11:11, 1:11, 2:22, 3:33, 4:44, 5:55

Use this forum to ask or post about 11:11, 12:34, 2:22, 22:22 etc. The wake-up digital clock signals of our loving celestial friends. They also delight in flicking on or off street lights, traffic lights and ringing door bells.
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11:11, 1:11, 2:22, 3:33, 4:44, 5:55

Post by Philip Fong »

I see these numbers 11:11, 1:11, 2:22, 3:33, 4:44, 5:55 too often.

I was born in 22 Dec 1968, now 44 and have had this encounter only a few years ago, it was occasional at first but happen almost daily this year. Mysterious things happen in the past few years that I cannot avoid it anymore, so I searched the internet and found Joseph Mason, Steve Pavlina, Uri Geller and this board but search engine display different people at different time. I have not read through the posts, just drop a message to let you know what happen to me.

My google+ profile: ( link gone )

1)- When I was 25, I dream of a scenario wake up sweating cold and it
happen 2 years later in the work place being accused of something,
somewhere between that time, I also dream of inside a shopping complex
and stunt to see it few years later but it has no meaning so I forgot all about it.

2)- About 10 years ago, I got divorced and had visions of my ex father
in-law apologize to my ex-wife for destroying her marriage (4 times),
few years later I was told of his death from cancer two years ago
which is about the time I had the visions, I was shock. I also dream of
my own death twice and my mother & sister was crying, my late
grandmother came to visit and I said to her, if she feels lonely, just
call and kiss her cheek (left & right) that isn't our culture at all
and she died when I was 23.

3)- Later, I can predict the subsequent dialog of Western TV series
(Criminal minds, 24, CSI...) word for word at certain time. Didn't
happen anymore but I don't know why I did that at that time, I sensed my
friend's wife should be in labor and found that he was in the hospital
and later gave birth to a baby girl. She is 4 now and I've only met
her a few times, played a little with her when she was 3 and met her
two weeks ago, I join them for dinner and she hold my hand as we
walk to the restaurant, her parents were amazed:)

4)- I met a road accident recently on the 12 of August, hit by a car
from behind I was riding motorbike, nothing serious and my helmet
visor saved my face, later found my road tax & insurance expired on
the 11th of August a day before the mishap.

I hope to find some insight of this phenomenon but I have no religion, so the meaning of God, Angel, Satan... don't register in my mind, they are just Creator, Good & Evil to me. I lean towards science until this happen and not so sure anymore, I can accept different dimensions and wonder why we play the human descendant game.

Thanks for reading and provide this forum.
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Re: 11:11, 1:11, 2:22, 3:33, 4:44, 5:55

Post by Sandy »

Hello Phillip,
It looks like I get to be the first to welcome you to the message board. :)
I must say I have enjoyed reading about the things you have experienced. In some ways, although they are individualistic to you, many other people here understand and can identify with you as they have shared similar if not different happenings. Perhaps you hold certain sensitivities to things of spirit. In all honesty, being religious or even spiritual is in fact not required to have these unexplained abilities and happenings.

Religion... well, in a way it has no real bearing here and with the 11's... at least in the way most of us imagine. When we think of religion, we think of a bunch of identifying rules and regulations and along with it perhaps, dire punishments if we fail. When we think of spirituality often too we see it in a slightly less rigid sense, but still, imagining we must behave and feel a certain way. Hmmm ... I am not sure what I am trying to say. LOL I guess what I am thinking is that the 11:11's they are not asking you to abandon everything you know or even think you know. They are not trashing science... but instead expanding, perhaps, our awareness of the world and greater cosmos around us, awakening senses we didn't realize we possess, explaining in that simple prompt greeting that we are not alone and adrift without guidance and help. The 11:11 greeting is subtle and gentle, allowing us to find our way and in our own time, often through what we already know as a life scaffolding but adding to it with things we don't... by strengthening and embellishing in the most lovely of ways. As we are ready and as we are willing, we progress... over and over again throughout this life and in the manor of growth in the dimensions and realms to come. And it seems that as we progress it helps others as well, awakening our world one person at a time, helping the earth to become what we all so long for it to be.... peaceful and nurturing for all.

Please take your time with what you read here... no one expects you to believe one way or the another. It is up to each one of us to truly find our own way. But we do enjoy your sharing and your thoughts and impute. We are simply a bunch of individuals slowly learning to love in the greatest sense of the word... and with the help of some of the greatest Guides in the universe.
It's nice to meet you, Phillip!
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Re: 11:11, 1:11, 2:22, 3:33, 4:44, 5:55

Post by Philip Fong »

Hi Sandy,
Thank you for the warm welcome and your contribution to this forum, I have browse through a few topic and would have laugh and left if I didn't experienced it myself, actually, I am anxious to find out why me and what for? Its a culture shock for someone who lived for 44 years to stumble on another dimension that can connect with our reality and the question of why is unknown.

