The Secret

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Re: The Secret

Post by Sandy »

Wow! What miracles may come! I leave for a week and the coffee shop comes alive!

I know! Isn't it "eggstrodinary!" :mrgreen:
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Re: The Secret

Post by sammy »

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

I was attempting (in my earlier post) to restrain myself, but since you went there first.....I was thinking it was eggsciting!

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Re: The Secret

Post by Sandy »

:lol: Wasn't there a movie where the character did something similar... combining words around the word egg? I am thinking it might have been in 'Santa Claus the Movie'. Seems Dudley Moore's character had a tendency to do this... Gosh that was a long time ago. My kids loved that movie. (I did too ;) )
XX Sandy
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Re: The Secret

Post by sammy »

I'm hearing the voice of Frosty the Snowman...I'll ask Jack...he knows everything.

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Re: The Secret

Post by peacockplume »

Since George stirred us into being eggasperatingly egged on, I've been trying to come up with more egg on my face,,but this is how they seem to be coming out....only eggomlette style...

and it seems it's only us 3 that got whipped up... :roll :roll :roll

So,,,what's up ladies!!! I apologize for 'wandering off' :bike: you know how it is when you start checking out all the side roads :arrow: ....still on the main path, but, just checkin out if others are close enough by to shine a little light on the road.

I think since our twelve-twenty-one, and the world didn't fall apart,,,or ascend into the heavens, that there's been a lot of disappointed puppies,,,which is just the way it is.

it seemed that a great number of people just couldn't accept that what is changing is 'the collective consciousness'....and maybe they didn't understand that change begins within each person,,,,changing the way we think and feel,,about ourselves and others :pale:

and don't ya just have to love the world enders, because of a calender.. :shock: ..they finally had to accept that what ended was astronomical cycles .. only to start up again into the next cycle....we are so narrow minded.. :mrgreen:

well,,evolution is always happening and we're all still working towards Light and Life,,,it's a Work in progress. :bike: ..on the job.. :happy
Clearing out personal negativity is always hard work.. :sword: but the rewards are wonderful... :queen:

now see what those eggs whipped up!!! :bana: :bana: :bana: banana egg bread :bana: :bana: :bana:

personal news....still haven't!!!!! Spring sprung on the west coast,,,lotsa flowers :flower: :sunflower: :flower: :sunflower: :flower: :sunflower: :flower: :sunflower: :flower: :sunflower: :flower: :sunflower: :flower: :sunflower: :flower:

pp is on her way out the coffee shop door,,, :bike: places to go,,, :hithere people to see, and :study: :sword: things to do :love

I'll pop in again to catch up with all your stuff.....

love, light and blessings, always...pp :kiss:
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Re: The Secret

Post by Sandy »

Hi PP,
Nice to see you checking in and what a brilliant display of smilies you used... Love it! :D I was thinking about you last night...all good things of course. ;) I so admire your trusting spirit as you put your hands into the Divine for inspiration and guidance.
I was just thinking too about how different yet alike we all are in things that truly matter. Too many times individuals allow beliefs to separate them...looking at details that ring true for them while diminishing other people's same but different spiritual/religious ways of being. Just like you mentioned with the arrival and passing of a date that raised fear in some and excitement in others. When it was all said and done another day dawned filled with joy, hope, struggles, hardships, friendship etc... To most of us we moved on and life goes on. It is as it should be living in the moment and doing the best and sometimes the worst we can. ;) Its all part of the huge eternal tapestry we are creating I think...
I think what solidifies us all isn't whether we believe this or that... no matter what is our image of the God or Source or even a Scientific Force that controls and shapes our universe, we all care about those around us and we want people near and far to feel better about themselves and their inner abilities and knowledge. I guess we couldn't know it all in this mortal life even if we wanted too....I know my own brain struggles sometimes with the little bit that is already rattling around up there...But how I appreciate those deep thinkers who also have the ability to simplify what they have meet all of mankind on the individual level...It is empowering and there are some on this board who have the ability to do that very thing... and I thank them as I suspect they will know who they are...(yes...I am talking about you Michele, Rod, Robert, Flint, Phillip and Welles among others. :lol: )

