“my testimony”

Use this forum to ask or post about 11:11, 12:34, 2:22, 22:22 etc. The wake-up digital clock signals of our loving celestial friends. They also delight in flicking on or off street lights, traffic lights and ringing door bells.
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Astral AeroPlane
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“my testimony”

Post by Astral AeroPlane »

111 222 333 444 555 number phenomenon
“my testimony”

I would like to address my thoughts on the strange synchronized number phenomenon that I have been experiencing for the pass 2 or 3 years. Concerning my spiritual belief, I am a believer in Jesus Christ since a youth. I‘m not religious, but I except him as my Savior. For many years I’ve had many spiritual experiences, like visions, out of body travel, angelic visitations, 1 near death experience, 2 ET encounters. They do not happen every night, but when they do happen they are very profound and real. I even had premonitions for a short period of time in the 90’s that came true. I even seen the WTC 911 type attack in a dream like vision back in 1997 or 1998. Believe it or not I have been to other dimentional realms and interacted and interceded with lost souls that are stuck in these “planes of existence”, and I also had encountered 1 ghost in my apartment for 3 weeks that I assited through prayer and interssion. I have never self-willed myself to encounter these souls through my own ego, it has been some greater force at work that brings me to them, maybe “the” Divine Spirit. I have experience some mind blowing encounters. None of these experience is complete without experiencing some dark forces messing with me along the way, all have been over come by the name of Jesus Christ. I have never, never, ever indulged in witchcraft, voodoo, necromancy, numerology, astrology, wigi boards or any other dark spiritual concepts, ever in my life! I tend to stay away from people I perceived to be into that kind of thing. I think Christ is beyond religion, that’s why I do not follow any. I had my period of doing the “church thing”, but years of listening to false prophets, false proserity preaching, seeing sex scandals and experiencing phony “church folks” has chased me out of religion forever. My whole life has been Christ centered, being loving and kind to my fellow man and women, and my inner vibration reflex that, although I’m far from being perfect. I’ve had my moments of being frustrated with life, but that’s what our journey in this time on earth is about. We learn, make mistakes, improve ourselves and move on to a better mind. Both Dark and Light forces exist on this earth plane in case you didn’t know. Evil seems to be rampant in this day in age everywhere, especially in the spirit realm. I’m reminded by this passage. Ephesians 6:12: For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

I now would like to share with you a new type of spiritual experience that I have encountered that I have never heard or seen before, and that is the “111 222 333 444 555 number phenomenon”. This is one weird experience, and is something that allot of people all over the world right now are experiencing. It started over 2 or 3 years ago with me in the early morning hours at night, maybe during the summer. I woke up precisely at 3:33am in the morning one night. Then a few seconds later my cell phone buzzed at 3:33am at the same time. My cell phone would indicate that someone has left a message on my phone, but there was no message. 3:33 would be the primary number that i would see often at that time. One time I had these 3:33am awakenings and cell phone calls every night for a whole month. My phone provider had no record of me receiving any calls at that time,....ever. One day I had encountered that number all day which started with me awaking at 3:33am in the morning. Later on that same day, everywhere I looked I saw that number on car licence plates, truck and bus numbers, serial numbers on objects, recites. and on my computer. I remember picking up a check that same day from a client for the hours I spent on a small project and the check amount was $333.33 cent. I later went to get some lunch, it was $13.33 cents. I later went to a store to buy some things and the amount was $33.33 cents, I walked to the car and my car clock said 3:33pm. I believe I’ve seen that number over 30 times that same day. Beyond the “Laws of Probability”. It was pretty unbelievable. I thought maybe something was going on with the universe, like going through some changes or maybe some sort of galactic alinement or physical unknown science.

