hello i am a newbie

Use this forum to ask or post about 11:11, 12:34, 2:22, 22:22 etc. The wake-up digital clock signals of our loving celestial friends. They also delight in flicking on or off street lights, traffic lights and ringing door bells.
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hello i am a newbie

Post by catherine2012 »

I have been seeing 11 11 on stove clock and alarm clock and for years. i don't know about all this. i am not convinced. I am a believer in Jesus Christ and I read the bible. We are not to fool around with this type of spiritualism stuff. We are not even to acknowledge(by starting communication with them and thanking them). This is not what angles want , they want Jesus to get all the glory and thanks.
I am not sure that the 11 11 thing is that I noticed it a few times, and it became a subconscious thing that I put into my mind. I'll say to myself, there is another 11 11. and, that in itself is reinforcing the 11 11 thing(whatever that is). It cannot be proven can it? please respond to me I am sincere in this post. Seek first the Kingdom of God and HIS rightousness. not, midwayers and angels and numbers. please consider. sincerely, Catherine :idea:
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Re: hello i am a newbie

Post by Sandy »

Dear Catherine,
I've been giving your post some thought...really thinking about your words and the heart that they stem from...I feel you are sincere just as you say in your post and do not wish us any harm...just hoping to understand a little more as you ponder what you read here...and compare it perhaps with what you have been taught.
I'm not sure where to begin..but please bear with me as I try to collect my thoughts.

I was in your shoes about 8 years ago... wondering how this could possibly fit with my long cherished Christian beliefs. So I prayed. I prayed in the way I had been taught... to ask God for guidance and to show me my way...To protect me from anything that was unhealthy and detrimental to my "faith." So I put all my faith in that prayer and kept my eyes opened wide for the guidance I knew was on the horizon. You see, I do not believe a heart felt prayer is ever left idle. To my amazement things begin to happen and I was led just as assuredly forward as I had been long ago in my early Sunday School days as I marveled at the unimaginable Love of God and our precious Jesus. I used to dream when I was a kid of being able to sit at "the Master's" feet and hear His words and see his beautiful face. ..so loving, so kind...so patient. To my joy, I experience something akin to that very thing. I sit at the master's feet and feel his enormous Love for me...for each of us as I pray and meditate.

My meditations and the spiritual path I now trek have deepened the connection I have with Jesus to such an extent that I feel Him close by as I work and breath...I do not regret one moment I have spent in my search for answers... not once! I will never regret drawing closer to Jesus whom the Angels and Midwayers love as much if not more than I do. And yes, I talk to them as if they were sitting beside me because they often are. It isn't prayer...nothing of that sort. I talk to them like I talk to my human friends. And yes... we do not need to thank them for doing their job that was given to them by the Creator of All...but we are polite are we not? :) No, the Midwayers...the Angels do not need or want our thanks... but they do appreciate our friendship because we are all children of God. They have often put my hand in the Creator's when I am troubled, when I am searching. But perhaps more than anything else, they encourage me to Love...to Love God, to Love each other and learn to Love myself. It is with this unconditional Love springing from the Divine Source, that our world will evolve and become the beautiful place it is intended.... and we all get to participate, contribute to this great effort. It begins first with one random act of Loving kindness and the flames grow in our hearts... changing us forever. As it grows it touches others, rippling among us like a beacon.
I follow Love. I follow God. That is all. God knows my heart... he knows my desires to serve and do His/Her will.

I smiled when I read the following because I have been reminded of this so many times over these past years
"Seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness...then all these things shall be given unto you..allelua alleluia..." ( I hear it via a song in my head and always at a very appropriate time... :) )
and funny thing, it was often our friend, Midwayer Chief Bzutu who did the reminding... :)

I Love God, I Love Jesus (Christ Michael as he is often called), I Love the Midwayers and the Angels. It is Love that leads us in this internet place. It is Love (God) who will always leads us to our "HOME".

but this is not about me....but about you, and only you can decide where you wish your next religious or spiritual steps to go...The 11:11 is a nudge to Love...does that help? You do not have to join any group or follow any religion to do that... just practice the Father's unconditional Love as you go through life...simple and beautiful.