Gosh I don't know what I am going on about...just thinking about all of you on this thread and others who have so touched my life. I know I have said this before and I will tell you again because I am a bit sappy...I love you dearly and so appreciate your contributions to light and Life... as our dear Tannis always says... "We are One." and that will never change. :kiss:

Anyway, I am contemplating later on today, if I have time that is, of making some homemade hot sauce. We had a bumper crop of hot cayenne peppers that I need to do something with...I am a little concerned as I have burned myself before with the hot pepper juices... The problem is I have tiny hands... and cannot get snug fitting gloves at the local pharmacy. So I find I accidentally cut into the loose gloves and the juice gets onto my skin. I think at those times that I will have enough time before the heat sets in to finish the job, but in the past it wasn't so. But I do have a plan! Duct tape can solve just about all the world's problems and so it may solve this one too as I tape the loose and too long fingers of the gloves to a more respectable and functional length. :finger: Hopefully this time I won't have to spend the evening with my hands in cold water. :finger:

Well...that is my project for later on today...and I am hoping it will deter me from baking something we don't need. :roll: It is a cool and rainy day here in NSWs and you know how that affects my home and nurturing instincts. :roll: But, oh my!... an apple cake would sure taste good eh? :mrgreen:
Have a great week. :hithere
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Re: The Secret

Post by peacockplume »

Oh now,,,c'mon wee one there,,,,,

apple cake :shock: OK, I'll re-open the 'shop' :finger: and I'm sure some will arrive soon :finger: ...heh, heh, heh,, ;) ;)

I'm in the evening time,,,and you are in the afternoon time...which sounds like to me..... time for apple cake :bana: :bana: :bana: :bana:

( no,,not banana egg WHIST )

and HOT :bomb red :bomb pepper :bomb sauce :shock: OMG,,,and did you say duct tape??? Oh Ho Ho..I'm not laughing at that one,,,

and duct tape does not leak,,,therefore,,none will get in....just do each individual finger please....

are you 'sure'???? you need hot red pepper sauce???? really ???? Calling Dr Mendoza !!!! for standby please....

Ok,,enuf foolin around,,, ;) ;) ;)

You have been,,no,,,you are, soooooo gracious and caring with your words of love, understanding and encouragement, which of course all come from your heart,,,,thank you,,,, :kiss:

I actually just had one of the best 'journey's' I've had in a long time....and it seemed to encompass my journey here. so I have no doubt, that others will perhaps see it in a similar fashion.....

A young lady was having difficulty with meditation,,,and is listening to the AC CD, describing what God did or didn't mean to her,,,and feeling like she knew she found a place where she could discuss things, without being stomped on....and I remember how I think we all went through similar experiences...(this was actually in the 11:11 Phenom thread )?????

The conversation went from one subject to another and then into dreams,,and I remember George's reply to Sammy, when he said,, her dream was very real,,, it was like I could hear him say it,,,and I had to stop as I realized my awareness of dimensional realities had changed ..A L O T...perhaps, shifted would be a good word...

Happy Rain came in and left a wonderful post,,,,and YOUR posts Sandy,,,,wow ,,,if I write what i feel about them,,it would likely embarrass you,,,and that would be totally un-intentional...(I left the un- out ,,,till I re-read this) :shock:

I guess what I'm trying to say,,,is there has been huge growth amongst us all,,,,which should give any newbie encouragement to keep meditation,,at whatever endeavour,,,,because being here,,,helping each other,,,sharing our experiences, knowledge gained from such and wisdom, has made an incredible impact on us all.

