First Experiences with Track 1

This is a forum for those who want to share the Akashic Construct, and their experiences of it. The AC is a structured meditation designed specifically to enable contact with celestials, and also humans for the purposes of teaching or healing.
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First Experiences with Track 1

Post by murlin99 »

This was originally sent to Sandy in a PM. But the more I thought about being a Student of the Construct I figured all experiences are helpful to the study of the Akashic Construct and beyond so I have decided to also post it here. All of my experiences from here on out will be posted to this board.

I started with Track 1 on the evening of January 4th.

I started with track one last night. I turned on the fan and laid down in bed, I turned on the fan because I like the breeze, I did not have it blowing directly on me but enough just to feel the breeze. I covered up to my neck, since of course we are in the middle of Ohio winter and it was around 20F outside which makes my bedroom a bit cold. I was warm and comfortable. I turned of all of the lights and hit play.

It took me a moment to even start to relax but eventually I did. By the time the track got to the piece about the rose bush I was fully relaxed. I know this was my very first time attempting this with this track but what happened was interesting to say the least. I did not actually "see" the rose bush but I could feel that it was there, it was large and dark green, with bright red petals and very sharp thorns, it was growing in very rich dark moist soil, I could see one of the flowers of the rose floating in air, it was spinning around proudly letting me look a the smooth perfect petals, the deep rich red color. That is where my mind deviated from the track and created its own reality. There was no fence and no garden of rose bushes. There was the one rose bush, and it was growing in front of a huge marble pillar, I could not see the top of the pillar, or I since I could not actually see it I felt that it was huge and I could not see the top of it. The roots of the rose bush were deep, I felt that they probably stretched to the core of the Earth. I felt that I could see around the pillar and behind it off in the distance I could just make out a distant mountain range, or maybe it was closer than that, that part is very fuzzy in my mind. Then I could sense another rose bush off to the left of the one I was focused on, it was not doing as well as the one I was focused on, it was sitting by its self, no pillar, no rich dark soil, its leaves were much lighter than the one I was focused on. I wanted to help it but did not know how or what I could do to help it. When the track ended it was hard to leave the rose bush, one because mine was so beautiful and at the same time I still wanted to try to help the other one. The more I think about this while writing this email it is blurred as to weather or not I only felt these things or I saw them, the images are so clear in my mind at this point it does feel like I actually saw these things not just "felt" them.

I got up out of bed, feeling more relaxed than I have in a long time and joined my wife in the living room. We chatted for a while then went to bed for the night. I was still thinking about the rose bush when I went to bed, I fell asleep right away. When I woke up this morning I was instantly thinking about the rose bushes and thought about them all the way to work, though very calm, not much of anything was bothering me this morning. I can't wait to listen to the track again when I return home this evening.

Peace and Happiness,
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Re: First Experiences with Track 1

Post by sammy »

BRYAN!!!!! :bana: :bana: :bana: That is an amazing first experience! You are off to a great start!

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Re: First Experiences with Track 1

Post by Geoff »

Dear Bryan,

Yes it is amazing, you are going to have some fun here.

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Re: First Experiences with Track 1

Post by Sandy »

Hey Bryan,
I am so happy with your decion to post your experiences on the board where we all can learn from them. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. (top too! :lol: )
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Re: First Experiences with Track 1

Post by amandabetty »

I wanted to help it but did not know how or what I could do to help it. When the track ended it was hard to leave the rose bush, one because mine was so beautiful and at the same time I still wanted to try to help the other one.
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Re: First Experiences with Track 1

Post by George »

Dear AmandaBetty,

The Rosebush Visualisation part of the Akashic Construct is 'borrowed' from a very successful psych test. It engages your superconscious without you having (needing) to realize this.

Automatically, the rosebush nearest to your own bush in your garden, is the person deemed by you to be your significant other... his/her flower represents the mindal/mental/emotional... his/her plant (stem and leaves) represents the physical... and his/her roots and soil (especially) represent that person's environment.

Your logical mind can reject this, your superconscious figured this out really well.
Best to go with the latter and try to improve the significant other's circumstances. :)

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Re: First Experiences with Track 1

Post by Joshauel »

Hi All, I'm Joshuael from Italy living in Holland, I just got the cd yesterday and planning to start this week end or monday, I dont know what I can expect, anyway I'll post also my experience after I done it.

