The Time Device

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The Time Device

Post by overmind »

This was a quick dive into my imagination. I was rethinking the circle, which became the front of a cylinder. I began looking at its side and rolling it. How can I change these dimensions? I saw the top, bottom and side at once. The shape was collapsing in on itself. I switched it around and thought of a clock. A shape always expanding, like zooming into fractal geometry. This was a time device. The shape expanded on the front and collapsed in on itself in the back, but it was completely flat. There were no sides. The expanding image showed the current time. Every measurement of time on the face could be maneuvered in. This was a representation of time bands, all aspects of the now constantly in motion, expanding outward. It was like a colored radar, but instead of a single line moving around the screen, circles pulsed out from the center. This was a multidimensional time travel watch.
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Re: The Time Device

Post by Sandy »

I'm trying to visualize as I am reading your post, 8) cool 8) cool 8) I have to smile as when I turned on my kindle earlier today to read a little from the Urantia book, it opened to a photo of Jules Verne who wrote The Time Machine. :)
XX Sandy
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Re: The Time Device

Post by overmind »

Maybe I'll make a picture of what my mind created. It has this dual function where each hour appears as a circle (creating a long "ping") expanding from the center. When the hour (let's say 7:00) reaches the outer edge, it disappears as 8:00 appears in the middle. There would be a horizontal measurement of the minutes. When used from a higher time band, the circle would then represent how much of our time a person could manipulate (go back and forth through). For this form, there would be a fixed circle in the middle used for human time. The individual's time would be represented by another circle. If the second circle gets closer to the middle dot, they are going back in time. If the circle expands closer to the outside, they are moving into the future.

Ironically, those would could actually use the device wouldn't need it since they are so freaking smart. :lol:
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Re: The Time Device

Post by Sandy »

Ahhh after that explanation I can see it much more clearly. And who knows, Arthur, maybe you are seeing a glimpse of things to come. :D
XX Sandy
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Re: The Time Device

Post by Welles »

That's a grand visual image, Arthur. When I read your first concept I thought a perfect format might be an animated GIF.

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Re: The Time Device

Post by overmind »

I found this toy which mimics the design I was thinking of where everything moves outward from the center.

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Re: The Time Device

Post by 11light11 »

Hi overmind,

That's really an amazing image you saw in your meditation, and I liked the video you found to illustrate your idea, too. I enjoyed reading this so much, and I could see it on both the literal level, and the symbolic level as well. It echoes even the Big Bang theory, the idea of matter moving from the center point to beyond. So too in meditation when we come 'to the center,' and integrate the parts within ourselves, we are able more fully to 'move out,' and meet others in a more authentic way. But it first takes going within to the center.

It reminds me of Osho (somehow your essays always remind me of Osho! And believe me that is the biggest compliment I could give to anyone! :lol: ;) ). He said that people 'seek' and yet what are they seeking? It takes turning within -- not going without. It's like that expression, "Wherever you go, there you are." And what he said reminds me of your discussion of love and its opposites. . . . because he explored that when one turns within, there is no traveling -- there is no adventure -- turning within means that you stop going out -- you stop with the adventuring. (Just like the opposite of love is merely the lack of love, not hatred, as you explained so well.) So it is a turning in the sense that one goes inside . . but that is where one already resides. What we do the rest of the time, whether we are in a discussion, or reading a book, watching a TV show, or 'seeking' to attain enlightenment -- these are all external things, where we are engaging with the outside world. Ironically, when we speak in terms of 'seeking' in the spiritual sense, true attainment at the deepest level is the cessation of this outward movement. It is instead a turning within -- a noticing of the fact that we are already inside, and now for a time we will reside there and become acquainted with that self who resides at our deepest layers. Whether we reflect upon the unconscious, the Higher Self, the Thought Adjuster, or the Center or Source, we are using different words for the very same concept.

And with this device you describe and illustrate here, these words of Osho's are what I am thinking of, and I can see how much you really do get it! We can only move outward once we have gone inside, and 'turned' within which is not actually a turning at all. It all begins within, before it can move without.

He gave a great story to illustrate his idea and i think you'll really love it. Mulla Nasrudah was on his hands and knees searching in the dust of the street. The townspeople came and asked what he was searching for. He explained that he had lost his needle and was trying to find it. "But Mulla!" the townspeople cried. "How can you ever find a needle here on the street, with all the dust and all the debris? And the street is so vast and the needle so small?" Mulla shrugged and they all joined him in searching. After a time one of the townspeople cried out, "Mulla, all this rooting and searching around on our hands and knees! The needle is so small -- surely we never will find it! You must tell us where you dropped it -- the exact, precise spot! Only then can we hope to come across it." Mulla replied, "Well, I dropped it in my house." The townspeople were incredulous. "Your house!" they cried. "But then if you dropped it in your house, why are we out here in the street, rooting around like pigs on our hands and knees!" Mulla sat up and smiled at them. "Because," he replied, "It is very dark in there, and out here, it is light."

That, Osho said, is what everyone is doing. They are looking outside, when the only place to look is within. If it appears dark inside, you turn the light on, and even a small candle will do, and then the darkness is dispelled. ;) The spiritual quest in these modern times is always a searching without, it is always turning outward. But there is no need to go outside -- you dropped your needle in the house. ;) And you are outside, searching for it where you know it cannot be found. ;)

That's what your essay reminded me of, his story . . . so much wisdom overmind!!!! :bana: We are lucky to have you here sharing your ideas. :roll :love Thank you for the lift!

With love, Michele :loves
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Re: The Time Device

Post by overmind »

Michele, I cannot help but think you are giving me too much credit in this case, but I will take the compliments. I guess I'm just selfish that way! :roll:

Anyway, I had a new idea for the item. What I wanted to do was understand these higher bands of time that the midwayers and angels so easily know and experience. The problem is, the higher band you are on, the more flexible time may be. This probably means that while a secondary midwayer could go one or two hours in the past or future, a primary may go three or four. This is just an example though, and there are most certainly things midwayers cannot change, such as our free will decisions once we make them. Anyway, the face of the clock would get too cluttered with all of this information, so there needs to be a face for each band of time, which will be projected outward as a hologram. If you have seen the (CGI) holograms in Ironman or Pacific Rim, you would have an idea what I was thinking. Each would be a different color, and would create a cylinder in the air (which could be condensed or removed altogether). However, time may actually be better represented if the faces increased in size, creating a cone or funnel shape.
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Re: The Time Device

Post by 11light11 »

That's awesome . . .are you planning on engineering this device? :lol: I'll preorder mine now. :roll
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Re: The Time Device

Post by overmind »

No, I don't think that wouldn't be possible, perhaps on the mansion worlds I would have the resources. I'm not an inventor, holograms haven't advanced far enough and I don't have any specific numbers regarding how time is experienced in higher dimensions of existence. Of course, something similar may exist already on High.
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Re: The Time Device

Post by 11light11 »

Well maybe the device can exist energetically in our imagination, if we go on thinking about it, and adding power to it in thought-form. Then perhaps we can make use of it!
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Re: The Time Device

Post by overmind »

That's an idea. Maybe people who astral project could conjure up the device in order to tell time when their sense of time may be distorted? I would need to be able to test it out myself though, so clearly its development will have to wait.
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