222's and 10's and now so much is happening..

Use this forum to ask or post about 11:11, 12:34, 2:22, 22:22 etc. The wake-up digital clock signals of our loving celestial friends. They also delight in flicking on or off street lights, traffic lights and ringing door bells.
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Re: 222's and 10's and now so much is happening..

Post by 11light11 »

Vanessa your words brought tears to my eyes, very moving indeed. :kiss: I know exactly what you mean. If you are interested, you might even suggest to these people you now have flocking to you, that they try a fabulous book that brings about lasting change and true inner healing. It is called "Fear of the Abyss," and it is only available in e-book form (these days everyone's doing the Kindle and ipad anyway, so maybe that's ok ;) ). The book assists people who feel they never can do enough to please others - but who often neglect themselves. It touches on topics such as perfectionism, the struggle for control, shame, needing & being needed, fearing disappointing others, of fearing being disappointed by others . . etc. People who struggle with obsessive-compulsive disorder, panic attacks, or a feeling that they've 'always done something wrong' at the end of a conversation, or at the end of their day -- benefit from the lessons of this book. The book assists people to heal from sad feelings, instead of learning to cope with them.

You are a beacon of white light in the lives of people who come to you now! Thank you for sharing and peace to you on your journey!

With love & gratitude,
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Re: 222's and 10's and now so much is happening..

Post by inawe »

I don't know what to say... I'm filled with emotion and gratitude.... I will tell people about the book, so many need it..... Thank you again for your words.... They are precious.... Vanessa,,, :love
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Re: 222's and 10's and now so much is happening..

Post by 11light11 »

Thank you for what you've shared with us! It's awesome to be included in such a meaningful experience! :kiss: Peace, Vanessa!
Michele :sunflower: :loves
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Re: 222's and 10's and now so much is happening..

Post by inawe »

It's been crazy! Now I'm getting X:01. X:10 and X:44 prompts.... I think I figured them out though....I can't believe all this is happening.... But I feel great now..... Recuopped from the experience, a different person....- adore my kids, but never had any time for them emotionally, and now I find I'm really putting in quality time with them with a lot of joy and patience.... Bonding.... Working harder, and really practicing my art now....m I actually cleaned my house today with joy and in record time... Spic and span!... And most importantly I talk to God and my angels throughout the entire day.... And I love myself, more than ever..... I never did before..... :-)
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Re: 222's and 10's and now so much is happening..

Post by 11light11 »

Once again I am the one who is in awe! LOL. What an experience you are having. :hithere This is simply incredible, from the relationship with your children, to your art, to your household chores! And keeping up the connection throughout the day. So cool! Thanks for sharing and keep us updated! :kiss: Love, Michele
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Re: 222's and 10's and now so much is happening..

Post by inawe »

Oh I will! I'm not talking to anyone else about this! Lol! So glad to have you all!
Love, Vanessa :loves. Ooh, and so many more hearts! All over!
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Re: 222's and 10's and now so much is happening..

Post by Sandy »

They joy in your posts in contagious, Vanessa! :bana: :sunflower: :D Thank you sweetie, for allowing us to share in this delightful time with you! In a funny kind of way it benefits all of us! :kiss:
I would love to hear a little more about your art too if you ever feel like sharing and talking about it. We have a few artists who pop onto the board from time to time... inlikeflint, Aqualeaf, blu,and rob just to name a few.
with love,
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Re: 222's and 10's and now so much is happening..

Post by inawe »

oh Sandy! Where do I start? First off, pretty funny, you posted at exactly 2:22! Hahaha... my art is my life...I've often been told, when I go through periods of inactivity, nothing can work for me, it is the forse in me that activates everything, the deciding factor, through my art, I express my love, I'm understanding this now.o studied theatre and voice, but through a twist of events, I ended up in Haiti in 91 and get caught in a cop d'etat and was stuck... My mother suggested I take art lessons in the meantime, I was 22? (Ha! , again)it was an eccentric man that sudied with Matisse and Picasso and really marked me, I was hooked and have been painting ever since.I do finishes, painted furniture for income, but I also do paintings. I've done Angels in encaustic wax, I do flowers on huge canvases, and animals...quirky, somewhat zany, feel good paintings they say....the strangest thing happened to me today, have to talk about this....My twinflame is running right now, which is o.k., but I feel it turning aound. Well we are on F.B. together, and he's not communicating with me but I know he looks at my page very often, if not every day... I mentioned I was making chili... Well, later on when I was in the kitchen stirring the pot, I could see him, so vividly coming through the door, so happy, coming to taste it. I understood he was imagining right then if we were finally together, how he would sneak in and taste it. I was so happy, and then I felt him and I as one, in my core, like he and I melded together all of a sudden. Very warm inside in my solar plexus, straight up and down my thorax...I wish someone could explain this to me.... :loves
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Re: 222's and 10's and now so much is happening..

