Synchronicity following 11:11 sightings

Use this forum to ask or post about 11:11, 12:34, 2:22, 22:22 etc. The wake-up digital clock signals of our loving celestial friends. They also delight in flicking on or off street lights, traffic lights and ringing door bells.
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Synchronicity following 11:11 sightings

Post by mikeywilliam »

I am curious on some feedback from experienced people on a personal matter regarding Synchronicity following 11:11 sightings.
About two years ago I began noticing the odd number prompts everywhere in my personal life (namely 11:11, 9:11 & 4:44) very frequently.
So I started doing research on it and like so many others, I was shocked at what I found. I've visited this forum before a little over a year ago,
made a few posts and suddenly...all the number prompts all but stopped. I kinda forgot about it for awhile and
then later on everything just started happening.
My wife, children and I were on an vacation (this has been roughly over a year back) and after one night at the hotel, I was awoken with the most intense feeling of dis spare.
I couldn't recall dreaming or any nightmares. I was really disturbed by it. Fast-forward a few months and my wife takes a business trip for work, prior to taking the trip, we both had
an overwhelming sense of anxiety about it. She even cried like a baby the day she left. It was just a routine trip neither of us understood our feelings about it. The second night she was gone, I had a terrible 'bout with sleep paralysis with the whole woman entity on top of me holding me down and everything. two days later (the day she was expected to return, I got the greeting at the front door that she had been killed in an automobile accident. As you can imagine, It nearly destroyed me and has been very difficult for everyone.
O.k, life takes other turns as well, a few weeks ago I started seeing the number prompts again and a series of bizarre synchronicity began to happen. At work a woman that I don't recall ever seeing before (we have a very small staff, less than 200 employees). We hadn't hired any new people that I knew of yet there she was. Now what I am about to tell you, some people would just write this of as Infatuation, You be the judge. I was married for nearly 18 years and can't remember a time when I've had this happen before with the opposite sex - I encountered this woman face to face down the hallway and when our eyes locked, we exchanged a "Hello" and I swear I saw my life flash before my eyes and instantly felt as if I known this woman my whole life!
I was so taken back by this that I had to find a place quick just to sit down and catch my breath. A few nights later, I was awoken to a "voice inside my head" yelling "Destiny, Destiny". You might say "well, that was just a nightmare"...maybe so, anyway I know we both worked from day to day under the same roof, but everywhere I turned there she would be. We would literally cross paths and "greet" everyday for several days...and it was unusual circumstances. We've talked a few times, and there is defiantly a consensual chemistry/ connection of some sort felt between us.
This is the big one that blows my mind and I'm still trying to process this - the other day there was some kind of meeting in the training room for a few individuals which I knew nothing about. I heard mumbled banter over the intercom, yet ignored it. Believe it or not, at this point I was still wearing my wedding band, I just hadn't mustered up the strength and courage to take it of...Kinda like a child with a security blanket. I was working at a soldering station and I kid you not, my wedding band fell off my finger into a pot of solder!
I was actually more afraid of getting into trouble over foreign matter in the solder pot than losing the ring. From somewhere over my left shoulder, my supervisor said "Mike and Stephanie are walking down there together". When I heard that, my thought was "Weird, Our names where actually mentioned together in the same sentence for our own purpose". Anyway, We were to attend the meeting. We both walked the long hall that lead to the training room exchanging small talk about what the meeting could be about. Now I know this was just everybody's way of silly joking 'cause we where "late" but I found it odd, Stephanie and I opened the door, stepped through, and everyone smiled, stood up and clapped!
After the initial joke wore off and we were all comfortably seated, a roster went around for every one to sign, Stephanie and I where last on the list "Michael Barnett" "Stephanie Parnell". This is what I keep going over in my mind with this "Meeting" situation- Lost wedding band, "Mike and Stephanie are walking down there together", walking down long hall together, everyone stood with applause. That was when I learned here last name...Did you catch the similarities? I would really like to know someone's educated intuitive thoughts on this. I just can't get it off my mind.
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Re: Synchronicity following 11:11 sightings

Post by nasra1996 »

Hi Mike... im sorry to hear about what happend to your wife and the circumstances...

