I don't see time prompt any more...

Use this forum to ask or post about 11:11, 12:34, 2:22, 22:22 etc. The wake-up digital clock signals of our loving celestial friends. They also delight in flicking on or off street lights, traffic lights and ringing door bells.
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I don't see time prompt any more...

Post by Philip Fong »

Hi all,
I bit farewell to time prompt since a few months ago and only see it once a months or so and there is a big change in my career, it will change my life too because I no longer working at home. Is there a connection to it all? I don't know and am waiting to see what happens next. I did anticipate some adjustment but not as drastic, even so, my instinct seems stronger but towards bad vibes.

I discovered that I should not tell certain things or else it won't happen or it will go wrong, I was warned and reminded yet fail to see, the watch that used to be on my table is out of battery and I have no intention to replace it the same time my prompts began to reduce, but I saw it sometimes on my computer and Youtube video length. If that is still consider time prompt, its not real time.

If any of it was intended, I must declare it as destiny against the odds of luck & chances, there was a scientific experiment by Dean Radin that strangely began on 11-11-11 and ended on 12-12-12. Don't know why he had to chose those date to detect consciousness that influences each other through the "field" in quantum mechanics, something similar to what Princeton University have detected using magmatic sensors all over the world, I suspect technology may have been developed secretly to disrupt our thoughts at those time to see how many people received it.

:bike: :bike:
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Re: I don't see time prompt any more...

Post by Sandy »

Hello Phillip, :bike:
It does my heart good to see you on the board today. You have been missed. I am sorry if the changes that have occurred in your work life have been hard on you. It would be a rough adjustment I think going from working from home to an office type atmosphere. I hope you are happy.

I do not know why the prompts numbers seem to have waned for you. From my own experience, I remember there were times when they quietened down a bit... Your post reminds me again how very personal all of these things are for us... we try to find our own way as best we can. It has been my experience that most of us do consider a prompt those things you mentioned "computer and Youtube video length" as it does not need to be "real time" to be a prompt.
If any of it was intended, I must declare it as destiny against the odds of luck & chances, there was a scientific experiment by Dean Radin that strangely began on 11-11-11 and ended on 12-12-12. Don't know why he had to chose those date to detect consciousness that influences each other through the "field" in quantum mechanics, something similar to what Princeton University have detected using magmatic sensors all over the world, I suspect technology may have been developed secretly to disrupt our thoughts at those time to see how many people received it.
That's very Interesting. I haven't been able to view the video just yet...going to use some of your suggestions of a few months ago to speed up my computer first. :finger: I was going to do this last night but fell asleep first.
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Re: I don't see time prompt any more...

Post by 11light11 »

Hi Philip! It is great to see you back . . . so if you are no longer working from home, are you still doing graphic design and art-related work? I'd love to hear more about it.

This video seems interesting. I wonder as well whether you will still receive the time prompts as time rolls on?

Thank you for popping in to say hello!!! I felt so sad watching your "Faith and Science: The Balance" thread fall into disuse! :oops: Revive it, please!!! :kiss: Love to you, Michele :bike:
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Re: I don't see time prompt any more...

Post by Philip Fong »

Hi Sandy, Michele,
I am doing fine, although I had to lower my salary expectation to be shortlisted for genuine employers to made their offers with sincerity and hard to decide which job to take. It is the first time I have multiple job offers, most of them are at least 10 years younger than me and felt their sense of cautious in their speech :P They haven't been through employment cycles to understand why a veteran like me had to look for a job at 45, kind of scary to them when I told them the ugly truth is the norm of modern economic system.

Part of my awakening experience is about this enslaving system that hampered humanity and I took part to spread the message of awareness, look at how great people change their lives and made a difference:

Time prompt has been with me for only 1 1/2 year almost daily and now that it is diminishing, the experience was an interruption that cause us to stop what we are thinking / doing and likely to look at the time or aware of the numbers we are seeing. We could be seeing it but unaware if there are no interruption, I am a free thinker yet I share the same emotion with the religious interpretation, so it is a neutral force.