Welcome Catherine...may God bless your path with Divine Love wherever it takes you in this world and the realms to come.
“We measure and evaluate your Spiritual Progress on the Wall of Eternity." – Guardian of Destiny, Alverana.
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Re: hello i am a newbie

Post by George »

Dear Catherine,

The 1,111 Loyal Secondary Midwayers, or Planetary Helpers, have been my friends since I was 5 years old and I am 73 now. So I guess that after 68 years I should tell them to move on ?

I talk to the postman if I catch him on his round in the morning, so why should I ignore Christ Michael's (Jesus') messengers when they are letting me know they are around ?

Christian religions, almost all of the thousands of varieties of Christianity that are, teach so much fear, even hatred, and from a great variety of bibles, when this is such a friendly universe to all who are almost fearless !

Be fearless. True friends are knocking on your door -- the 1,111.

God bless...
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Re: hello i am a newbie

Post by sammy »

Dear Catherine,

You asked if "it can be proven"...in return I would ask if you can prove God's existence any more than we can prove these beings are of God and asking us to expand our spiritual horizons?

I was raised Catholic, and have had a touch of Jehovah's Witness teachings along the way. Plenty of engrained fear there. I have finally decided that were there is love there is God and no need to fear.

That is what we are all about here...spreading love and hope.

Sending you love and hope!

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Re: hello i am a newbie

Post by catherine2012 »

Thankyou all for your kind words and for you time. You took the time out of your busy days to respond to me question. I appreciate that more than i can convey. God bless you all. I pray that the Holy Spirit might guide each and everyone of you. I have anothe question, please. This "Michael" ..you call Jesus Christ. Why? and, might I ask a personal question, do you read the Bible often? There is a scripture that says to beware of false teachers/teachings . and that angels of light might possibly be demons of darkness in disguise. Have you ever considered this condition?
May I share my recent events in my life. I am ill(diverticulitis attack, melanosa coli and stomach and espohogus erosion). I finally had to place my 91 year old father in a nursing home(SAD SAD SAD), but, I was his 24 hour caregiver for the last 4 years. Due to the stress of caretaking and worrying about him, i believe my health declined. I am very sad, and, he is too. His mind is sharp as a tack , his body is a bit frail. My mom died 4 years ago(mother's day). I do know i need a break from caretaking to take care of myself now, but, i feel guilty and selfish. I know logically this is the best. But, I have feelings of regret. So, i am now under the burden of sorrow and guilt. I am on my own. If any of you wish to pray for my father, his name is James. He is a ww2 and Korean war hero. I will visit him on Christmas eve and Day. I can't go over there every day, it makes me even more depressed. Please help me come up with a way to cheer him up. I don't understand my life right now, but, i have put my faith(it's so hard to find it, sometimes) back into the Lord's hand. May the power of Christ Jesus protect you all. Catherine
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Re: hello i am a newbie

Post by sammy »

Hi Again Catherine,

I understand what you are asking and why (about false prophets, etc), one of the Jehovah's Witnesses favorite topics. My personal thought is IF there were anything evil to our Midwayer friends, some one of us would have surely seen a sign of "evil" somewhere in it by now. If you were to take some time and read the Messages from Celestial teachers you will find that the messages are all full of content on how to be more loving individuals and how to grow closer to God.

I am sorry to hear you are in such a bad place right now. I pray for your father that he is well cared for and comforted, and I pray you also are healthy, and full of love for yourself so that you may once again spread your wonderful light to those around you.

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Re: hello i am a newbie

Post by George »

Dear Catherine,

Christ Michael is the local universe Creator Son, Michael of Nebadon, who came to this earth as Jesus, son of man, Son of God.
He is your spiritual father and at the same time your (our) older brother, because you are a daughter of God.
Michael is the Creator Son, not an Archangel. In fact, there are no Angels with the name Michael... none at all.

And, no, I don't read the bible at all. Not any more. I read the Urantia Papers from time to time.

More than anything I listen to my Teachers, Samuel, Aaron, Michael, Machiventa Melchizedek, The Damascus Scribe, any of our Midwayer Friends.

God bless...
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Re: hello i am a newbie

Post by George »

This is what one of my Midwayer Friends had to say about the 11:11 time prompt.

Asking our long-time subscribers to humor us once more. The 11/11/2011 date has “grown” the 11:11 Progress List by more than 10 percent in one week For all those newbies who ask the question, “Why am I time prompted and how does it work?” This transmit from Dr. Mendoza makes it very clear.

