Is this a sign or a coincidence....

We will list here stories almost too amazing to believe - when our spirit brothers and sisters turn up physically here to help us. This forum is only about angels physically helping us.
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Is this a sign or a coincidence....

Post by Sedona1 »

This weekend for some reason I started reading about Astral projection, which then led me on to reading about Angels as many people mention seeing Angels during astral projection.

This is when I realised that we are supposed to ask our angels for help. I always wonder what they're doing because I don't feel like I am getting any help with my love life that's for sure.

I spent a lot of time last night and today asking my guardian angels for help in this department. After that, I also read that you could ask for a sign from the angels.

So I held up my little angel crystal above my head up towards the ceiling and I asked for a sign. A few minutes later I went to my bedroom and turned on the light - the light bulb buzzed and went out!

Out of all the times I've turned it on and off and on and off - and every minute and every second of every day for the last year or so - this was the time it chose to fizzle and stop working!

I wondered if it was a sign.

Now my room was dark so it was actually a hassle! Thanks Angels?

I immediately walked down to the shop to buy more light globes. While I was in the store the first thing I noticed was a hair elastic that was covered in an abundance of baby pink plastic angels. Then on the same stand I saw plastic butterflies and lady beetles. I was in a $2 shop so it is only natural to see so many things. I decided it meant nothing.

I also bought a smudge stick because I have had trouble with a lot of bad energy in my home the last year and I wanted to clear away bad energy and bring positive happy people into my home.

On the way home from getting the light globes there was a girl sitting on the side of the street selling her clothes. The first thing that caught my eye was a belt or necklace (?) with large feathers hanging off it.

I wondered - feathers - is that another sign?! Or is it supposed to be a real bird feather dropping in front of you. I figured well now that it's on my mind I will notice these things all over the place - so decided that it likely meant nothing.

I got home and did the smudge sticking of the house. I also used it to continue to ask my angels for help.

At the end I held the smudge stick up in the air and asked the guardian angels for a sign that they would carry out my wishes.

Seconds later I got up and went to the bathroom and flicked on the light - again same thing - a buzzing noise and the light didn't work! I couldn't believe it. A second time in one day? I flicked the switch back and forth and the light came on again but was flickering and buzzing away which I don't recall it ever doing before. I turned the switch on and off again and the light shone normally again.

So twice in one day, an hour or so apart - when I asked for signs, minutes later the lights go out in two different rooms!

I have googled this to see if it is a sign from an angel - or it means something bad - I haven't found anything.

Are these signs that my prayers will be answered - or have just been heard? Or are these bad signs?

I just think out of all the times for two lights bulbs to go out - just right after I ask for a sign - that is two huge coincidences.

Has this ever happened to anyone after they asked for a sign?

Thank you for 'listening'
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Re: Is this a sign or a coincidence....

Post by Sandy »

Hi Sedona, :hithere
Well, I am sitting here thinking about your posts and your questions about the unusual things that occurred to you on this day. I don't know whether to say, yes I think they are signs, no they aren't signs or maybe they are signs. LOL I know, that isn't helpful at all is it? But you see when you get a sign from and angel you usually feel a sense of elation a knowing that you aren't facing the moments alone. Their little reminders seem to go straight to the heart and generally wow us... So in reality only you could answer that completely. But on the flip side from your post it sounds as if you are just striking out in communication with your angels and learning about their work in our lives...and so maybe as your relationship with your guardian angels continues to grow, you will know without a doubt, when they are nudging the happenings of your life...

But I think it is very possible that you have been given signs throughout your day because you asked for them and expected them? Something helpful to remember as we look at whether a sign is a sign is that the angels and Midwayers will never prompt us in a way that is destructive and puts us in any type of danger. They also will not purposely scare us. So with that in mind, at first I was wondering about whether they were behind the light bulbs or whether it was your own psychic energy that had caused it, as in the first case, to go out permanently. (A build up of ungrounded Psychic energy can do that too.) Yet your trip to buy a new bulb produced a few more interesting things that could have been reminders from your angels of their presence. Whether these things were or were not from the angels, is probably sort of unimportant as it seems they had the desired affect...You were thinking about your hard working angels the whole time. I would wave doubt aside and just go with it... a big YES! :)

I hope your desire for a happy love life come to pass. :finger: Keep us posted and please continue to share your experiences. I enjoyed reading about your most fascinating day!
Welcome to the 11:11 board Sedona.
xx Sandy
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Re: Is this a sign or a coincidence....

Post by sammy »

HI Sedona!

I don't have the answers for you, but I wanted to welcome you to the board.