Michele, I am still doing graphic design but usually cover marketing as well due to my working experience, I will find some latest videos for the "Faith and Science: The Balance" thread later, there was a radio DJ "cost to cost" who happen to receive visions about his car and prompted him to go to the window and see the accident happen, the way he describe it remind me of my visions. While we all have different encounters, the emotion is the same.
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Re: I don't see time prompt any more...

Post by 11light11 »

Philip, I really love this -- can I borrow it? :lol:
While we all have different encounters, the emotion is the same.
Now that's really cool . . .

I'm looking forward to seeing your "Faith & Science" thread come back to life! Thanks for all you shared, and good luck with your new work. It's an adjustment I'm sure, but it sounds like a good change for you.

It's so great to have you back ! ! ! :kiss:

Love, Michele :loves
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Re: I don't see time prompt any more...

Post by Sandy »

Hi Philip,
I was able to watch all three videos today and find inspiration and important knowledge in all three. The last one I found particularly powerful. Thank you. :sunflower:
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Re: I don't see time prompt any more...

Post by Philip Fong »

Hi Michele,
You can use any of my words, its my honor that you found it useful, I saw 1:11 today and felt the change / reminder / warning just when I need it, talk about coincident huh? I only began to feel the change recently and working hour is long, time to initiate my plan with caution as though it was planned but I hate the word destiny. :mrgreen:

When my time prompt seems to be diminishing, I thought maybe I don't need to be reminded any more and then it appear when I need a sign, this is even more bizarre compare to last year and wonder what it really mean, I guess it is an individual prompt according to what we are looking for. Things will only go well when we are well prepared and understand, I have many false impressions and reality is not as logical as we thought. All I can say is: surprise is on the way... If true, you'll be the first to know. :lol:
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Re: I don't see time prompt any more...

Post by 11light11 »

Philip, That is so cool that you saw 1:11! Isn't that remarkable, you saw the prompt again! :kiss: I suppose it's like you said and you can just wait to see what unfolds in your life. Maybe it was just like a little hello and to remind you you are not alone. But I love it!!!

I've thought of you often over the past months and hoped you were feeling really well. Have you seen your friend at all lately, who shared with you that he sees 12:34? And how is your friend's young daughter whom you have such a special connection with?

Love to you! You've been missed! So exciting about your 1:11. :love :loves
with love, Michele
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Re: I don't see time prompt any more...

Post by Philip Fong »

Cool isn't the right word for what has happen lately, bizarre is. I knew one scooter is not reliable and most taxis refuse to drive at peek traffic hour should my bike breakdown, just when I was thinking of buying a secondhand bike two days earlier, my scooter was hit by a fallen tree and took three days to repair. So, today I bought the secondhand bike and will collect next week.

My friend's daughter was in the Boston marathon with relatives and I told my friend to teach his daughter about emergencies two weeks before that when they got their visa, I just felt a little worried and reminded me of 911 attack. They heard the explosion and had to walk out of the danger zone because all public transport was halted, gee... I can predict bad things after so many incidents.

This is what worries me since the beginning of time prompt, those that I've told you in PM isn't meant for the public, I thought it will go away when I don't see 11:11 as often but weird things are popping up, the time is 2:22 as I type and it happens at 2:21 and 1:10. One minute before is what I am seeing these days. :mrgreen:
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Re: I don't see time prompt any more...

Post by 11light11 »

Philip, that gives me the chills! It is a bizarre thing, I know what you mean . . .I have had very selective, random glimpses like that myself, and you wonder what is it about? Why this and not some other topic? You seem to sense things, before they happen, with your bike. There have been stories from the past as well. My mind wonders did you sense this, about getting the second hand bike, to avert some disaster? And I remember as well how your life was saved before, and it was like a miracle in some ways (I know that is a strong word, but it's hard to think of a different one). This incident is incredible enough, but to think you told your friend to educate his daughter about emergencies, two weeks before that disaster! :shock:

Maybe the way it works is, they got your attention with the time prompt. But in the meantime you looked within and you asked some deep questions to yourself. You seem to have opened up a connection . . .what kind of a connection, I can't say exactly, I don't know enough, myself. But there is a sharper clarity, looking at the world -- you could say that. To where you can sense an energy that is coming toward you: Trouble with your bike; trouble with your friend and his daughter. It can be very useful.

