11:11 Dream- Any Thoughts?

Use this forum to ask or post about 11:11, 12:34, 2:22, 22:22 etc. The wake-up digital clock signals of our loving celestial friends. They also delight in flicking on or off street lights, traffic lights and ringing door bells.
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11:11 Dream- Any Thoughts?

Post by JohnInCanada »

Hi Everyone,

I am brand new to the board as I just found this web site by conducting a google search. I was looking for an 11:11 site today for a number of reasons.

As a short background, I have always been fascinated with 11:11 because I was born on November 11 at 11:11pm. A number of years ago I begain seeing 11:11 on clocks and such and this is something I know is common for many people as I have seen web sites devoted to 11:11. Lately, I seem to see it more and more.

In addition, I have paid attention to my dreams and sometimes write them down so I can think about and check the symbols the next day using the internet and a book I have. But two night ago I had a dream which was incredibly vivid with many details and it really feels like a very significant dream. So I am going to write it out here, details and everything, and if anybody thinks they can help me understand this then I would be very grateful. I would not be posting this dream here for help if it did not have something to do with 11:11 so thank you all in advance.

The dream I had was in three segments:
Segment 1: In this part of the dream I was sitting in a public place. As I think about it now, it reminds me of a bookstore where they have a coffee bar inside with seating so you can have coffee while at a bookstore. So I was sitting at a table and a woman walked behind a counter to leave her personal belongings (i.e. purse, coat). She was working there but she arrived early but left her items behind the counter as two of her coworkers had already done before her. I was watching this woman because she was a woman that I would consider incredibly attractive. Since this woman was early for work, she had left the counter. I was still at a table and I was glancing through a book and the next thing I knew is that she came to sit down beside me and was looking at what I was reading over my shoulder. We may have exchanged words but I can't remember for sure. She then pulled out a piece of paper and wrote "11:11" on it. I told her that 11:11 was my birthday. She said that it was really cool and then she gave me a book of hers to look at and I remember looking at pictures int he book. I felt really great in this part of the dream.

Segment 2: I was again in a public place and I was on the telephone with a mutual friend of mine and my sister. My sister was also sitting across from me while I was having this phone conversation. To my friend on the phone, I was explaining what had happened with the woman and the 11:11. I was speaking a little loudly because to my right was sitting a woman I used to be somewhat involved with, let's call her Susan, and I wanted her to hear about my conversation, not so much for the details, but so she knew that I was interacting with a woman. Note: I have been a part from Susan for years.

Segment 3: I was again in a public place and reminded me of a large Starbucks with nice ambiance and tables and seating. I was sitting at one table, possibly with my sister, and at another table was Susan. Me and Susan were glancing at each other and then Susan got up, started speaking in the ear of a man whom I think she was sitting with, and then walked to the front of the room, entered some words on a light-up sign and then the sign lit up. The words were: "its just beginning". The words were intended for me. Then Susan walks across the room looking at me with a grin on her face and when I did not smile at her, she turned stone faced. I should note that as she was walking with the grin and then stone face that she was wearing sunglasses and she was also topless but with no breasts.

And so that was my dream. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated. Thank you. And I look forward to going through this website and reading and learning more.

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Re: 11:11 Dream- Any Thoughts?

Post by PaulC »

Dear John,

I can't interpret your dream, but the fact that you are here is no coincidence. The secondary midwayers are our cousins, sometimes having been mistaken for angels. When the Lucifer rebellion affected our sphere there were 1,111 secondary midwayers that did not throw their lot in with Lucifer. These midwayers and many others are now here on our planet to get us started on the gates of spirituality. They are prompting you with the hope that you will look within your own heart. The 11:11 prompt is a sign from our secondary midwayers friends to you and to anyone that recognizes these signs.

Within your own heart there is your highest self, your divine self. This highest aspect of you is a gift from the Paradise Father. This divine self, which is your God self, is directing you in this life. You have all the answers that you seek because you have a piece of the Paradise Father living within your heart. These secondary midwayers are working tirelessly on this planet to effect a change in the hearts of persons, one individual at a time. You are one of millions now being prompted by them.

I have an I AM presence within my heart. This I AM presence is resident in your heart as well. Faithfully and lovingly this piece of the Paradise Father has been working overtime to get your attention. This divine you has always been with you and has always loved you. This may be the most opportune time for you to go into the stillness, meditation. That is where you will connect with your I AM presence. That is where you will find the answers that you seek.

You are starting on an amazing adventure my friend. I send you my my love and all that I AM. May you find the answers that you seek and know that you have my love always. :loves

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Re: 11:11 Dream- Any Thoughts?

Post by JohnInCanada »

Hi Paul,

Thank you for your reply. I know that I have read some material at some point on the Internet consistent with some of what you write. I thank you for your message as I start my journey.

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Re: 11:11 Dream- Any Thoughts?