Illawarra District, Australia, November 22, 2007.
Dr. Mendoza (MNO-8).
Subject: “Patterns, Prompts, and Love.”

Received by George Barnard.

Dr. Mendoza: “Firstly, let me clear the air by saying there is no animosity between us, as long as you take care of your physical needs. The rest of your requirements will mostly be seen to by us. Secondly, the Chief is settling down some restless souls at this time, and I step into the breach. Old times, what?

“Let me note here that they are not merely your Secondary Midwayers that will prompt those selected mortals, but that all on the lower Morontia level can see to this repetitive task of awakening mankind to a higher level of spirituality. Yes, Cherubim and Companions alike, and there are others you are still to meet.

“Much of what makes up a prompt is typical to what the machine that is your brain will do for you, and we share this phenomenon with you, for in our make-up we are not so far removed from you. By your nature, you subconsciously notice a given event almost always before conscious recognition of that event.

“You may drive for many miles through a naturally wooded area to suddenly come upon a plantation, and immediately you perceive the way these trees are planted in a pattern. At a subconscious level, still, those cerebral neurons charged with the task of recognizing the vertical lines of the, say pine tree trunks, will begin to fire in a frenzy, for there are countless pines, and almost immediately will you consider that the forest landscape has given way to a man-made project.

“This is pattern recognition at a subliminal level at first, followed almost immediately by the conscious realization of pattern, precision, regularity, uniformity -- after you have traveled for miles through the scarcely noticed irregularity of naturally sprouted shrubbery and trees of all kinds – it may become your point of reference to how far you still need to travel on a future journey, the miles to a turn off, the duration of the remainder of the trip.

“This is what you do, and you do all of this yourselves, because you are designed that way. Our function is to suddenly make you wonder what time it might be, even if your clock is 5 minutes fast or slow, to note 11:11 or 3:33, to make you look at the street number on a home as you travel by to find it reads 2222, to make you note the repetitive numbers on a vehicle’s registration tag your point of reference.

“This, ad infinitum indeed, until you realize these patterns are so frequent in their appearance, you can no longer ‘chalk off’ these happenings to coincidence, if you truly believed in such a thing in the first place. You must now search, meet us midway.

“Think of man and his wife who are happily married; in love for all to see, and how they can share a thought, an idea, give a coinciding smile to each other. Translate this now into how we feel about you, our adopted universe children, whom we love deeply, and consider the mind-meld principles we share with you as we prompt you.

“This is Dr. Mendoza, in love with life, and with you all.”

George: “It’s good to see you, Doc. Thank you.”

© The 11:11 Progress Group.
You lit a Flame, and it will become a Raging Fire—ABC-22.

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Re: hello i am a newbie

Post by inawe »

Hello Catherine! I don't there's very much more for me to say, and anything I do say will probably be anticlimactic after such an illustrious and knowing person such as George has answered you, wow!! :-) however, I do want to put in my two cents. I was raised Catholic as well, so I do know what you mean and feel, I've been there... I've also come to know that God adores us as we are, does'nt want for us to fear anything and loves and accepts as we are and just wants us to be happy and in perfect communion with him.... Religion has been diluted and and altered over the centuries, all that dogma and fear base is not right... Anyways! I'll shut up about that now... Again we are all free to believe and love God as we see fit...
About the prompts... I guess in the beginning we all wonder about them since it's so obvious that something celestial is going on, strange (for lack of a better word) things happen, "coincidences" .... Think about the way they make you feel, happy , no? Bewildered.... Never scared, never angry.... They are always messages of love and hope. And somehow, you will notice a great change in yourself, you will see yourself become the person you've always wanted to be.... My daughter is 12... She gets prompts and being so young and probably more receptive since her mind is so new.. She knew automatically what was going on and she said , Mommy we have to spread light... That's our mission... Spread God's love and light....prompts are very personal, they are tailored to each of us.. I'm going through things now, quite nerve racking! Grrrrrr.... And last night I has a meltdown! I decided to give up on a situation , to be mad and bitter and be miserable... I was sobbing and in my sobbing, why did I reach for my phone??? To see 3:33... Which means.. The Ascended Masters are with you....( The Holy Virgin Mary being one of them) and surely enough, they consoled me, changed my thoughts and gently reminded me of the very message I've been getting all along but lost sight of..."just wait" does'nt get much better than that....all of this changes everything we knew, redines everything, but so worth it... We are blessed.... Enjoy all of this...it's very, very real... Imagine, being loved and guided by celestials upon Gods command.... Pretty awesome! Love to you! Merry Christmas!
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Re: hello i am a newbie