Post by 11light11 »

This is incredible, Vanessa! I think you are describing the energetic experience of being with your twin flame. I never had such an experience myself, but judging by the meaning of the different chakras, I get the chills thinking about what you felt! The solar plexus is the seat of the will . . .makes me wonder if your focused intent will effectively draw him toward you? Of course you have the chili to entice him as well! ;) As for the throat sensation -- this is what comes from when we speak our truth, I would guess. Perhaps combining the seat of the will with the voice of internal truth, you can rejoin in union? What do you sense about this?

I don't think I realized that you weren't together right now? Did you two have a falling out? Have you tried speaking with him about your newfound feelings/understandings?

As for the getting stuck in Haiti -- wow, everything happens for a reason, eh?! Just an amazing turn of events. To be in the midst of a violent uprising and to learn the subtle arts? I am in awe, again! ;)

If you can post pics I'm sure we'd all love to see them! :kiss: Peace!
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Re: 222's and 10's and now so much is happening..

Post by inawe »

This is by far, the most incredible time in my life.... Some days I wonder if I'm not going crazy! If I'm imagining things, so I take pics, just as proof... I feel very blessed, and very loved.... I do feel that we will absolutely be together,,,,I've had too many indications that it will be, but I have to keep the faith..... We are'nt communicating right now.. :-( no falling out. Just him freaking out... He asked me to move to Chicago to be with him.... We are both so sure this will be so great, but now he's running... He'll be back, I can feel it.... Thank you for the feed back, that makes me feel great....we met on FB, fell so hard for each other, and we've never even met yet, but have planned out our lives together, and I know it's real, because these things would'nt be happening otherwise, I've been with jerks, this is way different... I will definitely show you some pics... So glad to share all of this with you! <3.... Peace and light to you too.. Xoxox
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Re: 222's and 10's and now so much is happening..

Post by 11light11 »

Well, Chicago is a great city! I love it and I miss it! Cold winters though, lol.

I see - thanks for explaining a bit more about your story. I think with FB & some of those dating sites, it allows new amazing miraculous possibilities we never had before! My brother is engaged to be married in March, to a girl he met online! :kiss: When you told about those solar plexus/thorax sensations, I really thought that was amazing!

Do post some pics when you can! :loves :sunflower: Peace and love, Michele
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Re: 222's and 10's and now so much is happening..

Post by Sandy »

Hi Inawe,
You are such a little powerhouse of spirit, faith and love. :D
George and I too are living proof that two people can find each other from opposite ends of the world via the ineternet. Some things are just meant to be... :happy

I would love to see your pictures. Do you have some photos of your artwork too or perhaps a website where they are displayed? :finger:
What an amazing life you've led! :sunflower:
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Re: 222's and 10's and now so much is happening..

Post by inawe »

Thank you two so much....it's such a pleasure for me to share this whole experience with you...it's absoutely incredible to say the least! I have had an amazing life for sure, and God and the Angels have been with me every step of the way.... Always guiding me, warning me, protecting me, joking with me too, through joyous times and very sad, and. Difficult times too... That is so encouraging to me to hear about 2 relationships born on the net that happened.... That's wonderful.... Ours is a very deep and wonderful connection that has thrown both of us for a loop, very intense....came on right when I was splitting up with my ex husband, .. Well. We'll what is in store for us...too good to not happen I think..I will upload a pic of me... , and my artwork... When I get on my computer.... Love to both of you! :loves
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Re: 222's and 10's and now so much is happening..

Post by 11light11 »

Looking forward to it! And you're so used to your story -- after all, you lived it! :lol: -- that you haven't told some of the pieces! It will be fun when you think up little aspects of this journey to share. I sometimes look back over my life and realize: Hmm, if that one professor's work visa hadn't been canceled, I'd never have enrolled in Professor X's class, without whom I'd never have learned about Z, which led me to research Y, and if I never took that path . . . :lol: LOL! You start realize how filled with miracles your life really is!

I love when you share about your story -- and looking forward to pics of your art work, and a pic of you! Peace :kiss: Love, Michele
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Re: 222's and 10's and now so much is happening..

