be like "hey it's me". Sure, we could see great changes going on in our world and hear of prominent figures out there doing and teaching something really special, and our intuition could tell us that's him.. but then again, we could still not recognize it. Monjoronson could come at anytime, and be here teaching and helping these changes, and meet us in person on the street, and we could still have never realized it and still be waiting around thinking "well I know this guy's coming eventually, just gotta wait". I think the recognition we would have is through intuition, and feeling, and doing the work ourselves to manifest the way for him, participating in the mission for a better world and age of Light and Life.

What I am trying to say is this.. I agree with the idea, Derek, of us imagining and creating that garden ourselves to give the ideal condition for Monjoronson to manifest, rather than thinking we're waiting for him to come and just magically build that garden himself. If we all acted like he was already here and worked really hard to change the world and fulfill his mission, I think that kingdom would manifest and we might look back and say "oh snap.. he *is/was* here". The kingdom of God is within us.

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Re: Monjoronson Just needs a Garden of his own.

Post by 11light11 »

Hey Lucky,

That was such an inspiring message. I just read it and nodded and nodded. ;) I don't have anything to add . . what can one add? But something you were saying reminded me of a question I had . . . you were saying if Major Johnson returned, how would we even know? And that's what I always wondered about Jesus' second coming. I think about this wild paparazzi world we live in, and all the lights flashing and the media blitz . . .what, they'd just announce on the nightly news that Jesus was back?! The world is so bizarre now, and we're used to all kinds of people claiming all kinds of things. How would we know if he returned? The mental wards are filled with people who say they're Jesus. What if one of them was, and he's all shot up on thorazine?!

There's no need to go on waiting for someone to return in that sense . . . like up until he does you're just sitting there waiting. These figures, whether Maitreya or Major Johnson are already accessible to us in spirit form, their physical arrival isn't the be-all end-all, right? That's what I enjoyed so much about what you said . . . the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand! And you can find it spread out upon the earth and do what you can do today to touch the lives of others . . . like build Major Johnson his own beautiful garden. :kiss: it's very cool.

Love you guys! :kiss: Michele :sunflower:
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Re: Monjoronson Just needs a Garden of his own.

Post by Swedishblue »

Greetings from a wild wet England! I find myself quite agreeing with this thread. It's also filling me with spiritual enlightenment to tend to my own garden in the spring...I wish more for a theme like this one. I know this thread encompasses more than just answers to Monjoronson's garden, but the mere hint of the word 'garden' is making me long for spring ;) ;)

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Re: Monjoronson Just needs a Garden of his own.

Post by LurkerAbyss »


Is that *your* garden? That is stunning! That is so beautiful to me.

I've always dreamed of one day making a garden like that of my own. For now I'll have to stick to icicles and snow.

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Re: Monjoronson Just needs a Garden of his own.

Post by inlikeflint »

(I've been out driving a truck again... sorry for the intermittent responses!)

That is a VERY nice looking garden photo! I would hang out there for a day.

The world within idea to me seems the most logical when you're looking for your personal guide. Whether or not Major Johnson finds some place to be human, he will not experience what you have experienced. Most external experiences shape what we are on the inside and it is the inside that counts most so... To look outwards for a physical Major Johnson manifestation seems to be counter-productive. It would be kind of like hanging out with Mick Jagger of the Rolling Stones for the day... (It isn't going to happen for everyone physically.)

I think that Major Johnson is already here. To see him you have to make the preparations in yourself to make him manifest himself in you.

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Re: Monjoronson Just needs a Garden of his own.

Post by 11light11 »

Anya, your garden is incredible!!! It gives me hope at this time of year to think about those awesome flowers. :sunflower: Love to you, and thanks for starting this cool thread Derek. :roll

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Re: Monjoronson Just needs a Garden of his own.

Post by Sandy »

That is one stunning garden Anya! Hang in there. In a few short months (albeit cold and snowy months) you will see flowers and warmth again.Image

Derek, I guess I am of similar mind when it comes to waiting for the magisterial son to arrive. Whew! right now I really need to focus on the spiritual work and not side step my own inner work which is easy to do when things get hectic. :roll: :)

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Re: Monjoronson Just needs a Garden of his own.

Post by inlikeflint »

Sorry my posts are so spaced out and sporadic... (I'm out driving the truck again.)

Lots of storms this week.

Some people talked to me this week about Einstein's "Universal Constant." They were blowing smoke, but I think what I got out of it was the idea that as things speed up as you become more aware of your surroundings. (I've always thought it was the opposite.) It was really strange for "Truck Stop" talk in the middle of nowhere. The conversation started from the topic of the the weather that went to the Fukushima disaster and radioactive clouds to a truck driver who introduced himself as a nuclear physicist with PTSD.

For me; even when I am not doing anything, time flies by, and I don't seem to get much accomplished anymore. This is why I listened to the Universal Constant stuff.

(I almost had a day off... Truck driving company just called and have to leave at 3PM.... chat at you next week!)

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Re: Monjoronson Just needs a Garden of his own.