Ever since then I have seen 1:11, 2:22, 3:33, 4:44 and 5:55 often. Now I get a combination of numbers I see often right now like 9:33, 7:11, 8:22, 7:33 and 10:11. It’s always in that sequence. The majority of the time I would look at the clock, it’s like BAM! There it is again. Out of all the spiritual experiences that i have had over the years I have never seen these numbers before, “EVER”. This started at a specific time. I did some research on the web, and I see many people discussing this. People are writing books on this. I noticed that some have written books, have classes and work shops on this subject. Most of what others talk about tend to gravitate to a new age type concept of enlightenment with angels and working your way to heaven through self realization, DNA activation and channeling. I did for awhile believe that these numbers maybe connected to angelic/spirit guide forces to help me on the path. now I’m beginning to rethink this. I’m reminded that this material world is ruled by Satan and he can appear as light. There is no question about that. This is his domaine, and we are in it. I think the whole world is in a low vibration of “EGO” such as (selfishness, falsehood, hate, cowardness, self-hate, hatfullness toward children, full of media bigots & liars, vindictiveness over petty issues, unlovingness, prideful, people rejoicing over someone’s downfall and death, unforgiving, materialistic, obsessed with protecting there own corruptibility of racial & gender pride, achievements and cultures, which I fill are all elusions). Even law enforcement seam to be abusing the people this day in age, that they swore on a Bible to protect and serve. I think some law enforcement people are wonderful and righteous people that want to do good, but there are some in there ranks that are truly evil especially in the judical system. It seems people are prone to “suggested thought” than ever before, maybe something to do with the manipulation of our equilibrium through mass, media, altering frequency in electronic & sound devises to make us prone to suggested thought and altering our food supply. I’m reminded of this verse in the Bible: Mark 13:22 because false messiahs and false prophets will appear and produce signs and omens to deceive, if possible, the elect.

I think seeing and experiencing these numbers is the result of manipulation on a grand scale behind the scenes of physical reality. It’s almost like a very profound type of witchcraft, but at a higher level. It seams to be a feel good massage for souls who are perishing without the knowledge of Christ but even Gods people are being deceived. A type of false Light that someone like Satan can think of in order to lead astray the consciousness of people in these last days. Even though they may be great, kind, giving, wonderful and talented people. I don’t think seeing these numbers is the result of reaching a high form of spirituality with the Heavenly Creator/Divine Spirit who is way beyond this physical and material plain. This phenomenon is happening within the realm of LOGIC. I believe there are other realms that exist where the souls dwells that has both dark and light forces. I think even the selfwilled military and secret societies can and do taped into these realites. Jesus Christ is the greatest Sign and Wonder that we can ever have. No one comes to the Forefather of Light except through his Son. Dark Energy and Anti Matter can be manipulated on this plane. People that practice witchcraft do this all the time when they try to harm, manipulate, control and confuse others through there self-willed actions. I think these numbers are connected to a darker agenda of the power of suggestion. There are “Leyline” and “High Energy” fields that sound the whole earth, that I’m sure effect us in some way. I do not know what triggers this event to certain people,.... a persons vibrational field, Leylines, ET implants,...who knows??. I think the present ET experience is evil powers/demons masquerading as enlighten beings with the false gospel of new age thinking. A type of thinking that would be indicative to the coming AntiChrist. I think people that would fall for him will have a so called enlighten new age conciseness and the true believers of Christ will be outcasts. I think Satan and his E.T force are whoring the governments and militaries of the world to forfill there agendas to a coming fear and control society(New World Order and Mark of the Beast concepts) .I think Satan is a master manipulator of thought, it worked agianst Eve in the Garden and it’s working in the physical dimension at this present time. There is a “battle royal” over the souls of mankind and I wanted to remind and warn all people to repent and except Jesus Christ as there Lord and Savior before it’s to late.

Thanks for Reading
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Re: “my testimony”

Post by sammy »

Wow Astral, lots of stuff there.

I would like to suggest to you that we all...every individual...has the ability to affect the energy on this earth...and it is where and how we focus our energy that we can make the biggest impact. Choosing to focus on only love and the positive gives less energy (thus power) to the negative.

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Re: “my testimony”

Post by inawe »

Wow , lots of stuff indeed .... I've always beeen subject to so many things not of this earth too...but I have to say, I've only gotten wonderful energy and love and light from my celestial interactions be it by way of prompts meditating etc. Has never steered me wrong.... All paths lead to enlightenment.... As long as you are comfortable on your path and spread light, hope, love and kindness to others... It's gotta be a good path... Love and light and peace to you...
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Re: “my testimony”

Post by JM »

Hi Astral AeroPlane!

Your story is very interesting, you seem to be a really spiritual person with lots of amazing events on your life. Most of us on this board share that same characteristic of having many episodes on our lives that go way beyond what 'common' people could classify as normal. I too have had many events, episodes and situations that go beyond the most wild imagination including of course the time prompts that led me to this board. We have some things in common as I also believe in Jesus Christ but don't profess any religion in particular, for many reasons, but I nevertheless grew up inside Christianity and went frequently to the Church until I was 17 or 18. I could say I have my own religion or believe system and it is very personal and dynamic, because I'm always learning and improving upon it, and it is spiritually oriented. My main sources are the Bible, The Urantia Book, the messages from Celestial Teachers and concepts from Buddhism and Hinduism mostly related to Yoga and meditation.