Greetings & Love


Ps. I ordered this cd 'cose of the digit I see eacht time on my clock " 11:11 00:00, 12:12
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Re: First Experiences with Track 1

Post by sammy »

Hello Joshauel!

Welcome to the board! I can't wait to hear what you experience with the CD!

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Re: First Experiences with Track 1

Post by Sandy »

Hi Joshauel,
You wrote:
I don’t know what I can expect, anyway I'll post also my experience after I done it.
I look forward to hearing of your thoughts and experiences as you work through the tracks of the Akashic construct cd.
Many of us have learned as we have listened to the cd that it is best to go into each track not expecting anything. What I mean is, do not dwell on what you think or even wish to experience. Just allow the experience to come to you. I'm sorry that sounds so vague but it is best and helpful to simply relax in body and mind and know there is no right way or wrong way. It isn't something that you do that makes the experiences. The experiences come to you as you learn to simply relax and go with the flow. It often takes time and daily spiritual exercise. What we see as "progress is always made in our own right time and in our own way yet we have been assured by our celestial friends that we make spiritual progress every time we attempt stillness and some form of meditation.
No worries just relax and enjoy. :)

It's nice to have you on the board. Welcome, Joshauel. :hithere
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Re: First Experiences with Track 1

Post by George »

Let it happen, Joshauel,
Forget everything you know and approch the Akashic Construct with a blank mind.
THAT is when things start to happen.
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Re: First Experiences with Track 1

Post by Joshauel »

Hello everybody :kiss:
I'm sorry I started ASKING without introduce myself ( als I'd like to say that my English is not perfect ... ),

I' m Giuseppe from Italy living in Holland ( George your born little-beautyfull Country :D ) , Joshuael is my Akashic-Soul name , I discovered around +/- 9 years ago
also trough a couple of Years deep meditations , I was allowed to know that , also meet many beautyfull Light-Beings I was channeling and trough a good friend in Rotterdam I dicovered also to be capable or the gift of Clairovoyance or like We say in Dutch " Medium " I was allowed to be at service helping some People giving beautyfull message from the "Other side " to Phisiscal People here on Mother Earth.
I "woke-up" aroung the beginning of the new Millenium 2000, After a motor accident and short after my lovely daddy past-away, I felt terrible like I open up and everything from my child years till now came up, a lot of fear, pain, hanger, I feel like I am into a new different world " MY SPIRITUAL WORLD "
After a lot of different therapy, I knew what Aura's, Chakra's, Hypnoses are, I got the gift of clairvoyant and I meet my lovely spiritual guide's and totem-animals who're helping me, I am attuned in Usui-Reiki, 7 facet Seichim and Golden Triangle-Pyramid.

Well, for a couple of years I done nothing, Now is a second call " so in my own words/feeling call it " ( maybe it as to do with the 2012.. ),
I feel alot of hi-tension ans some fear comming out again, it feels like my Trust is kind of loosed ... anyway after seeing many time on my living room clock digit like 12:12, 00:00... and finally a couple of weeks ago 11:11, I done a search on Internet and discovered this website telling and expalaining the 11:11 Phenomen :) .
Like I sayed in my post , I ordered the cd and got it 3 day ago, I'd like to say that It is nou a couple of weeks I started intensively meditating on a kind of Hypno-meditation made by Dick de Ruiter ( sie link if You like .. : >> , what I experience the last couple of days is, after this hypno-med I feel a very warm head, and like I'm dronk, also from time to time I see some shape of non Phisical in my living room , I'm trying trough meditation to refind and achive my peace of mind and let go of old fear, I know that what stop Us to communicate it is hi-tension and fear anyway I keep do my very best, I hope to get intouch with my Own Soul first so I can/may communicate again with The High-Realm, I love Live and I'm really Gratefull of everythings...

Dear Friend We keep in touch WE ARE ONE :kiss:

Ps. If You like to visit my self-made website, let me know , I will give You the link of it. ( George, I sended You an e-mail trough your main website... ).

