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Post by serlena »

hello,i think i;m waking up, in fact i think i know so, i know it sounds stupid, i guess i'm just looking for a shortcut of somehow, i know that i have to do all the wok, but i started to feel them or see them, i don't know, it scares me yet i know that fear is what i'm trying to let go. I know a lot of nothing
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Re: fear

Post by Sandy »

Hello Seriena,
Welcome to our board family. Please know that you are not the first person to come here with a little fear and who can blame you. It is surprising and in some ways shocking to first learn that there is more to the world then meets the eye... that the world is filled with a wealth of celestial beings and it is often then our mind starts to dwell on all the scary stories and movies we have read and watched.

But the celestial beings, and in this instance we are talking about the Midwayers, are loving beings, giving their allegiance and love to the Creator of all just like the huge number of humans on this world. They are like us and not like us as they are learning too but have had 37,000 years to learn and grow and have IQ's measuring in the thousands. They also have further sight then we can have in our human form so they can see the way ahead a little easier then we can ourselves. It is in this way, that with gentle nudges they work along side us as we live and make a life for ourselves... hoping that in the process and by our own thoughts, words, and actions and our deepening spirituality that we can improve the world around us and in this way lightening our planet till someday it will be a sphere of peace.

So this fear you are experiencing is very natural and may very well go away as you very slowly and gently learn more about them through the experiences of others here or elsewhere and in the celestial messages found in a forum on this board. In reading these messages, it becomes crystal clear that they adore God and follow his will, that they are loving beings and are here to help us become more loving and caring ourselves. They don't do this by waving a magic wand. It is true we have to do that ourselves... but when it happens it is something that simply flows like a slow moving creek...so beautiful as it winds around all the little stones or in our case the bumps in life's road. These celestial friendships are something to cherish, like we do our closest friends because it is in reality what they are ..our very dear friends.

But even knowing all this does not mean there is any hurry to do anything...other then just be yourself and explore when and if you are ready. If you are not that is okay and does not mean that you are doing anything wrong or taking a wrong turn. I'm not sure there is "wrong turns" in our life even though it seems so as decisions we make can make us unhappy and create hardships. But in these hardships too there is much to learn, as we learn from just about everything that happens to us, I suppose. With that thought, though, I shudder to think of some of the indescribable painful events that some people endure in their lives. :( How I pray that at some point the Divine One surrounds them with peace and that they feel some form of comfort.

So until you are ready do not worry about what may or may not come okay... Just for now be yourself and know that you always have the right to choose. Your free will is always respected.

Welcome once again seriena. It is nice to meet you. Please feel free to ask questions and talk about these things as much as you wish. You will find we are a friendly and kind hearted group.
“We measure and evaluate your Spiritual Progress on the Wall of Eternity." – Guardian of Destiny, Alverana.
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Post by serlena »

Thank you for giving me your time, i know it's precious. I felt love and security while reading what you kindly wrote. I needed to hear and feel love from a sister. It's been quite some time since i last opened up to a feminine spirit. I kinda went shut with my social life, i got to a point where i was feeling very tired at the end of every discussion and that's because i'm wide open with people and most of them just look at me funny, it doesn't bother me anymore i just feel like i'm losing contact with who i used to be, on a social level. I will write more, right now i want to say that i'm grateful you wrote back, you began to restore trust in my system so thank you Sandy.

With love,
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Re: fear

Post by Sandy »

Hello Seriena,
You do sound a little tired...and this is a good place to rest.
Many of us can identify with what you have written. I know I can. When I first began my spiritual searching, I gradually seemed to move away from my friends for awhile and it seemed they didn't understand me or I them as our importance seemed to have shifted on many things, issues and what nots. Time seemed to help me find balance and I realised we really were not so different after all. I began to listen more and at the back of it tried to figure out (understand) what it was that my friends or people I were speaking with, needed at the time. Each of us needs something and sometimes that changes every day of our life...(Today I could really use a thick chocolate brownie... :mrgreen: pay know mind to me, I am watching my sugar these past weeks and, yesterday, being Thanksgiving, I'm afraid that I incorporated a little heavy sugar back in my diet and so now my body is craving it a bit more than usual . :roll: )
But anyway, back to the needing bit... this can be a little draining and tiring. I have found help for this by replenishing my energies...taking a vacation from life via stillness or mediation. How do you replenish yourself when you are overtired or frustrated with what is going on around you and within you? (I have to smile because for me, it is what is going on within me that causes me the loss of peace 3/4ths of the time. :roll: But life is good. :) )
It is good to talk to you too, sister! :kiss:
“We measure and evaluate your Spiritual Progress on the Wall of Eternity." – Guardian of Destiny, Alverana.
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Re: fear

Post by LurkerAbyss »

Serlena :sunflower:

I agree with Sandy, that it is all free will and it is up to you to accept what you are ready for. Please know that you don't have to be afraid anymore. You are loved and cared for. Nothing is put in your path that you weren't ready for or able to deal with.. sometimes in life, we just have to realize it. I understand that you are overwhelmed and you don't know what to expect. Breathe easy now my sister. Know that things are okay.

I also can relate to what you are feeling with your social life. I was having a conversation recently with a beloved friend of mine from this board about feeling so alone.. surrounded by people who care about me and who I care about, but no one seems to relate. No one seems to think about the same things, or think as deeply about them. So many around me seem so concerned with work and money and entertainment and at times there even seems to be a lack of sincerity and empathy that I'm constantly trying to give. It is not that these people aren't worthy or valuable, and it's not that something is wrong with them.. in fact, it's not about them at all. It's about *you*, and having to accept who you are and where you stand.

I realized that what bothered me was that I feel different and distant from the people surrounding me in person or on a daily basis, and feel the closest and most connected with people who seem to be at some sort of distance. I have learned to embrace this distance. The beauty is that there *are* people who understand and can connect, and even if they are far away, the internet makes it possible to include those people in our lives. The internet makes it possible for us to be having this very conversation. You know how you said you were like a wide open book and people look at you strange? Well sometimes I feel the same way. I have learned that some people truly care and notice your honesty, and can benefit from that. I've also noticed that sometimes we have to hide that part of ourselves away and learn to live with it. It cannot be shared with everybody. But I hope that maybe you can find some sort of healing and comfort in the people here. You can always send me a private message here as well to share or vent about anything. You are accepted here, you are cared about here, and you are understood here.. I can tell you this.

You are a precious dove who has something true and beautiful to give to this world, even if you're sure of it or not.

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