Me and my "twinflame".

Use this forum to ask or post about 11:11, 12:34, 2:22, 22:22 etc. The wake-up digital clock signals of our loving celestial friends. They also delight in flicking on or off street lights, traffic lights and ringing door bells.
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Me and my "twinflame".

Post by Joey M »

I have to start with my life story, sorry lol:

My name is Joey. I was born 1/11/1995. I'm the youngest child, of 3, no brothers 2 sisters. My childhood was pretty stereotypical. Up untill the age of 11 I was an innocent kid. Then I started rebelling. Ended up 16, a fugitive from the law. 

I had plans though you know, I wanted to be a drug dealer, a good one. And I got my wish. I was making thousands of dollars a day, flooding the streets with sheets of LSD. I've been shot at multiple times, been in numerous police chases, and generally just completely went bat **** crazy the last few years.. Kinda like those TV shows where the guy shouldve totally died like a billion times but always survives. 

We made the news when our "trap house" got busted. I wasn't there at the time, but they had a warrent for my arrest issued the next day when my "buisness partner" wrote a 3 page statement on me. I spent 3 more months on the run, and ended up getting locked up when we were rolling around with 7 people in a car and they saw my girlfriend at the time, "Bree" on my lap. I had recently had to seperate from my girlfriend before that, "Sabrina", because she moved. Soon after the first cop pulled us over and found out who I was, there was a whole squad surrounding us. Armed with their assualt rifles they questioned me about the warrent and I ended up on my way to the county jail. 
The city I live in is small, so our jail is like Andy Grifith style. I sat in the single cell they had in there for a while untill they transported me to Laurens County Detention Center for some other warrents. 

It wasn't my worst experience in jail. My co defendant (another guy from my group that got busted a while back and diddnt snitch like the other guys), was in the cell next to me so we just chilled all day. Traded our food for pruno (jailhouse wine), which ultimitally ended up with me smashing my lunch tray in a guys face and beating the **** out of him for trying to take my food. 

They had to taze me twice to get me off the guy, and I ended up in "C block" which is where the problem prisoners go. My cell mates were Mafia members, in for attempted murder, and they treated me like family. And then my lawyer got me out.

There's so much more crazy dumb **** I could tell you about my life. I went to jail again after that, got snitched on AGAIN by a "friend" since birth, and me and my friend Picasso had to fight 15 guys at once in "F block", granting us a couple weeks in solitairy confinement which is pure hell. I meditated daily though, for 8-10 hours at a time. And was constantly thinking of this new girl I had met, Brianna. Which somehow made the universe go crazy with "coincidences" in my life. Which had never happened before I started deep meditiating and met Bri. (Not "Bree". We were seperated then.)

That's just my life though. Most people think Im a liar when I explain my experiences to them, but it's funny because all this crazy stuff actually happened. Thats all irrelevant though. The real story is much more unique. What Id considor the most interesting experience of my life:    
I've been on "the run" selling drugs three times. All three times it involved a girl. Sabrina. Then Bree. To finnally my current girlfriend, Bri. 
SaBRIna -> BreeAnne -> Brianna
Interesting huh? Well, the third times the charm.

I met Brianna through a close "friend" of mine of 17 years. A "friend" since birth. The same "friend" that snitched on me. We met on 10/11/2012.

Now this may not seem like an important date, but let me just describe a little bit about me and Brianna.

My birthday is 1/11/1995

Her birthday is 1/10/1994

I'm 18, she's 19.

I have blonde hair, she has strawberry blonde hair.

I have blue eyes, she has greenish blue eyes.

We both were born down south, but I grew up down south, and she grew up up north.

I was raised by my mom/dad, she used to live with her parents but they seperated and she lives with her aunt/uncle.

I was an innocent child, but grew up to be a wild teenager.

She's the opposite ofcourse. She was a terribly behaved child, but grew up to be SO innocent.

I've "been around", she was a virgin when we met.

I like dogs, she likes cats.

I play guitar, she plays piano.

My jobs on her side of town, her jobs on my side of town.

