Feeling a gentle readjustment

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Feeling a gentle readjustment

Post by 11light11 »

Hello all!

I have a quick question for the healers out there. Sometimes when I am sending distance energy healing (and in my tradition, one holds out one's hands, and 'sends the energy' toward the person, imagining they are right in front of you), my hands 'get adjusted.' I am holding them out in midair, and they tend to feel like a bubble of energy holds them aloft; I don't need to use my muscles to keep them up in the air, if that makes sense. They are suspended in mind air by the force of the energy. Well, sometimes as I have them held out in this way, one of my hands is very noticeably moved, up or down - as if to make the adjustment for me; as if I needed a better angle to 'send.' I second-guess myself and wonder if it's just a muscle spasm, but it happens over and over, and it's always very subtle. It never feels like something that's happened "inside my body," but like an external force acting on my body.

I've heard folks say that while receiving Reiki, they felt 'hands' on their feet, while the practitioner was focused up near the head area, lending the impression than an Angelic being was standing at their feet, touching them, so I wonder here as well if this is possible. I am not one who sees, hears or feels the presence of the Angelic realm, but so many healers speak to this topic, saying numerous angels assist them when sending healing.

I suppose I ask this question in this spirit, hoping to gain some sense of their support, since I never feel nor see them directly.

Michele :kiss: :loves
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Re: Feeling a gentle readjustment

Post by Sandy »

Dear Michele,
You are not imagining this and tangibly feeling the help that is always with you
Our friend, Wingzie ,was a Reiki healer who often described seeing a celestial helper guiding her work from the feet of her patients and has felt hands on her own feet when being worked on for various ailments.
I see my guides helping me when I work in the akashic construct and feel their energy as I sit at my desk and send prayers of healing.
Sometimes when I sit here and write I feel a hand on my shoulder and George has seen a Midwayer lean over me and stare at the computer screen.
How blessed are we to have this help and assistance around us. To feel the love that these wonderful being reflect so beautifully from the Infinite Source of all. I am reminded of this love every day as I read what you and others write and allow my thoughts to drift to "the stars" even while doing mundane jobs around the house. It is true we can sing praises and share love and joy even while alone vacuuming the house. :sunflower: The whole of Creation is "God's house". I feel it today with every breath I take. :happy

...and "It" is soooo good!
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Re: Feeling a gentle readjustment

Post by happyrain »

hey michele- that's beautiful ! and it sounds to me like you've already formed your own answers. i've never tried long distance healing like that and it's interesting to me your hands would be readjusted. have you tried practicing on a friend ? do you have any friends that have similar experience that you can practice with and share your observations. maybe this will help you understand the why to certain things ¿ sounds like a privilege and a beautiful gift and experience. well back to work ! bye :) just wanted to say: neat heheh really cool ty for sharing and gl !
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Re: Feeling a gentle readjustment

Post by George »

Good One Dear Michele !!!

I do "something like that" when I do distance healing, but I move my hands up and down to "zero in on" the trouble spot.

I feel the actual person if they are overweight, my hands are far apart, if skinny my hands follow that very "thin" shape as they move.

I feel heat as my hands "glide" over the trouble spot to be healed.

It's probably the same thing your TA is making you do ???

why not? It's a really good method.

I taught my students and patients this method from 1972, till 2000.

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Re: Feeling a gentle readjustment

Post by 11light11 »

Dear Sandy, rain and George -

Thank you to the three of you for your warm and helpful responses! :kiss: I appreciate you all so much, you can't know. It's heartening to me to read what you wrote, because, like I said, I don't see or feel any Angelic presence. (Although, I suppose, I do! LOL -- with the adjustment of my hands.) Sandy - I loved what you shared, even the vacuuming can be a part of our connection! :love So wonderful.

George, that is interesting about the widening of the hands for a heavier person, or narrowing of the hands for a slender person. I usually disbelieve, I suppose, that I can 'sense' what is going on with the recipient; so, I just hold my hands out, and generically 'send' to their whole being. The one alteration I make is when I open the chakras: I do travel up the column of their body from root to crown, to make those adjustments, but I'm just "moving from point A to point G," I am not doing so because "I feel the root chakra is closed," or anything. Perhaps, taking into account all you shared, I can start trying to attune myself to what the person has going on, and make adjustments that i feel necessary to perform the healing exercise.

Thank you all so much! Peace! :kiss: :loves :sunflower:
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Re: Feeling a gentle readjustment

Post by George »

Back in the Aussie summer of 1972 / 1973 there was a young girl named Natasha, Tasha or Tash in the class I conducted together with another teacher.

I gave her the name of the person to be found, Mervin G. and his location.

Natasha, feeling for the subject to be healed: "My, he's pudgy, this one!"

We all laughed, but she was right on about (generous) Mervin.