Post by catherine2012 »

I am thankful that you have responded, all of you. You do seem to project love(i can feel this from the tone of the posts) That's another thing about me. I have always been overly-sesitive to things and feelings. I thank YOU especially, esteemed George, I take it that it is/was a great honor to have you speak to me personally. God bless you on this Holy day of the eve or our Lord's birth. George you are quite a character and you are loved, i can see that. :) I as a Lutheran. (Mo. Synod). I was raised in the faith. When I was a young adult I stopped going to church and led a life of sin, sin, and more sin. I caused other's such pain. There should be a stronger word than the word pain to use, because i ruined many lives. I am now, so sorry. And, I live with the consequences. (funny, i never realized about consequences back then). About the 11 11 number, I do see it all the time. And, I have driven at night under street lights and do you know what? some of them actually go out the minute i come upon and pass by them. It's inexplicable. I feel like i turned the street light off. i laugh at that. But, who know for sure, now that i've read more about this phenomenon. So, if I am to understand, my job now is to be kind and spread love? yes? I have such a hard time reaching out to people and making friends. I am a bit of a loner. But, little by little, for instance, if I go to a store I will say something kind, even if it is small. Is this what you guys mean? And, I must learn to forgive and love myself. thankyou for any response. Merry Christmas, Catherine. Jesus is among us and loves all of us!
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Re: hello i am a newbie

Post by George »

We learned from certain Angels, Moronta Companions and certain Teachers that they are almost envious of us mortals.

Many of these Celestials were created perfect, never had a chance to doubt that God exists, so how could they have faith ?

There's little faith to be had when there is no uncertainty. Consider.

Some would gladly change places with us to better serve the Creator by being imperfect and becoming perfect through faith and good deeds.

We are MEANT to make mistakes in order to learn.

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Re: hello i am a newbie

Post by nasra1996 »

Welcome Catherine.... i got a question about this George, :) who will have the most depth of wisdom ?

the person who has barely made any mistakes or just minor ones because they were born with an inbuilt knowledge and therfore refrain from doing anything bad, Or those that have made lots of mistakes, done what they want because they want to experience life and yet learned lessons and grown... im the first kind lol sometimes i feel like i missed out on things :)

much peace

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Re: hello i am a newbie

Post by jack6251 »

Hi Catherine, welcome to the boards :)

Jack :pig:
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Re: hello i am a newbie


Hello Catherine I would just like to say that JESUS is always GOD and the MIDWAYERS DONOT go against this. A spirit in HEAVEN , CSN be tested simply by asking who the son of the LIVING GOD is.mSo next time you get your daily 11:11 just ask who the sun of the LIVING GOD is to your spirtual helpers. Their just on a mission from GOD to help you and not evil so don't be challenging about it but doing it on your own may illuminate you to what's really going on.
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Re: hello i am a newbie

Post by 11light11 »

Dear Catherine,

I was brought up Catholic, and even attended Catholic school for 8 years. I understand your reservations because I grew up hearing similar ideas, and I know where those ideas come from.

If I may ask, what brings you to our website? Something must have you moved by your experience of seeing 11:11, for you now find yourself here. When you shared about the many hard times you've had in the past few years, I wonder if this is why you are seeing the prompts. (And by the way, I am so sorry about your pain and I will pray for you.) I often see the 11:11 when I am in pain, and I take it as a show of comfort. One thing that was hard for me growing up in the Church, was I used to feel like "Why are all the miracles in the Bible over now?" I used to ask my teachers "Why doesn't God still perform miracles?" And they'd tell me "God is done performing miracles." :shock: Especially looking back on that idea when I see miracles all around me every day, now, I know that this is not true. Isn't life itself a miracle? To me, when we are really low, feeling so sad and hopeless -- if we see a little sign from God -- it just picks us right up. To me, with the 11:11, I left "faith" behind and moved into "knowing" God in a different way. Then I felt more connected to the Light -- and it's easier to feel positive, even when things gets me down. Which happens to all of us!!!