Post by Krystalshard »

Hi All,
Thought I'd jump in here and give my two cents worth:
We are all "right" about this. As we know, our own understanding is the level at which our Midwayer and Teacher helpers are able to slip information to us. ( Like, 5 year old's don't do college math, generally...) So, I am of the school of thought that we are all "Light Workers" and that we understand that we contain, yes, ARE the light of God's love on the planet. So, I'm with Derek and Lucky on this one:
I think that Major Johnson is already here. To see him you have to make the preparations in yourself to make him manifest himself in you.
If we all acted like he was already here and worked really hard to change the world and fulfill his mission, I think that kingdom would manifest and we might look back and say "oh snap.. he *is/was* here". The kingdom of God is within us.
As for physical manifestation, there is no harm in putting our hands in the loving Earth and growing the ideas along with some beautiful plants that we can walk among, and meditate upon the perfect order of our Universe Plan that Christ Michael has for us.

I just love this place. (And all of you!)
“You are born into life for a purpose, and one purpose only; to learn to do the will of God and be of loving and merciful service to one another." Monjoronson
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Re: Monjoronson Just needs a Garden of his own.

Post by Sandy »

Merry Christmas Jean!
I just loved this!
As for physical manifestation, there is no harm in putting our hands in the loving Earth and growing the ideas along with some beautiful plants that we can walk among, and meditate upon the perfect order of our Universe Plan that Christ Michael has for us.
Been doing that the past couple weeks and "it has made all the difference." I have that last bit... the phrase in my mind today after looking up Robert Frost's famous poem, " The Road Not taken" :lol:

Hello and a Merry Christmas to you too Derek! My thoughts and prayers are with you as you drive your route. I'm hoping you aren't having to traverse some of those rough and icy roads! We're hearing about them on the news way over here in Australia!

You meet some interesting people in this world and sometimes in surprising places. It's funny how these bits of scientific jewels often come to me in bunches. Like, I am as about as far from a physicist as one could get but I have heard what you just mentioned several times in the past couple weeks. Why?... not a clue! :shock: :lol: but I don't believe in coincedences so it would be interesting to figure out the why. :scratch:

Please take care over there... :hithere
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Re: Monjoronson Just needs a Garden of his own.

Post by inlikeflint »

I'm back!

Christmas was sort of uneventful this year. The trucking company asked me to drive this year, I spent my Christmas at a truck stop....
I received gardening books & things for Christmas (awesome!)
I spent a lot of time having to creatively work on the truck because the electrical kept going out. The reefer unit would not keep a charge and the alternator went out... Then when I connected three batteries from the truck to run the reefer battery the batteries would either perform really great or go nearly dead while I was driving. (The operating range was 11 volts - go figure.)
You meet some interesting people in this world and sometimes in surprising places. It's funny how these bits of scientific jewels often come to me in bunches. Like, I am as about as far from a physicist as one could get but I have heard what you just mentioned several times in the past couple weeks. Why?... not a clue! :shock: :lol: but I don't believe in coincedences so it would be interesting to figure out the why. :scratch:
Sometimes, I think of instances of meeting "others" like that of a dream that can be interpreted as a dream. They may repeat things that have meaning to you in some way... I went to an estate sale I was driving by and at the time I had been thinking about building some sort of steam engine that operates on an efficient wood burning devise with boiler. In the house I picked up (carried) two wool army blankets, a pair of jeans that were my size, and then I found a book on heat transfer and other thermodynamic books in the basement. (Lots of engineers in my town.) I didn't buy any of the items because I thought they were overpriced, but they all related to each other in some way. So, maybe people and random topics are sort of like the same thing as finding visual symbols at an estate sale. ...It's like you find things or instances that relate to things you are needing to resolve problems, or you're gathering things and arranging them in such a way that they will be available for someone else. You decipher the meaning either on the material level, virtual level, or the subconscious level like a living dream.
As for physical manifestation, there is no harm in putting our hands in the loving Earth and growing the ideas along with some beautiful plants that we can walk among, and meditate upon the perfect order of our Universe Plan that Christ Michael has for us.
I totally agree!

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Re: Monjoronson Just needs a Garden of his own.

Post by Sandy »

Oh dear! That kind of Christmas was definitely not in my prayers for you! :shock: I'm so sorry...but I must say, it sounds like if anybody is capable and able to handle this type of unexpected trouble then it would be you, Derek!
I didn't buy any of the items because I thought they were overpriced, but they all related to each other in some way. So, maybe people and random topics are sort of like the same thing as finding visual symbols at an estate sale. ...It's like you find things or instances that relate to things you are needing to resolve problems, or you're gathering things and arranging them in such a way that they will be available for someone else. You decipher the meaning either on the material level, virtual level, or the subconscious level like a living dream.
:cheers: Thank you for that! You just gave me the "inspiration" to hopefully get to the bottom of it! :D

I do hope your New Years Day is better then your Christmas. ;) :love Here's to a 2014 filled with love, blessings, abundance and spiritual growth! :bana:
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