I need to know how to understand all this

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I need to know how to understand all this

Post by Charleythomasx »

I'm charley, I'm 14 years old, two years ago my grandma died. Since her pass every time I'd take my phone out my pocket to look at the time it was the same numbers exp... 12:12 14;14 17:17, iv occasionally woke up during the night to find the numbers are the same... The first couple of months of this happening I thought it was a coincidence, but it carried on. I realised that this wasn't a coincidence and decided to do some researching, straight away the facts and stories came up about the midwayer angel. It said I could be receiving these because of a loved one that had recently passed, and it talked about some skills people have that get them and one came up about art, which I have a big love for and actually took after my grandma for her skills and love for art, she painted 2 beautiful paintings just before she died. These white stunned me and made me so so curious about these angels, I don't know whether these are coincidences or something/someone is actually watching and looking after me, iv tried communicating with my angel(if I have one) but it doesn't work, I ain't getting no thing back except these times from my phone and now other devises such as my much balance at school I get the same numbers on my balance... On the microwave, sending messages, call times, even noticing that some programmes are starting at the same time which iv never noticed before but now noticing on a regular basis. I don't know what these times mean and how I can communicate back. I'd love and really appreciate it if anyone could explain all this to me and tell me how to communicate and understand the times and how they have been trying to communicate with me. Take note, iv had this going on for nearly 2 years now and I never knew where to turn to help me. Please, please help...

Charley x
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Re: I need to know how to understand all this

Post by overmind »

Hi Charlie, I believe you are the youngest person to ever come to this message board. I know that being a young teen usually involves a great lack of wisdom and emotional intelligence as we all have much growing to do at that age. Thus, I do not want to override your mental circuits, so to speak. But I will sincerely try to answer your questions.

I have not come across anyone this young who has both witnessed and taken note of number prompts. I certainly would not have at that age, so I am inclined to believe you are more sensitive to such things than me. It is possible that you will make great “spiritual strides” in your life, so the midwayers may be getting you ready. If so, it would be best for you to get in the habit of meditating daily (or when you have time). But this is merely my own guess, I do not know your future and am limited in the advice I can give. You will have to discover what the celestials are trying to get across on your own, as others cannot completely understand all of the circumstances and details involved in your experience.

Everyone does have guardian angels, but quite a few people are looked after in large groups. As people progress physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually, these groups get smaller. Eventually people do receive their personal seraphic guardians, who will be with them long after this life on earth. Due to your young age, you probably do not have personal angels, but there are still angels looking after you.

Communication with spirit personalities and God is a skill that takes a long time to develop. Most of our transcribers/receivers (called T/R’s) are either middle-aged or retired. The youngest one I know of is in his 30’s. It takes years of meditation and this desire to communicate for there to be progress, and even genetics plays a factor with this. However, as time passes, it will be easier for humans to do this, reducing the necessary years of human experience.

Do not let this take over your thought process. You are still young and growing, and studying this stuff takes years. Patience is very important.

Let me know if you have any questions.
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Re: I need to know how to understand all this

Post by Sandy »

Hello Charlie!
Welcome. :hithere
I've been sitting here thinking about your post and what you have asked and while the information regarding the Angel Midwayers and their number prompts they provide can seem straight forward at times...I know at other times it can be a little confusing. I guess the confusion lies in the fact that the meanings of these rudimentary communications can mean something different to each of us and rightly so. You see, we add just as much to the communication as they do. LOL let me explain. Just as with any conversation carried on amongst two humans, both "parties' must add to the conversation in some way. Think for a moment about the various ways you communicate with your own friends. Sometimes you must work a little harder with somes to create the flow of conversation and with others there is a deep sense of understanding between you allowing a sense of peace where at times words are not necessary.
Well, not sure that made any sense but my point is this... Communication between humans and Midwayers can take various forms. For instance there is already a start to communication formed with you already. Picture yourself as a toddler learning your first words...You do sense and recognise there is something different about these numbers you continue to see over and over again. So you have made your first steps towards communication.