I eat lots of meat, but few fruits/vegetables. She eats little meat and is an on and off vegitarian.

My favorite colors green, hers is blue.

Well basically this list goes on forever. It's this whole "similar yet different" thing. Yin and Yang. EVERYTHING about us is like this, to a point that it's just plain creepy. It bugged me for awhile, wondering why there were so many "coincidences". And It led me to constantly google stuff like "coincidences in relationships". Untill finnally, I came across the concept of "twinflames". And boy did that google search blow my mind.

"twinflames have multiple 1s in their birthdays": 1/10, 1/11

"You will meet in early adulthood through a close friend": we met at 17 and 18 by a close mutual friend that we've known forever.

"Previous relationships will 'hint' about your twinflame": SaBRIna -> Bree -> Bri.... That's the weird part. The 2 girls I was dating prior to her have such similar names. "coincidences". I met the first 2 when they randomly added me on facebook and we started talking. But met Bri through my close friend.

There's so much more to it. The entire experience blows my freakin mind. But anyways:

Google tell me 1/10 stands for "a great guidance from God" and 1/11 means "thoughts manifest into reality".

Well Brianna, 110, came into my life when I was homeless and a fugitive from the law. She got me off drugs, got me off the streets, she is my "great guidance from God"... AND MY, 111, THOUGHTS KEEP MANIFESTING INTO REALITY!!!

It drives me nuts! Let me explain a typical day for me:

My first day at my newest job was odd. I noticed it before I even opened the door. It had the hours it was open wrote as 

Mon 11-10

Tue 11-10

Wed 11-10

Etc etc

So yeah, there's me and Brianna's birthdays, but when I go inside, I look back and notice that it's my birthday when reversed on the glass door, 01-11

But that's not the weird part.

I meet my sister's "clone" off the bat.
My sister is a 5ft 1 inch tall 22 year old blonde girl with a 2 year old daughter that works at a daycare for kids and a restraunt. This girl is a 5ft tall 21 year old blonde girl with a 1 year old daughter that works at a dance school for kids and a restraunt. They both have very similar perky personalities, but her clone was like me, she smoked pot and got in trouble when she was younger, my sister just drank occasionally and was always a very innocent teenager. The whole similar yet different thing again.

Well I was explaining a car crash me and Bri was in the week prior to my sister's clone, when suddenly her car came out of park, WITH NOBODY IN IT, rolled down the parking lot, and crashed into the building as we watched from inside. Crazy stuff happens when we work together.

Lights turned off when I looked at them. A guy from my 9th grade english class came in, and we chatted about how crazy our teacher was back then, only to have that same teacher come running into my restraunt in a flamboyant red dress, cuss my boss out, scream like a psychopath, cry, and then run back out. Nobody knew why she did it. It was just the craziest thing... I still don't understand that one..

But basically this stuff keeps happening to me. It's got to a point where I can sometimes track the coincidences and litterally predict the future. This has helped me multiple times. Once while walking around my neighborhood, a cop had passed us at 1:11am and then again at 2:22am, I picked up on the coincidences right in time at 3:32am, knowing that that same cop was going to pass at 3:33am, and here we are walking down the street with weed on us. That minuet of realization, of what was about to happen the next minuet, gave me and my good friend just enough time to hop a privacy fence and watch through the cracks as that same cop passed at 3:33am, WITH THREE OTHER COP CARS. We wouldve been stopped and searched for sure.
 I've creeped all my friends out by doing this. All my "Christian" friends quit talking to me when this started happening, looking at me as if I was the antichrist or something lol but oh well.

Lately Ive been meeting other people like me. Young adults with crazy storys and weird abilities, knowledge of this weird phenomenon, all of them with multiple 1s in their birthdays. All of them attractive like me and Bri (Im not trying to brag, but are a very attractive couple. All of the people like us Ive met, have the same distinct attractiveness). Not even just attractiveness really, its this type of look. Very unique eyes, facial features. It's weird.