I know our little family cherishes the idea that we each have our own path, our own unique view of things, and the right to see things as they make sense to us. There will be no harm if you continue on your own path, and choose to disregard the 11:11 prompts. That's fine too! From reading the responses you got, from George, and Sandy, and Infinite Light, and Jack, Sarah, Vanessa, Sammy --- I can tell everyone just tried to offer a softer view, a calm one, with hope and inspiration offered: it is always your choice whether to consider these ideas, or not. You will be fine either way. :kiss:

I just felt moved by what you shared, and also by the lovely responses you received, and part of your question touched me and moved me to respond. You shared "This is not what Angels want, they want Jesus to get all the glory and thanks." I know what you mean - I was taught this as well. But Angels are there to assist God, and Jesus - and Midwayers are too - it is just a large group of lovers, all servants of God, all individually present to guide and assist us, here on earth, like the tradition of having a Guardian Angel. I was taught to speak to my Guardian Angel from a very young age, to show them love and gratitude, not just say "Please help me!" but also when things were fine, to take the moment to thank them for always guiding over me, watching me, protecting me, loving me. When I take that moment to show them my gratitude, I do not betray God, or Jesus -- I pay them homage, too, because I know I only have a Guardian Angel because God put my Angel in place for me. They are just God's helpers. God has many helpers, and the ancient roots of the Christian religion, in Judaism, are filled with stories about Angel helpers. Like the beautiful Archangels. And those stories carry over into the stories in the New Testament, like when Mary found out she would bear God's child, by the Archangel Gabriel visiting her (I think I'm remembering that right! I always mix up who visited her cousin Elizabeth, and who visited Mary. ;) ).

Midwayers are just more of God's helpers, and the way I see it -- God wishes for more humans to wake up to being kind to one another, and to loving one another. We have so much silliness where we compete with one another, try to show someone else up, or feel superior to someone else, that happens every day. What I notice on our little board here, is people are so moved, so profoundly moved, to know that one of God's helpers has said "Hello" to them -- they are moved to a kind, charitable, loving view. They reach out more; they are in a better mood, to put it that way. ;) Any inspiration makes God smile, is the way I see it -- sometimes it is a rainbow arching across the sky, or a tree whose spring flowers are in full bloom. ;) These are all evidence of God's love. Anything that reminds us of God and the many gifts we receive every day -- can move us to be more complete human beings, behaving more like Souls. So that is a beautiful thing in my opinion!

I think if something makes you smile, feel good, reach out to others in loving kindness, you can safely assume it comes from the Light.

Thank you for all you shared and peace and blessings shining out to you! :kiss: :loves :roll :sunflower: And thank you to everyone who responded -- I enjoyed your ideas so much!

With love, Michele :loves
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Re: hello i am a newbie

Post by PaulC »

Dear Catherine,

There are indeed many orders of beings that inhabit our local universe. These beings are the children of our Divine parents, just as we are the children of our Divine parents. The midwayers, archangels, Melchizdedeks, and many other beings, are here to help connect us back to our hearts. They are not separate from the presence of the Eternal Father and neither are we separate.

The various prompts are being brought to our conscious awareness to show us that there is indeed a celestial world outside of our own realm. It is the midwayers task to get us started on the journey of spirituality and everlasting life. As we ascend further along in spiritual progress other celestial beings will come along to teach us more complicated things about the universe that we inhabit. But all of these celestial beings have one purpose and that is to help us to see that the greatest teacher is the presence of God living in our hearts. This presence of God is referred to as the I AM presence, your highest self, your Spirit self, and other designations.

That Spirit self that inhabits your heart is in fact YOU, the real you; the Spirit you; a gift from the Paradise Father to you. When Jesus was stating to his followers that some would not taste death at all until the Kingdom of God was born in their hearts, he was referring to this presence of the Divine Father living within them. Jesus' followers did indeed discover this divine presence within themselves before they tasted death; that is, before they gave up their mortal lives and took up their soul forms upon the worlds on high.

Ask yourself this question; if we are part of the body of Christ are we separate from the Christ then? If we are a part of the body of Christ we are a part of that Spirit. If we are a part of that Spirit of Christ, how can we be anything less than the Christ, since we all spring from the Christ? Why is it that the angels bow to the light within us? Are they bowing to a mere mortal or to the light that no mortal can approach? Are they bowing to the light that we are since we are not separate from the presence of God that is in each one of us?

