A quote from a spiritual book written for my sign aug 19th

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A quote from a spiritual book written for my sign aug 19th

Post by Xo.crazylove »

I came across this spiritual help guide book at a friends house and I flipped to the page written for leos born on august 19th it had a quote at the top of the page "not to feel is to stop the heart from breathing" I instantly fell in love with quote as it relates to who I am as a person and my life. I'm getting this quote tattood on y chest right near my heart :)

For those who don't really understand it or may find it stupid me getting it tattied on my chest well let me explain why I feel I must so this, a few years ago I went to see my doctor I had got my beep-beep together doing so many great thing but I still felt unhappy and there was no reason I should have felt like that, I asked my doctor if I could get a test done for bipolar ad this didn't make much sense to me but he said me being ADHD he didn't think a person could be ADHD and bipolar I begs him please I know my body more then anyone and I know there's somethig going on so we begin doing questionair test not only for bipolar but for other things aswell turns out the papper work for bipolar checked yes for everything he then asked me more questions and he said yeah your stage 1 bipolar but I could have told him that.

My bipolar was hard to handle my metal health in general was hard to handle I
Was involved in some bad beep-beep that also had such impact on me aswel I got diagnosed with phycosis aswell I was so hurt from the life I lived I came close to taking this medication that would have gave me no emotion I just didn't wanna be mad or sad, I wasn't so much angry just sad but I turned my sadness into anger cause I though showing sad emotion was adorn a weakness you can see how clouded my views were then.

Bipolar runs in my family and I was speaking with an aunt f mine who also suffers from bipolar he begs me not to yak those mess as she once took them along time ago an they beep-beep her ip more then she alsrwasy was at that poin in her life, she said she knows I don't wanna Hirt no more bit if I take the meds I'll never be able to feel happiness either, I broke down in tears cause cause all I wanted was to be happy this is why this quote has value to me the moment I read t it changed my life so when ever I'm down I go and look at my tatt and remind my self or wher I was and where I am goin I came alog way and I'm proud to say I'm very pleased with myself.

Thanks to spirituality for giving me the tools I neeeded to be where I Stand today, I appreciate this site and all of you people it was a gif I stumbled across here I love it and all of your advace and spiritual insight your words don't go unnoticed
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Re: A quote from a spiritual book written for my sign aug 19

Post by Xo.crazylove »

Sorry for the spelling air I'm on my iPod and auto correct always makes me look drunk lol hope you guys understand and pin point the misspelled words to get the meaning of the message I'm hoping someone finds use of
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Re: A quote from a spiritual book written for my sign aug 19

Post by Sandy »

Hello Xo,
I smiled at your last post and thought at least you have a good excuse for your spelling mistakes. I am the worlds worst speller... (Sorry Mrs. Davis :( (my old high school English teacher who has bee passed on many years now.)... and if I forget to check my posts on my computer spell check sometimes they are riddle with spelling and grammar mistakes.

You have come along way and have had a tough road. I am moved by your hard-won words of wisdom and I am grateful to the Creator for giving you inspiration, guidance and support as you follow your spiritual calling and opt to serve your earth siblings as directed through healing. We are blessed by your presence on this board. :kiss:
With Love,
“We measure and evaluate your Spiritual Progress on the Wall of Eternity." – Guardian of Destiny, Alverana.
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