I just met one tonight, a guy from California, birthday: 11/11/1991. We were at a party and chatted about this crazy phenomenon for hours. The 2 girls I dated before Brianna, Sabrina and Bree, both now date their clones. Bree is a 5ft tall "goth" girl that goes to college for theoretical physics, who met her 5ft tall "goth" guy boyfriend who goes to college for theoretical physics, the same time as I met Bri. They say the same stuff at the same time. Have the same twitches. The same childhood memories. The same traumatic experiences. Except she has a baby, and he fell out of a tree and made himself infertile when he was young. 
Everyone close to me are all meeting their "twinflames" too, all of them clones. Which makes me wonder: why are me and Bri the only opposites? That question really bugs me. Idk what it is, but something is just really, really odd about my life.

It makes me wonder, this "twin flame" info on the Internet, it describes me and the people I know's situations perfectly. To a tee. But I can't seem to find out where this term, this phenomenon appeared from. As if, "somebody" knows something and is trying to make it seem "normal". I had never even heard of "twinflames" until I met Bri, went crazy when I realized all the coincidences, and researched for weeks on the Internet trying to find an explanation. And somehow I found an explanation.. How is that possible?

I see the numbers constantly. On clocks, receipts, bills, license plates, tv, pretty much anywhere I look. Mainly 1111, 111, and 110 pop up alot. But then Ill have days where Ill see 222, 333, 444, 555, etc and mixed ones like 244 or 1122 or quite frequently, 69. Whenever Im with Brianna, I see 69 EVERYWHERE. I believe this number to be the meaning of yin and yang. Since you know, it looks like a yin and yang symbol haha

I have notebooks and notebooks full of "coincidences" that have happened to me and about me and and Bri's "coincidences". Including an 11 page document where I tracked the results of an alphanumeric equation based on our first names, and the results were once again, similar, yet different. I'm working on a book about this whole phenomenon including my experience. 

It's been a very crazy year for me to say the least. I just thought Id share my experience with you guys. Most people I tell this story to just think Im crazy. 

Have a good day.
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Re: Me and my "twinflame".

Post by overmind »

Just a quick post before I add a more thought-out reply. We usually try to stay more "family-friendly" here, or at least that is what I observe, so I edited out a few words in your post. I didn't want to simply disapprove the post for swearing, that would be an incredible disservice considering how long it is. There are so many loving people here that the grit of the real world can appear distant, so this post really stands out. It feels unorthodox, but that's not necessarily bad. It just may be difficult for some here to respond to something this long.

Anyway, welcome to the board. :hithere

I will try to address your questions in my next post.
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Re: Me and my "twinflame".

Post by overmind »

I'm going to look at your overall experience with a theory of mine regarding the human life. I hope this generally makes sense by the end of my post.

It is a known truth to many of us that we have a life plan overseen by God. This is the best path of action utilizing opportunities and events. It is the most desired set of occurrences and decisions. Put simply, it is what creates the most growth or the greatest learning environment. We certainly don't have to follow this plan. We can go a more inefficient route, which creates different sets of opportunities, experiences and future decisions. However, if an important lesson must be learned by the individual, the circumstance to learn such will likely occur until the needed understanding is developed. This is why it is so important to glean as much as possible from past events so that harsh conditions do not seem to bear down on us at every turn. This, however, does not mean that God creates our suffering or that everything is the fault of circumstance or destiny. We are in a massive playground with other free individuals that could either lend us a hand or make our problems worse, so it can be very hard to decipher the hand of spirit. Although our first life is meant to be challenging, much of our suffering as a group is self-inflicted, as humans create societies with unsustainable principles.

Listening to the voice of God within, through meditation, can help us understand the best way to live our life. Even with the mistakes we are forced to live with, an overall sense of peace grows from within. Yet this still barely scratches the surface of what you have experienced. As God creates the personality of the individual after conception, there are already plans for the individual, intertwining with the future lives of God's other children. It would have been easy for God to have seen Brianna's future with you before you existed as an individual, and to have planned for such. To make this easier to understand, imagine creating one invention in order to fix a future invention during its use. A human is not going to do that in linear time, but it would be feasible if you could see and plan for all future possibilities. What ends up surprising us will seem second nature on High, and what confounds the angels and higher Sons of God will appear simple to the Creator. The more you experience, the more you will understand what previously astounded you. The old discoveries will lose their luster and will become simple facts, but there will always be something new to look forward to. That is one of greatest aspects of this universe, there is rarely a dull moment.