It's now 7 yrs since I first came here (this fall) and even though I didn't post for quite some time..several times,,I had never completely left..what I learned here about M & N which also gave me the UB,,,was like a 'seal' and you can't cut up or throw away those 'seals' nor would one want to...for they are a part of me,,,like you and George,,,and all the other wonderful connections made through this message board.
hmmmmmmmm I have an idea cookin..... COOKIN :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: OMG red hot peppers ! YIKES !!!

can I ever get off track...hee hee hee!! :mrgreen: be careful sunshine!!! we need those fingers on the keyboard !!!

love and blessings,,pp :love
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Re: The Secret

Post by Sandy »

I hear you, PP, :)

Do you remember back in 2008 on this thread we all had a feeling that it was going to be an eventful year for all of us? Now I don't remember whether we were thinking in terms of spiritual progress or physical, or even a combination of both... its been too long and the details are sketchy. But in reality it seemed we all struggled that year with different "doo dads" that cropped up in our lives and for a while I remember thinking this wasn't what we had in mind when we spoke of the early optomism of 2008. Yet in looking back now, maybe the more difficult things, like stepping stones, led the way to an ever more "beautiful garden", I'll be honest though, I sure wish life were always smooth sailing. Maybe it will be some day and that is exactly what we are progressing towards...You, with your infinite patience learned over the past couple years....not to mention the trust and faith you have in the flow of "good" in your life...." all stepping stones for better ways of being and processing life.

Thank you... :oops: Yep, I do get easily red faced with any kind of compliments... :lol: They are appreciated, yes...but I do feel ackward. I am sure some self esteem issues lie at the bottom of that, eh? ;)
So lets swing the conversation back to my favorite topic...FOOD! :bana:

Do tell...what's this banana egg bread? Is it anything like bread pudding? ...certainly sounds like something I would enjoy especially since I am at this moment looking at three spotted bananas begging to be 'baked."
I did get my hot sauce made last night and it turned out pretty well and without any casualties. ;) The duct tape worked like a charm but the the smell is still lingering though the a way it smells like the hot wings my ex used to enjoy. But I haven't made George a chicken in a month so the added chicken smell must be my own imagination. The recipe went so well that I think I am going to bottle some more but this time try to seal it in sterilized jars. After all, it may be years before we grow hot cayenne pepper again. Oh that reminds me, I am on cloud nine! :bana: A few days ago I found dried black beans in a vegetable store...something I have been looking for for years here. I have some soaking on the stove for supper tonight. Most of what is left will then go into a kind of black bean veggie if anybody has any ideas or recipes for garden burgers involving black beans I would love to hear it. Otherwise, I will probably "wing it" and there is a fifty fifty chance that the taste will be enjoyable. Of course there is always google too...I always forget that I have the world's recipe file at my fingertips with a flick of my fingers. :roll: I feel a bit stone age in today's modern world.

Well, I'm off to see what trouble I can get into. Please tell Laura I said hello and we miss her when you talk to her, okay?

Love you, :kiss:
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Re: The Secret

Post by theunim »

Hello hello :)

I've been gone for way too long! And I kind of suspect I might disappear again soon- my last of three classes in a graduate course sequence started recently and it's a doozy! (Along with everything else...) (But I'm also on Facebook a lot?! So I have no excuse... :( :( :( :( )

I have been thinking about you all as of late! Hope everyone is doing well. I am so thankful that this forum is here to return to every so often, when I get a chance. I'm also very thankful for all the messages that are sent through the e-mail list.

I saw that eggs recipe and almost took it seriously, then I saw that the yolks would have been green and black. Then I had to reread. :O

:O !

Well, I chuckled a little later on, with all the egg puns.

Take care everyone! *leaves a vase with a bouquet of silk flowers on the table* ;-)

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Re: The Secret

Post by Sandy »

Hello (((((((((((((T)))))))))))),
I am so happy to see you popping in today! I have been thinking of you too...I made some of your blueberry white chocolate cookies not long ago...Gosh they are good. :mrgreen: We are trying to behave (again) these days. :roll: Maybe the 100th time is the charm. :lol: Let's see, how many times can Sandy and George turn over a new leaf before the "health tree blossoms" in their home? :lol: Still it is good to make every effort...much like spiritual work even a little is beneficial and appreciated.

Anyway, you sound as if you have been so busy! Wow, three classes and all they entail can do that to a person, as well as your share of the home duties and taking care of your husband and the puppies...Lets see are they three of them?... or am I counting one that you were simply taking care of on a past visit?
Are you still keeping up with your music too?