Post by Sandy »

Hello John,
What an interesting dream you have there! Before I give you my paltry 2 cents though I want you to know that I am, more than likely, the world's worst dream interpreter. :oops: However something sort of jumped out at me...well two things...
Since this woman was early for work, she had left the counter. I was still at a table and I was glancing through a book and the next thing I knew is that she came to sit down beside me and was looking at what I was reading over my shoulder. We may have exchanged words but I can't remember for sure. She then pulled out a piece of paper and wrote "11:11" on it. I told her that 11:11 was my birthday. She said that it was really cool and then she gave me a book of hers to look at and I remember looking at pictures int he book. I felt really great in this part of the dream.
Me and Susan were glancing at each other and then Susan got up, started speaking in the ear of a man whom I think she was sitting with, and then walked to the front of the room, entered some words on a light-up sign and then the sign lit up. The words were: "its just beginning". The words were intended for me.
The reason these things jumped out at me is because I see them as connected...from my own number prompt beginning. You see, when I first came to this site, I wasn't seeing number prompts, but unbeknownst to me, I was researching the beings who are actually behind the number prompts. Strange I know. :roll: And I have no answer why I wasn't being prompted originally. Hmmm... maybe I was just in a different form...because my trail was littered with books back then. I was. I guess you could call it, prompted with them because I would see the name of a book somewhere in passing, and just couldn't get it out of my mind until I finally read it and then a piece of the puzzle would be mine and the next hint would arrive...
Well, I got a bit side tracked there, anyway, a few weeks after arriving here I was beginning to wonder what was wrong with me...why wasn't I getting the 11:11s and the other number prompts people spoke of. And then one day I saw not the usual 11:11 but 7:11, my birthday. :) I saw this number over and over that day even in the movie extras we watched that evening. Still I didn't recognize it for what it was and as I was just drifting off to sleep on the couch I heard a loud voice in my head say, Happy Birthday! I jumped up, shocked!... but there was no one in the room with me. Shaking my head, I walked over to my aquarium to shut off the light and once again lamented over the sad state of affairs of my beautiful large female Parrot fish who had been fighting a blocked egg laying tube and infection for months. No medicine seemed to help and I was at my wits end as to how assist her. The following morning when I got up as usual and went over to the tank to turn on the light an amazing site met my eyes. My fish was completely healed! There was no sign whatsoever that she had ever had a problem or a nasty infection. I was so excited and it hit me like a ton of bricks as everything fell into place...I knew without a shadow of a doubt what the Birthday message of the night before meant! In a very real way, that was a new beginning for me.
So who knows, perhaps your dream signified an amazing new beginning for you too. 11:11s and what they represent tend to do that. It isn't that there is power in those numbers...no they are just numbers but it is the wealth of understanding when pursued that so provide the feeling of a "new birth". Yeah, that could be a little over dramatic. :lol: But it is a very good thing to witness the numbers for what they are and then taking your own little journey of continued discovery.

Well, I know that doesn't tell you much about your dream :lol: Sorry...a little walk down memory lane for me. ;) I hope someone soon comes along who is accomplished in Dream interpretation.

Hey, it's nice to meet you John. Welcome to our message board. :hithere
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Re: 11:11 Dream- Any Thoughts?

Post by JohnInCanada »

Hi Sandy,

Thank you so much for your reply and telling me a littel bit about your story. I personally have been recieving the number prompts for years and more than every before am noticing increasing numbers of synchronicies and also noticing my increasing intuitiveness. I have been a casual follower of astrology and tarot cards and I own a pendulum so I am open to lerning what I can although I find the language used on the topic of 11:11 sometimes "thick". I would love to think that my dream represents a new beginning as I am at a bit of a crossroads in my life.

I still hope for some input on my dream though. I had a somewhat intuitive relationship with Susan and sometimes when she appeared in my dreams it has fortelled a new beginning. Combined with the 11:11 written on paper, and the sign that was lit up, maybe that was the message...

And thanks for the freidnly welcome ^_^ Cheers!

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Re: 11:11 Dream- Any Thoughts?

Post by inawe »

Hi everyone..
This is such an interesting post that I think we all can identify with on different levels. I came to this forum becuae I was seeing hearts everywhere.. Still am! And then I started noticing my prompts.. 3:33 and then the 2's and 10's and today, somehow, I've been getting 11 11's! Ha! For the first time!
Anyways at the beginning of this intense journey which I've pretty much documented step by step, I heard a voice tell me, "get ready to start seeing and going through wonderful things" so get ready, it's true, and enjoy it.. It's been wonderful. I consider these Midwayers to be my best friends, constantly with me, joking around, going to great lengths to get me to see the prompts... Helping my through my hard times.... Just amazing. You can talk to them about anything. Build a relationship. They will answer you.... Enjoy and welcome... :-)
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Re: 11:11 Dream- Any Thoughts?