I almost feel that this is better suited in the essay section, I am not sure it is the best reply. I try to keep things simple so that more can understand what I am saying, but this hurts the overall value of what I am trying to get across. I will put things as simply as I can to help you along. The realm of spirit works with both possibilities and inevitabilities (both seen as probabilities), but evolutionary creatures do not have an easy means in which to measure these events. While the celestials have the computing power to picture different timelines for the entire globe -- all based on the possible decisions of 7 billion people -- and can plan for the most probable of them, we can only guess what will happen to us in the next hour. It is very easy for those beyond the veil to set up future coincidences, many of which probably go unnoticed. The more you notice, the less surprising it may seem, but that is clearly a generalization.

I have to wonder if this helped. It all points to the value of experience (there is very little meaning in the previous explanation without understanding this), but that is a topic all on its own. I can get into that later, but I am currently tired of writing. :stars:
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Re: Me and my "twinflame".

Post by LurkerAbyss »

Hello friend. Welcome to the board. We are like a family with open arms to the world here and I'd like to thank you for sharing your story, because you never know who else needs to hear it, and you never know who is going to answer.

Even though the lifestyle you've described may be "wilder" than what folks here are used to, I personally do not find it unusual. Even though I have lived a much more "innocent" life on the outside compared to yours, I can relate to experiences with substances, addictions, and self-destruction. I have not experienced any run-ins with the law or outward violence the way you have either, but I can plenty relate to inner violence that would still seem foreign to a good handful of people here. What it comes down to is that there is no matter of comparing who has the hardest life, or the worst mistakes, or the darkest past, because we all have our emotions and experiences; we are all human beings.

I am pretty tired and I've had a few drinks but I wanted to at least say *something* because I felt like it mattered, and we can always continue to discuss everything. I will try to be here for you. Even though I could probably say a lot and go on for awhile, I feel like *NOT* keeping things simple and straight-forward hurts the value of what I would like to get across, although I struggle with it regardless. One who is in need of simple advice and wisdom will not benefit from elaborate explanations and sophisticated theories, just as one seeking intellectual expansion and philosophical enrichment yearns for more than elementary thoughts and ideas. A three course meal is too much to feed a mouse, just as a single berry is not enough to feed a bear.

There is so much I could say that I just don't have the energy or thought power to produce right now. I will tell you this: it can be quite a lot to begin seeing these numbers, noticing coincidences, and making connections in your life at first. There will always be so many questions, about "what" is happening, "how" it works, and "where" it is coming from. The most important question is probably why it is all happening, but the truth is that only you can teach yourself "why". One day, you may realize that the most important thing is not knowing how these mysteries work, but choosing how they affect you as a human and deciding what they "mean" for yourself. Even though you've had what you call a wild life, I can see that you are open to things... maybe you realize that there is something much more meaningful in life than money and glory. Maybe you feel a desire deep inside to "clean up" and turn your life around in some special way, maybe you feel like you are "here" for a reason and "meant" to do something far greater in this world than you ever imagined. Not only do you have an open mind, but I see a tenderness and goodness in your heart and I feel like part of you wants to bring more of that out.

Keep in touch. You will never be judged here; only supported, only loved.

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Re: Me and my "twinflame".

Post by Joey M »

I'm sorry about the swearing, it's just common slang for me.
This experience is something that I can't ever seem to get out of my mind. It's really long I know, but there's just so much to explain. What I wrote here is just the tip of the ice berg, a tiny glimpse into my personal phenomenon. Life scares me, but it's good to a point. I've always felt like there's more to life than just randomness. Meeting my twin flame prooved it for me.
It's funny, all threw my life Id beg God to "give me a sign", and then this happens lol I love Brianna, more than I even love myself. It's a very odd but interesting feeling to be in the presence of the other half of you.