In all honesty, the egg recipe was sort of a real one...You see before I came to be here with George that is the way his boiled eggs were made... quite unintentionally, mind you, but the way it turned out every time. He would start them on the stove and then get immersed in his work and eventually hearing them when nearly all the water was boiled out of the pan and they made a horrendous rattling sound. To his indiscriminate taste buds they were perfectly fine even yummy. :lol: Of course we don't have “Doctor Seuss's green eggs” any more. ;)

So in honor of my recent stab at better eating I am making Halvah to share with everyone... These little balls are full of protein from the ground almonds and tahini and just a touch of sweetness from the tablespoon of we can enjoy them with no guilt. The flowers are lovely by the way. :D It's good to have you around the kitchen table again, T. :D
Love you, sweetie! :kiss:
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Re: The Secret

Post by peacockplume »

Oh I agree Sandy,,,,,

Hi {{{{{{{T}}}}}}} it has been a long time....but I think I'm 'more absent',,

Nice to hear you being busy, busy, busy....that's what youth does,,,,gets in every special moment....(I remember well) and wouldn't want to have to be doing it now...heh heh,,,once was enough...glad you are doing well and thank you for the flowers, we should be able to have some fun with those..... :sunflower: :sunflower: :sunflower: xoxo

Sandy,,,please share the Halva recipe,,,,I remember eating it,,,but never thought of making it,,,,

something new to try.....before I don't have any utensils on hand... :finger:

we're on tippy toes about the house,,,,,so no mentioning it for awhile,,,however,,, :finger:

since I had to give up moving furniture,,,I've taken on sorting and packing and unpacking and sorting clothes,,,you know,,,from summer ones to winter ones....the other two seasons just blend into either....but six mo ago when I changed to winter,,and everything went into storage,,I didn't think I'd have to go storage digging...but I did last week,,,and found some summer stuff, light dresses and skirts (long),,now I can put away some of the heavier stuff and if everything is still in storage by next winter, I'll be shopping,,,not shifting,,,boxes and totes.

Hubby has a job with a gardening co. and they are having a good time,,,he even works for the owners at their home...that is going well.
Can't think of much else sweet ones....still practicing meditation,,,some days really good,,,some days not so good.... :mrgreen:

Loves to you all,,,,and pass the halva please..xoxoxo pp
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Re: The Secret

Post by Sandy »

Hello PP! :hithere

Halvah is on my mind because I am making it a little later this afternoon since we have given up cookies for least my super sweet American recipes anyway. :lol: This one is good for you full of protein and a real energy booster...

so here goes...


1 and 1/3 cup almonds
1/2 cup raw tahini
3 Tablespoon honey
1 teaspoon vanilla
1 tablespoon plus 1 teaspoon carob powder.
(I have substituted cocoa powder but cut back a little on the amount listed as it is a little more powerful then carob powder)

In a food processor, place almonds and process until finely ground. Add the tahini, honey and vanilla;process thoroughly. Place 1/2 of the mixture in a bowl; set aside. Add carob to the remainder and process.
Press the plain mixture onto a plate or pan until it is 1/4 of an inch (0.5 cm) thick ) don't worry about filling the pans, just press the mixture into the correct thickness. Pat the carob mixture between your hands until it is the approximately the same thickness. Place the carob mixture over the plain mixture and press them together to make a 1/2 inch (1 cm) thick two-colored slab of Halvah ( I never worry about being exact here. This recipe is very forgiving as you will see this isn't all that important. ;) Chill the halvah in the refrigerator for 1 hour or more, then cut into bite-sized pieces and roll into little balls. Yields 20-24 pieces.

Okay as you can see I forgot that there was a little more honey then what I mentioned earlier. But still it isn't bad I don't think. This is a healthy way to nip the hunger craving if needed between meals and give you a boost of energy to boot. enjoy! If you don't have a food processor just grind the nuts and put them in a bowl to mix with other ingredients. It will be a little stiff so a wooden spoon might be best.