Post by JohnInCanada »

Hi Inawe,

Thank you for your post. I would love to, as you wrote, start experiencing the "seeing and going through wonderful things", I really do. I have never voices but would absolutely love to hear them/one. I have a lot of faith although I would love for something "concrete" too.

I have never heard of "Midwayers" until I joined this forum so I will try as suggested. Thank you for being so kind to respond.

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Re: 11:11 Dream- Any Thoughts?

Post by inawe »

I had never heard of Midwayers either! I thought it was just Angels out there, in which I also have a huge loveand faith in...I have so many stories of Divine intervention, all wonderful and incredible....the voice I heard was mostly on the inside, but it's so intense, and in your Solar plexus that you ask your self if you heard it with your ears! Go with the waves, it's a wonderful journey to be on.... They have chosen you for a reason...be proud and enjoy... :-)
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Re: 11:11 Dream- Any Thoughts?

Post by JohnInCanada »


Thank you so much for that, it helps, and I will do my best. Cheers!

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Re: 11:11 Dream- Any Thoughts?

Post by 11light11 »

Dear John,

As far as dream interpretation goes, what occurred to me is that this wasn't your 'psychological' dream, where your unconscious pulls up issues and feelings to be explored . . .instead, what it sounded like to me, was a message-dream: a communication. I think the reason you had Susan, your sister, the mystery woman and the other characters and circumstances, was to get your attention. Like they were subbing-in for Celestials (or your own Guides), just to catch your attention. But when Susan wrote
its just beginning
this was the portion of the dream where we see that the characters were wearing masks. This was just discussed in another thread -- how sometimes we'll hear a voice, and we think we recognize the voice -- say, it's our mom's voice. But your mom isn't there. In the meantime the voice delivered a message. So George had commented on the fact that a Celestial can take on a familiar, known voice, to assist you in accepting a message you might otherwise blanch at -- because who is this speaking to you?

So to me, it sounded as though the dream was to let you know something is going on with you -- that they are reaching out to you with 11:11 -- and they used familiar faces and a real-life-feeling scenario to approach you.
She then pulled out a piece of paper and wrote "11:11" on it. I told her that 11:11 was my birthday. She said that it was really cool and then she gave me a book of hers to look at and I remember looking at pictures int he book. I felt really great in this part of the dream.
This is another example of what I mean. If this was merely a psychological dream, about your feelings about Susan, or about a mystery woman, why would 11:11 be a part of the dream at all? I've been doing dream work since I was a little girl, and have gained more formal experience with it over the years, in my role as a therapist. Because it's come to my attention over the last dozen or so years that many dreams are astral travels, or that messages can be delivered within the dream, I've come to forming a distinction between "psychological" dreams and "happenings." This had the feeling of being "real," and I think you were a part of something. And you remembered it so clearly -- which is not common.

Also, you joined our little group at 2:44, and :44 is a signal from your own Guides. I think they might be the ones who led you here . . and, perhaps, were the ones who offered you the messages contained within this dream. It's easier to dream a communication with them (especially subbing in Susan's face! ;) ) than it is to actually see and speak to them in waking-life. ;) I'm like you -- I've never heard their voice, directly, either -- but they've captured my attention a few times through dreams such as this one . . and, of course, through their time-prompts. ;)
its just beginning
I think that's true! :roll

Thanks for sharing your story . . . if you have new dreams, please share them! :loves :kiss:
With love, Michele
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Re: 11:11 Dream- Any Thoughts?

Post by JohnInCanada »

Hi 11light11,

Thank you for your post. To be quite honest, you really gave me a lot to think about today. I had never really thought that it might not be so important "who" the messanger was as opposed to the message itself. So when you wrote that the mystery woman, my sister, and Susan all appeared in the dream as potential substitutes for my guides to get my attention, then it really made me stop for a moment and think that their words (i.e. Susan, sister, mystery woman) were a message from my guides. And then I could not help but thinking about dreams that I have had in he past also. That would be amazing to think that I have been recieving messages all of this time without realizing it.

In my dreams I have heard only voices, spoken with people I do not know, and also spoken with those I do know such as Susan. If in all cases these are examples of my guides communicating with me through the messages conveyed in their voices then it really adds a whole new layer of interpretation to the dream as not being just only a dream but a message, or wake-up call to get my attention.

So my next question is now that they definitely have my attention, how do I respond? Is it a matter of always having faith that I will be led to where I need to go by listening to my guides through my intuition and dreams and always coming from a place of love? Is that what I need to do to not only get to where I want to be but to also evolve as an individual? Is that what this is all about? Inawe wrote yesterday to get ready for wonderful things. Is it that I have reached this point in my life and experienced what I have where my guides are now reaching out to me in this way to prepare me or make me aware of coming changes, and according to Inawe, wonderful changes? Is it because I have opened myself up more than ever to the divine?

