444 last night... WOW ... what next??

Use this forum to ask or post about 11:11, 12:34, 2:22, 22:22 etc. The wake-up digital clock signals of our loving celestial friends. They also delight in flicking on or off street lights, traffic lights and ringing door bells.
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444 last night... WOW ... what next??

Post by twixxy83 »

Okay, so let me start this off by saying that I used to sleep walk. Especially when I was under a lot of stress. I haven't done it for about a year or so until last week when I woke up because I felt a presence hovering over me getting closer and I panicked, jumped out of bed (slammed my ankle against the bed frame!) and ran into the room where my boyfriend was working late. :oops:

As I get older, the sleepwalking episodes are much less frequent but more violent and usually leave me waking up with my heart racing.

What happened last night was much different.... like nothing I have ever experienced before.

Little more background before I get to what happened last night... I went through a period of two months where I didn't see any repeating numbers. It completely stopped after I cried while telling my skeptical boyfriend one night back in May that I thought I was losing my mind... You see, I usually sleep through the night, but this one particular night last May I had woken up at 2:22 and had fallen back asleep and had woken up again at 5:55. The prompts were everywhere for years, but it was particularly frequent at this point. I had to tell someone. After I told him, like I said, it stopped for a while, until I started seeing them again a few months ago... 111, 143.... all over the place.

I've been feeling depressed the past few days. Sometimes I get this feeling like I just want to disappear. I feel like I just need a break from it all, as I'm sure many others have felt at times. I have been meditating a little lately and I feel like the more I meditate, the more I get prompts. I've been getting a lot of them the past week or two. I was bored at work last night and had a few free minutes so out of curiosity, I googled "depression lightworkers" and got some interesting results. After some reading, for the heck of it, I googled "Suicide lightworkers". I would never kill myself, it wasn't anything like that. Just curious to see what others thought. I don't even know what you'd call me; a midwayer? lightworker?

Anyway, I got off work, came home and fell asleep. At some point in the night, I was awoken by something bright... As I was waking up, I felt something in my hand and my first thought was "oh no I'm sleepwalking again"... I immediately realized I was holding my cell phone and the brightness was from the screen being on. Apparently, while asleep, I had not only grabbed it off the night stand, but I had also pushed the button on the side of the phone that turns the screen on and there it was: 4:44 am.

How did that happen? Now they are controlling my movements while I sleep? Before I even got out of bed this morning I googled 444 (I've never had this prompt before) and it said something about being comforted. Reading this brought tears to my eyes. Do you think it has something to do with my research on depression last night?

There is something to this and I am determined to figure out what the message is. I am going to try to meditate more, but I don't even know how to do it "right" I guess... I did a few guided meditations and usually they relax me but how do I get answers?

I apologize for the length of this post... Thank you for reading!
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Re: 444 last night... WOW ... what next??

Post by 11light11 »

No need to apologize for the length of your post Twixxy . . .I was captivated by what you were saying! While I have woken up and checked my cell phone many times, I never woke up to find I'd already checked it in my sleep! :shock: :lol: Simply incredible!

I do believe it's true that 444 is about comfort . . . I believe many have shared on this board, that 444 is the number sign for your own personal Thought Adjuster, Destiny Guardians, the Seraphim and Cherubim -- your own spiritual guardians. They must know intimately what lies in the interior of your heart, and yes, wanted to offer their comfort to you, during your time of depression. You're right what you said -- we've all been there! It's so uplifting the way you got that encouragement and support, right when you needed it most. Hope you are feeling well relieved of that depressed feeling! And so cool what you've been experiencing with your meditation!

Thank you for sharing so much! :loves What a lift this morning,

Peace to you! And love!
Michele :kiss: :sunflower: :loves
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Re: 444 last night... WOW ... what next??

Post by twixxy83 »

Aw thank you Michele :)

Me too-- I've woken up in the middle of the night before and checked my phone to see 1:11, or 2:22, but grabbing my phone while fully asleep and waking up already holding it THEN seeing a prompt was such a strange feeling... so surreal.

The only other time a prompt took my breath away like this was last year while I was at work. I have been seeing 808 for as long as I can remember... 808 and 747 were the two numbers I saw all the time as a teenager before I ever researched any of this. I still see them mixed in with the other prompts (111, 222, 555) but the craziest one happened when I was counting inventory at work one day. I had my cell phone in my pocket and I knew I had to hurry and finish counting because we were going to open the doors for the day soon and I wanted to finish before clients started filing in. I pulled my phone out of my pocket to check the time, and (it is a touch screen phone) while in my pocket, the screen had not only been opened to the alarm setting screen, but it had actually created a new alarm for 8:08 am AND it had changed the ringtone to some upbeat latin alarm tone!! I'm pretty sure that night is when I woke up at 2:22 and 5:55 and asked for it to stop while crying to my boyfriend, as I typed about in my first post.

I want to take some time to meditate at some point today... still looking for answers LUV2
Back in May when this was happening often (the cell phone alarm, waking up at 222 and 555 in one night... etc) I meditated and asked in my mind what the message was and I heard "Love others". Maybe that's the whole message. Well, I'm listening!! All ears! They've definitely got my attention :D
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Re: 444 last night... WOW ... what next??