Natasha was blind from birth.


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Re: Feeling a gentle readjustment

Post by 11light11 »

Wow, is that a neat story, George!!! :shock: Thank you for sharing. It rather reminds me of how Beethoven continued his compositions past the time he'd gone deaf, and used to place his head up against the floorboards, reaching up, straining, to play the keys to his newest piece - and the vibrations of the music against the floorboards is how he decided if the notes were the ones he'd intended, or not. Just so awe-inspiring!

I suspect I 'don't sense things' because I am used to thinking I 'can't.' You gave me some nice inspiration -- thank you!

Thank you to Sandy and to rain, also, for helping me with this. Rain - I forgot to answer your question. I always do distance healing, because I don't have people in my life with whom I can do this. Especially now - I am in a new town and I don't know anyone here. But I don't know anyone else (beside my lovely fellow 11:11 board members!) who practices energy healing, so I work in isolation. That's part of why I asked this question initially - it's nice to think I really don't work in isolation, but that the Angels are helping me!

Thanks everyone! Peace! :kiss:
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Re: Feeling a gentle readjustment

Post by 11light11 »

Hello everyone!

This question just expanded out a bit. So before I was wondering about the tiny adjustment I was feeling -- just a little movement of my hand, but a quick movement -- an adjustment. It started increasing in frequency and even intensity after I asked about it here -- and got encouragement from all of you! :kiss: Thanks for your help!

Now a new layer is unfolding, like an onion. I remember a long time ago my teacher, who showed me how to do energy healing, shared that when she was trying to send healing to a particular individual who was in a lot of 'head trouble' and going through a very negative, hateful spell -- she hit a brick wall. I know in many prayer and energy healing traditions people follow the rule that you can't send energy to a person without their permission; the tradition she and I follow, allows you to send to whomever you want, even without their conscious permission -- because you can seek their Higher Self's permission. Well, essentially, she received a "No" from this individual's Higher Self. She felt the energy push her back, and reject her, and she stopped sending the healing. Her teacher (the Rabbi) then shared with her, "Don't waste your energy on that person. They don't want it and refuse it. Just move on, it's a waste of time with her."

So I have never felt that before -- the Stop Sign. What I felt the last few times I sent healing, was like I was being sucked in.

I sit up straight, cross-legged, and just hold my hands in mid-air, as if the person is before me. So, what I felt, was that my whole body moved forward -- first my arms were drawn forward and up and out, then my whole upper torso and finally all of me was pulled forward. It was significant -- not a tiny movement -- and I didn't feel like I had muscular control over it at all. At first I was a little startled, but I just went with it and let my body get moved around. I have to admit I peaked my eyes open for a second to see if anyone was there, lol! But I didn't see anyone.

It's funny because I shared here earlier that I clear out each chakra, and then go in and infuse white light into each chakra, "but I don't feel what is happening," like if there is trouble in a chakra I've never sensed anything before -- I just go along step by step and do this with trust in the process, from 1-7. Well now that this has begun, it's like I can't move on, when I try to move on. If I am sending to the root chakra and try to move on to the sacral chakra -- my hands are held to the root chakra until 'it's gotten enough,' I guess, and then I am able to move on up.

Do you think when you are pulled around and are sucked in and so on, like is happening to me -- it's really like the person's Higher Self saying "Please!" And just sucking it in, the way it feels like? The opposite of my teacher's experience of that Brick Wall/Stop Sign occurrence? Another weird thing that has begun happening is losing track of the time -- yesterday when I checked 70 minutes had passed and I was fairly stunned; I had 'lost time.'

This is so totally new to me. I've been sending energy healing for 12 years, and other than feeling the energy in the palms of my hands, I never 'felt' the person I was sending to, before now, only the actual energy itself. So I just just wanted to see what you all thought, and if there is anything I should be mindful of/vigilant of, watch out for, etc.

Thank you and peace!! Michele :kiss:
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Re: Feeling a gentle readjustment

Post by George »

Dear Michele,

Your being moved forward is a new one on me,
but since I'm sure you are always asking for protection,
you need to view it as pertaining to personal progress.

Nothing should surprise you on this world. 8)

We are all vastly different, the result of "unblended" or
partially blended races.

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Re: Feeling a gentle readjustment

Post by Sandy »

Hi Michele,
I got goosebumps as you described what is happening to you as you send healing. :happy It seems you have definitely reached a "deeper onion skin" of healing. And I suspect you will continue to see more awesome changes as time and your TA allow. Please keep us updated, okay, sis?
P.S. WOW! 12 years of energy healing! That's a lot of help sent out there! It's absolutely no wonder "Everybody" loves you! :kiss:
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Re: Feeling a gentle readjustment

Post by 11light11 »

Dear George & Sandy,

I thank you so much for weighing in and for soothing my concerns about this new happening. I do put up protections -- and it felt benevolent, I wasn't afraid, so hopefully it's as you both shared and it is something good, even if we don't understand it. Your support and encouragement means the world to me -- I have no one else to check in with, and ask about these things! :kiss: It is very appreciated.

