Blaming it on coincidences?

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Blaming it on coincidences?

Post by melloish »

I just joined. I'm still not sure why I even really did. I've always thought I was just observant and everything is a huge coincidence. But this morning scared me so much, and today is really starting to make me think something terrible is going to happen.
This morning I was awaken by what I thought was my mom's voice waking me up. It was a soft feminine voice and calling my name. I didn't think too much of it. Until I sat up and noticed the sun was up and I was without a doubt late. I jumped up and ran to my moms room, and began apologizing. This was my first tardy ever, in my entire life. From pre-K to current senior year. I grabbed my cellphone from the counter and was so confused why it hadn't went off. I've depended on said cell-phone for the past year, and it 'ALWAYS' went off. Never-the-less I told my mom I was late and to my surprise she hadn't flipped out, and then my delayed morning brain cells kicked in. If my mom was sleeping too, who woke me up.
Later in Constitutional and Law class my teacher called me an atheist? In Gym my team was 1st place by 1 win and all day we only won 1 game and lost our placing. In French 5, we all had to pick numbers to present our projects and I got 11... there isn't even that many people in that class.
When I came home from school my mom started telling me about how my great-grandmother I'd never met died some time in January, close to my birthday, which is in a week. I'm starting to feel like I'm going insane... when I was younger I practically had to go to therapy because I used to see ghost. My mom has recorded videos of when I'd sit in the dining room with my play computer that added numbers and stuff and all my toys would go off. I don't remember much, other than the boys name was Brandon. Later my parents did research on the house and found out a father and son were electrocuted in this house (they didn't tell me this until I didn't see Brandon any more). Paranormal activity was so frequent in my house the neighborhood kids came over once to play the ouija board and things started being thrown around the room. It was crazy and they don't want to ever come back. Not even my close friends.
(Not particularly relevant, you can pass this paragraph) The house has been blessed multiple times, even with sage from a native american received from Ohio. A strong native american man in Ohio approached my uncle and began describing my families house to him. He recognized it as soon as he said the green panels and beige house. The Native American told him the house was no longer safe. At this time, it truly wasn't. My sister-in-law had gotten a photo dropped on her head. Anyway he'd told my uncle that we should leave or bless the house and asked him for the houses address. We received a package in the mail a few days after my uncle had called and told us the strange story. On the package it gave simple directions. Do not open or do the ceremony unless you are alone, and you must use the sage in every crevasse of the house. The one stick of stage we didn't use is still in the top drawer of the dresser. It was pretty legit made of hair and everything. The entire town I live in was once ancient Indian burial grounds. (paragraph ended)
I really don't want anything to happen again, I've been fine since the first or second grade and was wondering if I could get any help without telling my parents and them committing me. I know that is a lot of information to believe, but it's the truth and I have no where else to go. I feel stuck!
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Re: Blaming it on coincidences?

Post by sammy »

Hello Melloish, and WELCOME!

Ok...first, get rid of the ouija board...there are some messages on this board, channeled from celestial teachers (you can view the section titled "Messages from Celestial Teachers"), and there seems to be no bigger "no-no" than the ouija board. I did a search of the old topics and here is a link to the messages about the topic:

You can certainly feel free to share your experiences here, as if seeing and hearing things is reason for being committed, then all of us here would have been locked up long ago.

How did you happen upon our forum?

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Re: Blaming it on coincidences?

Post by melloish »

I was actually looking 'hearing voices', when I acknowledged a similar set of experiences and felt a tad bit better. Thus making me post my own story. Hoping I made someone feel like they were not totally alone. I know how bizarre it sounds. It's just odd that in which the time I was awaken by the voice, I was just barely late. And on weekends I usually sleep in much later....
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Re: Blaming it on coincidences?

Post by Sandy »

Hello Melloish,
Welcome! Yep, definitely get rid of the Ouija board!
But think about it, the voice you heard waking you up, it was a good thing, right? Otherwise you may have overslept terribly. I too have heard voices. It usually happens when I am either just starting to drift off to sleep or just as I am waking up. We are in a state at this time that is conducive for contact from our celestial kin.

When I say "celestial kin", I am not speaking of ghosts or even paranormal activity. Rather we are speaking of Angels, Midwayers who are similar... lying somewhere between humans and angels, and of course Spiritual Guides and Teachers from On High. These two I would not look at as former humans, at least in most cases not former humans hailing from this world and certainly not recently dead. There are of course exceptions to this, as there are in all things. The beings who prompt us in such a lovely variety of ways and even wake us up every morning at times ;) ...they are very loving and caring and wish nothing more to see us progress spiritually and to see our world become peaceful and caring for all people.

However, I don't wish to say hello and talk you ear off right off the bat. (I tend to do that, you know. ;) :) ) I'll give you a few URLs to help get you started and later on, see if I can find some more threads where people have heard the voices in similar instances as you have. :) As you read and get to know others who share similar experiences, I hope you begin to feel better about what happened to you this morning.
Okay, here you go...

11:11 Background and Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What Are Midwayers

What It Really Means

Nice meeting you, Melloish!
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Re: Blaming it on coincidences?

Post by sammy »

OH!...really bad of me to not notice it was the voices you are most concerned with. Sorry about not addressing that.

When you did your search for hearing voices did you run into the threads where I talked about my (audio) experiences? DId you find any helpful info? (I don't want to rattle on endlessly if you've already read about them)...cuz I TOO can rattle your ear off!

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Re: Blaming it on coincidences?

Post by melloish »

Sandy, I looked through all of the links and they definitely helped place my mind at ease. Although, is there any books I should read, or anything with more material? And don't worry, I enjoy talking too sometimes excessively.

Sammy, I have not read any topics that you're talking about. Could you send me the url links?
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Re: Blaming it on coincidences?

