Taking my 1111 prompts to the next level 'Assistance'

Use this forum to ask or post about 11:11, 12:34, 2:22, 22:22 etc. The wake-up digital clock signals of our loving celestial friends. They also delight in flicking on or off street lights, traffic lights and ringing door bells.
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Taking my 1111 prompts to the next level 'Assistance'

Post by churchill82 »

Good afternoon friends!
I have been recieving the 11:11 (also 1122, 1011 and a few others) prompts for some time now, it sort of went away for a few months but now has started to reappear in my life again more than ever before(daily)

So my question is that what I am led to believe is that I am capable of 2 way communication with my guide? How do I go about making the initial contact with the guide.

I have tried stillness of my mind, but I am unsure if I am doing it right? Is there anybody here that has had similar experiences and any guidence that they would like to share with me on the "initial contact"
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Re: Taking my 1111 prompts to the next level 'Assistance'

Post by 11light11 »

Hi Churchill! Great name by the way. ;)

I know many of our board's members have managed a type of two-way communication with their Guides, and also with the Midwayers who are time-prompting you right now. For me, I more 'feel' them if that makes sense. I think they are around assisting me, but I don't directly hear their voices. We all have different levels of receptivity I guess!

If you are interested in trying to get to know them better, you might try George's wonderful Akashic Construct CD (George is this board's founder, if you've read around a bit and gotten to know some of the back story to all this). It's a really lovely CD for people who just aren't sure how to go about meditation . . . his voice is soothing, and as he has a background as a hypnotherapist, he's very effective in taking you into a nice trance state, or that state just between being awake and being asleep. If you work the CD regularly, like each morning, you begin to open up the experience for yourself. Many of our board's members have become better acquainted with the Midwayers from this work. They discuss it under the subheading "Akashic Construct Students."

I think we can get scared off meditating by worrying you're supposed to have no thoughts at all. That's a tall order and can take years to get there . . . we're not all Zen masters!! So maybe don't worry so much about that part, just close your eyes and keep at it! Sounds like you're off to a great start!

Can't wait to hear more about your adventures. Lots of love to you! Michele :sunflower: :loves
p.s. have you had any light globes blow lately?! :lol:
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Re: Taking my 1111 prompts to the next level 'Assistance'

Post by churchill82 »

Hi 11light11 :)
Thank you for replying to my post. All the way through my life I have always felt that gut feeling you get about something, like I have been told something but not spoken to me, sort of sub consciously felt a feeling which has helped me in certain situations or just on a day to day basis, so I sort of know in that sense what you mean. I would like this 2 way communication just so I can make sense within myself what is actually going on around me.

Thank you for the advice and I will look into George's cd, hopefully this will help me along my journey. Who exactly are the mid-wayers and what are their purpose do you know? does that have anything to do with the 1,111 angels or guides?

I have meditated quite a bit in the past but what I find myself doing is actually drifting off to sleep so maybe I need to try and keep that focus of 'relaxation but focus on the silence' state. what are your thoughts on meditation? and do you personally do it often?

No lightbulbs have blown lately I have recently bought a new house and all the lights seem to be fine, but what I have been experiencing is certain things or areas that have been catching my eye, subconciously knowing that there is someone there but when I look at the area square on it dissappears :S there was one instance where all my family members were out and i was in my little girls room sorting it out and I glanced at the stair way for a split second and I could have sworn I seen a little girl on the stairs, it startled me slightly but i wasnt scared if you know what i mean. I do feel good energy in the house so it doesnt bother me.

hope all is well with you :)

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Re: Taking my 1111 prompts to the next level 'Assistance'

Post by inlikeflint »


Read, Read, Read... Then wander though the wilderness.
Try and meditate to figure out where you are at.
You should come to a fork in the road at some point.
Take the fork and put it into your pocket because you are going to need it later to digest something you probably won't want to eat.
(Like dry cornbread without butter, and Chili without cheese)

Don't bite off more than you can chew, spit, or swallow.
Pace yourself.

I made myself really hungry typing this post to you.

Try navigating though this part of the forum to see what info you can find. (When you have time.)

Good luck!

Peace & Love
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Re: Taking my 1111 prompts to the next level 'Assistance'

Post by 11light11 »

Hi S!

I can really relate to this feeling:
All the way through my life I have always felt that gut feeling you get about something, like I have been told something but not spoken to me, sort of sub consciously felt a feeling which has helped me in certain situations or just on a day to day basis, so I sort of know in that sense what you mean. I would like this 2 way communication just so I can make sense within myself what is actually going on around me.
I think intuition really is like a type of two-way communication. Since I started spending time on this board and getting to know our lovely family here, I've come to realize this. George and Sandy and some of our other members here are blessed in that they can actually 'hear' the voices of the Celestials, and maybe in time we will, too! Who knows?! But in the meantime, I do have a feeling, and I suppose I could be wrong, but it seems to me that perhaps what we think of as 'intuition' just shows that we do have a line of communication open. Maybe we don't consciously hear the voice of the Celestials, but some part of us recognizes we've received information. So maybe when you get those 'gut feelings' about things, you are really just making use of wisdom being whispered in your ear, so to speak.

I believe we all have intuition, but it's like a muscle. If we don't work it, it atrophies. Anyone who's spent time around children knows how eerie they can be, how they sense things that adults have forgotten about! :shock: I think we are born with our intuition but we have to learn to respect it and to use it! And when we meditate it strengthens that connection.