I had to smile, PP, as I am contemplating doing just the opposite here...putting away most of the cooler summer clothes and digging through the storage boxes in the closet for my warmer clothes. Well let's hope that this is the last time you have to root through storage to change clothes. :finger:

It is good to hear that Allen's gardening work is going well! :sunflower: How is Laura doing? Please tell her I said hello, okay?
Love you all,
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Re: The Secret

Post by peacockplume »

:hithere Hi back,,,

ok, got the recipe,,,Danke,,,merci,, gracie (sp) mucho gracias and thank you,,,hmmm,,,I used to be able to spell once also...

only 24 itsy bitsy bite size pieces hey! guess I better double that recipie from the get go.....

But,,then,,,that's alot of nuts,,,good protein,,but high in fat...

OK,,I won't double it!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

Yes, I did say hello to Laura,,,and she sends love back,,,

I think she's having a hard time,,,after all is said and done,,,I think she expected to be able to walk like she used to,,right away.

Perhaps we/you, could put her on the healing list to help her with stretching her tendons out again....She is not going to need a new knee after all. Now that is a miracle, but the rest is going to take 'time' and physical work. We still talk,,almost every day, and it's a work in progress to make sure we don't slide down into 3D negativity about the whole process. she needs my nickname pp ...patience and perseverance.

ah, well,,Bless her heart,,,it's been a long and slowed down road for her,,,and lessons are sometimes hard to accept, once you figure them out....

It just passed 11:11 here,,so I'll say nighty nite for now,,

love you,, :love pp
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Re: The Secret

Post by Sandy »

Hi PP,
Thanks for explaining what Laura is going through at this time. It has been a long and painful road for her, and to be honest I think she has shown more fortitude and patience then I would have in a same or similar circumstance. God bless her. Well, I am hoping she sees light at the end of the "healing tunnel" now... She has earned all that "wisdom" the hard way and I admire her greatly as I do you too. :kiss:
For all of you new to this site and forum Laura is known as memawlaura on the board and in October 2011 (correct me if I'm wrong PP) she had a terrible accident in which one of her leg was broken and crushed. She nearly lost it and it has been a very long and painful road to recovery.
I am praying for her, PP and will ask George to send her need to the circle of healers. How old is Laura?... and is it all right to say as the location New Mexico, USA? Please tell her we love her and she is not and never has been far from our thoughts and hearts here.
Thanks PP. You are a good friend and sister to all of us. :love
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Re: The Secret

Post by peacockplume »

Hey there sweet Sis....

I just pm'd you the pers info for Laura,,,but I do know I can say here that you were only off a year....her accident happened Oct 11, 2010,,,,unreal she spent Christmas 2010 and now you got me wondering,,,but I think 2011 also in I remember they left in the spring of 2012 and went to Oregon to pick up the trailer. had Christmas in Las Crueses,,,and this is their second spring in NM. So 2012, would be the year that she 'finally' had all the hardware taken out of her leg,,,then she had to go on antibiotics,,,intravenous,,,,every day for six weeks....and she's just over that....the blessing is that her knee managed to she can avoid a knee replacement. But she still has a long road of more pain,,,as the muscles and tendons shrunk...and her right foot doesn't go down we're hoping they will give her therapy to get those tendons and muscles stretched back out...I didn't hear from her today,,,,hmmm...hang on a couple of min........ WHIST WHIST WHIST

Ok,,,just gave her a quick call, all is ok,,,,,now I'm going to keep talking with her,,,Loves to you all from us both.
Memaw and pp xoxoxo :love
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Re: The Secret

Post by Sandy »

Hello PP and Laura too!
We were just talking about "T''s" blueberry white chocolate cookies on a thread in the prayer section and so I will be doing a search to try to find that cookie recipe somewhere on this big ole thread. but I have been wanting to bump it anyway so we don't loose it to automatic forum pruning anyway.