I do agree with Sandy though, that whatever happened to you the other day at least did get you thinking about your angels!

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Re: Is this a sign or a coincidence....

Post by 11light11 »

Hi Sedona ! ! !

When I was reading your story, I was shaking my head -- it reminds me so much of me ! ! ! When these things happen to me, I do the same thing you do, "Oh, there are $2 items in this store, it's just a coincidence." "Oh, the feather has to fall from above, it's not the same if it's on an item someone is selling, it doesn't really equal a sign, you just have this on your mind now and you can imagine you see a sign in anything right now."

But like you said -- two light bulbs in one day!

What I recognize in your post is my own internal thought process -- I can relate to you so well, and how you are feeling -- and I know when I ask a question like this, "Does anyone else think this is a sign?" I am hoping someone will say yes. I think when you wrote it, your overriding sense or feeling was that these things were signs -- even if it was inconvenient to have to go buy a new light globe. :lol: Like you said, two light globes in one night? :roll

I guess I just wanted to share with you, you're not alone in doubting so much -- I'm right there with you. I could say "Roll a crack of thunder across the sky" and it could immediately happen and I'd go, "Ok, well, maybe the conditions are just right for a storm, maybe it was a coincidence," I'm that stubborn! LOL. Well I hope you're laughing at least, but it's interesting to think about that tendency we have to doubt so much . . .I think underneath the doubt, is our hope.

Love to you! Michele xoxoxoxo :loves :sunflower: :kiss: :love
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Re: Is this a sign or a coincidence....

Post by Sedona1 »

Thanks for the welcome Sammy and Sandy!

Hi Michelle,

Glad to know that I'm not the only one haha.

Since that was my first experience I questioned it - but since then there have been a few other incidences and now I don't question it.

Even last night, I sent the angels a letter about a problem I have with someone (let's call him X) then asked for a sign that My letter was received.

Early this morning I was at a Doctors surgery and as soon as I walked in I saw X's first name printed on the side of a sharps bin.

I got home, had a short nap and this person appeared in my dream - in my dream totally unexpected X just showed up at my house out of the blue and all was good between us again. It was as if nothing had happened.

An hour later /after my nap I walked down the street to buy some lunch and I saw the nickname I call him (which is the first three quarters of his surname) on the side of a shipping container! I thought wow that's def a sign. I've pretty much been given X's full name this morning via various signs.

About 10 steps further down the street - I see another sign - very similar to his surname - starts w the same letter - diff middle part but has the last "quarter" of his surname at the end of the word - AND coincidentally the full word is the name of a brand that he sells / so it relates to his occupation.

So I got his full name, a related word to his occupation and an appearance in a dream all within the first half of the following day! Three or four signs within 4hrs. Amazing,
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Re: Is this a sign or a coincidence....

Post by 11light11 »

That's pretty cool Sedona . . .I think what they do with hard-headed cases like you and me is they try to really hit us over the head with the signs!! :lol: It gives us less room to protest. ;) Your story is very cool . . .

I had a long car trip yesterday, 5 hours, and I saw a police car whose license plate said 11 - 11. I thought wow, that's the Emergency Progress Platoon ! But right away I think well it's just a coincidence. ;) So then I saw -- in a row -- 22, 33, 444, 555 and 999 on license plates in rapid succession. It's like they're saying "Oh yeah? You still think it's a coincidence?" :lol: I definitely get them all laughing . . . they must roll their eyes at me all the time. But they're so patient and so persistent!!!

That's what your story reminds me of, that way they kind of start hitting us over the head sometimes just to make sure we're paying attention!!!

Thanks for sharing,
Michele :roll :loves :sunflower: :kiss:
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Re: Is this a sign or a coincidence....

Post by Sedona1 »

Hi Michelle,

That is interesting - thanks for sharing. I don't know any of the typical angel numbers so such signs would be lost on me / missed completely. I'll have to brush up. So far I've always received the signs within 15 hrs (10 hrs of that time I'm asleep as I seem to do this stuff at night.)

Maybe they only use the things I already know about.

Yesterday I started taking photos of these signs. It's a shame I can't upload my IPhone pics.

On Thursday night I tried the letter to angels technique and again, as I was burning the letter I asked for a sign it was received. This is a technique I read about last weekend. It's been fun!

My letter was about the IVF treatment I was having early the next morning.

So I arrive at the clinic and sit in the waiting room. There's a row of 6 magazines in front of me - I grab the "Country Style" one sitting furthest away from me and think "Hmm, I haven't had any signs yet - and there's not too much more time before my procedure."