You've hopefully had your questions about the Midwayers answered by Derek's links. If not maybe Sandy or George can jump in. ;) Essentially they can be compared to angels, at least in the sense that they are Celestial helpers. They exist in a dimension that is difficult to 'see' from here, but they are right here with us, and they help mankind and our globe in advancing spiritually. Their goals are for compassion and empathy to increase and for all of us to work together more and to become more helpful in positive ways. Usually when you are time-prompted, you can know that you are being asked to help in some way, and what that means in your life might become clearer as time goes on -- especially in meditation. ;) Yes, they are members of the 11:11 Emergency Progress Platoon, and I'm not sure if Angels also make up the Platoon or not -- Sandy??? :lol: I know there are Teachers as well, and that the Midwayers work together in assisting our growth.

It's easy to fall asleep meditating! :lol: At least you know you've relaxed! I don't know of any tips to prevent that from happening. Maybe sit up straight instead of lie down? That might help. Yes I try to meditate every day, but I give myself a break when I really don't feel like it. I want to make sure it never becomes a chore !

That's really something about the little girl you saw out of the corner of your eye! And the objects that disappear when you look at them head-on. Sounds rather as though you are a bit in touch with those 'other worlds' that exist just parallel to our own! Very special indeed! :kiss: A Midwayer might just appear to you yet! :roll

Cheers! Peace to you friend, Love, Michele :sunflower:
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Re: Taking my 1111 prompts to the next level 'Assistance'

Post by Sandy »

I'm sorry, S. It seems I have overlooked your post here...but it seems that was a good thing as you received some stellar advice from Flint and Michele in regards to your questions,

Just a note about 2 way communication and an expanded view of the word, "hearing." Hearing isn't always in our ears in regards to spiritual communication. It can just as easily come from within... call it our heart if you will. But when it happens you realize that this is not coming from you. And often communication, such as intuition, for instance, can be arriving from our TA's also known as our gift of God within, or Higher Future Divine Selves. I definitely feel that intuition is a form of celestial communication and if you are using it and have been aware of it for years you have opened the door widely for celestial guidance in many other forms. But sometimes what holds us back doesn't come from above but from our own lack of self appreciation and our self doubts. Sometimes we wonder why anybody would wish to speak to us...heck, we're not anybody special!" Well, that is where we are wrong! In fact, as viewed from Paradise, I am sure the Creator of All thinks every one of His/Her little children are precious and deserving of hearing, seeing feeling and intuiting" the "rest of the family!" So please first of all, know that this is possible for you. Second, know that you need to do the "spiritual exercise" and with a light heart... a joy as you reach out to your celestial siblings....daily is best even if it is for a short period of time. Third... be aware that this communication can take on many forms and arrive in many ways and from many activities. Decide when you feel most peaceful... such as in quiet stillness meditation... or as you sit in a peaceful place observing nature while allowing your thoughts to rest and feeling peace steal over you... or along those lines by observing and listening to the sounds of life around you, taking it in with great openness and acceptance as you feel yourself a part of all that is. (That I'm sure is how it started with me, although I didn't recognize and understand its value to the beginnings of my spiritual path as well as the value to the middle and the end as well :lol: ) Do you write and express yourself through the written word? If so, you may very well naturally fall into an quiet alpha state of the mind as you focus in this manner. The same as if you garden, paint, draw, sculpt or create in any manner. Even menial repetitive work can allow an openness where the celestial thought can arrive in some form. Be present in the moment. Practice gratitude and kindness and allow what is innate within you to arise to the surface... All of these things and thousands of other things can constitute opening the door a crack for divine inspiration.

Anyway, I hope this helps a little ..didn't mean to rattle on so... :oops:

Michele said...
Yes, they are members of the 11:11 Emergency Progress Platoon, and I'm not sure if Angels also make up the Platoon or not -- Sandy??? :lol: I know there are Teachers as well, and that the Midwayers work together in assisting our growth.
Yes, our own angels are involved. As well as our TA, which is, in fact, in charge and allowing the actions of your Celestial Guides and Teachers, Midwayer, Angels, and of course, the many High ranking "others" in regards to your spiritual progress. :)

Okay, enough out of me. Have a great day everybody. :hithere
Oh, Here is a URL about the Midwayers...
“We measure and evaluate your Spiritual Progress on the Wall of Eternity." – Guardian of Destiny, Alverana.
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Re: Taking my 1111 prompts to the next level 'Assistance'

Post by LurkerAbyss »

Welcome to the board S :hithere

I had typed a reply for this thread earlier, but it failed to send and then the site wouldn't work for me for awhile. How frustrating.

I just wanted to say two things about meditation. One, as Michele touched on, it shouldn't be a chore. Now mind you, just like the body and mind, it takes exercise to strengthen. But we have to run small distances before we can keep up with miles. We have to lift small weights before we can bench hundreds of pounds. Meditation is the same. It will generally yield much greater results to spend even just 15 minutes on a regular basis over the long-term than trying to achieve something by forcing hours at once. To be cliche: practice makes perfect, and patience is key.

Also, Sandy brought up what I was thinking as well. I think sometimes there are preconceived notions about what meditation is or how it's supposed to be done. The truth is, it is unique for each individual. Yes, there are commonalities in people's methods and experiences, but it's all about discovering what works for you. Like Sandy was saying, sometimes repetitive uncomplicated activities and simple states of being can help you get into the state of mind for openness and spiritual connection. A few years ago I realized that it was meditative for me to go and sit on a park bench or gently rock on a swing set at a quiet playground to achieve that state of being. Over time, I have also found that even folding laundry is meditative. Honestly, I am a smoker, and even standing outside for those 5 minutes feels like a moment to step out of the action of daily life to let go and just 'be'. Those moments and activities seem to put me in that place where I can close my eyes and be in that place of combined relaxation and awareness. That's when I feel the greatest sense of peace, personal revelation, and have that 'feeling' of celestial presence and input.

I hope we could help, it shall be nice to hear from you as things progress!

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