Feeling down and feathers

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Feeling down and feathers

Post by Swedishblue »

My sister associates finding a white feather is a sign Mum is around. I personally don't feel her presence.

About a month ago I lost a very close friend....we had been through a lot on the illness front. Strangely, we'd only known each other for 20 months but we emailed every day just about, so it was intense, made so by our respective, but same illness. I even jumped on a plane to visit her in Nth America, as it was seriously important to support her and show her that she would get better. She has always shown appreciation for that. However, I made a stupid mistake, for which I have apologised so many times for, but sadly she isn't responding with forgiveness. My world has turned very dark since and I cry every day. It is over, but I keep finding feathers in the house - big white ones. As to where they're from, how they arrived, I don't know. It seems I turn to leave the room, and as soon as I walk back in, there another one is - always in the evening. I'm not excited as I feel so blue. What am I supposed to read in to this?
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Re: Feeling down and feathers

Post by sammy »

Hi Swedish!

I am sorry you are going through difficulty...and having recently been through a deep sadness of my own, which coincided with some lovely signs from beyond our visual field, I understand your lack of excitement. BUT, I do truly believe the feathers you are receiving are a symbol that you are surrounded by love. It is hard to believe that when you are in the midst of sadness because we wonder why if these unseen beings are able to send such messages, why aren't they "fixing" the situation...think of them as parents who have older children...often when you have children going through difficult times, you have no control to help them, but you can be there to love them. Perhaps you could attempt to embrace the love and comfort they are offering you.

Remind me I said this next time I am feeling down :lol: WIsh I had thought of this a year ago!

I am also adding my prayers that you are healed from the condition you suffer from.

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Re: Feeling down and feathers

Post by Sandy »

Dear Swedishblue,
My heart broke as I read your email. It was so easy for me to put myself in your position with your overseas friend as I too once had an overseas friend, more like a sister really,who I became very close too and who was very ill with a terminal disease. We spoke often via emails and Skype and I went through all the phases of this horrible illness with her almost as if we were living in the same city...That is the power of the technology we have in these times. It brings us together...from all over the world... and as you have experienced it can also drive home the sadness and loss when friendship ends. My friend, Carol, passed over almost three years ago and I often cry too as I miss her and the closeness we once shared. Granted, your friend, and this situation is different, but losses hurt regardless of circumstances and I am so sorry that you are experiencing such pain.

Unfortunately, we cannot control what those we love and care about do and say. We cannot make someone forgive us or will them into better health. Thankfully, though, we do not have to live our lives without love, encouragement and guidance and that I believe is where the Angel feathers often come in. They are a gentle hug... a letting us know we are not alone, facing the hurts of life without Love. I know, people speak of Love rather freely, but if you really search for the essence of Love you realize how very powerful it is in its unconditional form and it is this same Love that the Angels reflect. It is this Love that so many humans try to emulate. But, well, even if we fall far short, in the trying there is a blessing for us, for others and this crazy topsy-turvy world of ours. It is what I cling too...when I am worried or afraid...far away from my children and the life I knew. I cling to Love as I understand it.

The very fact that you jumped on a plane to support your friend says so much about the depth of your own Love for others. So, I am not surprised that you are "tripping" over Angel feathers as you enter and leave a room. I hope that you find some resolution and even peace with this situation between you and your overseas friend. How I hope that understanding, Love and forgiveness prevails so that your hearts can be lighter and at ease...but even should that not be the case, please know that you have tried and done your best to resolve the situation. We are often told that these confused and hurtful conflicts can and will be resolved in the worlds to come where they do not seem so important or divisive anymore...

At any rate, I hope you find friendship and peace as you share your thoughts and experiences with others members who post here. Welcome to our internet message board, Swedishblue.
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Re: Feeling down and feathers

Post by happyrain »

hello swedishblue
what a caring person you are to make a flight down and visit your friend, one whom you've just met.
true the relationship is new, and true you've tried- i don't know what your mistake is, but you shouldn't spend the rest of your times feeling bad for something you've apologized for. something you truly feel bad for and wish only to make things right. your heart is in the right place. the feathers to me, show you are loved even when in the midst of these dark times before you. sometimes though, the light, it can be upsetting. what i mean is. light might shake our foundations, revealing things beneath the secured guise of illusion that we've so comfortably accepted. ok so i can't really type like i know what i'm talking about as the situation is unknown to me. but i feel this is a good sign, one of majestic qualities- not to give up hope and to believe in yourself once again. you're very strong and very caring by the sounds of it. welcome to the forums. i hope you and your friend both find peace of mind and tomorrow, shoot- today, you spend the rest of your time surrounded by such high vibrations. laughing, living in joy and freedom of spirit. here's to you. welcome swedish
welcome blue =)
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Re: Feeling down and feathers

Post by Swedishblue »

You people are incredible, and I am truly humbled, tearful and grateful for your loving, kind hearted advice. You answered me in my hour of need...you seem to understand my pain - Wow!! I have always held that true friendship is precious, if it's meant to continue, it will. And that is why I'm not asking Angels to intervene, as this mightn't necessarily be for the greater good. I'm not a clinging violet and it's not my style to resurrect something that might lead to greater hurt down the road. I myself ended the friendship as her responses to my apologies were making me ill, and I said so. I can't afford to be as my condition makes my health fragile. Life should be cherished and when you lose people (i.e.them dying), it gives you a greater perspective, and ultimately you should just let friends who hurt you, go! There are too many lovely kind souls in the world, and I don't deserve to put up with this amount of rubbish! Back to feathers - big ones appeared at my feet. I'm so knocked out by the thought they've been left by Angels!