Love You ALL

Joshuael :hithere :loves
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Re: First Experiences with Track 1

Post by Joshauel »

Hi to All :kiss:
I done it now 2 days toghether with a good friend of mine , it is really nice , the first day was it little difficolt ( George your nice accent , you use British-Australian words like scalp etc. ) I'm more used to American way :) like Head , anyway , yesterday was it easyier, I dont have any difficolty to visualize the nice Rose , this afternoon I will do it again , Also I experienced " yeasterday " more calmness and Joy , I keep going and let You know ...


Joshuael :kiss: :hithere
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Re: First Experiences with Track 1

Post by George »

Hi Joshuael,

Stay with the practice. Your celestial friends need to know if you are determined before they show up. 12:112, 00:00 and especially 11:11 deals with Midwayers.

Things like reincarnation and soul names is not "the thing" here or with the Midwayers.
They offer no answers on these concepts.

God bless...

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Re: First Experiences with Track 1

Post by Joshauel »

George wrote:Hi Joshuael,

Stay with the practice. Your celestial friends need to know if you are determined before they show up. 12:112, 00:00 and especially 11:11 deals with Midwayers.

Things like reincarnation and soul names is not "the thing" here or with the Midwayers.
They offer no answers on these concepts.

God bless...

Hi George , yes I stay on the practice and I'm determinate , last night my clock was showing 00:00 again, also I like to say that what I mensioned over erincarnation and my Soul name was only for informing You all about ME , I dont focus myzelf on that, but I follow Your cd , my meaning is to reconnect , I will share my experience of yesterday, I was doing the 1th track again , but I changed the shape and colour of the beautyfull roses , the first 2 days the fisrt rose-boosh wheren White and big the next light pink smaller and then other red and yellow, yesterday the first was light pink and middle size the next to them wheren White and big and indid was a fence , it was beautyfull angan , and I felt calm end energised again after I woke up , ThankYou for this wonderfull tool You offer ( I still work out on Your nice accent ) this afternoon I will do it again , on sunday I will go over to the second track, I stay in touch.

Love You All :kiss:

Joshuael :hithere
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Re: First Experiences with Track 1

Post by George »

When you work the Akashic Construct you need to be relaxed.

Clear your mind. Let it happen.

To me you are sounding intense... pushing it... stay cool 8)

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Re: First Experiences with Track 1

Post by Joshauel »

George wrote:When you work the Akashic Construct you need to be relaxed.

Clear your mind. Let it happen.

To me you are sounding intense... pushing it... stay cool 8)

ThankYou, I sure will push



We stay in touch
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Re: First Experiences with Track 1

Post by George »

Nah !

You need to be RELAXED, NOT PUSH! :)

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Re: First Experiences with Track 1

Post by Joshauel »

George wrote:Nah !

You need to be RELAXED, NOT PUSH! :)

Wahahah I menan no push in that way , but relaxed gentile push " to myself , not the proces :)
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Re: First Experiences with Track 1

Post by Sandy »

Hi Joshauel,
I am enjoying your posts and the dialog between you and George. Listening to your description of your rose bush, makes me think I would enjoy doing that exercise again since it has been awhile. Thank you for sharing with us your experience.
I like your determination! :D
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Re: First Experiences with Track 1

Post by Joshauel »

Sandy wrote:Hi Joshauel,
I am enjoying your posts and the dialog between you and George. Listening to your description of your rose bush, makes me think I would enjoy doing that exercise again since it has been awhile. Thank you for sharing with us your experience.
I like your determination! :D
Hi Sandy and thankYou, yes I still/will stay determinated, and go trough the process, I'd like to tell and also ask some about what I sow this morning when I was waking out from my sleep, I sow a big man ( kind of Chinese " almost looking-like Mother Kwan-Yin " but He was a man * an Old-one ) looking at me , saying nothing just looking at me for +/- a minute , could He be one of the 11:11 ? do You reconnaise Him ? ( there most be a reason for this beautyfull show-up, anyway I do today and tomorrow the last 2 days of the first track, Monday I'll go over to the second track .
I'd like to tell also that yesterday I was again attacked bij an heavy fear-attack :( , I toke an halve calming pil I got from my doc to take it in such case .

Love You All :kiss:

Joshuael :hithere :love
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Re: First Experiences with Track 1

Post by George »

Why do you have anxiety attacks, Joshauel?