with regards to this new lady in your life, yes definately i beleive the cellestials, universe or even your deceased could be pointing you in the right direction.. :)

one thing that i have learnt over the years though, and dont mean to put a dampner on your experience as it could be truly wonderful !! .. :) but i have learnt that just because two or a group of people are put together on the same path, or destined to have met, doesnt mean they are meant to be with you for ever, nor is it meant to work out how we envisage in our minds, as it takes more than your own effort for something to work out.. :) we are placed with people and encourage to live in certain places and do certain things throughout our lives by the unseen forces, as they know what is good for us, but they will only take us to these places, they wont act out our lives for us, its up to us and those people involved to make life happen... after all my experiences, ive decided to have no expectations on anyone ... :)

I hope things start to fruit for you and we look forward to hearing more about this over time !! :)

much love

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Re: Synchronicity following 11:11 sightings

Post by 11light11 »


I am also so sorry to hear about your wife. My heart goes out to you.

I caught a bit of a chill myself considering what happened to you over the course of time since you first met Stephanie. The wedding ring falling off! . . .simply remarkable. And why were people clapping? I wonder about these things too. Such a funny set of circumstances!

It is remarkable the way the prompts will start back up in your life, and they are followed by a series of synchronicities. In fact, if you look around this board right now, you'll see that many of our recent posts, have people talking about synchronicities in their life! They seem to be coming faster and faster for so many people right now. I really enjoy that sense of interconnection it allows us.

I suppose it's like Sarah said, and I really enjoyed her message! ;) :love We can see that there is some work going on behind the scenes, the way Celestials find a way to communicate with us, or bring people into our sphere. It's amazing to me the experiences you've had, for instance, while asleep. You have someone(s?) truly attempting to communicate with you, here! :roll

Have you attempted to meditate, to enrich that connection? I am wondering if you'd strengthen that sense of understanding and ability to hear your own Guides!

Peace to you and thank you for sharing! Welcome back friend! :kiss: Love, Michele :loves
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Re: Synchronicity following 11:11 sightings

Post by PaulC »

Dear Mike,

My condolences at the sudden loss of your wife. I am sure that your wife wept because she knew that her time had come. Before my son died he told us that this would be the last vacation that he would ever take. About six months later he died. Deep down we know when it is our time to go. We have come here to do what we need to do and we transition to the mansion worlds.

Now all the things that you related to us seems to indicate that Spirit is hitting you upside your head with a holy two-by-four. That is Spirit's way of getting your attention. I can't tell you if this means that you are meant to be together with this person Stephanie or that this was possibly a message from your wife to you from the other side, across the veil. I will get back to you when I discover what Spirit has to say about this issue.

In the meantime you have my love at the sudden loss of your wife. You will be in my prayers and in my love; and I will get back to you with that answer from Spirit.

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Re: Synchronicity following 11:11 sightings

Post by George »

Hi Mike,

I would bet my house on your children needing her as much as you do.

Call it a Celestial Arrangement, so meditate on the event, I would offer.

Watch for two transmits following this note.

God bless... :bigsmurf:
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Re: Synchronicity following 11:11 sightings

Post by George »

At Tanya’s Request

Some six years ago, and not long after giving birth to a baby daughter, Tanya Norton suddenly collapsed and left this world for good. It was a very sad parting that broke up a great relationship, left an infant without its mom, a husband deeply traumatized. But Tanya has been busy looking down on her two loved ones from up above. Recently she managed to get her husband’s Destiny Guardians to act on her behalf. Months ago, Rodney Norton became a good friend of the 11:11 Progress Group, soon he began working with the 1,111 Spirit Guardians, even attracted a Celestial Artisan to help him with his writing. Yesterday, he contacted us again.

Rodney Norton Wrote

It has been a time of shock after shock for me. About six weeks ago I woke up in a panic, believing that half my skull and my left brain were missing. A few days later, I was having another sweat-it-out nightmare. This time I dreamed that half my teeth were missing, but on December 29, I lost my wedding ring while I slept. I never take it off. It’s a perfect fit, and it does not come off easily at all, even in water. I woke up screaming, “My ring is gone!” That was at the moment it came off, but it was nowhere to be found, and I still haven’t found it. What do you make of this?
I told Rodney Norton I would ask the Midwayers. Perhaps they would put the information into my mind during the night, as I slept. Perhaps I could find a Midwayer the following day and channel the answer, or perhaps I might try to translate the dreams.