These numbers you see, they don't always mean the same thing to every person because we have imput as well into these rudimentary communications. We too can decide in a way what they might mean and the Midwayer Angels will use that in this way in the future. I'll give you a couple of for instances from my own personal experience....One from years ago when I first , like you, desired to communicate with my own guardian angels . I read from Doreen Virtue and respected author for many years in this field, that suggested the numbe 17 was our own angels reaching out to us. And so I accepted it as my own explanation as well. And so, every time I saw the number 17, I acknowledged my angels and spoke to them with my thoughts or if alone out loud.

Another example came a few years ago when a friend of the board needed prayers for his wife who was in great need. I kept getting nudged to ask him to pick a number prompt that would remind all of us who frequented the prayer section here to pray for her and to send love and energy healing as best we could. Our friend chose the number 10:10 and that became the number the midwayer angels used to prompt us with when our friends wife was in great need of prayer. To s this day when I see a 10:10 I stop what I am doing and say a little prayer for her and his family.

So you see, the angels and midwayers will prompt us individually and with respect to our need. To begin to understand what these numbers may mean for you. Step back when you see them and think about what is happening in those moments in your life. What were you thinking about or saying. Write them down if you wish and see if there are any patterns. What you determine they mean from this most likely will be the standard they will prompt you in the future.
You may also wish to explore meanings others have attributed to certain numbers and if they resonate with you adopt them as your own.

This Doreen Virtues site...
http://spiritlibrary.com/doreen-virtue/ ... the-angels

You spoke of trying to communicate and wishing to know more about furthering communication with the angels and midwayers.

Well it begins with some form of meditation or quieting the mind. Meditation comes in many forms and you may have heard this before. But it sort of starts with learning how to still the thoughts that streak through our minds so that you do not control, analyze or predict what is happening or what will happen. That last bit is the hardest part, I think, because we naturally want to predict or expect what will transpires. Sometimes this comes from reading other people's experiences. We may desire these same experiences so much that we can effectively block the reality of our own experiences from manifesting. What we experience in meditation is our's alone...and it comes in forms and moments that are unique to us. So learning to be quiet and just allowing what is real for us to arrive as we are ready, is part of learning to communicate.

Go into meditation and I am speaking of one form of meditation right now, Stillness...go into stillness knowing that you are loved and surrounded with a Divine White Light of Love and protection. Know that you are safe and be at peace. If there is fear ..wait. Do not enter stillness if you are fearful of the processs. But know that there is here is nothing to fear...just Divine Love in this beautiful white light that surrounds us. And allow your thoughts to cease. Do not chastise yourself if they chatter on... just allow them to evntually quiet. This may take a few sessions or many as in my case. :roll: :) ...and you may feel you are getting no where, but every time we attempt to connect with our "Divine heritage" there is progress and good things. After every session write down how you feel because feelings too are a part of communication. Write down what you see even if it darkness or lights or colors. Write down what thoughts kept running through your mind as they might give you a clue as to issues that might need addressed or resolved. Once this is done often they do not trouble you again.

Another form of communication can be derived from journaling. It is one of the simplest and easiest ways to eventually connect with your angels and our celestial cousins... and was hinted at just above in the previous paragraph. One of the Progress receivers who now easily hears and records conversations with many celestials began her long ago communication journey in this way. Actually she began by writing a heart felt letter to God the creator every day. and in time it "mushroomed" and she began recording words she knew were not her own. I too have derived much from journaling.

And sometimes we can communicate as we create... through our writing, artistic endeavors, gardening, even mundane household chores... anything that calms us and allows our mind and thought to quiet or bcome focused.

This desired communication comes to us in many forms...through words in our head, words heard in our ears, through our physicl bodies and feelings such as the feeling of a gentle hand on our shoulder a touch on our cheek etc. Communication can come through sight and even smell too and if fortunate those wonderful "celestial hugs" that bring joyous tears to your eyes.

So how communication arrives for you will be anybody's guess. But it begins very simply with your desire for this communication and with your intentions. Ask yourself why do you wish to communicate? Is it out of mere curiosity? If so you may not get very far. Is it becaue you desire to learn more... to discover your place in the universe and give something to this world that will uplift it? if so the Angels and midwayers will make every effort to assist you.