But let me tell you I disagree with your opinion about the time prompt phenomenon. If you have a look at this board and the messages from Thought Adjusters, Celestials, even from Jesus Christ or Christ Michael himself, that are constantly received by a variety of people from all around the world and for years and years you would change your mind about this subject. Let me try to clarify why I disagree with you.

Astral AeroPlane wrote: Evil seems to be rampant in this day in age everywhere, especially in the spirit realm. I’m reminded by this passage. Ephesians 6:12: For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.
This passage from Ephesians written by Saint Paul was a clear picture of what was going on then, and what was going then was the Lucifer Rebellion that started about 500.000 years ago and was finally adjudicated in 1984. You could read more about this subject here, in Urantia Book, or search in the messages from Celestials on this board. So, the rebellion is over, Lucifer is no more, and for that reason this passage from Ephesians is now outdated, incorrect.
Astral AeroPlane wrote: Most of what others talk about tend to gravitate to a new age type concept of enlightenment with angels and working your way to heaven through self realization, DNA activation and channeling. I did for awhile believe that these numbers maybe connected to angelic/spirit guide forces to help me on the path.
And it has indeed something to do with those things, and is a phenomenon whose responsibles are the Planetary Helpers, Secondary Midwayers or “lower angels”. Read this.
Astral AeroPlane wrote: now I’m beginning to rethink this. I’m reminded that this material world is ruled by Satan and he can appear as light. There is no question about that.
As you know by now, Lucifer/Satan doesn't exist anymore, so no need to rethink.
Astral AeroPlane wrote: I think the whole world is in a low vibration of “EGO” such as (selfishness, falsehood, hate, cowardness, self-hate, hatfullness toward children, full of media bigots & liars, vindictiveness over petty issues, unlovingness, prideful, people rejoicing over someone’s downfall and death, unforgiving, materialistic, obsessed with protecting there own corruptibility of racial & gender pride, achievements and cultures, which I fill are all elusions). Even law enforcement seam to be abusing the people this day in age, that they swore on a Bible to protect and serve. I think some law enforcement people are wonderful and righteous people that want to do good, but there are some in there ranks that are truly evil especially in the judical system. It seems people are prone to “suggested thought” than ever before, maybe something to do with the manipulation of our equilibrium through mass, media, altering frequency in electronic & sound devises to make us prone to suggested thought and altering our food supply.
Our planet is one of the most troubled and least developed in our Local Universe mainly because of the Lucifer Rebellion, and that was the main reason why Christ decided to chose our own planet from all the ones he is sovereign to do his bestowal and Jesus of Nazareth or Joshua Ben Joseph. All the evil we see today in the world is a consequence of our planet being isolated from higher spheres for 500.000 years, and because of that we don't evolved that much spiritually. All the evil you mention is not a product of Satan directly but a consequence of his rebellion, and ultimately we are the cause of all problems because we are blessed bu the Father with the gift of the free will. If we do all those bad things is ultimately because we want to do them! Of course there are a lot of cultural and social factors that lead people to do bad things but this is a complex subject that takes a lot of time to analyze.
Astral AeroPlane wrote: I’m reminded of this verse in the Bible: Mark 13:22 because false messiahs and false prophets will appear and produce signs and omens to deceive, if possible, the elect.
Mark 13:21-22 "And then if any man shall say to you, Lo, here is Christ; or, lo, he is there; believe him not: For false Christs and false prophets shall rise, and shall shew signs and wonders, to seduce, if it were possible, even the elect."
Here He is referring to people ho claim to be Christs. And regarding the signs my personal interpretation is that in these days they could refer to the Masonic symbols of Freemasonry, certainly not to time prompts.
Astral AeroPlane wrote: I think seeing and experiencing these numbers is the result of manipulation on a grand scale behind the scenes of physical reality. It’s almost like a very profound type of witchcraft, but at a higher level. It seams to be a feel good massage for souls who are perishing without the knowledge of Christ but even Gods people are being deceived. A type of false Light that someone like Satan can think of in order to lead astray the consciousness of people in these last days. Even though they may be great, kind, giving, wonderful and talented people. I don’t think seeing these numbers is the result of reaching a high form of spirituality with the Heavenly Creator/Divine Spirit who is way beyond this physical and material plain. This phenomenon is happening within the realm of LOGIC. I believe there are other realms that exist where the souls dwells that has both dark and light forces. I think even the selfwilled military and secret societies can and do taped into these realites.
I too have many many reserves regarding secret societies because all the conspiracy theories that exist, but in general I don't share from your opinion for the reasons I've already stated.
Astral AeroPlane wrote: Jesus Christ is the greatest Sign and Wonder that we can ever have. No one comes to the Forefather of Light except through his Son.
Astral AeroPlane wrote: Dark Energy and Anti Matter can be manipulated on this plane. People that practice witchcraft do this all the time when they try to harm, manipulate, control and confuse others through there self-willed actions. I think these numbers are connected to a darker agenda of the power of suggestion.
No dark agenda regarding this time prompts as explained in the FAQ section of this board and proved by the wisdom and love in the hundreds of messages we receive from the Celestials responsible for this time prompting!
Astral AeroPlane wrote: There are “Leyline” and “High Energy” fields that sound the whole earth, that I’m sure effect us in some way.
Yes, they exist and can affect our electro-chemical-spiritual body.
Astral AeroPlane wrote: I do not know what triggers this event to certain people,.... a persons vibrational field, Leylines, ET implants,...who knows??.
Midwayers! :o)
Astral AeroPlane wrote: I think the present ET experience is evil powers/demons masquerading as enlighten beings with the false gospel of new age thinking. A type of thinking that would be indicative to the coming AntiChrist. I think people that would fall for him will have a so called enlighten new age conciseness and the true believers of Christ will be outcasts.
If by New Age thinking you mean to live in Love, do good towards the others, send good energy to heal, meditate to develop spiritually so you could become a better human being and take the path to perfection to become more and more like the Father of all reflecting Truth, Beauty and Goodness... Then you are doing what Christ said and you are certainly doing the Father's will.
Astral AeroPlane wrote: I think Satan and his E.T force are whoring the governments and militaries of the world to forfill there agendas to a coming fear and control society(New World Order and Mark of the Beast concepts).
No more Satan. But regarding worldwide conspiracies by secret societies I'll not put my hands on the fire...
Astral AeroPlane wrote: I think Satan is a master manipulator of thought, it worked agianst Eve in the Garden and it’s working in the physical dimension at this present time.
Against Eve in the Garden was more precisely Caligastia but followinf th plan of Lucifer/Satan. But at this present time he is not working for sure.
Astral AeroPlane wrote: There is a “battle royal” over the souls of mankind and I wanted to remind and warn all people to repent and except Jesus Christ as there Lord and Savior before it’s to late.
I don't share this opinion of the battle for the souls. There is no battle. Each one is responsible for the future of his soul.