Illawarra District, Australia, January 29, 2004.
Midwayer Chief, Bzutu (ABC-22).
Subject: “Tough Love.” [Part Transmission Only]

Received by George Barnard.

George: “I’ve got an image. This is a young woman, a slender young lady. She has a rather pale oval face, rather long dark or black hair, and she’s wearing an ankle-length blue dress. Sort of hippie-like. Cheerful! I guess that’s a picture of Tanya.”

Bzutu: “I’m ever so pleased my dear friend and brother that on this occasion you remembered to first switch on the recorder. I am up to date with the information to be passed on to you, and I want to give you a suitable comparison to what is happening to your dear brother, Rodney. I take you back to a time in the seventies, when one of your infants was placed face down on a pillow and pounded and pounded. It was the only method to quickly clear the baby’s airways. It was skillfully applied to save a life.

“I was there with you, and I witnessed your anguish at the little one being bounced about, as do I recall the attendant’s words, ‘This hurts me more than it hurts him.’ It was the best cure for what was immediately threatening a life. It was tough love.

“And so it is with the ever-caring Destiny Guardians. They among all, are the most brilliant of mind doctors, always at hand, and, yes, they employ tough love on occasions when the human mind-set cannot not cooperate with what is the best way to proceed for all concerned.

“And so, for an individual to wake up from a dream believing half of his skull and brain are missing, is a clear indication that emotions are rampant and logic is repressed, or vice versa. That he or she with perhaps the right hemisphere missing is not giving enough attention to the emotions. That with the left hemisphere missing all reasoning has taken a backseat in this individual’s life. There is a serious unbalance and it needs to be brought back into balance.

“And so, for an individual to awaken from a dream to believe that half of his teeth are missing, may well indicate that the food is eaten too hurriedly, or that the diet is so ‘constructed’ as to leave the subject in an unhealthy state. What is the motivation, the object of the deeper conscious in this exercise? To unconsciously create a method to hurriedly join the departed? But what of the young life then left behind?

“Well, at long last the Midwayers have gone into action and made disappear a wedding ring so profoundly indicative of a shackle, an ever-lasting tie of one person to another, but here a chain, or handcuffs to a past. Yet it is a past that cannot return when the partner is gone from this world and has settled on a higher sphere. And when one of the parents is left behind to do all the caring, it is a healthy move to seek out a new partner, especially if young offspring are involved.

“And, yes, they were us Midwayers who took the ring. We are not of a mind to keep it, but will replace it, and it will be found when the ultimate realization has arrived that one journey has ended for another now to begin, at Tanya’s request.

“This is Midwayer Chief, Bzutu. Adieu my friend and brother.”

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Re: Synchronicity following 11:11 sightings

Post by George »

Illawarra District, Australia, January 30, 2004.
Chief Midwayer, Bzutu (ABC-22) and Tanya.
Subject: “The Father Creator Of All Has His Good Reasons.”

Received by George Barnard.

Bzutu: “For a communication like this, us midwayers and many other celestials line up in droves to be part of this—a for you unusual transmission. And I beg of you, my dear brother, to stay cool and relaxed as this kind of communication, like any first try in any endeavor, will now often be much less difficult than it once was. We’ve got you just right here now, and we’re ready to roll.”

Tanya: “My dear, dear brother George. I hasten to call you a dear friend, even though I have never met up with you on our home planet, (which) I left in such a hurry and under such awkward circumstances. I know you have become a friend to many, and that you will also accept my friendship. I want you to know . . .

“I want my beloved Rodney to know, and I want my darling child to know, as well as she can understand, that I am alive and strong now, and that I am in a place where we will one day meet up again. It is a place where with much help I can often look down at you, my family, and send you my love. Your new Spirit Guardian friends have responded generously to my many petitions to accept you, to adopt you, to stay close to you I left behind, and to love you both.

“I was so ill for so long, and I had this deep and troubled feeling that I was letting down the world, and everyone so dear to me. I hung in there, and then I long felt that my departure was a serious failure on my part. Also do I know your anguish, loss and confusion, and, yes, anger. We humans lay out our plans, and the Father Creator of All has His good reasons to change them.