Another question that jumps out to me is based on previous dreams. In previous dreams I have had the voices come to me in different forms but without reference to 11:11. Can these messages also be interpretated as a message? For example, a few weeks ago I dreamed that I was having lunch with Susan in a parkade and she told me that she would not be ready right away but she would be ready at 4:30pm. What she was refering to was that she would be ready for us to get together. So in this case, is it the time, or a potential date that is important?

And a more general question is this: if someone recieves a lot of prompts and then goes without these prompt for several months and then the prompts return, does that mean that I was given that time to deal with whatever was in front of me in my waking life at the time before the prompts return? Kind of like downtme?

I dream a lot and almost every night I can remember something that I dreamed. When the dream is vivid enough, I reach over to my smartphone and write the dream down on the "notes" application. Sometimes more memories comes to me through the day but I do remember a lot. Having been born on November 11 at 11:11pm has always been a part of me, but what I am learning here is new and exciting. This is big stuff!

I will leave everyone with an example of a prompt I recieved on Friday. The other day I was timing my drive from home to a partiular building across the city which I will be visiting for work related reasons for at least the next 3 or 4 months. In order to make sure that I had enough time for the commute I deided to time myself from the time I left home to the time I walked in this building. I recorded the time and went on with my day. Later that day though I checked the note I made on my phone and the arrival time was 11:11am.

Anyways, thank you so much for all of your help. I know I have a lot of questions and thank all of you for any knowledge you can share and help me understand this. And I will share vivid dreams as they occur. Lately they happen very often so I am sure I will be posting a new one very soon. It seems the community here is very embracing of my questions. Thank you all for being so kind.

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Re: 11:11 Dream- Any Thoughts?

Post by inlikeflint »

The 11:11 throws me. I have never really been able to nail down symbols for numbers... Numbers are pictures that have been abstracted into stylized abstractions that represent a number of things. 11:11 is specific and since I have yet to define what 11:11 means to me, I cannot really decipher what 11:11 means to you other than what you posted about your birth date.

So here it is;
11:11 is the beginning or your birth date. (You told her that 11:11 is your birthday)
You have a recurring theme of tables in your dream. The "stuff" from the girl that you are attracted to is stored on the other side of the take/counter... everyone has stuff on the other side of this counter... (Your dream is heavier on other's actions than symbols. IMO. It's not my dream) The stuff could be "key"(Keys to the house, car, etc...) to your dream... Like what did the stuff look like? Stuff that was tucked away behind a counter/hidden/obscured from your view/ ... The stuff isn't yours, the stuff caught your attention... So the stuff "the purse" (a symbol that can represent femininity, identity, assets, secrets) is tucked away from your view. (I'm getting 12:12 on my clock so I could be spot on.) Jacket... article of clothing that is used to present oneself to the outside world/protect self from the elements/protect one's identity... Shoulders are used to bear the weight of something/issues etc...

You may have an issue of insecurity with others. The purse suggests it could be with members of the opposite sex. The woman has shared her information with you like an open book and this has made you feel content. 11:11 represents your beginning or what is required to get over the your issues with being able to trust others because of your ex-girlfriend...She reads information over/on your shoulders (Maybe a recipe on chips. :D ).

She is early for work = Precognitive dream? Could be a potential sign for meeting someone new.

Reminds you of a bookstore... So it isn't a bookstore? (A library?) You are looking for information (But you are not really because you are more worried about you ex-gf and a girl you are attracted to... so it probably isn't a library but is more about your actions. (Maybe this is why it isn't clear.) It is a coffee shop but a public place in all three dreams

You have developed some sort of trust issue with women because of your past relationship with your ex (Maybe.) You are over her physically but not emotionally? (Nude part without the boobs) Her shady outlook on life (sunglasses) have prevented you from moving forward in your life? (I'm guessing.) You are looking for an open book but you have trust issues... maybe. You have to "counter" your trust issues before you can be an open book or read others...


Something about this dream that was annoying to me or frustrating to me almost kept me from attempting to interpret it. (Something is missing, or felt contrived... I'm not sure, IDK why.) Anyway, this is about the best I can do at this time. I could be wrong in my interpretation because everyone has their own symbols (IMO.)
Good luck.

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Re: 11:11 Dream- Any Thoughts?

Post by JohnInCanada »

Hi inlikeflint,

Thank you for your help with this. I certainly have a lot to think about based on the posts in this thread. And you have certainly given me a lot to think about based on your imterpretations. Thank you for taking the time to do this, I do appreciate it.

I recorded to the dream here as I had it written on my smarkphone with as many details filled in as I could fill in. One part at the tail end of the dream was seeing a pair of breasts with pimples on them. Anyways, tht's what I had.

Thank you, I will be thinking about everything. Cheers!

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Re: 11:11 Dream- Any Thoughts?

Post by inlikeflint »

Welcome to the forum, John!

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Re: 11:11 Dream- Any Thoughts?