Post by inawe »

oh Michelle, my life is so full of miracles, from generation to generation, I laugh outloud when I think about..... My family is generations of pirates, Germans and Seminole Indians.....they had settled in Louisianna, where the Indians come in, and since Haiti was a booming land of riches and opportunities, they settled here and never left..... I am also from a very long line of psychics...and all very devout believers.... My grandmother would look at someone and tell them their entire future in a few sentences, never failed....all of her children are intuitive but I got it very strong....as a child I would see ghosts, I pushed it away, but now I only see my loved ones that have passed....My daughter reads minds like she reads books, you can't hide anything from her, and can see the future too, she's very young, 12, so I have to keep her in check and guide her as I can.... My son feels events coming on... He's only 8...The day of the major earthquake we had here in 2010, I was woken up by a voice that told me to get up and pray for everyone I know because there would be a major catastrophe... So I did, the quake passed, noone close to me died, we were all very safe where we were, I lost my house, but got a much better one right away with from my grandmother...the quake changed everything for all of us..it shook us up physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually, and it changed all of our lives, forever, mine definitely for the better, it made me stronger, and more grateful for everything..... My grandmother died a year ago.... She was 94... She really resisted dying, in the last few weeks of her life, she was visited by all her family that has passed on, I could hear her conversations with them refusing to go... And two days before she died, I heard her say, " I'll go when I'm sure you have assured a bright future for Vanessa... The day before she dies, I heard her say, I'ts O.k.? You've arranged it, will she be happy and fine? O.k...... She held my hand later and said, "you know you have to leave your husband right? He's nice, but it's time to leave him, I'm leaving but will take care if you..... I met " him" the day she died.... I knew what it was about, because she came to me smiling, saying, you will be very happy."....btw, I did'nt "just leave" my husband, I had been miserable for years... Lol....I have soooo many stories to tell!! Hahaha.. Trying to upload a pic but they are too big, I'll get it right.... I'm peach colored, jet black hair...my eyes are light brown but turn bluish grey from time to time... I'm 5'3... Slender.... I'm 42! :-)
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Re: 222's and 10's and now so much is happening..

Post by 11light11 »

WOW! Thank you for sharing all of that. It's all so very moving . . . I was just talking with a friend yesterday about the Indigo Children! It's fascinating to me to hear stories about little kids with 'the gift.' I would have been scared out of my wits if I had seen ghosts as a kid! I am amazed by what you've shared . . .as always! :kiss: Your daughter is blessed to have your understanding to guide her. Peace! :kiss: P.S. if you go under "Frequently asked questions" It will explain to you how to upload the pics.
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Re: 222's and 10's and now so much is happening..

Post by inawe »

You are a breath of fresh air Michelle...thank you so much... I love sharing my stories with you, it's a pleasure.... I have seen and done and been through an awful lot, some good, some bad, but who has'nt? My kids are wonderfu, and I firmly believe thatthey are my teachers this time around... They keep me strong and smiling.... <3
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Re: 222's and 10's and now so much is happening..

Post by Irit »

Hello Inawe,

I have really enjoyed your stories on this post. This appears to be a very important time in your life. It is good that you are recognizing all your talents.

I too come from a family of very intuitive people, starting with my grandfather. My son has the gift too, but as a young adult, such things scare him. But, his time will come...

Stay Gold,
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Re: 222's and 10's and now so much is happening..

Post by inawe »

Hello Irit!
Thank you! It's my life, it's very colorful, some very sad part , some very happy parts too.... I've always felt very connected, but yes indeed, this time right now is a very exciting and very important time in my life..... I'm resolving issues at lightning speed, turning so many pages and realizing so many things.... My intuition isreally peaking right now, it can be very scary indeed.... How cool that you too come from an intuitive family too.... Kind of sets you apart somehow, in a good way....in the sense that you are always in touch somehow....I guess it's a blessing.... One day your son will embrace it. And dose it to a degree that works for him....I love your signature, when the student is ready, the teacher appears.... How perfect.... Thank you... You too, Stay Golden! Love that.... :loves. Xoxoxox
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Re: 222's and 10's and now so much is happening..

Post by inawe »

Hello all! It's been awhile since I posted this, maybe I should update it? Yeah!.so much is still happening... My spiritual journey has become very intense, quite amazing. I feel like the celestials have taken me by the hand and I'm constantly surrounded and guided and nudged by them. It's a wonderful feeling. I have no fears and I'm trying to spread love and hope and faith as much as I can in my own crazy, rock nroll, twisted way.... It seems to be working, so many people are asking me for advice and prayers... My prompts have changed... Still, though when I get 222, again, I clear out karma, am down for a day or 2 and bounce right out of it good as new...my meditation is very sharp, very meaningful... And oh another thing I've noticed... Sometimes I'm overcome with an incredible fatigue, have to take a power nap, and I just know, that during that moment, I've been given some imformation, I was taught something...back to my prompts.. I may have mentioned I've been going through a divorce that should have been over in 3 months, well it's been dragging on over a year now....I've been getting 588 which means impotant phase of your life just about over... Well my lawyer came by today and told me... You guessed it.. It's just about over... Yay!!! I had no doubts... Waiting for the rest...<3
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Re: 222's and 10's and now so much is happening..

