So Many Questions About Feathers

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So Many Questions About Feathers

Post by thisisit1999 »

Hello All-
I am very new to this forum, and I have just recently (within the last few days) learned about the meaning of feathers. I am behind the curve, but to say I am fascinated is the world's largest understatement.

From what I am understanding, finding a feather is a sign from an angel. But, is this the case for all feathers? Here's the deal: my mom's favorite bird was a cardinal. A few weeks ago, my sister and I were together and I found a red feather in her yard. Is this a sign from our mom, or just a loose feather that happened to fall from a cardinal? I want to believe it was our mom....but I just don't know.

Secondly, how does one get so lucky as to find a feather in one's home? Especially the lovely white ones that people find - out of the blue - and in a place that makes absolutely no sense? I want, practically more than anything in the world, to find one. Maybe it is that I *need* to find one.

As I write this, my brother-in-law is lying in a hospital room, probably in his last day here on earth. I would love to give some much needed hope to my sister and their daughter by sharing some "feather info" with them, so any insight is sooo appreciated.

Thank you all; I am already loving this website. Everyone is so compassionate...

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Re: So Many Questions About Feathers

Post by happyrain »

hello thisisit :hithere
you, your sister and niece have my sympathies as your brother spends his last days here on earth. in the end all you can really do is be there for him and the rest of the family.
welcome to the forums
after reading some of what you're going through i get that you're a strong person with a good head on your shoulders.
we can learn a lot from you.
as for the feathers, i don't think anyone here can tell you if what you saw in the backyard was a message from your mom. maybe it was because you felt something and seeing the feather even caused you to think of her. i can't articulate the answers you're looking for. i can suggest you look within and feel with your heart. pray or meditate on your questions. there are gentle nudges every now and then and when you train yourself to recognize these moments answers come that much easier. you'll just know.
better yet you'll see and feel the connection
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Re: So Many Questions About Feathers

Post by thisisit1999 »

Thank you, happyrain, for your reply and your kind words.

I am deeply spiritual and inquisitive by nature. Like I said, when I discovered this website and started reading the posts, I knew I was in the right place to perhaps answer questions I may not even know I have. By the way, I know about the nudges to which you refer, and I do love them. I almost live for them; they give me hope...

Thank you again~
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Re: So Many Questions About Feathers

Post by 11light11 »

Hi thisisit!

I loved reading your posts so much -- and you too Eric. :love What a nice reply.

I have a feather thing myself ;) and we seem to be getting more newcomers visiting this site in search of feather-meanings. One of our members here, Rod (aka Amigoo) was visiting Finland recently, and an old man mentioned to him that the Finnish word for "Feather" is one of the hardest for English-speakers to pronounce. They were taking a walk at the time, and straight after this comment, Rod found a feather on the ground! So I'm sure you can appreciate (with your cardinal story) why this is so beautiful. :love

I loved your cardinal feather story, and how it made you think of your mom. I agree with Eric, that none of us can really answer whether it was your mom who left that feather for you to find. It's probably more your own sense or feeling that matters the most.

But what really occurs to me, is that George and Sandy have mentioned, from time to time, that a loved one can sometimes ask the Midwayers to start time-prompting us, following their deaths. Perhaps it's because they know how much we suffer when we lose someone we love? And can use a tiny clue that perhaps they've lived on after all? When we get into a doubting and fearful mood (I have this problem myself), it goes a long way.

So if your mom could potentially ask a Midwayer to time prompt you, why couldn't she ask an angel to leave you a cardinal feather??? Seems it's all fair game to me. ;)

I have found the random white feathers in my home that you so long for -- but it feels like cheating. ;) I have an overstuffed feather pillow which leaks out the seams. So that hardly seems to count. ;) The trouble is, if we let too much rationality enter in, nothing counts anymore!!! :lol: I also collect found-feathers in my dream catcher . . . who knows, one of these days it may help me to 'take flight' during my sleep, and I'll have a little astral travel adventure!! Wouldn't that be so cool? ;)

I love those 'nudges' too, and definitely gives me something to hang on to. They're like manna from the sky!

So sorry to hear about your brother-in-law. I will be sending energy healing out to him and your sister and niece, and to all his loved ones who will be mourning his loss. And to you too! Such a sad time for you all, and my heart goes out to you. :love What better time for feathers, really?

One other thought: I've come up with a little plan with certain loved ones, where if one of us dies, we'll try to send a certain sign. I'd asked my grandma to let me find a penny heads-up, and I'll know it was from her -- occasionally it even turned up with 1977, my birth year!! So then I really felt as though she'd been the one who sent it. ;)

Since you ask about feathers in the hopes of comforting your sister and niece, what if you tried to arrange a little sign-giving before your brother in law dies? We have no way of knowing whether it works or not -- but what's the harm in trying??