Post by 11light11 »

Hi John,

I think it's interesting how you share (responding to Flint) about how you recorded the information as best you can. I've read a lot of the old analysts' works about dreams, and they've commented on the fact that our conscious mind fills in blanks as we struggle to recall details. What we present -- and feel -- to be an accurate list of occurrences within one dream, is actually only partly right; some of what we've 'recalled' is just our conscious mind trying to complete missing information, or inaccessible information. It feels just as authentic as the truly remembered parts, and it takes a lot of back-and-forth in-depth work to determine which is which. However, even those blanks which you've 'filled in' are quite telling, if you think about it, and in many respects carries equal weight to what was devised during dream life. I like Flint's interpretation a lot, and maybe what we can gather is that while they've captured your attention to alert you to the 11:11 phenomenon in your life, and their communications with you -- perhaps they are also hoping to alert you to spiritual or emotional patterns? For instance I posted somewhere in this forum about my fear of loved ones dying; I've felt this way since I was a very little girl. So I posted about a dream 'they' provided me, where they let me feel all peaceful and gently buffeted up by them, floating in the center of the Milky Way . . . and once I was feeling nice and calm, they told me "Death." They let me experience the flooding-in of panic, but they allowed me to feel detached from the panic, as I considered my father's death (the first thought that arose upon hearing the word 'death'). They allowed me to witness the panic, instead of experiencing it -- do you follow me? So then after that faded off they shared with me that despite all my growth and progression, this area remains key as an inner block. They suggested this was an area that needed further work . . .after all, as a person having this experience, why ought death continue to terrify me? I know it's not an end. So it was a 'message dream' from the Celestials/my Guides . . but it also allowed me to examine unconscious issues: as Flint helped you explore here. So that's food for thought. Both can be true at once and I oversimplified in my earlier message.

Anyway, as for your question about what do you do to respond? You maybe can't hear them, but they can hear you. So if you have something to say to them, say it. (If you'd like them to be able to hear your thoughts, you must first offer permission for they respect free will and privacy.) Tell them what you want out of this experience, or what you'd like to share, gain, improve upon, or whatever -- just let your intentions be known. You mentioned about the tarot cards and the pendulum, so the spirit world has attracted you for years, even beyond 11:11. There are many means by which to be in touch. Do you meditate as well? It might help to make it your practice to do so at a set time each day, try to stick with it, and see what develops for you. The questions you ask are intriguing and as you peruse our little group you'll see how many of us have those same questions. The thing is, no one can really answer them. ;) While we're all sharing an experience, I suspect each one of us is having a unique experience, at the same time. It's like how Flint shared that he's not sure yet what 11:11 means to him, so how can he tell you what it means to you? It may be that the numbers are important . . or they may only be important in that our pattern-recognizing mind digests them, notices them, and now they have our attention. Who knows? If you allow this to grow within you, you might be surprised. ;) I also loved how Flint pointed out that 11/11 at 11:11 is when you began, and the dream offered that "It's beginning." ;) That's pretty awesome right there.

Enjoy it!

With love, Michele :kiss: :loves
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Re: 11:11 Dream- Any Thoughts?

Post by JohnInCanada »

Hi 11light11,

I appreciate the note. I do recall that when I was trying to fill-in blanks that a few additional points emerged. Maybe it is important not to try to do that in order to avoid the "conscious mind trying to complete missing information, or inaccessible information". Now I understand why "inlikeflint" may have found it accurate to use the term contrived". The use of the term did not ring true for me in the context of that post because I felt that what I wrote was an accurate account but maybe those few points I filled in an hour or so later had a different "feel" or "energy to it, I don't know how to describe it. Maybe you were right when you wrote "perhaps they are also hoping to alert you to spiritual or emotional patterns" as "inlikeflint" essentially wrote also. I would have to think long and hard about that.

I will take your advice about responding, I believe inawe also encouraged me to speak to them. I have a growing interest in the spirit world which is why I have a set of tarot cards which were given to me by a friend a few years ago who recognized my curiosity and interest. She is a medium so we talk sometimes but she is now falling ill and unable to do so. The pendulum is something I bought brand new. No, I do not meditate but I do allow myself to drift into a very calm and quiet place and just feel what I can. It is very hard to describe.

I do intend to read more and more on this board and try to learn more. But of course, only I have the answers. And I also hope that I can use the advice that I have been given to not only understand what I recognize as happening, but enjoying this journey, wherever it takes me. As opposed to only waiting for something to happen, whatever that is, I will speak to my guides and make my intentions known as per your suggestion. I believe in the spirit world, more than ever, and when I ss signs such as 11:11 and synchronicities around me, I want to understand the messages being conveyed to me and also how to utilize this opportunity which is what it appears to be.

Since I began at the precise moment of 11/11 and 11:11, then maybe I had to get to a certain place in my life for it to "just begin". If so, then maybe I am there now and in for an amazing ride.

I will pop in every now and then and touch base as this unfolds. Thank you everyone,

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Re: 11:11 Dream- Any Thoughts?