“I am here in a place with many new friends, and my dearest wish is for my loved ones to become a complete family again. A husband needs a wife, my darling, a child needs a mother, and often a surrogate mother will care for a child even better than does its immediate blood when not in good health. They are my dearest wishes for my family to be whole again and for us to, later in this place, become more than a family when we all meet up again.

“For me, and from my vantage point, it is so easy, so wonderful, so heartwarming to watch the extraordinary celestial care that goes on in our home world, and that I was rarely aware of. You both, my dearest family, are being well cared for. And for you, my beloved husband, it will give me great pleasure, and cause me no pain, that your midwayer friends and angels will search out and find you a caring mate–who will also be a good mother for my child–and place her in your path.

“What I ask of you is to accept your earth life, its traumas and difficulties from which you will learn, and live your life finding love and happiness and to bring good cheer to those you meet. Do this for us, for me, for you, for our baby, and steer yourself towards a bright future with a new loved one and without a single thought of (your) having broken any ties with me.

“Not at all, but to the contrary, I shall love both you and your new partner even more. I’m told that my time is up. I must break off this talk. I send my love to you both. This is Tanya.”

George: “Thank you Tanya.”

That “blew me away!”

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Re: Synchronicity following 11:11 sightings

Post by Sandy »

Hello Mike,

I too am very sorry that you have lost your wife so tragically and your children have lost their mother. I can't imagine loosing my spouse, George, although we had a near miss when his heart failed earlier in the year, so my heart goes out to you.

When I read what you wrote when you first saw Stephanie, it reminded me of something that happened to me many years ago with a complete stranger. I was driving home from work on a back country road. As often happens at that time, I found myself behind a school bus that was making many stops as the children disembarked over and over again. At one point while we were stopped, I found myself beside a field and a man mowing the grass close to the road. He glanced up just as my eyes too rested on him and we both received a jolt, much like a bit of electric current went through our entire system, making us both jump at the same time. ( I have felt this before while in meditation from celestial energy which has always made me ponder who this person might have really been? but I don't know any more now then back then.) At any rate, the traffic moved on and that is that....I never saw him again, and to this day I am left wondering. I'm sorry, I know that is no help, but I hope you can at least see that you are not alone by the often unusual things that happen to us. You may find that other people here on the forum and of course all over the world often share similar experiences.

Stephanie may or may not hold an importance in your life...It is much like Sarah and others have said so eloquently earlier. It is possible that we get nudges from our Angels and Midwayer friends but it is our responsibility to act or not act. I got them with my George years ago and he got them with me...and we lived on opposites sides of the planet at the time. It seemed very unlikely from a “mindal” point of view that anything could ever come of our relationship. So we asked ourselves from our own wealth of inner knowledge and from our life experience, "How do I feel? What do I want? Where do I want this to go? Am I ready for the consequences, perhaps all the good and bad that could ensue?" These kind of questions helped us get to the bottom of what we truly desired. Only you can make these determinations, and if you decide, "Yes, perhaps, I will pursue this avenue and see where it leads." Please know that you are always in control of what occurs for you with each decision, major and minor, that occur every day just as other people we encounter control their own lives in the same way. What Sarah says here is so important...
one thing that i have learnt over the years though, and dont mean to put a dampner on your experience as it could be truly wonderful !! .. but i have learnt that just because two or a group of people are put together on the same path, or destined to have met, doesnt mean they are meant to be with you for ever, nor is it meant to work out how we envisage in our minds, as it takes more than your own effort for something to work out.. we are placed with people and encourage to live in certain places and do certain things throughout our lives by the unseen forces, as they know what is good for us, but they will only take us to these places, they wont act out our lives for us, its up to us and those people involved to make life happen... after all my experiences, ive decided to have no expectations on anyone ...
It is so easy to blame ourselves when friendships and relationships fail. But it helps to remember that there are at least two sides in any relationship and all involved exercising their free will perrogatives. I need to remember this as I am guilty of looking back and saying, "I could have done this better, or I should have said this... shared that..etc.

It is true that the Angels or any Celestial being will not make these kinds of decisions for you. It is not allowed. Your free will is always respected. But they are absolutely wonderful friends to talk to as we share the happenings, ideas, joys, even the sorrows our lives bring. They are absolute masters at the fine art of "the nudge." ;)

I just have to add that George and I beat the huge geographic odds and have been married, let's see...6 and 1/2 years now. :sunflower: ... demonstrating that anything is possible...with a little love, faith and celestial "nudges."