Thank you both so much and peace to you ! ! ! :loves
With love and gratitude,
Michele :sunflower:
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Re: Feeling a gentle readjustment

Post by George »

Sometime around 1973 or 1974 my colleague, Tamara Chelsey and I were teaching the fore-runner of the Akashic Construct.

In one of our healing classes was a young lass with an attitude. She would trip up her patients and whilst they were on the floor
she would mop away at them with her mop and bucket "until they looked clean." :shock: :lol: :mrgreen:

She was a brilliant healer with great speed and energy.

She recommended the method, but I could not do it. :(

Guess it takes all kinds. :)

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Re: Feeling a gentle readjustment

Post by Sandy »

:lol: I remember you mentioning that years ago, George. It always made me feel better when I was worried about my own healing work. If this woman is working in that manner and getting good results then I thought, "By golly, any of us can do it and channel Divine energy for healing!" Intent is what's important...well that and a little faith perhaps.
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Re: Feeling a gentle readjustment

Post by 11light11 »

Wow -- thanks for sharing, George!!! These stories makes me think "Intent is what matters" -- I agree, Sandy! :roll

I heard a great quote from old Henry Ford (Stubborn me working to take it on as my new motto! :lol: ):

"Whether you think you can, or you think you can't, you're right."


Love you guys! :kiss:
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Re: Feeling a gentle readjustment

Post by George »


Perhaps I should say I WOULDN'T trip up my patients.
I was doing hands-on healing in my clinic 4 or 5 times each week and I never tripped up those patients.
I "could not" do it to the "distant" ones either.

God bless...

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Re: Feeling a gentle readjustment

Post by 11light11 »

When you say "Trip up", George, do you mean -- she tripped them, and made them fall on the floor, so she could mop them up?! I wasn't sure what you meant by that. I never thought to trip my patients up either, to be honest, lol! :lol: But whatever works!

You hear so many different methods . . .so many stories. People come up with all kinds of things!

I once knew a girl who positively couldn't block. She was an extraordinary healer -- but somehow, inadvertently I'm sure, wound up taking on all the gunk she was taking out of the person she was healing. She frequently ran from the healing circle in a coughing fit, or in tears, or hysterically laughing, or throwing up. She couldn't figure out how to heal the person, without taking their wasted negative energy into her own being. I felt so badly for her as she was a very sincere and loving person . . .she gave up Reiki, it was so bad. :oops: Hope these days she's found a way back home.

Michele :loves :sunflower: :kiss:
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Re: Feeling a gentle readjustment

Post by George »

Dear Michele,
When you say "Trip up", George, do you mean -- she tripped them, and made them fall on the floor, so she could mop them up?!
Precisely! Her very first patient did not cooperate with this barely 5' tall lady.

Then they ALL got the mop & bucket treatment. :) It worked for her.


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Re: Feeling a gentle readjustment

Post by nasra1996 »

Hilarious, sounds like a turkish bath moment lol.. kind of..

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Re: Feeling a gentle readjustment

Post by George »

Heehee !

It's one of those things you NEVER forget.

:mrgreen: :bigsmurf:

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Re: Feeling a gentle readjustment

Post by 11light11 »

LOL! ! ! !

She reminds me of Janelle a bit, from "The Search for 11:11," George.

Sarah, you are hilarious! :lol:

Michele :kiss:
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Re: Feeling a gentle readjustment

Post by sammy »

Dang! Now I need to re-read In Search of 11:11! (for the 3rd time)...your mention of Janelle rings a very vague bell, but I just can't remember the story! Ok...off to the Kindle! (I had the hard covers, read them all a couple times then passed them along to a friend - so I guess I'll put them on the kindle...after all, they ARE very good reads!)

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Re: Feeling a gentle readjustment

Post by 11light11 »

Janelle is the woman George found hemorrhaging . . . I haven't yet finished the story so can't share its conclusion! I believe he is leading up to the fact that he healed her merely by putting his hands on her: His first time.

Peace! :kiss:
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Re: Feeling a gentle readjustment

Post by sammy »

Guess what time it said on my Kindle when I grabbed it to download George's books???!!! Yup! 11:11! :mrgreen:

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Re: Feeling a gentle readjustment

Post by 11light11 »

Awesome!! How's that for a sign!? :roll

Love! :loves
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Re: Feeling a gentle readjustment

Post by George »

It's late.

Time for my favorite Hot Chocolate.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=pl ... -GkwIRbLw8

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