Love to you four and thanks for writing! Welcome to our family! :hithere

With love, Michele :loves :sunflower: :kiss:
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Re: So Many Questions About Feathers

Post by thisisit1999 »

I am really blown away by your post. You make so many wonderful points. I am going to print your reply so I can read and re-read it.

I totally "lol'd" (sp?) when you mentioned your feather pillow and how it felt like cheating. That's priceless! Thank you for the laugh. I really needed that!

Incidentally, as of this moment, my brother-in-law is still hanging in there. Better said: I have not received any I am living for "no news is good news."

So, feathers, coins, 11:11. Wondering if songs on the radio count, too? I have a wonderful story about a song and I want more than anything to think my mom had her hand in it. I won't bore y'all with it (now)( ;) ), but if you would like me to tell you about it, I am happy to share it. What about license plates? I have a license plate story as well.

Remember I said in my initial post that I am fascinated by all of this. If my enthusiasm & questions are annoying, I do apologize.

Thank you all again! I hope everyone has a blessed day!
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Re: So Many Questions About Feathers

Post by happyrain »

please do share =)
we all benefit reading your story here
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Re: So Many Questions About Feathers

Post by 11light11 »

Hi thisisit! :hithere

Thank you so much for the nice things you said -- we are lucky to have you here, that's for sure!

I'm curious too, and I'm always asking questions on here, but no seems to mind! ;) I wonder about songs, too -- I wonder about license plates -- many of our family here posts license plate photos, or tell stories about intricate signs beyond time-prompts. So I do think it all counts!! If they can make us glance at the clock right at 11:11 (or 12:34! ;)) why not direct us to hear a certain song on the radio, or get stuck in traffic behind a certain license plate? Seems it's all fair game to me. :roll

I guess I just think most of life is kind of mundane, and when you're going along and suddenly the thought hits you -- Oh, a cardinal feather. I think this is from Mom! -- maybe that's when we know it's 'real.' After all, what made us think of it???

I'm glad to hear 'no news is good news' for now. Is your sister to local to you? Will you be able to spend time together after she's lost her husband?

It's so great having you -- please keep sharing and asking questions! :roll With love,
p.s. and yes -- I agree with Eric -- please do share!!
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Re: So Many Questions About Feathers

Post by thisisit1999 »

Hi Michele-
We live about 9 hours away from my sister and her family. My husband is retired, and we're free to travel. Nothing is more important to me than family, so we plan on spending as much time as possible with her and her daughter.

I find joy in the simple things. That cardinal feather. Songs (my story will follow), etc. So even if they mean nothing to anyone but me, I am A-Okay with that. :lol:

Thank you for wanting to hear my story. I get all goose bumpy when I think about it.

My mom was a “big band” singer back in the 40’s; she was a marvelous musician. When she was 76 years young, she decided to make a CD of all her favorite tunes; you know, the old standards from “back in the day.” One of the songs she recorded was an old WWII song entitled, “I’ll Be Seeing You.” (“I’ll be seeing you in all the old familiar places…”)

My mom passed away in 2007. We played that song during her funeral service (she requested it). I guess it was her way of letting us know that she’ll be around us – forever.

My son inherited her singing abilities. He’s our resident musician who is always, ALWAYS singing. In 2011, the Air Force requested him to sing the “National Anthem” at a local air show. So, he got two of his choir buddies from college together, and the three of them sang it to open each day.

Now, I have always been a nervous mom when it comes to his singing “gigs” and this air show was no exception. On the way to the air show on the second day, I decided to have a chat with my mom. I was alone in my car, but I just asked her to let Mike and his friends “nail” the song and that I wanted him to make her and my dad proud. After I got done chatting with my mom, I turned on the satellite radio in our car and tuned into the “40’s on 4.” Well…….guess what song was playing when I turned on the radio? “I’ll Be Seeing You.” You could have knocked me over with that proverbial feather!

BTW: my son and his friends did indeed “nail it!”

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Re: So Many Questions About Feathers

Post by 11light11 »


That story is just awesome!!! :shock: I will be thinking of that one for a long time! :bana: Thanks for sharing it!

I'm glad you'll be free to make the drive to see your sister. She's lucky to have you, that's for sure! Keep us updated please! And keep sharing those awesome stories! You never know when the next feather's going to fall! :roll

With love, Michele :sunflower:
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Re: So Many Questions About Feathers

Post by LurkerAbyss »

Welcome to the family! :hithere :sunflower: :kiss:

I read this entire thread with a huge smile across my face. It brings me great peace and joy to see the sharing of experience and information, and love and compassion between all you lovely doves.

i don't think anyone here can tell you if what you saw in the backyard was a message from your mom. maybe it was because you felt something and seeing the feather even caused you to think of her. i can't articulate the answers you're looking for. i can suggest you look within and feel with your heart. pray or meditate on your questions.
Eric, you often say so clearly and perfectly the responses that come into my head sometimes as I'm reading a new thread, but in a much simpler and straight-forward way that is difficult for me sometimes.

