How to figure out...

Use this forum to ask or post about 11:11, 12:34, 2:22, 22:22 etc. The wake-up digital clock signals of our loving celestial friends. They also delight in flicking on or off street lights, traffic lights and ringing door bells.
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How to figure out...

Post by Cassandra551 »

and should I even try?
I learned about the prompts of 11 through my mom who received them often and regularly. She always saw them as a confirmation of sorts, like a light on the path but she didn't seem to think farther than that. As a child and teen I characteristically rolled my eyes at "Mom's 11's" and tuned her out when she talked about it. As an adult , I found it mildly interesting but not enough to really delve into. When she died though and 11's surrounded her passing in droves I took notice! Since then, (2 years ago, in 2011 of course) I have "inherited" the 11's and I receive the prompts.
I do wonder though how much of it is me looking for my mom? This morning I "heard" her whistle (she had a special one like birdsong) in my head and saw that it was 7:11. So I think...there are different possibilities. My mom could be using the 11's to let me know she is here with me, the Midwayers use what they know will get my attention, or I am just missing my mom and looking for her and "finding" her because I so want to.
Maybe I just think too much because I am unemployed? :roll
If anyone has any ideas, wisdom, inspiration or thoughts, it is more than welcome :sunflower:
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Re: How to figure out...

Post by Sandy »

Hi Cassandra,
You wrote:
I do wonder though how much of it is me looking for my mom? This morning I "heard" her whistle (she had a special one like birdsong) in my head and saw that it was 7:11. So I think...there are different possibilities. My mom could be using the 11's to let me know she is here with me, the Midwayers use what they know will get my attention, or I am just missing my mom and looking for her and "finding" her because I so want to.
Maybe I just think too much because I am unemployed? :roll
How a bout a combination of all of the above? :) I am convinced that our communication between worlds is ever improving...I look to several of my own experiences in this area where someone I loved managed to get my attention and even answer an "un vocalized" question. How this occurs whether it is through Midwayers who can and do act as go betweens between our dimension and theirs, with permission of course, or in other methods the likes of which we haven't a clue... I don't know for sure.
it seems if my memory serves me, we have been told in years past via transmits... somewhere, that our loved ones can ask that we be prompted...

Here's one one of them...
Illawarra District, Australia, January 1, 2008.
Midwayer Chief Bzutu.
Subject: “Sponsoring To Be Prompted.”

Received by George Barnard.

Bzutu: “For every good deed, and for every bit of progress you make, the universe pays you back in kind. Well, it does so sooner or later, and for some it does so sooner, whilst for the likes of us hardworking Midwayers, it tends to be much later. However, unlike most of you mortals, we have untold amounts of patience to happily await our rewards.

“This is Midwayer Chief Bzutu. I want to speak with you about sponsoring. There are those of you who leave this earth; there are those of you who are translated to the Mansion Worlds, where they must achieve something, they must progress, they must do or learn something that is right, and ‘the universe’ will then pay them back with a favor. Frequently, in this, the Correcting Time, they are granted the request for a relative to be prompted by us. They can sponsor a relative still on earth to be contacted by us; to be lured and prodded, pushed and coerced into living a more spiritual life, even becoming a Midwayers’ associate.

“Millions (of humans) in these enlightened days are being prompted, and besides those who reach the Mansion Worlds, they are mostly the Cherubim who will sponsor their humans. Guardian Angels who become Destiny Guardians can have a comparatively short stay on the planet as they ascend with you, whilst Cherubim tend to remain here for thousands of years. And although, in your mind, you might well equate the Cherub’s relatively small stature with them possessing a lesser intellect, this is hardly so. Many Cherubim have the experience of decades, of centuries. They tend to know what their human beings are potentially capable of, and therefore, deservedly so, they too, will sponsor humans in their care more often than do the Destiny Guardians.

“As the numbers that are being time-prompted are increasing more and more, this is our plea, this is our urging you; to meditate, meditate, meditate -- to make contact with us, with your Teachers, with your God, and let the Correcting Time on this planet shine, shine, shine.

“I thank you both for your time. I thank you for your efforts. Let us collectively make 2008 a year which many in our realm will long remember. This is Midwayer Chief Bzutu. I say au revoir for now.”

George: “Thank you Chief.”
Of course this will only bring comfort if you are accepting of the channelled message. :)

But, I am not surprised at all that you have been prompted, Cassandra. It is your caring and concern for others that convinces me, not withstanding that your own Mother's experience with the 11:11s maybe even planted those initial seeds. But whatever it was or is...what is important I think is not where the 11's come from or even whether you believe in Midwayers assisting on this world...It is that you continue reaching out in love and in service to individuals and brightening this world and the lives of those here one person at a time... something it seems you are gifted at. And that you keep looking to know ever more the Supreme Source of Love.

Actually in searching for the above transmit I have spent nearly an hour reading through the messages about 11:11 found here...
Celestial Messages About 11:11 And Related Things

They are well worth a peek for all of us newbies and old timers alike. The searching today has brought back fond memories and I am reflecting now on this path of my choosing. It has given me great joy these past years since I heeded the Midwayers 11:11 hello. And I am reminded that within this short numerical prompt is a wealth of opportunity, knowledge, understanding, peace and love. So much more than the numerals reveal. We each find it in our own way, adding our own gifts and abilities to the mix of celestial/human interaction designed to lift our world a little at a time, providing our own unique stamp as history continues to unfold. :sunflower:

You will discover the truth of your experience yourself, Cassandra. It doesn't matter if it is today, tomorrow or 2000 years from now. You are already a bright Light... praying and sending love, caring, peace and help to those in need. You are a beautiful example, proof of this statement..."Love is really all we really need."
“We measure and evaluate your Spiritual Progress on the Wall of Eternity." – Guardian of Destiny, Alverana.
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Re: How to figure out...