But many things that happen are also to the good side, a positive energy that comes toward us. Like finding your new job at just the right time, and you and your boss making such a great match! :love

I love hearing your stories, please keep sharing them! I know it is bizarre -- it really is bizarre -- but I also think it is very cool !!! :shock:

I had a friend whose dad was supposed to be on one of the flights, the morning of 9/11. I don't remember which one; maybe the 2nd plane that crashed into the towers. It was a business flight, it was important he board that plane. He isn't afraid to fly or anything like that. But at the last minute he decided to wait for the next flight -- which meant he had to hang around the airport for many hours. Who would choose that on purpose? It is so boring and awful to hang around an airport when you don't have to. But it saved his life! I think about him sometimes and I just marvel to myself . . . as far as I know he isn't someone who sees a time prompt (not that he would share it if he did . . .) but it makes me think that if we are willing to obey an inner voice, we might have some sense about saving ourselves, at the right time. You can imagine a person feeling a sense of "Don't get on the plane!" And dismissing it, because "I have an important business meeting!" And it all seems silly. If he'd let that "Silly" feeling win, he'd be dead. I think we just have to build up that little muscle inside of us that pays attention to little voices, instead of dismissing them -- maybe that makes all the difference. Maybe each one of us hears that little voice, and it's just a matter of whether we respect it or not?

Thank you for sharing Philip! You are so wonderful! (Don't blush!) LOL! Love to you, Michele :loves :kiss:
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Re: I don't see time prompt any more...

Post by Philip Fong »

Well Michele, I don't know enough vocabulary to describe how I happen to think of the things that is going to happen, not literally but an alternate way to avoid expectable mishaps, a contingency plan. The feeling of uneasiness when thinking of it usually require attention, our thoughts is about 6 to 8 seconds faster than our action and if reality happens ahead of our time, it is predictable, particularly the act of observing destroy quantum entanglement.

We make dreams come true and the so called dreams is the act of planing just like depositing information in the cloud, so, if we are able to send energy by thought, its the same channel. Below is an example of how we read visually rather than exact spelling, art came first before words in the cave wall.

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Re: I don't see time prompt any more...

Post by Sandy »

Hey Michele and Philip, :hithere
Michele this seems spot on...and very important...
I think we just have to build up that little muscle inside of us that pays attention to little voices, instead of dismissing them -- maybe that makes all the difference. Maybe each one of us hears that little voice, and it's just a matter of whether we respect it or not?
and Philip you said:
We make dreams come true and the so called dreams is the act of planing just like depositing information in the cloud, so, if we are able to send energy by thought, its the same channel.
Yes...that "feels" right to me too...Thank you to both of you. :sunflower: I am in the final stages of cleaning today for the flat inspection tomorrow. It will be a good time to think carefully about what you both have said. I so appreciate and love you guys! :D
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Re: I don't see time prompt any more...

Post by 11light11 »

Right back at ya, Sandy!!! :love :sunflower: It blows my mind to think you're thinking of us when you clean your flat, but whatever works! :lol: I know how many times I think of things you've said when I don't know which way to turn -- it makes things seem easier, there's no question!

Philip that is so interesting, that part that Sandy quoted. I like your idea. It's kind of like the old cliche . . . and now I can't think of how it goes! It's not "Genius is 1% Inspiration, 99% perspiration" -- that keeps coming to me and that's not it!! LOL. Well the one I'm trying to think of is the one that says that we first imagine, and then it becomes real. It never made sense to me until something Sandy suggested to me a few months ago. What it is really saying is that we create our reality with our thoughts. You get into a thought-loop where you say "I am bad" and "I am stupid" and "only bad things happen to me" (cancel!!) And it becomes true; life is depressing and bad things are happening to you all the time, and you feel lousy. You didn't mean to do it, but you created this ugly reality.

And it's harder (especially when things don't feel so good) to say "You are smart" and "You have great ideas" and "wonderful things happen to you!" But if you give it a try you realize that can come true too.

Sandy had suggested to me that I was thinking of myself as someone "Certain things didn't happen to" and that makes it true. And I started to tell myself the opposite, the positive message -- and new things opened up! It was so surprising to me and I was just delighted. That's when I realized that our thoughts do have power and what we tell ourselves becomes real. It was like a whole new world opening up and I was shocked. But in a good way!