Anyway, think about it and please ask as many questions as you wish. We will try to answer them but remember we are all students here and learning just like you. Our experiences and the way the Angels have interacted with us is just that our experiences. You may discover yours will come in forms very different... but still very good! :D

Well, I have rambled on forever and I think I should stop now. I hope this has helped just a smidgeon, Charlie.
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Re: I need to know how to understand all this

Post by Charleythomasx »

Hi guys :hithere , thanks for this, both of your replies have gave me some more understanding for all this, I try telling people about these messages to see if anybody knew anything about it, know one knew anything, they had never even heard of the midwayer and really, I think they thought I was a bit crazy, but I do screenshot these messages and iv honestly got more than a hundred screenshots, it happens more than a daily basis. But I will try all these things and see if I get anywhere. Thankyousee, appreciate it loads! :kiss:
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Re: I need to know how to understand all this

Post by 11light11 »

Hi Charley! :hithere

It's so beautiful to me that after you had to go through losing your grandma, she found ways of helping you to know she was still with you! :roll :love I have had the same experience in my own life, but it also took me a while to find this board after it began happening. When I was a little girl I lived with my grandma, and she taught me to notice when it was 11:11. ;) It was really cool. So I became time-prompted very young, maybe 5 or so, and I used to always notice 11:11 throughout the day. As I grew older, it stopped.

When she died, the numbers returned to my life. After joining our family here at the 11:11 board, it was so wonderful to learn that very likely, she is the one who asked the Midwayers to begin time-prompting me again. I also see her birthday often, which is 7:13. If I've just shared a funny story about her, or have been having a good cry about her, I nearly always see 7:13 once or twice at some point that same day. To me it's like "I know you were just thinking of me!" ;) It goes a really long way . . . I feel as though she is with me still.

Does your experience help you to feel like your grandma is with you too? I think that is part of the point of all this - to know that we do live on. Once we've digested that (if we can), we can keep on working to enrich our connection to the Divine, as overmind and Sandy suggested. It's layer after layer of exciting meaning, and it really does provide us with comfort.

I hope you enjoy becoming a member of our family here! It's exciting to meet you and welcome you to the board! Thanks for sharing your experiences, and please keep on doing so!

With love,
Michele :love :kiss: :sunflower: :loves
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Re: I need to know how to understand all this

Post by Charleythomasx »

Hi Michelle! :hithere :sunflower: yes, it brings the biggest comfort ever, she was the the most closest to me of all my family, since me being born she had many different cancers till I was 12, when she passed, she always youse to say how I'd always know she's there as she'd be a fairy/angel, and she said that we would send a black cat to come see us occasionally, and shortly after she's passed a black cat come and sat on my wall next to me, also my auntie now owns a Black cat that come to her house very night because it had come out of nowhere and mysteriously had no owner. That aswell brung the biggest comfort as she said that would happen, and the messages what are always happening. It honestly is the feeling ever, even though if ant actually talk to her :( thanks for sharing your experience aswell. Especially knowing it's so similar to mine. And yes I will keep on this message board and keep posting cause it's great knowing I can finally speak about this without people thinking I'm going crazy hahaha. :loves

Charley x

( I don't quite know how to tag you In this yet)
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Re: I need to know how to understand all this

Post by 11light11 »

Hi Charley!

That is just incredible about the black cats!!! :shock: I'm so glad to hear you've had that confirmation -- I've shared that with my grandma, too! Another wild thing in common. ;) My grandma said she'd let me see a penny heads-up and know it was from her, and from time to time I even find one with my birth year, so that's when I know for sure!

You can still talk to her -- why not? I do it all the time. I may not hear her responses, but I do think there's nothing stopping her from hearing what I have to say. ;) I've had times something really exciting or really sad happened to me, and there wasn't anyone to share it with. I'd tell Nonnie about it, and then I'd feel this sense that she was in the room with me . .usually followed by seeing 11:11 or 7:13. ;) We might not understand how the other side works, but she's at least trying to make sure I know she's there! Just like with your grandma.

I'm so sorry you lost her so young, but yet it's clear your connection lives on, too. :)

If you're asking how to send me a message, just go to my name (click on it) and then you'll see a button that says send a message . . otherwise I'm not sure what you mean by tag, LOL but I'm a bit out of touch with these things.

