A Love Story: Parts 1 & 2

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A Love Story: Parts 1 & 2

Post by JohnR »

Here is the story of my high school sweetheart and wife, which I put together over the course of about 8 months after her "death" last 11-11-11 and posted in parts as I completed them on Facebook. I wanted all of my old classmates, as well as the world to know that we finally were married. It is described in 7 chapters. I will post 1 or 2 chapters every day. Several fantastic events occurred in chapter 7 which likely wouldn't surprise anyone on this board! I feel so blessed to have been such a major part of this amazing woman's life, even if only intermittently. I haven't hidden anything. I told it the way I experienced it and the emotion is very in your face, almost jumping right off the page at you at times. Because of this I have been hesitant about sharing it and I want to give my heartfelt thanks to several of my friends here on the board who gave me the courage to do so! In the pic, Laurie's on the right, my younger sister on the left in pink. :kiss:


It was in the fall. A dance. The Southeastern Washington fairgrounds in Walla
Walla. A crowd of people outside a door waiting to be ushered in. There she was.
The most beautiful creature I had ever laid my eyes on. I knew she was special. I
don't know how this is possible, but I loved her the instant I saw her. Sweet,
innocent face, big beautiful doe eyes, long chestnut brown hair cascading down in
waves to below her shoulders. She was snuggled up in a fur coat and I was drawn
to her like steel to a magnet. I approached her and quickly, gently placed my arm
around her shoulders. In my most polite tone I asked "Will you go to the dance
with me"? Picture this now: I am a big guy with long hair. I did not look like part
of polite society. "Whaaaat?", came her reply. "Why should I? I don't even know
you"! "Because I love you" I said matter-of-factly. She protested a little, but
agreed to go to the dance with me. After a time we left the dance to go see the
fair. We ran into her parents, whom she had arrived with initially. Laurie
introduced me and her parents seemed to love me. At the end of the night the
parents took us home, dropping me at my house first. Laurie got out of the car
and we walked to the porch together. I asked her if she would go steady with me
and be my girl. She said she would. I pulled the ring which I always wore off of
my finger and asked her if she would wear it. She took it, and although it was
about 6 sizes too big for her tiny fingers, she wrapped a lot of tape on it and
always wore it. It was a sterling silver band with a black onyx set in the center
that had been hand-made by a convict at the Washington State Penitentiary in
Walla Walla. She told me later she does not know what made her go to the dance
by herself. That was something she said she would NEVER do under any
circumstances, let alone spend an evening with a boy she didn't know. Thus
began a love which spanned more than four decades and endured across lifetimes
of living apart and even being married to other people. The year was 1970.


We were inseparable. I walked Laurie to class at school. We had lunch together.
After school it was a 15 minute walk over to her house. I was there every day. I
was there on the weekends. If you don't believe that ask Colleen Berry, Laurie's
next door neighbor, or Bob Davis, who lived directly across the street. Laurie's
parents just adored me, for some unknown reason. I really don't think I was all
that great. I had manners, was trustworthy and honest, but on the other hand I
was a beer-drinking, pot smoking, cigarette smoking guy with long hair. Go
figure, right?

Laurie's parents house had a studio apartment which had been fitted into the
attic, and we spent many, many pleasant hours up there all by ourselves. We
had bought this huge plastic model of a sailing ship and were assembling it up
there on a large card table. The parents never asked why it took us so long to put
that ship together, and they never came up or disturbed us when we were
together up there. Pretty amazing, considering how protective they were of her.

I don't know why Laurie loved me. Maybe I should have asked her. Laurie was a
nice girl and I was a misfit who played keyboards in a rock band. So why would
she have anything to do with me? I asked my mom this question and she said
"Sometimes people just love each other". Maybe this is the best answer there is. I
listen to my mom a lot more now than I used to. Laurie, with her wit, charm,
cheerful outlook on life and good looks could have had any guy she wanted. But
she was not a competitor. She didn't compete in any of the high school cliques.
She wasn't in any of them. She was her own person. She knew who she was, and
didn't try to impress anyone. That was one of the qualities that I dearly loved
about her, and I could see that in her face the first time I laid eyes on her at the
fair dance.

Something else I need to say: Laurie never had a problem with me about
anything. EVER. No truer statement was ever made! She did not bitch at me
about anything, but accepted me the way I was. Looking back and realizing that,
I just have to marvel at her. Can you imagine what it must be like to be intimate
with someone who smokes when you don't? And she never ever even complained
about that! Laurie was not a taker, she was a giver, always.

The years passed happily by. In the fall of 1972 I went off to my first year of
college at Oregon State U. We kept in contact with one another, and she even
came to OSU to visit me a couple of times. The 2 pics on my Facebook wall page
that show us as teenagers were taken there.

Consider this now: A lot of people are in cheating relationships, but that wasn't
Laurie and I. It would have been easier for me to cut off my arm than it would
have been for me to cheat on her and lie about it. That was a big part of what
made us so special, I think. When you trust your partner implicitly there is no
reason for jealousy, is there? I didn't have to wonder what she was up to, I knew.
All I had to do was ask.