I am slowly feeling a little brighter today. It's little steps forwards, but I have been in the mire for a very long time, so I'm seeing it as a miracle already! The sun at last is shining and I'm away for my walk with the dog.

My many thanks to you beautiful inspiring people. :kiss: :kiss: :kiss:
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Re: Feeling down and feathers

Post by Swedishblue »

Sammy, Sandy and Happy Rain - thank you so much again. I'm really shocked at how empathic you are, not that you wouldn't be, but I'm amazed on how spot on your answers have been. I haven't much religion, but I'm deeply spiritual and Christian in my outlook and in the way I treat others.

Sandy, I'm sorry I managed to gloss over the fact that you lost your dear friend. Sounds as though you are a very spiritual special lady.It must have wrenched your heart reading my post. Isn't grief so strange though. I have lost both parents, a brother, the unexpected death of friends - I think some left inspiring legacies and it keeps me positive. They were all such good people. Now...why should I care so much about my overseas friend? Because we are likeminded, good, kind hearted people travelling the same pathways in our recoveries. We were psychic sisters! Then this time last week I was told the only thing we had in common was our illness.... (no need to go in to explanations on how that brought my world tumbling down...shoot me in the heart why don't you!) I've crawled in to my safety capsule now, clinging to Eckhart Tolle and Buddhist chant. I do understand your reference to the "essence of love". Think we can find this if we enter a meditative contemplative state, offer our thoughts and hearts in a sincere way....and maybe still this is how we open up the channels for celestial beings to enter, to do their healing work.

Sammy - do you think every broken relationship should be fixed? I'm not convinced if its not for our greater good or purpose. I will imagine spiritual celestial beings coming to cloak me in comfort - thank you for your words, and, yes will remind you next time you need reminding.

Happyrain - You fill my heart with joy. Struck all the right notes! Now where are my dancing shoes! Thank you, you kind wise soul. I'm aware that with the passage of time, a new perspective will reveal itself. The disguise will vanish, and that will be interesting to watch for.
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Re: Feeling down and feathers

Post by sammy »

Hi Swedishblue,

You asked:
Sammy - do you think every broken relationship should be fixed?
Nope. BUT, that said, I have a VERY soft heart and my overwhelming state of mind wants EVERYONE to love EVERYONE. It breaks my heart when relationships of any sort break apart and my greatest desire is to fix it...that is my heart talking. My brain believes that there are times when relationships only serve to harm us, and when that is the case they are best left behind. The best one can do is to attempt to continue to act in a loving manner while attempting to move on.

Just a little side note...I have a friend whom I met through a fibromyalgia message board. I have never met her in person, yet I talk to her on the phone EVERY day...sometimes for hours on end! She has become my closest and dearest friend because ONLY she can understand what I go through on a daily basis. We are there for each other when even our own families don't understand what we are trying to cope with...and we are there for each other in many other ways as well. I've been blessed in life so that (financially) I am able to not work, which is a great blessing because frankly I don't know if my body could handle a job anyway. That said, over the years of fibromyalgia, I have become a bit reclusive. Often going to the grocery store is my only face to face contact with people other than my family. I find that even a trip to the grocery store and the little bit of banter with the cashier tremendously lift my mood. That in turn has me thinking that I should try to get a job just to get out with people, but I quickly talk myself out of it because I don't want to lose that day to day connection with my dear friend. Her condition is much worse than mine, and I can't stand to think of her without our daily contact.

Not sure why I felt the need to share that, maybe just so you know I have a slight inkling of what you are going through.

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Re: Feeling down and feathers

Post by Sandy »

Thank you Swedishblue for your kind words in regards to our friend, Carol, or Wings as she was known on the board. Would you like to see what she looked like? I believe some of her posts are still around on the back pages of the board...Lets see... Here’s one.... (post now deleted) Just scroll down to the 19th message. Yep, that's our friend, Wingzie. :sunflower: Love never dies! :sunny:
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Re: Feeling down and feathers

Post by sammy »

Awww! Wingzie!


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Re: Feeling down and feathers

Post by Krystalshard »

Welcome Swedishblue!
Thank you for sharing your situation with us. We all have our own "bubbles" of understanding on this earth, and lots of programming to overcome as we learn the realities of our realm. Keep reaching for Love and Light... You are stepping on to the right path. I know we are happy to walk it with you.

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