I did acknowledge the 11:11 as a wake up call but it escalate to 2:22 ,3:33 ,4:44 and 5:55. I must be very stubborn that the Midwayers can't get through to my mind :) My own interpretation is that we may have crossed the dimensional channel subconsciously intentional or not and the result have influenced this reality. I begin to understand the term spiritual being but worried that it could turn into inter dimensional virus and cause dilemma to others by irresponsible people. :evil:

Before this, I read about manifesting wealth with thoughts and then sell services that help people to succeed kind of thing, then I found that they are crooks and hijack stories here and there as their preaching material. Most of us are receiver of the phenomenon but I have not yet read a story of someone taking control and manage it as wish, for this reason, I reserve the details of my findings to prevent unscrupulous individual from achieving such ability, I posted a story in facebook of what if... later deleted it.

The only person who know is a friend and he does not experience anything like we do, in a way, should anything happen to me, he knows the truth, one of the prominent speaker of the wake up call is RIK Clay but he committed suicide, I heard researchers of genocide always ended up dead.

Talk to you again in other threads, bye.
:bike: :bike:
"Science cannot solve the ultimate mystery of nature because, in the last analysis, we ourselves are a part of the mystery we are trying to solve." - Max Planck

Re: 11:11, 1:11, 2:22, 3:33, 4:44, 5:55

Post by JohnR »

Hi Philip :hithere ,
I too received the 11's and my reaction was similar to yours- "Why me, what does this mean?" It is my firm belief that this is a wake up call. I have learned the entities responsible for this feel we are ready and we are being prodded to open up to the spiritual side of our being. Mankind as a species has a big problem with spirituality. As a whole, we have forgotten the godhead. We have turned away from the Source and have forgotten that we and everything we observe on this gorgeous planet Earth: our brothers, the animals and plants, even the rocks of Earth herself are all parts of the One. In actuality all these things are but parts of Spirit, parts of consciousness, parts of thought. As a result of this forgetting, our planet is at a turning point. Our thoughts have changed the vibrational level of the whole planet and at this juncture in time this has become critical. The midwayers and many other entities, non-physical and also other physical entities, are working to help mankind change his outlook. When we can change, the energy of the planet will change. We must do this to avoid disaster.

So what do we do? It is a very simple answer, but hard at times to do. Think positive thoughts and your vibrational rate becomes more "as it should be". Remember the Golden Rule. Reach out from your heart and ask for help and guidance. Every thought is a manifestation of energy and continues to exist, even after you have forgotten the thought. You are heard and help is offered.


PS- I checked out your Google profile and that photo you had of the perfect earth- I have been to a place that looked just like that. It was in the Eagle Cap Wilderness area in the Wallowa Mountains in the state of Oregon, USA. Cheers!
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Re: 11:11, 1:11, 2:22, 3:33, 4:44, 5:55

Post by Philip Fong »

hi John,
Perhaps you are right, I always felt I have forgotten something important but could not remember what it was. As I read through the posts, I realized it seem familiar, may be it is hidden memories in our mind, I was enlightened to understand we are spiritual being living a physical experience. This reminded me of playing video game where this body is just a biological machine that connect to the physical reality.

It is easy to forget a lifetime is short and the best possible answer to the purpose of life is just an emotional journey because "everything that has a beginning has an end" (The movie Matrix). Everything must change and mutate is the natural law of evolution, even though science try to decode and make human immortal, it can only delay the process, living for too long makes everything we do less worthy.

People long ago believe in reincarnation and connectivity creates Karma in the network of cause and effect, I think modern day value made us selfish and led to moral destruction, the fact that so many people are seeing this phenomenon is a sign too obvious to be coincident on top of mysterious encounters but I am cautious that when there is good, evil lurks.

:bike: :bike:
"Science cannot solve the ultimate mystery of nature because, in the last analysis, we ourselves are a part of the mystery we are trying to solve." - Max Planck

Re: 11:11, 1:11, 2:22, 3:33, 4:44, 5:55

Post by JohnR »

Hi Philip,
You sound like a wise individual and your posts are uplifting to my spirit. You seem like a deep thinker. Going back to the idea of thoughts, every thought possesses energy which continues after the thought is forgotten consciously. In this way you are contributing to the betterment of our life situation here right now and you likely do not even realize that. And you see, it is infectious! You have a good thought, then I read your post and it causes me to have a good thought. Someone next week will read these posts and it causes them to think and feel good. In this way all of us on the planet are interwoven. All of these thoughts spread out and are interwoven like the threads of a tapestry and one can only imagine how much good is ultimately accomplished as a result of one positive thought!