Welcome and enjoy meeting everyone here!!! Love, Michele :roll :kiss: :loves
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Re: I need to know how to understand all this

Post by Charleythomasx »

Aw thanks for this Michelle, really made me smile. I'm sorry about your grandma too:( it's the worst loosing someone as close as that, but I'm Glad she's keeping in contact with you aswell. I do try to talk to her at nights and when I have problems and feel like there's no one to turn to talk to, I do tye to talk out loud to her, but not getting an actual verbal response, Iv got to admit gives abit of a downer. But thinking about it, some people don't even get these messages to know there's a way to communicate, so I'm sooooooo lucky and really appreciate the messages. even the rest of my family who was also equally as close don't get them , but knowing she's chose me to make sure I know she's still there and can communicate with her, I feel her energy when I get the time prompts, I feel it in my belly. I'm going to try so hard to communicate further than the times. I will make it my mission too!

Anyways, I think I'm going to have to go to bed, it slate in the uk, and iv got secondary school tomorrow :duh :lol:

Will post more tomorrow though. Thanks everyone for your quick and detailed replies. :loves :loves :loves xxx

Charley xxx
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Re: I need to know how to understand all this

Post by 11light11 »

Hi Charley!

The UK! I thought I sensed you might be from there! I don't remember which words you chose . . "Straight away," I think that made me think UK! :hithere Well cheers to you all the way over there in the good ole UK!

I feel the same, I am right there with you . . .it is sad that when we talk to our grandmas, we can't hear their response. But it's also true what you said about how it is pretty special getting these messages and signs from them! ;) It does seem you are touched with something special, and you have a gift. You will watch it grow over the years, especially if you take some of Sandy's and overmind's suggestions. They're good people to have in your corner!

When you said you feel something in your belly when you get the prompts -- that is really awesome!!! :shock: I believe you'll have some exciting surprises in store over the years . . . lots to look forward to as you strengthen that connection. You are very sensitive! It could be that other people who loved your grandma have had signs from her too, and didn't even notice! Enjoy secondary school tomorrow!!! :lol:

Lots of love, Michele :kiss: :roll
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Re: I need to know how to understand all this

Post by Charleythomasx »

Hi Michelle! :sunflower:

Hi yes, sorry about the words, I'm from a pretty small town and there's a lot of our own words around, so if I don't make sense to you, ask. I get it a lot lol. Yes I will take everyone's advice in, sandy helped me a lot, and you don't understand how much I appreciate it. Months and months iv been looking for a way to find people to tell all this too and find a solution. When you say I'll have some exciting surprised in years to come, what exactly do you mean by this?? And yes the feeling in my belly, it's sort of a butterfly feeling but more stronger :kiss:

Sorry about the late reply, school is driving me crazy. Being I. Year 10 is not fun, too many exams/gsce's lol :duh :loves

Lots of love, charley :loves :loves :loves :sunflower:
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Re: I need to know how to understand all this

Post by 11light11 »

No Charley I didn't have any trouble understanding you!!! :lol: I just adore British-isms, that's all! :lol: Don't mind me! No I just caught a few phrases you said that I know are used over in your parts more than they are here . . .I love it!!! I hope you don't hold back, let us soak it in! :lol: :lol: :lol: We have quite a few people from the UK here on this board, and the board's founders live in Australia! It's a pretty international community, which you'll notice.

You wondered:
When you say I'll have some exciting surprised in years to come, what exactly do you mean by this??
I just look back over the years since this began in my life, and more things grow inside of you than just the time prompts. Do you know what I mean? You become more sensitive overall, and you begin noticing the magic in life, I guess you could call it. You'll hear a lot of talk on this board of synchronicities, for instance. Kind of a big word, but all it really means is a special coincidence. It's like if you are thinking of your friend -- and then he calls you right then! :shock: Or when someone mentions a topic you've never heard of, and then straight away ;) a bunch of people bring it up all in a row. Dreams can become more meaningful and can begin to feel more 'real' . . .all sorts of beautiful things can grow up from out of this starting point, of receiving the time prompts. Kind of like the butterfly feeling in your stomach!!! You are already so sensitive to the way it feels to be surrounded by the Midwayers, and that will only continue to grow, especially if you meditate! :roll

It sounds like you've had a good two years already of noticing the prompts, and I can only imagine where this adventure will take you!!! It really is exciting. I know what you mean about how it's a relief to find this family here, because it is nice to be able to share about these things with people who have the same thing happening to them! :roll

We're lucky to have you! Please keep us updated Charley!