PP, it was good to get your email last week! For all of you who may remember, PP, and her hubby had been trying to sale their house for several years now so they could follow their dreams and sure enough and even better then could have been planned, things fell together this past year. They are on the road in their beautiful wheeled home taking in the sites of Arizona and the American west as we speak. I will try to get permission to post her email here so others can read all about their adventures on the road. :finger:

Anyway, this thread still holds a bunch of precious memories for many of us as we often "let our hair down" here and speak as if we were all sitting around the kitchen table together. One reason it was dubbed, "The international coffee house" by a few of our members. On this thread we talk about anything that comes to mind. :)

Okay I am off to try to find that cookie recipe somewhere on the 149 pages of this thread. Have a lovely day/night where ever you find yourself on this big spinning planet! :hithere
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Re: The Secret

Post by Sandy »

Okay here it is, for Cassandra and anybody else who may be interested...

(I did as she suggested and cut the sugar in nearly half since I too was using very sweet white chocolate bits my Nestle. (grrr... trying to avoid buying products by that company though! Just couldn't find another manufacturer over here. Think Cadbury was out.)

T's Blueberry White Chocolate Cookies...
by theunim » Thu Apr 14, 2011 3:39 pm

The long awaited recipe! I'm so sorry....I've been so distracted these past several days but I finally got to typing it and here it is, in all its glory from the book and including my own notes. :)

White Chocolate Chunk Cookies with Dried Blueberries

½ cup (1 stick) sweet butter (Or, unsweetened. Also: I melt the butter down, have not yet tried making this cookie without melting first.)
1 cup superfine sugar
1 egg
2 tsp. vanilla extract
1 ¼ cups all-purpose flour
½ tsp. baking soda
½ tsp. baking powder
¼ tsp. salt
¼ cup oatmeal
1 ½ (8 oz.) chopped white chocolate chunks
½ cup (3 oz.)dried blueberries

1. Preheat the oven to 375ºF (190ºC)
2. Beat the butter and sugar and then add the egg and vanilla, then set aside.
3. Sift together dry ingredients and stir in the oatmeal.
4. Incorporate the mixed dry ingredients, white chocolate, and dried blueberries into the butter mixture.
5. Roll into balls and use your fingers to flatten onto a non-stick baking sheet, about 2 in. (5 cm) apart. Bake for 8 to 10 minutes. Cool 5 minutes.
6. When cool, store in an airtight container for 4 to 5 days.
Yield: supposedly 2 dozen. It all depends on how big you make the cookie balls when you roll them. Just eye it, or use a ½ tbsp measuring spoon (or equivalent, something to make the ball an inch across) to scoop out and level cookie dough, then roll into balls after taking out from the spoon.
-A variation: I use Nestle white chocolate morsels, which probably make the cookies sweeter than the recipe really is. As a result, you may want to reduce the amount of sugar you use, as I have personally found that if I used1 cup of superfine, it’s very sweet, and some people might not like it. If you don’t have superfine sugar, you can put regular sugar through a food processor, but don’t process the sugar to the point of fine powder (you’ll know if you’re doing this if you see some of the sugar puff into the air like small sugar clouds when you open the container). However, regular granulated sugar will be fine, too, if you do not have a processor.
-Another variation: I found out how to make a different variation of this cookie by accident when I mixed the sugar into the butter over the heat, as the butter was melting – the cookie had a larger spread on the cookie sheet and also a harder, toffee-like outcome. I must also note that when this happened, I was using Sugar in the Raw (what they call turbinado sugar) in that batch)

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Re: The Secret

Post by LurkerAbyss »

Thanks a ton for sharing that Sandy! And thanks to T as well for the recipe. My mom and I have been looking for things to bake together for the holiday season this year so it comes at the right time.