Post by JohnInCanada »

Hi everyone
I hope all of you are well. I thought I would come by tonight and give everyone a short update on a few things. First, I wanted to write about dreams. But I am not asking for an interpretation or anything like that as you were all very generous regarding my 11:11 dream, but I just wanted to share with everyone a few things that happened which I think you may find interesting.

Actually, after my 11:11 dream and posts on the board about it, I didn’t have any dreams for a few nights which is a little unusual for me because I dream a lot and frequently so for a while I thought I may have jinxed a good thing by trying to analyze that dream so much. Fortunately, they kicked up again and I also have started talking to my guides a little, as I believe I have them and that they are around me.

Anyways, one dream did not have much to it but I thought I would mention it because a few people spoke to me in the dream, Susan and then my former boss. I could not understand what either of them were saying but my former boss was very angry with me, she looked really upset.

The second dream was pretty interesting. I will describe it and then add a few points to it. First, I was talking with someone in my workplace although she has always worked in another department than me. And she had a really serious look on her face. I asked her how everything was going and she said that she had until the end of June to figure things out. She then began to tell me a story about someone she knew who had a fire in her office and although there was damage her friend had received enough money and then some for renovations. What I then said to her was that it sounded like change and destruction followed by renewal and my friend agreed with this assessment. I remember in the dream thinking about the death tarot card when I made this assessment to her.

And then in the next part of my dream I found someone looking at my Jeep and I asked this man what he wanted. He said that he would give me $15,000 for my Jeep and I refused. The next thing I knew, some of my tires were partially removed off the Jeep and I told him that there is no way he will ever get my Jeep. His partner was there, a woman, and she said to me that he would get it. I then started writing down their contact information so in case anything happened to my Jeep I would know who to go after. She then told me that it was going to be very expensive dealing with their company.

What I found interesting about this dream was first, the reference to the death tarot card. I mentioned in a previous post of mine that I do have a tarot deck and even though I have had it for two years I am still very much a beginner. But I have been working with one-card and three-card pulls to address questions. Lately, I have been pulling the death card in both upright and reversed positions. And of course, this card is about transformation – destruction/change followed by renewal. This makes me wonder about the relationship between 11:11 and the symbolism of the death card although not so much the reference to destruction.

Then I think about my Jeep and the I have read that in a dream a automobile represents self. In the context of the dream, maybe I am trying to hold on to my Jeep (self) as opposed to changing and not changing or transforming somehow may turn out to be very expensive for me in some way. The month of June was also mentioned so I wonder if that is going to be significant.

Anyways, the one thing I learned from this thread already is that there are different types of dreams. So whether there is a message in that, I don’t know. But I can write that I do feel at times a sense of calmness despite my problems/issues, like something is just waiting to pop for me. I hope this is not my high hopes kicking in but I really do feel that something is just ahead. Interestingly enough, I am at a major crossroads in my career so it seems that there is a connection.

Anyways, I know I have a lot to learn and I will keep sifting through the threads on this board as I can. Thanks for listening,

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Re: 11:11 Dream- Any Thoughts?

Post by inlikeflint »

Sometimes, leaving out descriptive details about a particular thing in your dream can make your interpretation more confusing. It is like putting a jigsaw puzzle together that is missing pieces.
You mention your jeep but you don't do it in a way that is descriptive enough for me to see the jeep... What color was it? Were you in the jeep? Were you driving it? Were the seats missing, Was the jeep clean or dirty... Sometimes the description of a particular object in your dream can describe your whole dream...or several dreams in a series...

There is a short story called the, Yellow Wallpaper where the writer describes the wallpaper in the room that the main character in as an old peeling dingy yellow wallpaper. This is the symbol of a mental state of the main character in the book... Movies usually have plant and payoff symbol...The recent 2012 movie, Lincoln, the plant is his pair of gloves in the beginning of the movie, and payoff near the very end of the movie. The symbolism of gloves are way loaded... Lincoln determines that he won't be needing them anymore... This is before he travels off to the theater. They are not just gloves, they are black leather dress gloves, they are gloves that he is expected to wear when in public...

if you want to get better at figuring out your own dreams you might try by writing them out and being more descriptive about what you see. It can help you visualize and improve your memory exponentially. I have gone so far as to attempt to dream about future lottery numbers and be able to wake up and remember them and write them down. (To play them of course.) It is a challenge but if you can memorize 6 numbers before you wake up and remember them to write them down... You are capable of doing a lot more interesting things in your dreams. (FYI,I have only won small amounts of money from this process and it is too sporadic to claim that you can actually win this way.)

(If you are going to dream, why not dream big?)
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Re: 11:11 Dream- Any Thoughts?

Post by JohnInCanada »

Hi Inlikeflint,
Thanks for the note, that is really good advice about recording my dreams. All I ever remember hearing once was that in terms of automobiles, the condition was important in reflecting the dreamers condition, emotionally, physically, etc. I will take your advice and try recording my dreams with those additional kinds of details.