There is a Midwayer nick-named Mongo-zulu (MNO-?) working in both England and the Netherlands, but
he is not old.

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Re: First Experiences with Track 1

Post by Joshauel »

George wrote:Why do you have anxiety attacks, Joshauel?

There is a Midwayer nick-named Mongo-zulu (MNO-?) working in both England and the Netherlands, but
he is not old.

Hi George , I have this panic-attac since 2/4 mounths right now ( thats not nice ) I dont know why ,maybe becouse the last couple of years I had alot of tension and sorrow... ( maybe You can ask Our friends... more info about and advicee from Them to me on how I can this panic-attac,tensions and fear let go " maybe They can help me out,I'll be very very Gratefull"
About what I sow this morning He was very tall but not really old ( what I meaned by saying old, Is becouse He looks like away old Chineese samurai of the past :-) , do You think could He be the one You mention? If Yes maybe You can ask for confirmation and the meaning of He's visit to me ok?
By the way George I just done my dayly meditation just 10 minutes ago, one day to go now before I start Track 2 , We stay in Touch and read about Your answear about my question I done in this last replay of mine ok?
Love & Bless.

Joshuael :love
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Re: First Experiences with Track 1

Post by Sandy »

Dear Joshauel,
I am sorry that you have experienced so much tension and sorrow in your life. Many people who post here understand how that feels and reach out to you in understanding and Love. Sometimes we hang onto the hurts and hard things that happen to us and replay them in our minds over and over again. I admit I have a tendency to do this myself if I am not careful and conscious of what I am doing. Usually something sad or fearful touches me and it is very easy to remember other sad things, making me feel worse and worse. I call this spiralling downwards and that is almost what it feels like, as if you are falling into a deep dark hole. What has helped me in these situations is to recognize what I am doing, which is, in a way, punishing myself. So perhaps, in my case, this could fall into the area of self esteem issues that haven't been addressed. I guess what I am trying to say is that we can be much harder on ourselves then what other people can be. And in reality, it is the way we feel about ourselves that is of most importance, not what other people think since we cannot control that in the least. It is the way we think of ourselves that can dictate whether we allow ourselves to feel happy, fulfilled and peaceful. I just want you to know that I see and intuit wonderful things from you. You have a loving human personality and that goes a long way in this world and in the next realm. It is in allowing love to fill us with peace and hope and in giving this same love to those around us that we truly progress our growing souls. So you are in this moment growing in what is most important in eternity, Love.

Please remember that you are a much loved and precious child to the Divine Creator of all that is... this has helped me many times when I was feeling lost, fearful and alone. We are not alone and we have guidance within us, God's spirit to lift us and assist us in every thing we attempt to do. It recognizes our successes and even failings as being equally important since this helps us to grow and progress into a strong, loving and knowledgeable human and eternal being.

Before I close my post, I remember that we have discussed panic attacks on another thread in the healing forum. You might find this helpful and interesting...

Any Tips For Panic Attacks
(link lost)

I also think that in doing the relaxation exercise that is exercise 2 and then moving eventually into the Akashic Construct exercise that you will find a kind of peaceful inner help. It seems often times as we become relaxed and in a calm alpha mental state that healing has a better opportunity to take place and with lasting effects. There is no need to rush though...take it slow and steady one step at a time, okay?

Please know that you have friends here and we will keep you in our thoughts and prayers as you work through what is troubling you.
With Love, :kiss:
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Re: First Experiences with Track 1

Post by George »

Dear Joshauel,

The Akashic Construct is designed to open your personal door to the Spiritual World.
Do stay with part One and Two until you have gone without an anxiety attack for at least
1 month.

Part three should be attempted from a sound, relaxed footing for the attainment of
accurate information -- past, present and future.

A period of time with intermittant anxiety attacks does not quite equate with living in
the NOW, and the now is an essential starting point for the Akashic Construct.

God bless...
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Re: First Experiences with Track 1

Post by George »

Dear Joshauel,

I thought about what you said and I remembere a transmission of 2011.

It's about 1. meditation, 2. finding a Teacher and 3. a Celestial Artisan ... in that order.

Go to: ... 49#p178749
and scroll down to the bold dark red.

Remember to apply patience. 8)

God bless...
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