I hope I have clarified some aspects of your theory, you could always research on this board or in the Urantia Book for more information regarding some of the concepts and ideas I mentioned. Hope it helped!

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Re: “my testimony”

Post by sammy »

:cheers: JM! So well thought out and stated! Thank you for helping me when I was at a loss for words.

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Re: “my testimony”

Post by inawe »

Me too!
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Re: “my testimony”

Post by 11light11 »

Beautiful, JM! I am going to bookmark that one to read again later! :kiss:
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Re: “my testimony”

Post by Sandy »

Dear Dwayne,
It has been awhile since you visited our boards and I so I wish to say hello.

While I cannot say I agree with some things in your post...my heart soared when I read these lines....
My whole life has been Christ centered, being loving and kind to my fellow man and women, and my inner vibration reflex that, although I’m far from being perfect. I’ve had my moments of being frustrated with life, but that’s what our journey in this time on earth is about. We learn, make mistakes, improve ourselves and move on to a better mind.
yes...that is so true and in this statement you also illustrate a very valid point...That it also is an individual's responsibility to improve themselves, move themselves forward as often times it is the very mistakes we make that push us onwards, enlightening and teaching us as life progresses. This wonderful and sometimes unnerving process continues even after we pass on to the next realm that the Divine has prepared for us. And so, even those humans we perceive as mistakenly wrong and evil, they too are learning from their mistakes just as we are. Perhaps their miss deeds and mistakes are more openly exposed than our own. Don't know, and it isn't my place to judge them.
But it is Divine Love that drives the wheels of this infinite universe...our playground...and as we emulate this Unconditional Love, we too serve and give the only gift we can to the Divine One who Loves us beyond comprehension...our own Love.