As a side note, I found in interesting how in a post or two in this thread someone mentioned the 1,111 secondary midwayers. Well I can't remember where it was now, but the other day I caught 1,111 somewhere and thought of what I read not only in this thread but in another thread on this board about 1,111. Pretty neat so far.

Thanks for the advice. Cheers!

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Re: 11:11 Dream- Any Thoughts?

Post by JohnInCanada »

Hi Everyone,

It has been a while and I wanted to say hi and document what is happening to me thus far on this journey that I am apparently on. Before I begin, I want to say that I am feeling really inspired right now by some wonderful posts I just read here, really heartwarming feelings as I read about the journey of others here on the board.

Since I last posted in this site, I am finding that I am sleeping much less these days and also that my dreaming has almost completely ended. That saddens me as I miss the dreams. I feel that my sleep patterns have changed because of a nervous energy which is getting more intense.

I tried meditation about three times over the past few weeks. I found some very simple guides on the internet on how to get into that state by breathing and relaxation techniques. Once I felt I was relaxed enough, I asked questions, and then listened/felt.

What happened were two things. First, a strange face appeared to me and spoke to me although I can't remember what was said now. And second, I saw visions appearing as answers to my questions. It felt really strange because as I asked my questions and concentrated, my mind was a blank and I tried to keep it that way so whatever appeared would not be by my influence. Then when I saw the vision and saw the face and heard, their voice I thought is this what people are writing about when they write about listening to their inner voice? Their guides visting them with messages?

I have been seeing different prompts lately. I still see 11:11 but I am seeing a lot of 9:11 and 12:12 and 1:11. 11:11 happens in a lot of ways but the others are usually on clocks where I just happen to look at clocks and those are the numbers I see.

As I work through my struggles, I feel stronger every day and feel I have the resilience and determination to work through my "stuff". More often than not I feel that something absolutely wonderful is right in front of me and even though I feel ready, it is not presenting itself to me quite yet. It feels like it is hidden behind the veil if that makes any sense.

Every week I find myself working a little harder to transform my life. It is not that it is terrible by any stretch of the imagination, but some serious overhauling in some areas is needed. So I am doing more self evaluation than I ever have and I am learning a lot.

I don't know what else to say except that I am going to try to slow down a bit and try to read some more here. Wonderful posts. Thank you for writing them and thank you for the kind introuctions when I arrived here.

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Re: 11:11 Dream- Any Thoughts?

Post by Sandy »

Hi John,
It is good to have you back and it is so exciting to read all the amazing progress you have made since your last visit. Your post is very encouraging for me and i'm sure for all of us who have struggled at times to find the way. You said a few things towards the end that I immediately identified with...
As I work through my struggles, I feel stronger every day and feel I have the resilience and determination to work through my "stuff". More often than not I feel that something absolutely wonderful is right in front of me and even though I feel ready, it is not presenting itself to me quite yet. It feels like it is hidden behind the veil if that makes any sense.
I too have had this feeling, at least for a few years like something is right in front of me yet, in my case, I think it is I who back away. I am thinking it may involve some self evaluation like you were speaking of. Sometimes that can twist us up a bit for a time and I am a master at putting this kind of thing off for a "rainy day." But gosh, it feels good when that inner stuff gets understood and refiled or released. I am wondering if your restlessness could be a product of this inner work you are doing? What do you think?

It is easy to look with a critical eye on ourselves at this point. But as we really look deeply into our inner world and observe the stuff long held within, it is helpful to remember that all these experiences and ways of being have helped to bring us to where we are today. We may not always be pleased with what we see. It may even bring us a little pain but each part of the journey is important and necessary and provides lessons that serve us well in this world and the next. This has been the most difficult thing for me over the years...to let go of some of the out dated and unproductive ways of being that I have kept around me. Some days I feel like Pig Pen from Charlie Brown cartoons, walking around with my little "dust cloud of behaviours". :lol: But oh well, I also know I am just doing the best I can at this moment and in time and when I am ready some of these things will fall by the wayside. We don't need to be anything but loving and patient with ourselves.
So I guess what I am saying in this wordy post is it is so helpful to surround ourselves with Love as we delve into our self examinations...and to call on our Guides, Teachers or Angels to assist us with this.

You know, right now I am thinking it is the journey through all this, that for me is so beautiful... as it unrolls we learn so much about ourselves and helps us to appreciate who we are and our unique place in this universe. Well some day, on that last bit, anyway...after all we are "works in process" eh?
I'm hoping your journey is peaceful and full of excitement and joy, John. :sunflower:
“We measure and evaluate your Spiritual Progress on the Wall of Eternity." – Guardian of Destiny, Alverana.
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Re: 11:11 Dream- Any Thoughts?