Post by jack6251 »

Hi Twixxy, welcome :)

I found your posts absolutley fascinating, thanks for joining up and sharing! Your contribution there is a good reason why I stick around (that and talking turkey here n there :P), seriously though, your account your gave of seeing the numbers is one of the more amazing posts I've read for some time, you really must let us know of anything more :)


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Re: 444 last night... WOW ... what next??

Post by Sandy »

Hi Twixxy,
I have heard of many amazing prompts in the years I have been here but yours is the first I have heard of where one is prompted to prompt themselves. :lol: That is so cool and you couldn't have picked a nicer prompt as that one has always given me so much comfort. :D

While some people may disagree, I believe there is no real right or wrong way to meditate. What is most important is our deep desire and our intent... Every time we practice some type of meditation we grow in ways measured in other realms even though the success may not evident to us. This helps to take some of the pressure off our already over burdened shoulders...Just relax and enjoy the meditation as a bit of a vacation from the stresses of existence...a peaceful escape that often allows us to take back with us into our busy lives a measure of the well being we feel while in this quiet inner place. We may even find that the peace of stillness within is merged with life and we are walking talking and breathing meditation as we go about the business of the day.

Well, I just want to say, welcome to the message board. It's nice to meet you and read of your amazing prompt! :hithere
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Re: 444 last night... WOW ... what next??

Post by twixxy83 »

Thank you guys <3

My mom texted me this morning saying she woke up at exactly 5:55 two days in a row...
She has seen prompts for years and years, along with her sister and her two aunts. My mom said she's feeling a bit scared and really overwhelmed because it's happening so often lately. I urged her to meditate and ask for what the meaning of 555 is.

Is this something that tends to run in families?
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Re: 444 last night... WOW ... what next??

Post by 11light11 »

I think it might, Twixxy. I hear people say that all the time . . I think my grandma was a little 'touched,' I'll call it, and I'm that way myself, a bit. In George's book "The Search for 11:11" (highly recommend it!!) he says that his grandpa and his mom were both gifted psychically, and it was passed on to him - and he passed it on to his little girl. I think it really may run in families . . .

It's neat to think you share a link like that with your mom! Thanks for sharing! I hope she finds more comfort from it, than she does worried confusion. Whether we understand it or not -- at least it helps us feel connected!

Also weird -- I woke from a dream this morning at 5:55 myself! So I was a bit taken aback by your post! ;)

Love! :kiss: Peace,
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Re: 444 last night... WOW ... what next??

Post by sammy »

ALSO Weird - I got out of bed at 5:55 this morning!

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Re: 444 last night... WOW ... what next??

Post by 11light11 »

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Re: 444 last night... WOW ... what next??

Post by twixxy83 »

Thanks Michele!!

Wow, lots of 5:55s this morning :silent: So strange!
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Re: 444 last night... WOW ... what next??

Post by Sandy »

Well, gee..no 555's for me as I was out like a light at that time having just gone to bed and couple hours before...but I am seeing 222's everywhere these days. ;) :)

Twixxy, it is my understanding that the prompts can be somewhat personal for each individual...The celestials behind the number prompts will often prompt you in the manner that you believe for each prompt. So with this in mind, I can tell you what 555 means to me. :) Way back when I first came to this site I adopted a very enlightened lady author's explanation of the meaning of certain numbers. Her name is Doreen Virtue and this is what she says about the number 555...
555 — Buckle your seatbelts. A major life change is upon you. This change should not be viewed as being "positive" or "negative," since all change is but a natural part of life’s flow. Perhaps this change is an answer to your prayers, so continue seeing and feeling yourself being at peace.
I used to dread seeing that prompt because I never liked change but the past few years I am learning to see the benefits of change all around me and even in me. Change needn't be viewed as something to fear but rather to embrace as we appreciate the new lessons, adventures and opportunities it brings our way.
Love to all you "sleepy" people. ;)
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Re: 444 last night... WOW ... what next??

Post by 555 »

Hi twixxy83, Hi everyone!,

I would like to jump in here because these two prompts 444 and 555 are very special for me. I agree with the definition “major change upon you” as it has been a great change in my life in the past 3 or 4 years, since I have come to know the Book of Urantia and the 11:11 Progress Group. First, we need to understand that the 11:11 prompts are “calls” meaning to open our conscience to the mystic and supernatural, and make us more open to spiritual phenomena. They might mean some specific warning. I am currently reading George’s second book, “In Service of 11:11”, and there he mentioned how 7 or 8 prompts on a day made him to ask clarification from the midwayers and came to know that if he wouldn’t change his vacation plans he would lost his beloved son. So, I believe that when they are in large number in a short period of time, they might mean some warning. I had some warning prompts on occasions and unfortunately I could not make out their meaning, as for example when I was attacked and robbed few meters from my home and before leaving house, just before leaving my bedroom I saw 1212, and I felt something weird, but left the house anyway.