May we all explore, share, Love and most of all experience the Universe Source in our own wonderful way... Thank you God for allowing that! :kiss:

I would just like to thank you, JM too for that wonderful, detailed and inspired explanation. :sunflower: It does my heart good to be reminded of the freedom we now enjoy...with our rebellious ex celestial leaders no longer an impact on this world. It is good to see you again old friend. :D

Enjoy your day everybody! :hithere
With Love,
“We measure and evaluate your Spiritual Progress on the Wall of Eternity." – Guardian of Destiny, Alverana.
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Re: “my testimony”

Post by JM »

Dear sammy, inawe, 11light11, Sandy, thank you for your kind words! I hope all is well you all of you! :hithere
I made a few typos in the post, the preview option was unavailable, but nothing serious. :)

Wise words as always Sandy!
Sandy wrote: But it is Divine Love that drives the wheels of this infinite universe...our playground...and as we emulate this Unconditional Love, we too serve and give the only gift we can to the Divine One who Loves us beyond comprehension...our own Love.

May we all explore, share, Love and most of all experience the Universe Source in our own wonderful way... Thank you God for allowing that! :kiss:
Love is indeed the best gift we could give to ourselves, to others and to the Divine One, and besides Love the other thing with which we can contribute to Him are our own experiences, hopefully most of them good ones, but the life in this planet isn't always easy as we all know...

It has been a while since I last post on the board, probably more than one and half years, but in the last weeks I came back again after being away from it because of some personal issues I've been through for more than a year... Life isn't always easy... But things are now starting to back on track again! I really felt compelled to answer to this post and it all flow easily when I was answering each one of his ideas. Everybody has the right to have an opinion about this time prompt phenomenon, but because of my personal experience and the certainty I have about it I could not let this brother keep thinking it is a product of Satan's work.

Much Love and Light to you all!

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Re: “my testimony”

Post by Sandy »

Dearest JM,

I am so glad that you followed your heart in answering this post... and it was clear from your loving words that you were inspired. I concur with every word. :kiss:
Each of us are a gift to each other...a precious Christmas gift in a way... something I read just this morning in a transmit from another site which George has given me permission to post here.
May our beautiful God bless you all today, tomorrow and always...
With love,

For those of you new to the board...Michael is Jesus.

Dear Friends, this is something I'd like to share with you again this season of refection and joy, this Christmas evening a while ago. Jerry

DATE: December 24, 2009

LOCATION: Light Line

T/R: Jerry Lane


TOPIC: Christmas Message

Prayer: Dear Michael and Mother Spirit. Greetings! We welcome you with open minds and open, humble hearts. We invite you to come be with us – especially tonight. We thank you for the power that you and our mutual Father have given us: the power of self awareness, the power to create and choose our own destiny, the power to know this dignity of being a free will creature of yours, and even the power to disregard you, to totally ignore you. And so tonight we open our hearts and minds and ask you to help us, help us be self forgetful, help us feel your presence. We love you very much and it is a bit overwhelming to feel your love for us. Thank you for everything. Amen.

MICHAEL: Good evening, my children. This is Michael. Mother and I do wish you a joyous Merry Christmas. This is a special time of year and special time throughout the Local Universe. Yet, my children, Christmas is not about Christianity, or Islam, or Buddhism, or Judaism, or Hinduism--just to name a few of so many. Christmas is not even about me, or about my life I lived among you as Jesus. Christmas is about you. Christmas is about your life and all the lives that you know and treasure so dearly. This is the true meaning of Christmas, this thankfulness and love that we can share together, this uniting, this coming together of our souls to rejoice that we are! Here we are -- God’s creations, creatures of His infinite creativity.

Christmas is about you. Christmas is about this spirit of yours, these unique personalities you have, endowed with spirit, endowed with creativity, endowed with this power you mentioned that gives you choice, gives you freedom. For even though Mother Spirit and I call you children -- and in a way you are, truly – the two of us along with our Life Carrier sons, along with the whole development of our Local Universe now these billions of years, all this has gone up into the pattern beings you are, graced and united with God’s pure creation of your personalities. And yet in a way you are not ours at all. You belong to yourselves, yourselves and God.

You have the presence of God right within you, part of you. It is how God experiences life with you, my children, and that creates your soul, and so your soul is counter-parted by this presence that is absolute and infinite. You belong to your selves and to God. It’s his presence within you that was the essence of my teaching as Jesus. This was my religion; this is what I practiced; this is what I gloried and delighted in--my contact, my communication with my Father. And this was my religion. Not the religion about me, but the religion that each of you knows inside – your relationship with God -- for it is this relationship, my children, that gives you yourself, even as your Creator created you – unique and individual.

There is something inside you, part of you that supersedes all ecclesiastical authority of whatever, all social authority, all political authority, even perhaps the coercive authority of your well-meaning, loving friends. This is what gives you freedom. This is what gives you the ability to create and choose and decide and become the co-creator along with the whole rest of the universe, the whole world around you and the people in it, and still you are the co-creator of your own reality. And this could be the basis of the most profound loneliness an individual creature could know, this realization that you are unique.