With love, Michele
p.s. what are gsce's??
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Re: I need to know how to understand all this

Post by Sandy »

Hey Charlie and Michele,

It is very touching to listen to you both speak of your wonderful grandmothers. It hits close to home right now since my precious daughter-in law, Kara, just lost her beloved grandmother, Grandma Pickens a couple weeks ago. I will always treasure getting to speak with this loving woman on several family occasions and I am sure your all's Grandma's were awesome from what you both have revealed. I smile, wondering if they will all meet up some day as they discuss their grandchildren and the 11:11 prompts that unite us... Well, anything can happen and usually does, eh? :lol:

I am enjoying your conversations. I hope the both of you are having a good week... :hithere
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Re: I need to know how to understand all this

Post by nasra1996 »

Welcome Charley :sunflower:

from one fellow brit, gcse is general cert of secondary education basically exams sat in the final year of school :)

Good luck with your exams Charley !!!


love Sarah
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Re: I need to know how to understand all this

Post by Sandy »

Thanks for that Sarah. :)
It sounds like something my kids had to do at a similar time... I know there was a lot of pressure to do well, not only for themselves but for the teachers and the school. :shock:
Hope all goes well for you Charley and you make top grades!
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Re: I need to know how to understand all this

Post by nasra1996 »

:loves :sunflower:

"Only from the heart Can you touch the sky" Rumi

"Righteousness strikes the harmony chords of truth and the melody vibrates throughout the cosmos, even to the recognition of the infinite." UB
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Re: I need to know how to understand all this

Post by 11light11 »

Cheers, Sarah! :sunflower: I was thinking of you especially when I told Charley we have lots of lovely UK folks around here!!!! :roll How have you been doing?!?! thanks for answering about those exams . .I love learning about some of the ins and outs of how you do things up by you!

Sandy, I really love your idea about our grandmothers all getting together and gossiping about us kids back down on earth! :bana: Sure, why not?! Once, when it was a friend's grandpa's funeral, I got a sign from my grandma . .and I thought, sure, why not? They didn't know each other in life, but now that my friend's grandpa has died, he's met Nonnie on the other side, and they're watching down on us together! Nothing weird about that at all! ;)

Charley, I bet its true that your grandma and mine have become fast friends! ;) And I bet their friends with good ole' Grandma Pickens, too! :bana: :kiss: :roll :loves

Love you guys, Michele
p.s. yes good luck on your exams, Charley!!! I know you'll do smashingly, especially with your grandma cheering you on! :bana:
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Re: I need to know how to understand all this

Post by Charleythomasx »

Hi Sarah, sandy and Michelle,

Yes, Sarah's right.., gsce's are huge exams at near towards of your secondry school life or highschool lol, the final grades also depend on the college you go to and the standard of the college. It's pretty tense. It's very hard this year because they have brought up the difficulty of the test and if you don't get higher than a C in english, maths and I think it might be science to! They make you retake the exams, so it's pure graft starting now! :lol: it's not exactly my exams quite yet, but we do source work which is little bits of work that go towards your gcse. But I done 10% of my English exam the other week and got an A so I'm proud and in my food exam also got an A, so I'm keeping on the right path. :D

It's lovely coming home from school and so heckling this board to see all these messages, it feels like iv bonded with everyone here and are sort of part of the family now. It may be because youse all understand me and also know what I feel and see.

I have quite a busy life; homework, coursework, exam studies, maths tuition, spending time with family and friends, walking the dog and more. Does anyone know how long you would normally take meditation and how do you actually do it lol :lol: also thanks for explaining that Michelle :kiss:

Lots of love to all of youse,
Charley xxx
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Re: I need to know how to understand all this

Post by Sandy »

Hello again Charley!

Yep, the gsce's definitely remind me of those monster tests in the US...the ACT and the SAT's. There may even be more of them now...we've been out of it awhile now. But a big congratulations on those A's! I hope and pray more A's and all those needed good marks follow as you work your way through this busy time in your life.