On the very first page I open there was a photo of an angel ornament! I turned the page and the very second page had a photo of a happy lady blowing a bunch of feathers off her hand. I skipped a chunk and opened the magazine to the back - and I immediately see a tiny little baby all wrapped up in blue and hanging beside him were tiny baby clothes.

I thought wow I guess they were my three signs!

I put the magazine back down and noticed the newspaper right next to all the magazines - a big photo of the new Royal Baby on the cover.

After this I was called in for my appointment :) One day we'll see if my letters were answered! I hope so :)
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Re: Is this a sign or a coincidence....

Post by Sandy »

Hi Sedona,
I just wanted to say I enjoyed your post! It was the first one I read today as I am getting a late start ... been catching up on stuff I've let go around here. I have heard of the angel letter technique. Amazing the many ways we can connect...sort of like healing prayers and the many ways we can participate in healing. :sunflower:
Enjoy your week end!
XX Sandy
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Re: Is this a sign or a coincidence....

Post by Krystalshard »

Hi Sedona,
I just came across your post! Welcome to our Board!
I recently asked for a sign myself... really something I never do... and kind of chuckled at myself. I thought: Can I really expect a yes/no answer? As I figured I needed to do a Gideon's fleece or something to instruct the Helpers in what I thought would be the yes or the no. Aaaarrgh! :duh I immediately got overwhelmed and all I could think was, "follow your heart..." So, I just retracted my request for the sign, and followed my heart! Ha ha ha! And you know what? It felt right and I'm thinking I'll go back to doing it that way from now on. 8)

As for the prompts, for me, it seems they show up when I'm having an origination, a thought that is a realization of some kind. And to me, they are a confirmation of those, so I feel confident I'm on the right path.
Anyway, thanks for the post, it's funny I should find it right after I attempted to do so!!

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Re: Is this a sign or a coincidence....

Post by Sandy »

Jean wrote:
Anyway, thanks for the post, it's funny I should find it right after I attempted to do so!!
I am always pleasantly surprised when it happens like this...sometimes something someone says answers a question I posed within or provides the need for confirmation or direction in some area. I must admit I too try to do much more "directing" of these things in my "spiritual education" then is probably needed or helpful. :lol:

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Re: Is this a sign or a coincidence....

Post by Sedona1 »

Howdy all,

Sorry this is long but

I have another “sign or coincidence” story….

I’ve been trying to find some strong evidence that mediums really are communicating with spirits. I saw one recently who was apparently communicating with my grandmother. I think this medium is great because she doesn’t ask any questions, you sit down and she just starts talking with her eyes closed for 45 minutes straight and gives you a DVD recording at the end.

She told me how my grandmother died and that she had a son that died young, she mentioned three names – full names – not just initials – two of whom are the other grandchildren in the family and the third name is my mother. This stuff cannot be found online by the way. She even gave me many personal messages about things I’ve never even mentioned to people that I have been wondering about in the last few months. One thing is that when I go to bed I’ve started noticing little flashes of sparkles every now and then. I have often wondered if I was going crazy, were my eyes playing up or was I seeing spirits?! I never bothered to mention this to anyone and usually forget about it by the time I fall asleep. Then during this reading the message I was told was that those little flashing lights I have been wondering about lately – no I am not going crazy – I am seeing spirits.

Towards the end of the 45 minutes I started to think in my mind that we were running out of time and that I really wanted to hear something about my future relationships or marriage. 10 seconds later she started telling me that she could see my grandmother throwing confetti over me and being very excited and celebrating (a sign for a future wedding?!) and that even though spirits make promises when they are here – like that they will be at my wedding – that they will still keep those promises and that she will be at my wedding.

So I thought she was pretty impressive – I mean I couldn’t even get my own friends to tell me that much about my grandmother.

In a past reading this woman told me that when she sees little easter eggs in her readings (which she did) she told me that it meant new life or new relationship coming for me.

The next day I went to my parents place to stay there – as they have been away. As soon as I got there I walked past a dining cabinet (which I have walked past thousands of times) and went into my bedroom. While in my room I heard the cabinet rattling and the door opening and something crashing out of there. I cringed waiting to hear a breakage then went out to see what happened.

No, breakage, but there on the floor was my grandmothers antique wooden easter egg from many years ago.

Out of all the days and out of all the things in that cabinet ....for this egg to fall out onto the floor.... I wondered if it was a sign from her – and maybe it really does mean a new relationship is finally coming. :)
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Re: Is this a sign or a coincidence....