Also, I am pretty sure it's time to start up the coffee pot, so I'll get brewing that for us. :bana:

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Re: The Secret

Post by Sandy »

I could use a cup of coffee about now, Lucky. :roll I mowed the yard at record speed. (rain looming) earlier today and as it is early evening my body and mind are starting to get a little too relaxed considering I still haven't started anything for our supper. Somebody in the area has though and the smells wafting in through the open windows has me longing to go looking for the source. So why is it that everyone else's dinner always smells so much better then my own? :mrgreen:

They are delicious cookies, Lucky... and like you say, different from the usual fare. I love it that you and your mom make cookies together. That is so cool! :sunflower:

Love you, :kiss:
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Re: The Secret

Post by Petra Wilson »

Hello, wow! it's been a long time since I graced this place. Phew! let me just get the broom and clear away some of the
dust and cobwebs!!
That's better! Mine's a Gentle Night tea and maybe a slice of this chocolate pie I make thrice a week for the kids and their
friends if they're around: Old fashioned chocolate pie
The picture is one I took but the recipe came from somebody else. And instead of water I used milk and a bit of low fat cream.
Oh, and I made my own base of a biscuit/cookie plain type and after it had baked and cooled, just poured the chocolate filling on top
let it cool, placed in fridge for an hour and then, a swirl of canned fresh creal, voila! It was funny because I had a vivid dream of making
my very first all-American chocolate pie. I kept hankering for one despite the film The Help where I drooled over Minny saying something
about the secret being the vanilla....well, I even bought real vanilla to add to it....but just the vanilla mind!
Cooking healthy meals for me and mine seems to be my main occupation now. Since money is so tight I'm glad to tell the kids I am no longer
buying anymore processed foods but will bake and make all their favourites instead. After a bit of moaning, they admit it's better!
Shopping these days, I have to have my reading spectacles with me to check everything. I looked at the ingredients for rice pudding and the
list went on a bit. Now I make it myself and it's soooo easy!

Laters :D xx
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Re: The Secret

Post by Sandy »

Hey Petra,
LOL I bet this place was a mess because it has been months since we were sitting around the kitchen table here... Thanks for doing the clean-up! :love
Fudge pie was one of my favourites when I was growing up and yours looks delicious! :bana: I gained 5 pounds just looking at it! :lol: The cool thing about pies is you can "lighten them up" with better results then you can with cakes and even cookies...
Since January George and I have been doing the same thing...tossing out processed foods. It is surprising sometimes where it sneaks in. I discovered this when buying sour cream for a dip on one of my home visits. To my horror, the sour cream contained something designated "natural flavours" which is a "no no" for people with celiac disease and thus my poor sister-in-law couldn't have any of it!
I was shocked because I had never checked labels on my dairy product before... always assumed they were as natural as the cow's udder that provided it! :shock:
We have been off of sugar for months and then last week I made these dreamy lemon bars. Gosh they tasted good going down but we both immediately noticed a difference in our emotional and mental well being...sounds strange I know...but just like the low carb promoting Docs tell you...sugar is like a drug and creates more cravings...sigh. So now we are towing the line aggressively again.
I've been making homemade chocolate...using raw cacao, coconut oil and agave syrup. ... gredients/ I have been looking for Yacon (sp.?) syrup which is supposed to be better then agave for diabetes but so far have been able to locate it at the local health food stores. Maybe we are still okay as we only allow ourselves one little square a day as a treat. :finger: :mrgreen: Your children are very blessed to have a mom who loves to cook and has the wealth of knowledge in this area that you do. Do they like cooking and baking too? I wished I had cooked and baked with my boys as they were growing up. I think I dropped the ball on that one... :( Still Matt has become a pretty good home cook and often surprises his sweet wife on special days with some fabulous baked creation.)
Now I have this urge to go bake something...maybe a little later. :bana:
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Re: The Secret

Post by Petra Wilson »

Well that's weird Sandy! I have been sounding off like a Nazi when it comes to sugar to the kids!!
They're like: "it's just a bit of sweetning!"
And I'm like: "NOOOOOOOOOOOO IT bloody isn't!!!"
It is poison!
Even though they laugh they do reduce that poison and add raw honey instead. When I see them add
honey instead of sugar, I pretend not to notice.
Today Mathilda demanded of me when she came home from gym: "Giz some money so's I can buy an energy drink!"
I answered: "Sod off! And know what you put into your body, woman!"
"I'm 14 mama! Not a woman, yet"
She sure does look like it though. Oh Lord! Make me a better mom!
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Re: The Secret