Laurie & I had never gone all the way. She had convictions which, try as I might,
I could not change. She believed two people should be married first. So sometime
during that first year of college I got it in my head that Laurie and I should date
other people and still stay friends and that is what we did. Enter: THE FOOL. She
didn't tell me until years later that that broke her heart. She told me she would've
married me in a heartbeat if I had asked her and that she always figured we
would be married. She told me she almost didn't make it through that. At the
time I didn't even realize this! I do know that I wasn't ready to be married- I
didn't want the responsibility. All I wanted to do was get high. How sad. I still
loved her, I just couldn't settle down at the time, and I could not live my life
celibate. This was the single biggest mistake of my life.

The next year Laurie entered college at Lewis Clark State College in Lewiston and
we fell out of touch with one another. At some point I called her parent's house to
try to get in touch with her and her mom told me "she has a boyfriend at college
and is really happy". Well, now I'm the one who is heartbroken. I never spoke to
Laurie personally and I never called back. I would not hear from her again for 38
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Re: A Love Story: Parts 1 & 2

Post by nasra1996 »

John that is so lovely.... i love your 70's picture ! i'm not familiar with this story.. So did you both meet up finally in 2010 ? and get married ?

I shall wait for parts 4 and 5 to get the answers :)

Much love

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Re: A Love Story: Parts 1 & 2

Post by inawe »

This is so beautiful!! Sounds like a Twin Flame story to me! Gives me hope! Lol... You two sound exactly like my situation... Waiting for the reunion..m. Thanks. For sharing!! Wow.... Love this!!
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Re: A Love Story: Parts 1 & 2

Post by Zachary »

great stuff! nothing beats true personal stories IMO.

cant wait to read the rest in the future
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Re: A Love Story: Parts 1 & 2

Post by Sandy »

Dear John,
You write beautifully about this precious subject and I feel as if I am a little mouse watching it all unfold. I have a hunch the Divine will give you two very deserving and loving people a reunion to end all reunions in the next realm. Right now that is my greatest wish. :kiss:
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Re: A Love Story: Parts 1 & 2

Post by JohnR »

Thank-you girls for your wonderful kind words! :sunflower:

Yes to all your questions. And thank-you again! I received an email from Facebook on July 11, 2011 that Laurie wanted to be friends. On July 12 i noticed that email and we ended up talking on the phone for 9 hours straight! 111 days later we were married on Halloween. It's all in my story (7 chapters). :study:

Hi! :hithere Thanks so much for taking the time to post here! I am wondering what you mean by "I sound like your situation: waiting for the reunion?" I am going to look at all your posts to try and figure that out! :loves

A little mouse watching it all unfold? Ha-ha! I like that! I will try and post part 3 and 4 tonight, but I have to warn you- it seems like every chapter gets longer! :kiss:
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Re: A Love Story: Parts 1 & 2

Post by inawe »

Yes!what I've read so far reminds me so much of my relationship with this guy. We have'nt known each other since childhood but we definitely have that same connection too. I met him online the day I split up with my husband... ( My marriage was Exactly like the one you described her having) and also the same day my grandmother died.... Completely inseperable, and hopelessly in love we've vowed to end up together whatever it takes... There is an ocean between us, and he is in a relationship... Oh well.... We'll see.... :loves
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Re: A Love Story: Parts 1 & 2

Post by nasra1996 »

Oh thats so sad inawe :) by the way your pic is a beaut.. these stories remind me of my favourite love story, Emily Bronte's, Wuthering Heights.. I happen to live in that area where the story was set.. that is my idea of true love and romance, having a best friend as a kid and meeting up one day as adults, as you will always have that special bond like a soul mate.. sighs.. I hope it turns out well for you in the end inawe.. and John i hope your special lady walks with you in spirit on this earth :loves

much love

Sarah x
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Re: A Love Story: Parts 1 & 2

Post by inawe »

Thank you so much!! You have no idea how touched I am..... all the good wishes mean so much to me. I'm trying to be strong, and positive. Everything points to the direction of us being together and being happy..... but the waiting truly is the hardest part. I ache everyday, and I swear he and i are so connected that i can feel what he feels, vice versa, sometimes i can feel love pangs in my solar plexus, and i send them back to him..... sometimes i can feel him next to me... when we've gotten into arguements i can feel a pang in my plexus as well with the words resounding, "I'm sorry" . I used to see his picture before we met, we were both part of a group on FB, and i would say, "why could'nt I meet a guy like that? He's exactly what I'm looking for...... little did I know he would turn out to be the love of my life..... Lots of tears for me, but lots of encouragement from my Angels, lots of consolations...... keeping up the good thoughts...... hoping it does work out.... Thank you for the compliment! That's very kind of you...... :loves xoxox
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Re: A Love Story: Parts 1 & 2

Post by 11light11 »

This is a rare story! Still on the edge of my seat over here. Eagerly awaiting the second installment . . .You ARE going to share all seven chapters, right?!?!?! :roll

:kiss: :loves
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