Post by Sandy »

Hello Sedona! :hithere
It is good to see you again and with a new and exciting experience! I am tingling all over after reading your wonderful post! It does seem like you found a great medium!
The next day I went to my parents place to stay there – as they have been away. As soon as I got there I walked past a dining cabinet (which I have walked past thousands of times) and went into my bedroom. While in my room I heard the cabinet rattling and the door opening and something crashing out of there. I cringed waiting to hear a breakage then went out to see what happened.

No, breakage, but there on the floor was my grandmothers antique wooden easter egg from many years ago.

Out of all the days and out of all the things in that cabinet ....for this egg to fall out onto the floor.... I wondered if it was a sign from her – and maybe it really does mean a new relationship is finally coming.
I don't think you could have asked for a better sign! :sunflower: Here's to that new relationship that seems likely is on its way! :cheers:
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Re: Is this a sign or a coincidence....

Post by 11light11 »

Hi Sedona!

That story just really gave me the chills . . . both of yours, actually. For some reason I never read the post you made answering me, back in July, I'm so sorry! But I'm seeing it now, and I couldn't believe all those signs you got from the angels after you made your petition! :shock: Truly that was remarkable to me . . whatever happened following that appointment at the doctor's office?

To hear these updates about you and your grandmother, it was so moving to me . . . .I am so happy you found a gifted and spiritual medium to help you to know your grandmother is with you still. The part about the sparkling lights before your eyes!!! It's like you said, no one knew about that, and she picked up on that and was told to tell you that it's not your eyes playing tricks, you're noticing spirits. Talk about the chills!!!

And then the wooden Easter egg!!! :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:

One time years ago, shortly after my own grandmother died, I was sitting there typing when suddenly I felt as though she was in the room with me. I had a sudden idea to try to get further information, by doing Stichomancy. This is where a random passage from a book is generated by a computer, and it is intended to answer your question. So I went to the website I always used for Stichomancy, which offers virtually every known written work as possible options for a passage to be generated. The passage that came out was from "Silas Marner." The only possession of my grandmother's that I had was this book -- she had had it as a schoolgirl and it had her little-girl handwriting in it. I was shocked. I ran over to the bookshelf and took the book down, and it randomly fell open to a page that had my grandfather's mass card in it -- I didn't even know I had that mass card. I looked, and the page it marked had the same passage from Silas Marner as was generated by the computer! :shock: :shock: :shock:

I told you I still doubt myself sometimes, but that time it was pretty hard to deny!

So here's to our grandmas, looking down at us together and enjoying their fun friendship up there! :roll

Thank you so much for sharing all this, it's a real boost to my spirits just hearing these stories!! :kiss:

Any light bulb updates?! :lol: :roll

With love, Michele :loves
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Re: Is this a sign or a coincidence....

Post by Sandy »

Oh Michele! I am speechless! :shock: There can be no denying the Silas Marner passage was inspired after what you wrote...WOW! :cheers: :sunflower: :bana:
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Re: Is this a sign or a coincidence....

Post by Sedona1 »

Thanks Sandy!

Hi Michelle –

Wow that is an amazing story about your grandmother. I’ve never heard of Stichomancy before. I’m going to have to remember that one. Thank you for sharing. It is good to know that they are around and not ‘missing’ a thing!

There haven’t been any other light bulb situations - however I haven’t asked for any signs :)

As for the Doctor’s appointment – I was getting my eggs frozen (as I am single) So just doing all that I can to give me a chance at having children when I meet the right guy.

Anyway, it's been an amazing year discovering all these new things and reading lots of books on this topic - I will report back the next time something unusual happens :)
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Re: Is this a sign or a coincidence....

Post by Sandy »

Hey Sedona,
Aren't we lucky to live in this age? Just think of all the marvels done now that our ancestors could not fathom... I was thinking how you spoke of having your eggs frozen. :sunflower: I hope your "right partner" comes along real soon... and please do check back with us as often as you can. I so enjoy reading your posts. :D
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Re: Is this a sign or a coincidence....

Post by memawlaura »

:hithere :loves Sedona,
First let me say I love your name, I visited Sedona just for the day and it was beautiful and vibrant as I'm sure you are.

Nothing is a coincidence its a God-incidence or from source. You found us didn't you!! Ask and you shall Receive, so everything that you noticed the bulbs (most likely midwayers), items with angels and than feathers, if you see the signs there for you, did it make you feel like you were heard, of course it did. The Celestials answered you in a way that they can. Now, its up to you to work on opening the lines of communication. George's Askashic Contruct is a wonderful tool just for you to create the space our unseen friends can communicate with you.
Love and Peace Always,

It is good to have an end to journey toward; but it is the journey that matters, in the end.
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