Now, since it was very difficult to attribute a meaning each time certain prompt was given, I started to identify my friends midwayers and my teachers (through meditation, and after knowing that they welcome this practice) through certain numbers. And, so 555 for me usually means that my long time friend Midwayer Thomas (name also inferred from meditation… I did get once his midwayer designation, which I didn’t use much because I had 555, and I lost it in one of my computer backups I know it is there, in one of my diaries or in one of my computer CDs). 555 is a long friend of mine even from the time I thought he was demon tormenting me in my Christian Ministry… it was very touching to recognize him 2 or 3 years back for what he really is. I know he responds to me by the number 555 and the name Thomas because he appeared to me in a vision (which experience I have shared already in the Secret thread).

Then I have the number 444, which I attached to my Teacher Prolotheos and usually when I received this prompt it means that a message from him has been implanted in my mind and I have to withdraw it (especially when I stay without writing his messages for more than a week). I too know that he is who he is because I also had a vision of him (a really beautiful being, He appeared to me on shades of transparent purple color and which impressed me the most about him it was the peace and serenity he showed on his face. The same I can say about Midwayr Sharmon, I have identified her with the numbers 333 and all the same, I know she got it, because she appeared to me dancing … I also know that I can feel her presence usually with tingles on my right side shoulder, while 555 takes the left side. There are other beings of whom I am in the process of attributing numbers so our contact can be better. Once I had a beautiful vision of a wonderful being with shades of yellow just after I asked to see a Life Carrier ; so I think this is a Life Carrier; but I didn’t give him a number yet. I also had a vision of Andrea, our lovely primary androgenic midwayer and I just gave her the number 222 because she features double gender, although she like the female designation.

Even today in my meditation, I have the most interesting experience… I am a little worried about the health of my Filipina wife in Philippines and I yesterday asked our friend MN8, Doctor Mendoza (in fact I wrote him a petition letter) to make her a visit and to heal her of any disease she has… Today, during my Meditation, I asked if he was around to make my feet thumbs to tingle. And sure enough, few minutes after, I felt a very hard tingle sensation, in my left foot so I know that he was around and I asked him if he had gone to see my wife in Philippines and wait for an answer. Well the answer came later in the way of a vision, which I am not going to share here before I talk to my wife this afternoon. But all this is very interesting and I am willing to attribute him the numbers 888 which I have been prompt a lot too by the way… Let us see how this develops.

So, I have created my own system to deal with the numbers, not discarding the possibility for them to be used in other ways… Ah, I left the 1111 alone, because this general one prompt, for me, only assures me the presence of our light workers around. I also have used the prompts to intrigue other people. For example, my client has a big electronic clock at his medical table and many times when I look on it, there is a prompt so I always call the attention of whoever is in the room, and say “Look, 333, what beautiful numbers! Isn’t that interesting?” I have done this several times; hopefully it will intrigue people. I have thought of adding also the following commentary: “Oh, look what beautiful numbers, I wonder what they could mean…” so making sure that people do not simply dismiss my comment.

So my friends, that is how I relate with my prompts. I think that everyone should find their particular way to relate to them, not necessarily like mine.

I hope this will help you to find a meaningful way to deal with your prompts.

Love, Jose.
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Re: 444 last night... WOW ... what next??

Post by 11light11 »

Jose, thank you for that tremendous post! I am in awe of the many ways you've worked out agreements with your friends. This is a true inspiration to me, for I'm just now getting round to 'listening' to our friends, instead of merely nodding at their prompts. As I begin this message I see a 'hello' from our friend Midwayer Chief Bzutu (ABC-22), and I am trying to give the poor fella room to provide a message instead of just showing his number-sign. This is a trial-and-error period for me and your message provides needed inspiration! Truly beautiful. :kiss:

With your permission I'll join in Dr. Mendoza's efforts, and send energy healing to your wife in the Phillipines.

Thank you for this message, and peace! :kiss:
With love & gratitude,
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Re: 444 last night... WOW ... what next??

Post by 555 »

Hi Michelle,

You are very welcome, my dear, and thank you for your good energies to my wife. I am talking to her now.


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Re: 444 last night... WOW ... what next??

Post by 11light11 »

Oh excellent! Well she'll receive ongoing, daily, from now on. Thank you for letting me share in her healing process, along with our dear friend Dr. Mendoza. I call upon him every day to assist me! Thank you Jose! May she feel 100% in no time. I will include you in my healing intentions as well.

Thank you for the wisdom you shared . . .

Peace and love to you and your wife,
Michele :kiss:
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Re: 444 last night... WOW ... what next??

Post by 555 »

Oh, Thank you Michelle, thank you very much. Yes, please do include me too.
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Re: 444 last night... WOW ... what next??

Post by Sandy »

Hows your wife feeling, Jose? I hope she is feeling better and her health is improving. If it is okay, I'll add my own prayers to both of yours on her behalf.
Thank you for sharing what you have experienced and learned as you form your own personal bond with the Midwayers and Celestial Teachers. What a blessing to have you among us! :kiss:
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