Thanks for reading though, I just needed to get this stuff off my chest..
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Re: Me and my "twinflame".

Post by overmind »

Don't worry, swearing was inserted into my vocabulary as well. I went to public schools and listen to rap. I would like to remove it from my vocabulary, but I can't. So I just filter myself when I'm with others. One thing I will always like about some of those four letter words is that they can be used for almost anything. They can simplify a sentence whilst retaining the same meaning. Think about what we could do with our language if this carried over to other words? English has more words than any other language, and is therefore the most expressive, but I don't think many people think about simplifying how the language is used (at least orally).

When speaking, the audience usually understands the context. The subjects do not always need to be mentioned directly, so speech can be compressed. I think if there were some words that could act as placeholders for any noun, verb or adjective, then we could use these for improving the efficiency of oral language. The few popular examples that exist are a few swear words, but I bet something new could be made in the future.
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Re: Me and my "twinflame".

Post by Sandy »

Hello Joey,

You put a huge and welcomed smile on my face today with your post! I've been pouring over it and that of Arthur and Lucky. They are great guys... both really caring and I suspect you are too as it shows tremendously when you speak of your Bri. I truly enjoyed your post, edited swearing ;) and all, and I am pleased that you came here and shared so much of your life with us. Thank you for that! Most of us here see people with the heart not the eyes, if that makes any sense, and so with that it is easy to hope for the very best for those we meet... with what they experience in the physical, and especially the spiritual because that is where eternity lies, found and felt in those long hours of meditation, for you, as well, I suspect, in the brush of Bri's hand and the way your heart leaps with pure love for her... so beautiful! :happy

Life is so complicated and it is without a doubt not a "one life fits all"...but it is so easy to judge life from our own grasp of what that means, but I surely believe that each one of us are unique individuals gifted with all the good things inside that the Divine One can provide. it's just we don't always know that or feel it or discover it at the same time. Shoot, it took me nearly 46 years to really see there is so much more than what I can see with my eyes and hear with my ears or even touch with my fingers and toes... And look at you, Joey, already well on your way to a similar realization in less then half the time. No, life is wonderfully eternal, making everything we experience so worthwhile down the road... and my goodness, you have certainly lived it with gusto and it sounds like gathered some pretty impressive life lessons about you. I think you are a fascinating young man and hope to hear more on your take on life and what you have experienced and learned.

But for this moment I would most especially like to welcome you to our "board family"! I know that may sound a little strange, but in reality, that is what it feels like to many of us and this is our home. But regardless of whether you have been here 8 years or 1 day, I can guarantee that you will be cared for and supported as best we can as well as, you have noticed, we talk a great deal about those interesting, joyful discoveries of spirit that we all have in common.

I'm sorry I can't comment on your twin flame experience, simply because I know so little about twin flames... Yet, it is all good isn't it?...We are all making our way through so many and different life happenings, beliefs and ways of being to eventually down the eternal road to wind up in the same Loving place in eternity. That is one thing I believe with all my heart...That God Loves every single being in the known universe and that that we are all unique and special and equally loved by the rest of those beings "upstairs." And wow! what stories we will tell from our earth experiences and the realms we cross forever after that! It just keeps getting better and better! And Joey! You prove it today! You are an amazing young man... Welcome!!!! :hithere
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Re: Me and my "twinflame".

Post by 11light11 »

Hi Joey!