Post by fmspirit39 »

Hi Melloish,

While I was reading your post, I just kept hearing over and over, "READ. READ. READ. LEARN. LEARN. LEARN. She has to read and learn about the things she has extreme curiosity about." First and formost, find an appropriate way (ie...prayers and proper disposal) to rid you and your family of that ouija board! Have only positive and loving things in your life. Be love! Unless you are born to be a medium, stay away from seeking passed souls! As Sandy said, you must turn your head up and reach out for the world of high Spirits and teachers. You will know the difference by how it feels. The feeling of God and the Spirit that moves his Will is love; whereas denser spirit feels like dread. You have most likely experienced them both, especially being in a haunted house. Education and experience are the only way to know for yourself. Live love and you will not be haunted. Peace
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Re: Blaming it on coincidences?

Post by Sandy »

Hi Melloish,
I'm glad you are feeling more peaceful.
You wrote:
I looked through all of the links and they definitely helped place my mind at ease. Although, is there any books I should read, or anything with more material?
This is a biggie...can be rather daunting, but packed with information and definitely worth taking a look at.
The Urantia book ...
It can be read online here: The Urantia Book ... ook-online

Here are a few URLs of some books that speak a bit more about our Celestial friends the Midwayers and one man’s experience with them. (The one man is my husband, George ;) :lol: )

The Search For 11:11...
Sample chapters can be read here: Sample The Search
Kindle version: ... 005XFCXNY/

In the Service Of 11:11...
Three sample chapters are placed here: Sample In the Service
Kindle version: ... 006LSXQM4/

The Anatomy of the Halfway Realm...
Three sample chapters are placed here:Sample The Anatomy
Kindle version: ... 006P52Q4C/

This one is a bit like a daily meditation which can help a person, as the year progresses , to find their own special connection to the Divine.

The Guiding Light Within
Kindle version: ... 0080EGORG/

But there are also many books in the Spiritual Book forum too. You may wish to browse through it and see what seems to light your fire.
... Or simply just read through the posts and threads in the forums. There are lots of shared thoughts and experience from others who just like you are searching for their own answers.

Hope this helps a little. :)
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Re: Blaming it on coincidences?

Post by 11light11 »

Hello Melloish!

It's really hard being so sensitive to the invisible world -- naturally you feel like you're the one going crazy, because other people don't see and hear the same things that you do. But when a photograph falls on your sister-in-law's head, you know that you're not the only one who's noticing this. Add all that to the information you received from that kind Native American gentleman, who basically confirmed what you were sensing was reality-based, and even offered his help . . . and that's a lot of comfort, right there. By the way, since you did the blessing/clearing with the sacred sage, has the house settled down and become quieter?

Since you had so much upsetting paranormal activity happening in your home, it probably felt like the voice that woke you up when you were late was related back again to ghosts and hauntings. But my guess is that this is simply a new chapter in your experience, a friendly encounter with gentle spirits (whether a Guardian Angel or a Midwayer). Sandy's husband George just mentioned in some other thread that they can take on whichever voice is comforting to you . . like how you thought the voice belonged to your mother. But think about it: the voice was helpful, it got you to school on time when you were going to be late! So that's not all bad, eh? ;)

Nothing in your message struck me as crazy! Instead you've been blessed with special gifts of sensitivity and receptivity. It can feel like a curse at times too: which is why Sammy and Sandy suggested throwing out the Ouija board! :lol: Surround yourself in the white light several times a day and you can ensure that whoever comes to you is a well-meaning spirit or Celestial being.

So glad you found us . . .welcome to our group and enjoy exploring! I heartily recommend those books Sandy mentioned -- they're fascinating to read, and you will really be able to relate! You and George share a great deal in common. :kiss:

With love to you, Michele :loves
p.s. French 5???? Wow, good for you! You must be an excellent student! :shock: Why did your teacher call you an atheist??
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Re: Blaming it on coincidences?

Post by PaulC »

Dear Melloish,

The Lucifer rebellion has ended, but the echoes of that rebellion, the echoes of those energies may still affect us if we let it. Yet, this you should know my dear friend that there is nothing to fear. You have the energies of divine love within your own heart and nothing will ever harm you. The light that is you just needs to be uncovered. We think that darkness is real, but it is an illusion. The darkness that we think exists has never existed because when you remove the veil of illusion you find that love and light were there all along. The light of the I AM presence lives in your heart and there is nothing to fear. Stay in this moment and you will find that all is well and that you are loved as if you were the only child in all of creation. I send you my love on this day and my prayers. :loves

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Re: Blaming it on coincidences?

Post by overmind »

Welcome to the board melloish. Most of the possible 11:11 prompts are done by our midwayer friends, they deal with electrical devices mostly, but usually they just give us the idea to look at the clock at the right time. I have gotten a few of these this week for example, probably because I was away from home attending my grandfather's funeral. Time prompts are useful in getting people to look for answers and embrace more spiritual lives, assuming they actually notice them. Guardian Angels (a seraphim or cherubim and sanobim pair) are a bit more distant, they say hello at times by letting you find a small feather or possibly a coin. I do not know how they do this, but I have gotten at least two feathers after desiring communication and there is no source for them in the house. Originally I thought nothing of time prompts. I arrived at this site by coincidence, just as I found the Urantia Book by coincidence before that.
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Re: Blaming it on coincidences?

Post by happyrain »

hi melloish
interesting name,
welcome to the forums
this thread has been very, entertaining.
i don't mean to make light of your situation
just, i've thoroughly enjoyed reading your post and every response since then
thank you

i know by now you've found some comfort and are moving forward with a collaborative perspective

i appreciate your interest here
thank you

:hithere ... =)
Fear grips when Love falls short of Infinity
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