Post by Sandy »

Today Mathilda demanded of me when she came home from gym: "Giz some money so's I can buy an energy drink!"
I answered: "Sod off! And know what you put into your body, woman!"
"I'm 14 mama! Not a woman, yet"
She sure does look like it though. Oh Lord! Make me a better mom!
:lol: Petra you have nothing to worry're a great mom! Still it doesn't hurt to ask for more help from "above",eh?
I am saying the same thing and my "youngins" are grown up and in their thirties... Some days I wonder though who is the more mature...them or me.. :oops:

We've been using stevia the most these days to sweeten things. I love honey, but it also raises G's blood sugar too much to use frequently.

I saw a news story about a month ago where they are considering putting energy drinks in a case behind the counter and only people over 18 or so would be able to buy them. I think the problem is they have a shocking amount of caffeine... (I think that was what it was as I don't drink them and was only half listening while I was working on something else.) There was so much caffeine that it was much like a drug and causing problems.
We just walked to the park to pick dandelions for Stuart. The gardening powers that be mowed about 9 days ago and so for awhile there was slim pickings but thankfully, they are growing back and we did really well today. :sunflower: Crazy to get so excited over a bag full of weeds but he is such a sweet rabbit and he loves them so...

Well, that's my day... real exciting stuff, huh?... and I haven't even told you about hanging the washing on the line.. ;) :lol: Ah well, as long as we do whatever we do with a smile on our face...(Thinking of Welle's recent posts now) we'll be okay! :love
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Re: The Secret

Post by Petra Wilson »

LOL Sandy, the excitement of putting the washing on the line eh? I'm getting like my father-in-law with
my fetish for clothes pegs! He buys lots of them in different styles. I colour coordinate mine now!! :roll:
At the moment I only use red, white and blue ones.
Sorry for not being on, the connection is so weak these days. I answered your PM, full of witticisms and whatnot,
I clicked send and nada! The PM disappeared, so hopefully this post will work.
It was mainly going on about not consuming meat that we don't know where it came from. In fact, meat that we
have seen frolicking about eating grass and was killed and slaughtered by the farmer on his land. Great when we can
get hold of this ideal meat, vegetarian when we can't. I'm fed up of my hypocrisy.
Well, Phil's just cooked up some artichokes for lunch....Mmm with a nice dressing to go with it.

:loves to you and everyone,
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Re: The Secret

Post by Sandy »

Hi Petra,
I just finished listening to my Akashic construct cd. I'm afraid I am a tad guilty in letting some time lapse since my last visit but just as you told me in a pm... mine too was just as I had left it. I didn't ask for a celestial or a patient because I needed some quiet time and a quiet place to think and pray. I can always find it there. Had a lovely surprise before I left... tell you about it later... had me in tears though.

Anyway what a gorgeous full moon last night. I was walking Stuart just after the sun went to sleep but still light enough to see where we were going and there it was...delicate light reflecting over the lake highlighting a man standing up in a "flatish" kind of row boat but pushing it along with a stick...(Koona bay is treacherous for stranding boats in the mud.) What a picture! ... like something you would see in a Photographic magazine... May I always see the beauty that is all around me at any given moment. :happy

More laundry again today and a walk with George to the post office along with all those other little jobs that fill up the day. Not the stuff of legends but good enough for me, eh? I couldn't help but remember with those last words a quote from Rev. Martin Luther King Jr...
"If a man is called to be a street sweeper, he should sweep streets even as Michelangelo painted, or Beethoven composed music, or Shakespeare wrote poetry. He should sweep streets so well that all the hosts of heaven and earth will pause to say, here lived a great street sweeper who did his job well."
I always loved that. :D

I certainly understand your position on being careful and considerate of the life that has given its own for your consumption. George still eats just a little meat as you know, so I will do my part and begin researching this area for the better option for the animals as well as the people.

Well, enjoy your sunlit (hopefully...unless you need rain of course) day over there... XXOO
“We measure and evaluate your Spiritual Progress on the Wall of Eternity." – Guardian of Destiny, Alverana.
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