You asked about meditation... How long to do it and how to do it. Well, you wouldn't think that would be such a difficult question but there are thousands upon thousands of ways to meditate. It can be as simple as finding a quiet peaceful spot where your attention will not be diverted and where you can relax and let go of your mind's thoughts until you are at rest and quiet within. This sounds easy on paper and sometimes it is, but also for some of us it can be a "bugger' to quiet "mr. or mrs. chit chat inside" :lol: This is why it is important NOT to become discouraged if you don't reach that restfulness of stillness immediately, or even on your first 10 tries.. LOL Now don't be discouraged by that...many people have absolutely no trouble at all. :D

Anyway...meditation... hmmm I can tell you what I do and ask you to remember this is only 1 of about a zillion ways to meditate... :lol:

I begin by finding my quiet physical spot. It is good to find a spot in your home or outside (inside may be better at first because outside can have a lot of interruptions ...(chill, heat, bug bites, bird calls, ants!!!!! (my nemesis) etc..) but you choose because you will know best.... no doubt!
I begin by greeting the divine Source (God) who for me, takes the form of a father figure from old, asking for light, guidance and protection. I express my gratitude for all things that exist and often times get carried away and go into specifics which eats up a great deal of my meditation time...but it is all good! LOL I then ask for others and for myself as I meditate from those whose job centres on our spiritual welfare, my Guardian angels and our Celestial teachers...not to mention, the wisdom and perfected love from Christ Michael whom I absolutely adore! :happy

Anyway, this is when I relax completely into the moment (I do this with eyes closed but it isn't necessary just helpful I suppose especially if you are just starting out.) As I relax, my vision behind those closed eyes shifts...I can feel it and I can view the energy of the celestial beings around me who help me to go deeper and deeper... Now this of course is on a perfect day when I am not distracted by thoughts of problems and happenings going on in the world around me. There are times I must wait a bit and allow the thoughts to rest and to be honest there are times that "stubborn ole Sandy" does not completely get past those bits. :roll: So on those days I remind myself that all is well... that I am growing and moving towards ever more understanding and love within my life and love within the universe... which in reality are one and the same as we are all connected whether we are of this world or a world a billion trillion light years away. We are all one and a part of all that exists.

Okay, so basically, meditation is learning to relax in the moment to allow your inner self to soar with your spirit brethren...as you find within you these new and wondrous aspects of the universe Creator. Yep, it all leads to this wonderful eventuality... finding your God within. Okay, I have gotten a little abstract there but it is difficult because this relationship is so wonderfully unique and precious to each one of us. :sunflower:

A few months ago one of our Celestial Teachers gave us a lesson through the receiver Chris. It was very beautiful and resonated with many people as a way to become closer to God.... and in turn our celestial brothers and sisters.
Michigan, US of A, August 18, 2013.
Teacher Ophelius.
Subject: “Prayer of Perfection.”

Received by Chris.

Teacher Ophelius: Today dear friends, I will lead you in a prayer. It is important for your spiritual life that you learn to pray and make that intimate connection with the Universal Father. It is best to go into your room alone and speak the words of your desires aloud with God. There is something special that happens in the soul when the vibrations of your voice are directed sincerely at the Creator of all. It is like a primer to starting an engine that opens up a gateway to the highest road to the Father’s presence. Your prayer is ALWAYS heard, for there is no matter more important in the entire universe than the child’s desire to be with the Divine Parent.

Before we begin, we will start with an intention, and this is a very important part of the process. Your intention is to make a direct connection with God. You will contemplate this connection and you will see yourself making this intimate connection even before you begin. You are to use the circuit of the Father which is something you and all Adjuster indwelt mortals have. Knowing that your Thought Adjuster is the Master Operator, you will be confident that all your petitions will have priority and will use this special circuit that only the experiential children of the Father have. You will center yourself, clear your mind, get comfortable, and prepare yourself for this most intimate and sacred rite of passage.

“Father, fill me with your divine unconditional love, for I wish to be cleansed with the healing power of this love before I enter into the hallow ground of your presence.”

“I am your ascending child and it is my greatest desire to be connected to you in this moment.”

“Fill me now, Father, with healing light that I may shine like brilliant gold before you.”