Within your heart is your own presence of God. If you go into the stillness you will find the answers that you seek. You will find that we are all part of a massive and friendly universe of celestial beings and mortals that are not separate from the Almighty God. When you discover that you are not separate from everyone and everything then the Kingdom of God will be born in your heart before you give up this mortal life. You will discover that you are not separate from the Spirit of the Christ and from the presence of God that will live in your heart forever. :loves
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Re: hello i am a newbie

Post by JM »

Dear Catherine,

Welcome! Much of your questions have already been answered, so I have just a couple of things to add. As have been explained this phenomenon of seeing 11:11 isn't made by you, it's mainly the work of our distant cousins, the Midwayers, which are the spiritual beings more close to us and their main purpose was to catch your attention, and they have succeeded, as you found this board and have now the opportunity to learn about it, about them and about a myriad of other things that will be of much help in enlightening you on your path of progression towards God. I'm also a believer of Jesus Christ (was raised Catholic) and went trough the same period of distrust, suspicion and even fear when I first read about this time prompt phenomenon here, so I understand you perfectly in that point. As Michele pointed out, it normally appears or happens more frequently when we are having an hard time, but this is not a rule I think, that's what happened to me, I started seeing it when I was having a real bad moment in my life, and as I see it now it came as a sort of response to my prayers. So it's nothing to be feared but to be thankful for, a little sign that God loves you and cares about you.

Answering to your question about the Bible, I read some passages from time to time but I read much more often The Urantia Book, something I discovered only after discovering this board. And in it you have the answer to your question about Jesus Christ and Michael. Well, as you know from the Bible, there is the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. The Father is normally associated with the concept of God, as in God the Father. But the Father has many Sons, these primary Paradise Sons are personalized as Michaels, and each one is the creator of a local universe, in our case Christ Michael is the creator and sovereign of Nebadon, our local universe. It was Christ Michael who was among us in the flesh as Jesus, Son of Man and Son of God, also known as Jesus of Nazareth, Jesus Christ, Joshua Ben Joseph, among others. So we normally refer to Him as Michael because before He was among us as Jesus, He was already known as Christ Michael, analogously, the Holy Spirit is often referred to as Nebadonia and our planet Earth referred to as Urantia, because they already had names before we humans named them.

As you pointed out, you must learn to forgive and love yourself, that is the first step to stop the downward spiral in which you are at this moment. In order to forgive yourself you must let go that guilt you have accumulated, and I'll recommend you to read this post, as I'm sure it will help a little bit. To love yourself first you must forgive yourself, and then something that would help you gaining some self-love would be for you to realize that you are indwelt by a Fragment of the Father, known as Thought Adjuster, Divine Self, Indwelling Spirit, Higher Self, Mystery Monitor, Inner Pilot, Divine Spark, among others. God lives within you! By realizing this you came to the conclusion that you are worthy of the greatest gift the Father can give, a Part of Himself, meaning He loves you unconditionally no matter what you have done in the past, no matter what you do, He is always present, always ready to forgive you, always ready to love you. In demonstrating you gratitude and your Love towards Him, your are loving yourself at the same time, as part of Him is you! Loving ourselves is the first step towards loving the others as it is impossible to love the others if we can't even love ourselves, if we have a low self-esteem or we can't forgive ourselves. Depression is characterized by the absence of Love, so realizing that God loves you unconditionally is a good way to start.

It is not a selfish act to take care of our own health, we should do our best to keep our body and mind in shape as our body is a living temple where God lives. Our body is the only place we have to live this life as mortal humans, so take care of it! I'm sorry for your loss and for all you have been through in the last years, but as a believer you should know your mother is alive and well, surrounded by all those who have finished their mortal lives, cared, taught and loved in the Mansion Worlds by countless beings and God Himself. A good way to cheer up you father would be for you start being well with yourself and eliminate all the guilt, regret and sorrow you feel. That way when he sees you he will feel the good energies from you and feel better himself, instead of seeing someone depressed and become also more and more depressed making you even more depressed. You must stop that downward spiral and bring it upward! Both of you will be receiving my Love and energies during my meditations.

Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law? Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.” Matthew 22:36-40

"Wherever you are I Am with you."
"Let Me go at the front to illuminate your path."
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