Then right when all this was happening, I saw a t-shirt. It said

"Whether you think you can, or think you can't, you're right." -Henry Ford

:shock: How amazing is that idea? It totally boggled my mind and I never knew he said that ! He was an automotives man. Why did he make such a profound statement? It was life-changing for me and I think about those words all the time. The only limit is our idea. We can limit ourselves if we want to; it's our choice.

I heard another cool thing at the same time, my friend said she had a girlfriend who used to always say "I can do anything anyone else can do! If someone else can be a doctor, I can be a doctor! I might not want to be a doctor but I can be one! I am just as able as someone else." I was shocked, I thought that was so cool and it sounds arrogant but it is not arrogant! It is all about personal power and how we decide who we want to be.

Anyway I loved what you said.

And thanks for that cool image too, of the words with all the wrong spelling! I think it's so cool to think about words as pictures. I like how you said we had pictures before words, like cavemen and their drawings. That reminds me of something I learned about Mandarin. If you speak English it engages the language part of the brain. If you speak (or listen to) Mandarin it engages the music side of your brain! :shock:

Love to you Philip and Sandy! :kiss: :bike: Love Michele
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Re: I don't see time prompt any more...

Post by happyrain »

dear michele
"Whether you think you can, or think you can't, you're right." -Henry Ford
you asked,
:shock: How amazing is that idea?
:thumright: :study: :cat:

pretty amazing :alien:
thanks for sharing :loves
ps, thanks for your thoughts as well in response to my prayer request
i shared that with my mom we thought that was very nice of you, very cool
take care
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Re: I don't see time prompt any more...

Post by 11light11 »

Awesome, Eric!!! That is so cool and I'm glad you shared with your mom too! :kiss: :bana: Love to you guys! Michele :loves
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Re: I don't see time prompt any more...

Post by Philip Fong »

Hi everyone,
I shall go straight to the point, I am certain that I don't see time prompts as often and when it appear, its usually a warning (1:11), correction (2:22) and change (5:55).
I made a mistake posting the wrong press ad and was giving a chance to correct it just before printing, the editor bother to read the supposedly changed ad comparing to the previous ad and called me.

I have also proposed a big change to marketing strategy and accepted by the boss, I remember seeing 5:55 about 3 to 4 times in just one and a half month. It took me the whole year to see a few 5:55 in 2012. So, I am now the favorite employee :) Of course there will be more work from now on according to my plan.

On the other hand, I sensed something is not right with one of the previous staff and speculate her to leave, she did. I knew she needed help but she is too inconsiderate to receive any assistance, nobody want to help a selfish person who is thinking of taking advantage of others.

Today, I bump into someone I met a few months ago named "little" in Chinese but a physically big fella :) We are both in different companies since the last time we met and he is still seeing 12:34, I introduced him to this forum but he got hung at registration process and did not receive his activation email, I notified Sandy to look in to this and hope to see him posting soon. I did not ask for his contact number because I don't make friends in such a way nor do I need any friends, sounds unbelievable but true, only one to two "friend" I meet occasionally who would sit and chat, we have been doing that for 30 years yet only casual friendship. Sad huh? This is the reality I know but better than my own brothers and sister or parent, ridiculous? Yes, we are not living in the same REAL standard.

What connect and bound people together is money, my marketing plan is to slash advertising expenditure by half and get to achieve multiple intention from various angles, surely bosses would be interested in my method and I created my job without academic recognition. With the help of spiritual awakening, I am changing my industry and channel the benefit directly to the people who deserve it, thank you George, Sandy, Michelle and everyone who contributed to foster a caring community for the lost soul.
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Re: I don't see time prompt any more...

Post by Sandy »

Hi Philip, :bike:
It always gives me such a warm feeling when you post on the board. And it pleases me to hear how well you are doing at work. I am not surprised as you are wonderfully talented, with a keen and logical mind that can analyse what is needed as well as intuit through those spirit senses (for lack of a better term) what might be needed of you in many life/job situations.