It is a pleasure to meet you, Mike. I hope you continue to be a part of our friendly group.
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Re: Synchronicity following 11:11 sightings

Post by PaulC »

Those were cool transmits George. I know that when we leave this world the ties that bind don't apply anymore. I can imagine that it would be very tough to move forward when a spouse is lost tragically in that way, but it is obvious to me that Spirit is "nudging" Mike to move forward. Of course, the decision as always rests with him and his free will.

That was also a cool experience that you had Sandy. I am sure that one day you will find out what that was all about. I know that there have been many stories of spouses separated in this way and the spouse on the other side wants the surviving spouse to move forward. The mansion world inhabitant sees things a lot differently then when they were human beings. They want their spouse to be happy and to move on with their lives.

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Re: Synchronicity following 11:11 sightings

Post by George »

Hi Paul,

I remember Bzutu warning me to stay calm, as in some way it really was Tanya's voice that came through...
her own voice.

It was urgent, pleading, and it left me quite undone. Shook up, really.

It must have been important.

God bless...
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Re: Synchronicity following 11:11 sightings

Post by mikeywilliam »

Hey all, Thank You Paul for all the references to such similarities as mine. Thanks for the support and comments from everyone else as well. It does feel good to find a place to talk. As all of you know, we can't just talk about this stuff with just anybody. We're just weird, wild and wonderful folks...Hey, we're kinda like the X-MEN. O.k, you guys ready for a really strange piece to the puzzle. Be leave me, I did not see this one coming.
As I said, I've never meet Stephanie before and she has never met me before. O.k, ready - to make a long story short I've found out that Stephanie used to date my brother! How freaking bizarre is that! And before anyone asks, NO he did not introduce us at any point in time, it was while he was away in Arizona while working at the Air Force base there. This girl then moves to my home state sometime later, and just happens to start working at the same facility as me??!!. This is just nuts and somehow a little bit creepy given everything I've told all of you.
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Re: Synchronicity following 11:11 sightings

Post by happyrain »

wow mikey
that is impressive
welcome to the forums
i hope we can exchange more in the future
what a lovely life this is, to be

you've been through so much
hoping your heart is radiating with gratitude and lovely feelings when you read this
showers from, all around

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Re: Synchronicity following 11:11 sightings

Post by Sandy »

Hi Mike,
:shock: WOW!!!!
As I said, I've never meet Stephanie before and she has never met me before. O.k, ready - to make a long story short I've found out that Stephanie used to date my brother! How freaking bizarre is that! And before anyone asks, NO he did not introduce us at any point in time, it was while he was away in Arizona while working at the Air Force base there. This girl then moves to my home state sometime later, and just happens to start working at the same facility as me??!!. This is just nuts and somehow a little bit creepy given everything I've told all of you.
Now that just adds a whole new dimension to everything doesn't it! ...although despite my shocked smiley, I still wouldn't call it creepy...hmmm, more like what you said, "weird, wild and wonderful." To be honest, that kind of thing sort of goes with the territory as “eleveners.” But no matter how many times I hear of these amazing things, I still get a little thrill inside! I cannot imagine what will come next for you, but I cannot wait to see it unfurl. 8)
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Re: Synchronicity following 11:11 sightings

Post by inawe »

wow! Wow, wow, wow!! I've been watching this thread since the brginning, and never could brimg myself to comment....idk why. It got me so emotional. It's an incredibly wonderful story. I'm sorry about your wife. I'm so floores to see sequence of events that have followed, how the Angels , well, the universe have orchestrated such an increixle new phase of your life. What's even better is that you actually notice it and thankfully, have chosen to share it with us! I giess it's touching everyone in a very private particular way, I can't even describe what it's doing to me..... Go with the flow, enjoy, you ae under Angels wings now... Be happy, all the best.... I too am living a most incredible story myself....I can't even put it into words right now.... Enjoying it.... :loves
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Re: Synchronicity following 11:11 sightings

Post by nasra1996 »

Hey Mike, now you told us this, maybe perhaps its not about future romance, maybe you have picked up psychic vibes that she was connected to your brother... just another angle :)

much love

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Re: Synchronicity following 11:11 sightings