For all the while you are universally a human being, there is that which is in you known only to you and to God. True enough Mother Spirit and I, Creator Son/Creator Daughter of Nebadon, we too experience you in all fullness: your personality, your spirit, your soul, even as much of your faults you care to share with us; but even we are not God. There is that special relationship of God to each and every one of the personal beings he creates. And so my dear ones, you have the finest company so far yet beyond your imagination, and what you experience in these lives of yours, these lives that you share with each other, it is the presence of God sharing it with you that makes it his own.

God vouchsafes this cosmic reality, this new birth of an eternal soul. This is what I would invite you to share, not only at Christmastime, which does honor my birth among you, but this is what I would invite you to perceive in each other -- feel each other, fully experience each other as spiritual beings, unique beings. For then you can marvel all the more fully that you can relate, you can share so much between you, among you. This is that beautiful co-creation which you and your beloved ones create and sustain in each other. You literally give each other life, even as Mother Spirit, the Holy Spirit of Urantia, gives life to you. This is how you share her, and me, among you.

This is my Spirit of Truth orienting you to an endless, literally endless, discovery of more truth, more individual personal beings, on and on, with your whole universe out there with hundreds of orders of beings to encounter, to cherish, and to make their reality your own. But back here on earth we invite you to cherish and acknowledge each other, even on a busy city sidewalk. Here they come! Every one unique. Every face bearing the full stamp of the human condition. Thrill in this, delight in this uniqueness, my children, and marvel all the more that you can share so much with each other. There is that quality of not only physical and mental but even spiritual recognition … and so glorious, so delightful, so intrinsically joyful.

Let that lively, dancing, spirit tickle you until you can hardly stand it. Forget yourselves. Forget yourselves and fill your souls with another. Forget yourselves and be the helping hand of our Father, reaching out. Reaching out to touch and be touched. Don’t be afraid of this, my children. There is that within you that is imperishable. You need not be afraid to touch and be touched, for this sharing is what truly fills your souls. And to realize each one of you belongs to himself or herself alone, with God. As one of your poets put it so succinctly, to keep it in your mind and not forget, it is not he, nor she, nor them, nor It--that you belong to. This is the essence of holidays and holy days in whatever religion. This joy is to set everything else aside for awhile and get together and laugh and rejoice simply that we are.

It’s a marvel of existence itself that God so beloved all of us that he created us, unique and individual, and able to share His ability to enjoy another and then another. So this Christmas, be gone dull fear! Be gone loneliness! Be gone self-centeredness and worry. Give your poor bedraggled egos a rest. Forget yourselves to be there for another. Let their spirit, let their soul fill yours. This was my religion. This was my glory here. All these people here, all these sons and daughters I came to know, all those I loved and who loved me so dearly. This became as it will for you, that totally irreducible glory of a human life.

Merry Christmas, my dear ones! Each moment let us just step off together, welcoming that enormous unknown our Father lays before us, with hope and the certain assurance of his love, this glorious spiritual light suffusing all of creation we take time out from time to time to acknowledge and enjoy. Mother Spirit sends her love and I bid you: be in my peace.
“We measure and evaluate your Spiritual Progress on the Wall of Eternity." – Guardian of Destiny, Alverana.
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Re: “my testimony”

Post by JM »


This Christmas message deserved a whole new thread! Thanks for sharing it Sandy, it's just incredible!
It contains some concepts that I've never thought about, and it's nice to know the true meaning of Christmas according to Michael himself! Some concepts I'll add to my personal religion already in this Christmas.

The first revelation is that "This is a special time of year and special time throughout the Local Universe", meaning that Christmas is a Local Universe event, probably only in the spiritual realm of it since the material realm could not be aware of Michael's bestowal here, but there are spheres already in Light and Life phase so it's possible that that ones are aware and celebrating it...

The second concept new for me, and to me somewhat 'paradoxical', is that it isn't about Michael or His life among us as Jesus, it is about us! This is just a whole new concept that is very well explained and makes a lot of sense after we know the explanation, but at first sight it is really strange. "Christmas is about your life and all the lives that you know and treasure so dearly. This is the true meaning of Christmas, this thankfulness and love that we can share together, this uniting, this coming together of our souls to rejoice that we are! Here we are -- God’s creations, creatures of His infinite creativity.". It is as you said, each of us are a gift to each other.