“I love you, Father, and I wish to become like you and learn to love the way you love.”

“Send me the opportunities Father that I may open the door and choose the way that shall lead my soul to greater unity with you.”

“Remind me of those thoughts and habits that are not in alignment with your perfect Will that I may see these imperfections in myself and choose to correct them.”

“Empower me, Father, and tap into the treasures of my potentials while I live, and move, and have my being in this world.”

“Lead me to the knowledge that points the way to my part and purpose in the Great Plan that I may learn and experience those things that will bring me into alignment with your Will.”

“Direct my feet into the path of those who are here to assist and teach me.”

“Let me be grateful even when the lessons they teach are difficult, for I know there is a greater purpose in all these life experiences.”

“Send your angels to protect me, my family, and friends, for they are important to me and my growth here on this world.”

“Let me stand now in silence before you and bask in the perfect light of your love…(pause in silence)…and so I AM Love.”

Peace to you my friends,
The Circle of Seven.

© The 11:11 Progress Group.

“The giving of self, the illumination of truth, and the relief of suffering
are the noblest paths to higher consciousness.” – Teacher Ophelius, 2009.

Hope this helps... :kiss:
P.S...as for the time you should mediate... there is no set time...Although it is often recommended to begin small. :) And as for leaving this divine space you create when you meditate...you will feel it know when it is time to end...yet the feelings go with you...the peace and tranquillity. :sunflower:
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Re: I need to know how to understand all this

Post by Charleythomasx »

Hey sandy,

Thanks for all that, really appreciate it and will definitely try it :love :loves

Love charley X
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Re: I need to know how to understand all this

Post by nasra1996 »

Hi sorry Michelle :loves :love i forgot your post, i am fine thanks and hope you are too :sunflower: I am a bit quiet here lately, my landlord has given me an eviction notice few days ago because he is giving the house to his son, he must be getting married, so im busy looking for a home.... not got long to look :)

love you :loves and all here...

love Sarah xxxx
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Re: I need to know how to understand all this

Post by 11light11 »

Oh Sarah!!! I'll be picturing you in a lovely new home then, one you like even better than the current one! That is sure lousy that he's not giving you enough time to look . . but I'll just be on the case visualizing everything going very smoothly, and that pesky moving process too!!! :love If I had a wand I could wave when it comes time to move . . . oy. I'll be thinking of you lots!

Charley it's so great having you around here. Let us know how things are going when you have the time! After gcses! LOL. :bana: Love, Michele :loves
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Re: I need to know how to understand all this

Post by Sandy »

Hey Sarah,
Gosh, I'm sorry to hear about being evicted...If I remember correctly, it wasn't easy to find a place the last time you looked. Well, hopefully, this landlord will give you some glowing references. How much time do you have? Surely he wouldn't make you leave before Christmas! That would be inconsiderate and mean! :(
Well Lets hope this leads to an even better place for you and the girls! Saying prayers for that very thing! Maybe the Midwayers can help. If you remember, it was Midwayer Mathew that found this flat for George years ago. We were just remarking yesterday what a good job he and the other's involved did in finding this place and understanding George's needs and his future needs once I showed up. Probably some TA help in that last instance. So get those guys involved! ;) :D
With Love,
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Re: I need to know how to understand all this

Post by nasra1996 »

Hey thanks guys :love :loves

i managed to find a house a few streets away, its a bit small but freshly decorated, tenancy starts on the 11/12/13 :)

thanks for your concerns :) !! :sunflower:

love y'all :loves
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Re: I need to know how to understand all this

Post by 11light11 »

Oh Sarah how excellent ! ! ! ! Wow you'll sure be moving fast! I'll picture the process going really smoothly! Glad to hear you get to stay in the area . . . what a blessing you found something so fast!

Lots of love and good luck and energy for the move! :lol: :kiss: :loves Michele
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Re: I need to know how to understand all this

Post by Sandy »

:cheers: Oh that is such a relief!!!! I'm glad to hear it, Sarah! :bana: :sunflower: :roll
Love you!!!
Sandy :kiss:
“We measure and evaluate your Spiritual Progress on the Wall of Eternity." – Guardian of Destiny, Alverana.
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