Post by Sandy »

You inspire me, Inawe,
Such a joy to read your post and feel the loving energy behind it. I've had moments this week I haven't been proud of...when I have allowed aggravations to control me. So nice to come to the board tonight and get a little nudge of my own... a little lesson coming together by way of you and Happyrain and of course my Guides and Teachers. ( I laugh, because I get a sense of some Hi-Fives going on "up there" as they give a sigh of relief and say. "Finally she got it!" :lol: ) Thanks sweetie for passing on the love. I am so happy that your divorce will be behind you. That is wonderful news... almost like a Christmas present eh?
Enjoy your week over there. :hithere
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Re: 222's and 10's and now so much is happening..

Post by 11light11 »

AND you just made your 88th post!!!! :bana:
Love to you Sweetheart!
Michele :kiss:
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Re: 222's and 10's and now so much is happening..

Post by inawe »

HA!! So funny!! Today I've been bombarded with prompts!! And this is just too much!! There have been too many incredible prompts to even get into... But you two know how wonderfully creative and funny our celestials are! Sandy, thank you so much for you kind words... I can't imagine you having a bad moments, but we are afterall human and we are subject to not so glorious attitudes at times... We learn from them... Make us better... Make us think....I'm glad I could help... I always hope to with things I say, always hope to be an instrument of celestial love and wisdom... Haha.. Not trying to be presumptious... I have such a long way to go!! I love this message board so much... Love talking to you two immensly and always come away with something special... Our own little family, we are so blessed to be part of this... Thank you.... Love to you all!
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Re: 222's and 10's and now so much is happening..

Post by Miss Believer »

Hi there! I am so intrested in your twin flame experience...as I am going through this experience right now! So much to say about the experience...but the main point I wanted to comment on - is thst I too see hesrts everywhere - mainly nature - they just appear to me. I am a photographer and there are times when I haven't even seen the heart until I look at the photo on my computer :)
"Your vision will become clear only when you can look into your own heart. Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakens." - Carl Jung
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Re: 222's and 10's and now so much is happening..

Post by inawe »

Hi! So good to hear this! So few people can actually understand any of this, sometimes the flames themselves! What can I say? I feel blessed to be going through this because it's such an incredible lesson in love. Mine was gone for 4 months fixing his life. Becoming sober. Leaving the girl he was in a relationship with, but all throughout this time of running, I could feel something was different, not changed but different. He finally got in touch with me, so sweet, same love and me marveling that he had changed so much and thought, "I can't believe my dream has finally come true, only for him to tell me, he met someone else, that he has very deep feelings for. I'm the only one that knows. It's not an easy relationship that he knows will up in heartbreak. But I had no choice but to accept this, wish him well, and now be the shoulder he needs to listen to him and comfort him. Yes, that's what twin flame love is. Unconditional love. It's not always easy. We are closer than ever . And funny thing, he talks to me as if he knows we will end up together someday, he just needs to go throuh this. People on the outside would think he's just a big jerk. And I'm an idiot, some things can't be explained.We know what we know, we know what we feel.I'm happy to be part of this with him. My emotions are'nt always so loving, believe me, but on the whole, I think I'm handling this pretty darn well. Today we wished each other a very sweet Happy Valentines day. Told each other how special we are, and that we love each other.I swear time stopped. Nothing more needed to be said. Did'nt change anything, but meant the world.I like being free right now. I'm a terrible flirt and I'm loving meeting new people eventhough no one can compare to him. He needs to be in that relationship right now. God's plans are perfect. Maybe our lessons are more advanced, and seem tougher than most, but God has faith in us that we will get it with flying colors! Twin Flame love is perfected unconditional love, through and through....<3.... Seeing hearts too? Awesome! This morning the gift I got from the Universe was, I was taking pics for FB haha..and the pic of me is horrible, but right on my heart, is a patch of bright, glowing sunlight in the shape of a heart! Just perfect! I do believe that seeing hearts is an urging, a message to hang in there. That we are loved and have met our Twin Flame... Vanessa... Look foward to talking more!
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