Post by JohnInCanada »

Hi Sandy and thank you for your kind message. I don't know if I would say I am making "amazing progress" but I do feel that I am getting somewhere, things "feel" different.

You wrote:
"I am wondering if your restlessness could be a product of this inner work you are doing? What do you think?"

I think you are correct. This has been so hard but I am really trying to force myself to do some honest evaluation of myself, whether its an evaluation of my tendencies, my sucesses and failures to this point in time, etc. And what I did right and wrong, what choices I made, and why I made those choices. I feel very restless now because of this. I view the past differently based on my understanding now. I realize that nothing can be changed, but I see things I never saw before. I am not pleased with everything I see, but I see it, and I know that nobody is perfect.

On the one hand, nothing can be changed, the past is dead, and all that matters is "now" and how I direct myself from here. On the other hand, I feel I am in that zone with one foot in the past, and one in a future and I have no sense of what that future will look like aside from my dreams. All I have is my faith that the Universe is bringing me to where I need to be. And when I see the varous prompts, I feel like I am not alone, I know I am not alone, I feel it deeply. And even on the days where I am in a serious funk, it is easier than ever to pull myself out of it. I try to be more grateful than ever before for what I have, and visualize the future.

As I try to gently meditate more and more, or play with my tarot cards, and pray, sometimes I feel so much better, like I have been elevated to some other level of awareness/appreciation. There have been days where I have literally looked at my personal space, or have been driving, and I feel like I am looking at my surroundings for the first time, or at least with a fresh eye, and it looks/feels different and I feel so grateful. Like I have a new set of eyes.

I realize that all of my experiences have brought me to where I m today, I just feel like I need that door to blow open so I don't get stuck, I feel so close, and that is fustrating. Its like I wrote in my previous e-mail, "behind the veil". Also, I try to let go of things that I now realize have held me back (beliefs, ideals, etc) I can't help but think of those things as I do through this process. For example, I know I should have let Susan go a very long time ago, and I believe I have, but as I evaluate myself, I think of her, yet wish her well.

I am being very good to myself these days. I feel more driven than ever before to create the life I now want, leaving behind what no longer works for me. I am trying to do my best. I am 41 years old so I guess this is a good enough time to reboot.

Anyways, this was really a wordy post. Thanks for your reply Sandy and thanks for listening/reading. Talk soon,

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Re: 11:11 Dream- Any Thoughts?

Post by Sandy »

Hi John,
I felt all tingly as I read your post. Spirit is about and you are a very wise 41 year old. :sunflower:
“We measure and evaluate your Spiritual Progress on the Wall of Eternity." – Guardian of Destiny, Alverana.
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Re: 11:11 Dream- Any Thoughts?

Post by JohnInCanada »

Thanks Sandy, I am trying my best to deal wih this whle going with the flow at the same time. Talk soon, John
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A New 11:11 Dream

Post by JohnInCanada »

Hi everyone,

I hope everyone is doing well. I wanted to post here because I had another 11:11 dream last night and I just wanted to share it with everyone while it is still fresh in my mind and I have my notes that I wrote on my Iphone through the night.

The dream had a bunch of things going on in it. I will write what I remember below:

First, there was a professor of mine who at one time in my academic career was very important and influencial to me. He was in a number of scenes in the dream but I have no idea what was going on in the dream with him or what was being said between us.

Second, Susan was very prominant in the dream. I have not seen Susan in real life for about 2 and a half years but I saw her in the dream. I remember her watching her walk towards me and then we spoke. I remember thinking how beautiful she is. Cautiously I asked her if she wanted to go out later and she said yes. I write "cautiously" because things are not great between us.

Then I saw Susan with a bouquet of flowers and she gave it to me. I immediately went to a grocery market teller so I could buy them for her. She looked surprised that I was doing that.

And then I remember flipping many e-mails with her, but I have no idea what was beign written.

In another scene, I was sitting in some waiting room but not a medical one. I think it was more knwledge-based related / health related in some way. Anyways, as I looked to see what was on the table in front of me there was times for appointments and the times were 11:10, 11:11 and 11:12. As I saw this, I looking up and smiled and thanked the universe for saying hi to me in this way.

I also remember being at some kind of gathering and walking through some halls and hearing a song I really liked playing. The song is called "Wasted Sunsets" by the hard rock group "Deep Purple".

I am not too sure what to make of the dream, but I wanted to record it before I forgot. I am still seeing 11:11 in different forms, I am also seeing a lot of 9:11 and a few 7:11.

I was told to get ready for an amazing journey here in this board. I feel myself flipping between much optimism versus high stress as I feel I am running out of time to get my stuff in order but I am having a hard time doing that. All the while, I am having as much faith as I can that this will all sort itself out as it is meant to be.

I have dreamed very little since my first post here back in January. But last night my migraine was acting up and I slept a ton. It was almost like I was being pushed to sleep and by doing so, I dreamed a lot.

Thanks everyone, any insights would be helpful.

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