Post by Cassandra551 »

It's 3:00 am here in Florida and I can't sleep, but it's so nice to come here and read your reply to me Sandy. Thank you for all your encouragement and your kind words. :loves
Funny you said "How about a combination of all the above?" because I had that same exact thought. And I had just recently read the very same channeled messages that you referenced, so I know that there is something there for me. We were definitely on the same frequency! Thank you for researching that for me.
Ahh, it is 3:33....maybe it is time to go back to bed and I can sleep? :roll

Thanks again Sandy, you are a blessing to me and so many others. :loves
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Re: How to figure out...

Post by sammy »

Maybe I just think too much because I am unemployed?
:lol: :lol: :lol: I KNOW THAT FEELING! (Love Pink's new(isn) song where she says "I think I think too much"!)

Cassandra.....where to much rolling around my head.....

My dad died in November of '11 in room 11 of the CICU (cardiac intensive care unit) 10:10pm. My mom knows about my 11 "sightings", and when I pointed out to her that he died in room 11 (at the time I didn't even realize it was 11/11), she was like :shock: :shock: :shock: "Your dad always saw 7:11". Since then, frequently I will be thinking about my dad and then see 711 on something...whether it's a license plate, receipt, clock or whatever.

I am a bit of a doubting thomas...I have an open mind, but you have to repeatedly bat me over the head for me to fully believe. That said, I find a LOT of comfort in my 711 soothes my heart. Part of me REALLY believes it's dad saying Hi, another part has it's share of doubts :oops: (But if you're reading this dad...Keep it up...doubts or not, they mean the world to me!)

As for "finding the meaning"...well, I think you have to do what feels right for you. Some here have very distinct associations with certain Sandy with 333 being Matthew, and George with 222 being the Chief, or 08 (MNO-8) being Dr. Mendoza....For me, when I see 08, I get a bit see I say TONS...I MEAN TONS of 08's just prior to my dad's surgery which culminated in his death...I was SURE the good doctor was on the case and every thing would be ok, but I guess 08's idea of ok and mine are vasty different :lol: .

I think when we are bombarded with these numbers, we can't help but look for meaning or definition.

Well...guess that didn't offer you any direction...but a least you know you're not alone! :mrgreen:

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Re: How to figure out...

Post by Cassandra551 »

Wow just can't ignore those numbers! It feels like a big billboard or something!
After my Mom passed her friend that brought her to the hospital told me that when she called him for help he glanced at the clock and it was 1:11am. He called me and I got the next flight out and she passed a few hours after I got there.A few days later he told me that when I called to tell him she passed he looked at the clock and it was 1:11am. He mentioned it to me as "how about that?" sort of thing because he didn't know anything about the 11's or my mom's prompts.
Just a few months prior, my then boyfriend( now husband) and I went to see my mom in Las Vegas where she lived and surprised her that we were going to get married right then and there during that trip. She was SO excited and we figured out which day was the best to go to the courthouse. Once we made the plans, my mom said "Do you realize that is 10/10/10?" When we got there the courthouse was overrun with couples wanting to get married on that day. We were going to leave and come back the next day when they told us they had a spot for us. The pictures I have of Allen and I and my Mom are so precious...she cut out a newspaper headline that said "It's all happening on 10/10/10" and made a frame around it. Since then, I associate 10's with tremendous good fortune. (On 10/11 last year I won a sweepstakes!)
I can think about this and chat about it for hours...but I think I better go do some earthly good and go to my volunteer job (until I get a paying job)
Thanks for telling me that story!
:loves :loves :loves
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Re: How to figure out...

Post by sammy »

Your experience is every bit as much awe inspiring!

Nope...can't ignore those numbers!

Have a great day at "work"!

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Re: How to figure out...

Post by Sandy »

Oh I am so happy your mom got to be there for your wedding, Cassandra. I loved hearing about this experience. You guys with your 10s have caused me to think of Ian and Lynsey. Ian is a member of this board and he and his wife were also married on 10/10. He chose that prompt number when his wife was having difficulties in pregnancy. We then asked the Midwayers to prompt us with that number when Lynsey needed our prayers love and healing support. They had a little baby girl last August. :sunflower: I hope they are all healthy and happy. But I haven't gotten any 10:10's lately so fingers crossed. :finger:

Sleep well over there you both. :hithere
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Re: How to figure out...

Post by sammy »

OH!!!! I had forgotten about Ian! How nice to hear they finally have a sweet baby in their lives!

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Re: How to figure out...

Post by Sandy »

Funny thing, I got a 10:10 this morning. :D
XX Sandy
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Re: How to figure out...

Post by Cassandra551 »

Hmmmmm, my realm that means you are in for some good fortune!!!!!! :sunflower: :sunflower: :sunflower: :sunflower:
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Re: How to figure out...

Post by Sandy »

I like your realm, Cassandara! ;) :thumright: :sunflower:
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