You have probably been here long enough to see a bit of loneliness revealed at times in me. I guess I need a sense of family and friends around me...and I have that in you and Michele, Sammy, Jody and the rest of the gang even if I forget that from time to time and succumb to a touch of melancholy. :D We all come and go and come and go again and I suspect we all have slack time in the number of prompts we receive. But for me there is a sense of togetherness even though we are thousands of miles apart and haven't spoken in a while. It is like we are all a part of the same Huge family and we recognize that, "within", if not necessarily "without". I guess I am one of those people who has never met a stranger. I could sit around and have a conversation with a broom handle. :lol: But being here on the computer nearly all day long doesn't give me much time to foster relationships around me. It is mostly my dear George and I and so I do miss the face to face contacts sometimes. But then I get "a nudge" and an email will come through at just the needed time and I feel surrounded by the love of this unique 11:11 family. So I can say in all honesty it is you and every member who contributes their time and thoughts in any fashion to lifting someone’s day and then carrying it with them into what some would deem the real world who makes this family strong. I feel you do this beautifully whether you realize it and acknowledge it. You are a very special one of a kind person and I am so pleased you joined us those months ago.
I am thankful to you, Philip, and all of you beloved souls, who contribute so much to our shared "internet home."
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Re: I don't see time prompt any more...

Post by 11light11 »

It's so true what Sandy says, and I have a similar situation to you, Sandy, and also to you too Philip. Ever since I moved I don't have a lot of face-to-face time with any people. I spend a lot of time inside my own head, or connecting to you all through our lovely 11:11 family, or else in my energy healing or in my writing. I am not someone who grows bored easily but I do get lonely sometimes, so I know what you all mean . . . but something about knowing that we are connected to one another, it makes a big difference. Just think of all the times we think of one another, and then we receive word!!

This morning I was doing my exercise just now, and I thought of you Philip. I thought about how you came to the board, and you were talking about your doubts, wondering how any of this could mean anything? How is that possible -- how would that work?! And I could relate to your questions so well because I doubt too. And recently I started writing about these ideas. So I was sitting there just thinking about the transition I saw in you, to where you began to sense a type of meaning to all this. Reading your update today where you have grown to understand what 1:11, 2:22 and 5:55 means to you in your life -- because they speak to each of us in different ways -- it's just astonishing to see the changes you've faced in such a short time. I know this is only possible for us because of our sense of community and we care about one another . . . right now it is 11:22 ! :hithere

So it's funny, because I was just thinking of you and your own questions and the answers you begin to find, and I come on the board and there is your post!

I hope to see your "Little" 12:34 friend posting soon -- we'll be so happy to have him. Maybe you and he won't be in touch, on the phone together, or grabbing lunch, but a friend is a friend, even when you are not in touch. You two share a connection just like we do, and that is special.

So glad to hear from you! Peace to you and enjoy that wonderful new job of yours. :sunflower: :loves :kiss: Love, Michele :roll
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Re: I don't see time prompt any more...

Post by Philip Fong »

Hi All,
It has been a few months since I last posted, time prompt no longer happen to me as often but it does appear every now and then, I was wondering why it need to be so frequent back then and now it seldom maybe to give me a break, don't get me over exited for nothing :lol:

This year is disastrous in luck but unbelievable chances, like my fate is being steered when it went off course, changed three jobs and stumble on an investor willing to buy my business idea and I am now developing new product for 2015. I bump into a previous colleague (met 25 years ago) and could not recognize him for a second when he call my name and he was with this young investor who hear our conversation and was looking for an Art Director which I decline the offer, later become interested in my reason which is a better venture.

I will reveal the product when it is ready for marketing middle of next year if the preparation go accordingly, fancy but not a big business, that is why I am surprised that he is keen, perhaps my story is compelling and he can make it real. I have developed a few plans in the past 10 years but no one interested and I can only assume it is not big business or destructive to current practice and being suppressed.

Here is a legend I found: The late Terence Mckenna

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Re: I don't see time prompt any more...

Post by 11light11 »

Philip I have really missed you! I am so glad you came on to say how you are doing . . . what an incredible series of events. When you know more please do share. And it'll be great hearing about your product when it is ready.

That's so interesting about how the prompts decreased. It almost sounds like you don't need them as much now that you've come to recognize their meaning to you in your own life. The synchronicities are interesting.

You've been missed! I keep wondering how you are doing, so thanks for the visit and update! :sunflower: With love, Michele
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Re: I don't see time prompt any more...