I have experienced time prompts, feathers, pennies, license plates, and songs among other things just like yourself! As far as feathers, I actually have a collection of pink feathers and fluffs that I have found over the years. They have all been found in the most random places, from walking down the street in my small town to the bus station in the city to name a couple, and they are always the EXACT same shade of pink, my favourite colour, so I'm sure you can see how I would find these special and fascinating. Unfortunately, I don't have any photos on this laptop, but there may be a quite old picture still floating around somewhere on this board of what the collection was like at the time. Now that it's come up, I must share a sad tale though. About a year ago, someone who was trying to do something nice for me by cleaning and dusting my "ornament dresser" by surprise, threw out my entire pink feather+fluff collection thinking it was just garbage I left laying around! I was soooo sad, and a bit mad at first.. then, get this, on the way to work a couple days later, I look down and what do you know.. a nice, big pink piece of fluff, in "my" exact shade and everything! Sitting on the ground riiiight by my foot! I was sooo happy, and I was definitely uplifted and encouraged by that after having lost my other ones. I have had one or two more since then as well, but I will see if I can dig up one of the old photos from the board.

Oh, right, as an introduction note: Hi, I'm Lucky, and I hope my choice of font colour isn't too obnoxious to read, also, I tend to ramble a lot, bear with me!

PS - You will find you are immediately welcomed like family here, even if it feels small and slow-moving at times. Please feel free to share anything with us, I assure you we are interested, we are ready to learn, and we are ready to respond.

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Re: So Many Questions About Feathers

Post by thisisit1999 »

Hi Lucky-
Thank you for the warm welcome. I already feel comfortable and "at home" here. I love the fact that nobody judges or questions.

Pink feathers? That, in itself, is mighty cool. I smiled when you said you found the perfect shade of pink feather after your collection went the way of the west. I KNOW that just had to have made your day, week, month... I know I'd have been blown away. I gave that cardinal feather to my sister (she was having a sad day that day because of her husband being in the hospital) so I am more than ready to start my own collection of random feathers. I look forward to seeing your photos!

I hope you have a wonderful day!!
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Re: So Many Questions About Feathers

Post by 11light11 »

Hi Lucky! :hithere

The pink feather collection story is incredible to me -- especially, as thisisit said, finding a new pink feather right after you lost the old ones! :bana: Do you live in an area with flamingos??? I am just amazed at the idea of finding a pink feather!!! :lol:

I grew up in the northern Midwest, so I only ever found brown, black and white feathers. :lol: You know the Midwest -- kind of monochromatic. :lol: Now that I live further south, I find blue and red feathers (like thisisit's cardinal feather!) -- which is so super fun!

In fact, thisisit, it's incredible to me, but after I read your thread here the other day, I took a walk that evening and I found a red cardinal feather! :shock: I'll try to remember how to upload a photo so I can post it for you! :roll I wondered if it might be a sign to you from your mom -- maybe she hoped I'd pass along the message to you! Since we were already having this conversation. ;)

With love to all of you, Michele :loves
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Re: So Many Questions About Feathers

Post by Sandy »

Hello Thisisit,
I could have sworn I added a post to this thread a short while back in one of those rare moments while my grandson was sleeping. But since I do not see it listed here I can only imagine that it was simply previewed and not submitted before I raced to comfort my little Elijah upon waking up from his daily nap. :scratch:

I have enjoyed reading your posts and all the posts on this thread. And as I thought about them I can't help but feel you are getting all kinds of prompts not only from the Midwayer and Angels but from your beloved mom herself. Your words carry much love that can be felt by others and so this makes them a joy to read. I especially was very moved by your mother's song. Funny thing is... song prompts are being discussed on another thread too. I just visited it before coming here...

I have been getting song prompts for many years now...They always tend to speak to the situation at hand and always very spontaneous... very special and precious. It helps to look at the result of the prompt and the love behind it... the way you feel within. I lhave a rather simplistic way of viewing prompts...for instance, with the very special song prompt you received...even should it turn out to be the Midwayers and Angels that actually delivered it, (sort of like the US postal service) your mom had her big part in it with initiating the content. Remember the way you felt when you heard that song?... no doubt it was intiatted by your beautiful mom. (I don't believe in coincedences ;) )

Have you heard any more news on your brother-in-laws condition? I am joining Michele and the others in prayer on your family's behalf and hoping they are surrounded by much peace and love during this hard time.

With Love,
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