I really enjoyed reading about your story (condensed though it must be), and reading everyone's responses to you. Welcome home! I have no idea just how many on this earth are time-prompted, but whenever a new promptee finds his way here, to me it always feels like a celebration! Another of our member found us!!! :lol:


We've had some discussion here on our board in the past about Twin Flames, and I am not sure where the concept sprung up either. It seems to be a concept distinct from the Soul Mate, as we can have many Soul Mates on this earth. Twin Flame, as I understand it, means that you and your Flame are literally two halves of one whole . . . soul-wise, that is. Now, whether the concept holds water is beyond me, but I find it compelling just as you do, the many synchronicities the two of you share. From the birth dates, to the colors, the areas where you were raised, the mutual friend introducing you . . . and often, in my own life, when I see these many 'signs' surrounding a situation, I know it is time to sit up and start paying attention. ;) My one thought regarding the Twin Flame topic is to regard it with a bit of caution, merely for the health and well-being of your relationship with Bri. There may be some tendency to veer into co-dependence with someone you regard as your Twin Flame, and the healthiest unions find each party fully rooted within the self, and then joyfully reaching out to one another. Sometimes, in these Twin Flame discussions, I get a bit of a sense of that feeling of "She completes me," or "He completes me," and at the root of that thought is the idea that "I was not complete on my own." In a healthy relationship, we do enjoy the richness that the person brings to our life -- but we also have a great deal of respect for who and what we are prior to that union forming. In true Yin/Yang dualities, the Yin is entirely self-contained, and the Yang is as well. The Yin and the Yang are inseparably related and intertwined, and yet at one and the same time, each are distinct and stand on their own merit. I suppose I'm getting a bit confusing, but what I'm trying to say is that it's always important to keep your sense of self firmly intact, even when you have such a wonderful partner in your life. But I'm celebrating right alongside you that you both found one another -- Cheers! :roll

I think it's so exciting the way you've been experiencing all these synchronicities, and feeling that longing in your soul to understand what they're all about. As overmind, Lucky and Sandy have already said, we each find our own meaning to pull us forward along our paths.

Jung described the synchronicity many years ago, hashing out a theory with a Nobel Prize-winning physicist. They illustrated that the synchronicity is distinct from the coincidence, and that it defies chance. It is a 'meaningful coincidence' pointing us in a certain direction. There's tons of information about synchrnonicites available online, and you can read Jung's ideas written in simple language as well. It's incredibly exciting stuff.

So happy to hear you are seeing 11:11, 2:22, 3:33, and so on! As you peruse our board, you'll find many stories from others about these numbers, and the magical appearances they make in our lives.

Such a pleasure meeting you Joey, and I'm really looking forward to hearing more about your adventures in life! :roll You might be interested in checking out George's Akashic Construct CD, which is available for purchase here on this board. He is our board's founder, and has enjoyed a lifelong relationship with the Midwayers who orchestrate these ornate time-prompts you've been witnessing. The CD is designed to assist you in quieting your mind and getting in touch with these Midwayers in a more intimate way, so that over time you might move out beyond time-prompting and come to understand a bit more about what is being asked of you -- in other words, why you are being time-prompted. At the very least, the CD lends an increasing sense of peace to our lives, and helps us to feel more in touch with something much bigger than ourselves. His books do that job splendidly as well. ;)

Overmind, I really enjoyed your discussion about language! You would make a fine linguist! I like to puzzle over language myself. ;) Your discussion about life lessons and the inner voice was also beautiful, and helpful to me also.

You too Lucky and Sandy! It was fun reading what you all wrote! :love

Thanks Joey and take care -- keep us updated ! With love and a warm welcome, Michele :roll :loves :love :sunflower:
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Re: Me and my "twinflame".

Post by pointman19 »

These expeirences are really incredible. Im in a family,too, thats all had problems with the law...except for me. Ying and yang huh?

This is some really interesting stuff you put out near the end there, esepcially with all the people you know with 1's in their birthdays, im another person whose birhtday is 11-12

The time prompts with the cop cars seemed so eerie to me, something like some kind of external guidance was making sure you stay out of trouble, thats kinda what i took from that. The timing of all that 1:11, 2:22 and then 3:33...freakin amazing

Theres so much i could say and would want to say but its all a jumble in my head as to what to say first (i have ADD), so its hard for me to get one coherent thought out at times lol.

The one thing i can say though, its welcome to the boards! Keep seeing those prompts as a way of guidance, itll help you find clarity (i know it drives you crazy now, but when you open up your eyes and look further into what those numbers or prompts could be meaning at that exact time, you may find the enlightenment your seeking)

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