We belong to ourselves and God. This acknowledgement of our individuality, the presence of God within us as a gift and a mean for Him to experience Himself allowing us to co-create with Him seems to be the basis for the acknowledgment of His fatherhood and the brotherhood of all His creation, allowing us to perceive the value of each individual and thus love the others with full awareness, improving ou levels of tolerance, forgiveness and thankfulness. And again another seemingly paradox: it is only after we acknowledge our individuality, our self, that we are able to forget ourselves and reach out to touch and be touched.

"So this Christmas, be gone dull fear! Be gone loneliness! Be gone self-centeredness and worry. Give your poor bedraggled egos a rest. Forget yourselves to be there for another.". So let it be!

"The most profound loneliness an individual creature could know, is the realization that he is unique"... This is a good one to remember when we feel alone!

Dear Infinite Light, in general I agree with all you said except this little part:
xINFINITELIGHTx wrote:JESUS is GOD and it is my belief that JESUS is 11:11 and that 11:11 is now over. For 11:11 was about aligning us with the highest possible attractor field for 12/21/12 and now that it is done their is nothing else for 11:11 to do but to help us stay in that attracotor field.
I don't think 11:11 is now over neither it has something to do with 12/21/12, nor it was about aligning us with that specific date. It has to do with spirituality, with God, with awakening us and draw us to the gates of spirituality so we can be more conscious of the presence of the Father within us and strive for a more spiritual life, to make us curious about it and thus making us searching for answers and come closer to God as we progress in the path towards Him becoming more conscious about His presence within us and creating a deeper connection with Him and all his creation including His Son, our brother and system sovereign Christ Michael (Jesus), and all the personalities from the highest realms to our fellow human brothers, including our distant cousins the Midwayers that are the major responsibles behind this time prompt phenomenon of 11:11 working of course on behalf of Michael (Jesus) and for many many years to come!

Regarding my fist post I just want to make a correction, the Lucifer rebellion started 200.000 years ago and not 500.000 as I mentioned. (The Urantia Book: 50:6.5, 53:4.1, 61:7.8 ) About 500.000 years ago was when Planetary Prince Caligastia arrived here on Urantia with his staff (the Caligastia one hundred) establishing themselves in Dalamatia, also known as the first epochal revelation.

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Re: “my testimony”

Post by Sandy »

Hello JM,
You, in you lovely way of expressing your thoughts, have given me much to ponder too as you speak of your realizations while reading the above transmit...That is what I find so satisfying about reading the celestial messages the Ubook, the Bible and other books of wisdom...Sometimes you can read a passage you have already passed over several times and something wonderous and new jumps out at you. and this just now... in your post...
The first revelation is that "This is a special time of year and special time throughout the Local Universe", meaning that Christmas is a Local Universe event, probably only in the spiritual realm of it since the material realm could not be aware of Michael's bestowal here, but there are spheres already in Light and Life phase so it's possible that that ones are aware and celebrating it...
You know, the reality of this has never really sunk in with me, either...I was so enamored by the effects of Michael's bestowal on our world and the effects we have experienced, often forgetting that that Christ Michael's bestowal wasn't just for us on this planet but all the children of His Universe. So yes, I wouldn't be at all surprised that they do celebrate...maybe perhaps even more so on his day of birth in August.... Yet...this planet is watched rather closely because of our great blessing and I suspect that "our joy is their joy"...at least the ones who have progressed in cosmic understanding and unity... We are all one through the Divine Father after all...and some day when we reach deep within ourselves in wisdom and understanding, "their joy will be our joy." :) :sunflower:

...and this point, too, is well taken.
The second concept new for me, and to me somewhat 'paradoxical', is that it isn't about Michael or His life among us as Jesus, it is about us!
It is so true...and that one is hardest for me because I love Him so....So difficult to not make it all about Him, despite the urgings and the lessons we receive. But, yes, the whole point of Jesus's (Michael's) bestowal was to help us and all universe children... Oh, I now have the desire to re read the beautiful Paper 196, The Faith Of Jesus, in the Urantia Book. http://www.urantia.org/urantia-book-sta ... aith-jesus My heart is so full of gratefullness, love and admiration for our beautiful Sovereign...

...and my heart sings with your words! :cheers:
"So this Christmas, be gone dull fear! Be gone loneliness! Be gone self-centeredness and worry. Give your poor bedraggled egos a rest. Forget yourselves to be there for another.". So let it be!
May it be so! :happy
Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us. May God bless you JM and all of you, friends and siblings, as we wake up to a new day. :sunny:
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Re: “my testimony”


JM wrote:Hi!

This Christmas message deserved a whole new thread! Thanks for sharing it Sandy, it's just incredible!
It contains some concepts that I've never thought about, and it's nice to know the true meaning of Christmas according to Michael himself! Some concepts I'll add to my personal religion already in this Christmas.