Post by LurkerAbyss »

Hello Phillip! I'm sorry I wasn't around months ago to welcome you but better late than never right? :roll

I started noticing the prompts in the summer of 2005. They picked up in frequency for a couple years after I looked into them and found this board, and became aware of them being a part of my life. I have experienced times in my life over the last 8 years where they have decreased though. I think, kind of like you said, we all share an emotion about this experience even if our own patterns and interpretations are different. For me, I have noticed the prompts have decreased during the times in my life of complacency, and increased around the times of transition or significant changes. I have been getting more prompts in the last couple of months than I have in 8 years, it's been absolutely crazy but it seems it is also coming at a time where I am learning major lessons and experiencing some major personal turnaround after a strange and difficult year.

I love that you are interested in things to do with quantum mechanics. To me, that is a field that has the potential to create solid bridges between science and spirituality in the future.

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Re: I don't see time prompt any more...

Post by Sandy »

I second Michele's sentiment..."We have missed you!" But you return for a visit with exciting news! :bike: And we will excitedly look forward to the time when you can tell us about your new business product. Congratulations on finding this investor!

I just finished listening to the video you posted. I had never heard of Terrance McKenna until this moment but I must say this interview was compelling and fascinating because it makes soooo much sense in so many ways. For those who may be put off by its length... break it up into smaller bits, perhaps. Thank you, Phillip for posting this. You always post the most interesting science videos and this one is no exception, combining many fields of science, interest and thought. :)

So nice to see you again! :hithere
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Philip Fong
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Re: I don't see time prompt any more...

Post by Philip Fong »

Hi all,

LurkerAbyss, thanks for the welcome and glad to read your post.

There are things I wish to tell but remember the warning given to me many years ago that make sense now, but I can say that good is global so as curse (from ill minded people). My understanding to phenomenon has helped me in decision making and my role in it.

We can choose to perform our role and feel the result before seeing it, that is how humanity succeed barbarism once upon a time but living things run in cycles, it will come to an end and restart. The fact of the matter is, why do individuals receive the prompts? The answer is the role we are suited or chosen for (maybe contacted), first I ask who am I and what I can do, my own answer is I am not ordinary by skill and mentality and have always wonder why am I born into a society that I don't fit in.

Common analogy is, the society made us who we are but strange that I don't feel and think the same like the people in my country, my product development is an improvement to long over due old practice that need to change with current technology and I happen to thought of it 10 years ago. Maybe I will face similar obstacles if born in any country and it seems like my geological location is one of the best place to begin with, though I kind of like Australia :mrgreen: My friends visited Australia and there description is pleasant with awesome scenery (the colors I can only see in pictures).

So here is the question: what is your role? Don't ask anyone just yourself.
:bike: :bike:
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Re: I don't see time prompt any more...

Post by LurkerAbyss »

Hi Phillip

I really think it is important when you said you ask "who am I and what can I do". A lot of people want to know more about where the time prompts come from and they want to know what it means or what they are being told. I think that a good answer to a lot of those people is to ask who I am and what I can do.

I think a lot of people feel the way you do about their society and being different. I sure know I do. I don't know where you live but I think there are going to be people born in any geographical location that feel like they do not think the same way as the society around them. When we are born into a society where we feel like we don't fit in, I think it is important to see it as an opportunity. Just like you with your product development, I think we all have a chance to work hard and use our skill and mentality to bring something new, different, and good to the world.

You are right. People come here a lot hoping that somebody will be able to tell them what they are being contacted for and what they are supposed to do. I often say that we don't need to ask anyone else, just ourself: "what is my role?"

Best of wishes to you.

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Re: I don't see time prompt any more...

Post by 11light11 »

Philip that is so cool. I really think what you did with the time prompts is so interesting . . . .You decided to use it as a tool for understanding yourself better. It's inspiring! No matter who gives the prompt, it's coming to you. So what can be learned from the experience?

I agree with Lucky, and it's refreshing. I'll be looking forward to hearing more about the product as its development unfolds . . .

Some of the best discussions we've had on this board were in threads you started, Philip! Nice to see you around again.

Love to you, Lucky, Sandy. :kiss: :sunflower: Michele :roll
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