Post by mikeywilliam »

to inawe, Is your particular story that you were talking about in a thread? I would like to read about it.
to sarah, yeah I agree there seems to be a whole other level to this. Did everyone have a good thanksgiving. I had most of my family come down and thanksgiving was at my house this year, I cooked the turkey and my mom, brother and sister helped with the fix-ins' It was good therapy. Thank You George for your wisdom, I'm sure everyone here benefits from it.
P.S. - WENT TO THE 8:00 THANKSGIVING SALE at Wal-Mart....I will never do that again! I felt so guilty.
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Re: Synchronicity following 11:11 sightings

Post by inawe »

Yes, Mike. It all starts in miscellaneous with seeing hearts... Then, here in 333's , what is it, then 222s and now so much is happening... Then synchronicity... I think there is much more to you and Stephanie than just picking up on your brother's vibes... Enjoy the ride, you are'nt in control anyways... Hahaha :P
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Re: Synchronicity following 11:11 sightings

Post by Sandy »

Hi Michael,
George and I celebrated Thanksgiving over here in Australia. Even though it was just the two of us here, it still held special meaning as we thought about our family and friends scattered all over the world. I love to cook and fixed G a turkey complete with all the traditional trimmings. I totally agree about cooking and therapy... it's good for me when I get homesick... sometimes too good, as our waistlines show :lol: )

Those early-bird holiday sales can be down right scarey! :shock: Like you I went once and swore I would never do it again. :?
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Re: Synchronicity following 11:11 sightings

Post by mikeywilliam »

Hey inawe, I know what you mean about not being in control, there are times I wish I could just run away from it or shut my eyes and it would all go away 'cause sometimes It can make you feel crazy as I'm sure you know. Like the other day, I was about 10 minutes late getting out the door at work because my tablet wouldn't shut down properly. Thinking "surely I'm the last one on the floor besides maintenance",
I rounded the corner for the front door and THERE SHE WAS getting a drink at the water fountain. She looked up, wiped her mouth and meet my eye with a surprised "oh, it's you" look on her face just as I rounded the corner.
We walked out, chatted about the weather and the weekend,exchanged a smile - said goodbye/seeya monday.
I haven't breathed a word about all this right now would not be the time...if ever. But yeah, things definatly feel outa my control.
narsa1996 wrote, "Hey Mike, now you told us this, maybe perhaps its not about future romance, maybe you have picked up psychic vibes that she was connected to your brother... just another angle". Yeah, narsa, it has become a real head-spinner. I have to admit, Thanksgiving morning while taking a shower - I just had a complete emotional/spiritual Crash. It all just hit. I stood there with shampoo crawling down my forehead crying like a baby. I'm o.k though and I will be. Just for the record, So are the Kids!
Hey Sandy, what are your typical traditions for celebrating Christmas in Australia if you don't mind me asking?
Thanks friends,
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Re: Synchronicity following 11:11 sightings

Post by inawe »

Exactly..... I'm in a situation with my twin flame, he's running from me... I swore I would never try to talk to him or message him. Been getting prompts to do just that, I fought it off and tonight I had my ack up against a wall, and had no choice but to message him simply saying... Hope you're doing o.k.... I miss you. Plain and simple , V..... So crazy.... Time stood still, I had no control, had no choice but to do it.... We'll see.....hang in there, just go with the flow....
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Re: Synchronicity following 11:11 sightings

Post by nasra1996 »

Hey Mike, there was another theory that we used to discuss on here years ago, its a theory that souls, pre-incarnate are created in clusters, a bit like a soul mate but on a larger scale, once incarnated and dispersed on the planet, they may then find each other again, no matter what their location, for example, some of your family, friends and work colleagues could be from the same soul batch, so to speak :) maybe its not by chance that we are together with those closest to us, we often get that feeling when we meet someone, weve known them for eons and tend to stick with those people..

anyways, that was another idea we talked about here a while back.. think it was our George who mentioned it...

This lady is in your path for a reason, i think time will tell... enjoy the ride :)

I was thinking about destiny and free will and what inawe said about us not having much choice anyway.. shes right, i think only the ignorant have a bigger free will, coz they ignore the signs and just go do what they like, whereas people like us listen and look out for those signs and prompts from the universe, allowing ourselves to be guided, our free will is much more limited :) self inflicted though lol...

much peace

"Only from the heart Can you touch the sky" Rumi

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