The first revelation is that "This is a special time of year and special time throughout the Local Universe", meaning that Christmas is a Local Universe event, probably only in the spiritual realm of it since the material realm could not be aware of Michael's bestowal here, but there are spheres already in Light and Life phase so it's possible that that ones are aware and celebrating it...

The second concept new for me, and to me somewhat 'paradoxical', is that it isn't about Michael or His life among us as Jesus, it is about us! This is just a whole new concept that is very well explained and makes a lot of sense after we know the explanation, but at first sight it is really strange. "Christmas is about your life and all the lives that you know and treasure so dearly. This is the true meaning of Christmas, this thankfulness and love that we can share together, this uniting, this coming together of our souls to rejoice that we are! Here we are -- God’s creations, creatures of His infinite creativity.". It is as you said, each of us are a gift to each other.

We belong to ourselves and God. This acknowledgement of our individuality, the presence of God within us as a gift and a mean for Him to experience Himself allowing us to co-create with Him seems to be the basis for the acknowledgment of His fatherhood and the brotherhood of all His creation, allowing us to perceive the value of each individual and thus love the others with full awareness, improving ou levels of tolerance, forgiveness and thankfulness. And again another seemingly paradox: it is only after we acknowledge our individuality, our self, that we are able to forget ourselves and reach out to touch and be touched.

"So this Christmas, be gone dull fear! Be gone loneliness! Be gone self-centeredness and worry. Give your poor bedraggled egos a rest. Forget yourselves to be there for another.". So let it be!

"The most profound loneliness an individual creature could know, is the realization that he is unique"... This is a good one to remember when we feel alone!

Dear Infinite Light, in general I agree with all you said except this little part:
xINFINITELIGHTx wrote:JESUS is GOD and it is my belief that JESUS is 11:11 and that 11:11 is now over. For 11:11 was about aligning us with the highest possible attractor field for 12/21/12 and now that it is done their is nothing else for 11:11 to do but to help us stay in that attracotor field.
I don't think 11:11 is now over neither it has something to do with 12/21/12, nor it was about aligning us with that specific date. It has to do with spirituality, with God, with awakening us and draw us to the gates of spirituality so we can be more conscious of the presence of the Father within us and strive for a more spiritual life, to make us curious about it and thus making us searching for answers and come closer to God as we progress in the path towards Him becoming more conscious about His presence within us and creating a deeper connection with Him and all his creation including His Son, our brother and system sovereign Christ Michael (Jesus), and all the personalities from the highest realms to our fellow human brothers, including our distant cousins the Midwayers that are the major responsibles behind this time prompt phenomenon of 11:11 working of course on behalf of Michael (Jesus) and for many many years to come!

Regarding my fist post I just want to make a correction, the Lucifer rebellion started 200.000 years ago and not 500.000 as I mentioned. (The Urantia Book: 50:6.5, 53:4.1, 61:7.8 ) About 500.000 years ago was when Planetary Prince Caligastia arrived here on Urantia with his staff (the Caligastia one hundred) establishing themselves in Dalamatia, also known as the first epochal revelation.


How are you doing on this great Christmas Eve? Are you doing well? That's good mani agree with your messages their JESUS died for us and for us alone. He didn't die for any other part of the universe he didn't die for anyone else's sins he died for our sins and so we worship him! What a wonderful realization to have ill share in it with you as it really is beautiful.

Also after all that has happened Christmas is a beautiful beautiful beautiful day for us all to live in and for us all to LOVE in and celebrate our LOVE ZIN JESUS NAME AWHAT A WONDERFUL MESSAGE INDEED!

Great post wonderful meaning in it extremely powerful realizations in there. JESUS died for our sins so much so that our sins are still cleansed 2012 years after his arrival and its still going strong.JESUS' power truly is sovereign and like he says I AND THE FATHER ARE ONE. So what's really going on is that we are celebrating GOD in another way in another day endlessly
within the world of no end!

As far as anything else goes 11:11 is a beautiful message and may the reality of receiving it still trump any words I have said against it. I JESUS NAME I PRAY AMEN!
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Re: “my testimony”

Post by Philip Fong »

If there is a conspiracy from Satan / corrupted power, we the awakened have been identified, so what are they going to do to us? :P
:bike: :bike:
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Re: “my testimony”

Post by 11light11 »

Philip!! You have been badly missed! How are you doing?! Welcome back! :bana: :kiss: :love :sunflower: :loves :roll
Love Michele :)
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