You said "As I read through the posts, I realized it seem familiar, may be it is hidden memories in our mind, I was enlightened to understand we are spiritual being living a physical experience." In my mind you are right on with that idea. I believe we all have an innate ability to discern our own truth based on knowledge that is in our subconscious minds.

If you wish to learn more about spiritual beings living a physical existence I would recommend reading Michael Newton's 2 books. The first is titled "Journey Of The Soul". If those agree with you, you can follow that up by reading Dolores Cannon. She has a lot of books which have been published and republished, so I went to Wikipedia to get her biography and find out in which order the books were written. It definitely helps to understand these people by finding out how they got started. Both of these authors are sincere professionals who got into their fields by accident, at a time when what they do was not being done by anyone else.

John :)
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Re: 11:11, 1:11, 2:22, 3:33, 4:44, 5:55

Post by Philip Fong »

Hey John,
Actually, I was a straight forwarded atheist in the past then found myself to be agnostic after mysterious things happen and tends to think a bit before I conclude. If I stumble on this forum long ago, I would have thought people love to make things up. I read the "spiritual being living physical experience" From one of Sandy's post, the physical reality we know has no definitive purpose and feelings is the outcome, I was told happy or sad is a choice.

The world turn into a dangerous place because of selfish and irresponsible people, most of the daily dilemmas are caused by human rather than nature or animal. Up until last month, I thought these number phenomenon does not have any purpose and I am beginning to see it as the solution to social ills, awaken us to play a role to steer and guide, that is why we are also called "lightworkers".

Thanks for suggesting the "The Journey of Souls" book, I will read it soon.

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Re: 11:11, 1:11, 2:22, 3:33, 4:44, 5:55

Post by jack6251 »

Hi Philip welcome to the forum :D I've enjoyed reading your posts, I hope to read lots more in the future!

Jack :pig:
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Re: 11:11, 1:11, 2:22, 3:33, 4:44, 5:55

Post by Philip Fong »

Hi there jack,
Well, I have been through the things that made me different and talent is known as "gift", I resented the term gift because I acquired it through hard work and practice rather than naturally born with the skills, I accept that I am suited and it could also mean I was meant to be talented. This is the time I felt I have grown up to see life isn't just the physical world and anything beyond is not simply superstitious. :roll:

Your Chinese zodiac sign is the pig, mine is the monkey, where can I get one?
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Re: 11:11, 1:11, 2:22, 3:33, 4:44, 5:55

Post by jack6251 »

Philip Fong wrote:Hi there jack,
Well, I have been through the things that made me different and talent is known as "gift", I resented the term gift because I acquired it through hard work and practice rather than naturally born with the skills, I accept that I am suited and it could also mean I was meant to be talented. This is the time I felt I have grown up to see life isn't just the physical world and anything beyond is not simply superstitious. :roll:

Your Chinese zodiac sign is the pig, mine is the monkey, where can I get one?
Where can you get a monkey? Hmm, don't know Philip, we don't have any monkey shops near me. I'm guessing they're specialist shops on the internet that sell monkeys. You'll probably need a monkey license too.

Watch out for cheeky monkeys though, they can be a handful ;)

Jack :pig: :sunny:
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Re: 11:11, 1:11, 2:22, 3:33, 4:44, 5:55

Post by Sandy »

Hey Phillip, Hi Jack :hithere
Well there is a monkey on the board. I honestly didn't realize it...Here it is... :monkey: (That is what the emoticon caption says anyway. ;) )
I was looking on a "smiley site" I've used before for a monkey and they didn't have one either but they did have this and I thought of you when I saw it Phillip. Image

XX Sandy
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Re: 11:11, 1:11, 2:22, 3:33, 4:44, 5:55

Post by Philip Fong »

Ha ha... I am not looking for a real monkey and yuk, that emoticon monkey is ugly. Gee... the rocket bike not my style :lol: Image
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Re: 11:11, 1:11, 2:22, 3:33, 4:44, 5:55

Post by jack6251 »

Philip Fong wrote:Ha ha... I am not looking for a real monkey and yuk, that emoticon monkey is ugly. Gee... the rocket bike not my style :lol: Image
Hahaar :D Oh well lol I had that monkey from the Indianna Jones movie in my head after that, he was a bit sneaky so wouldn't make a good pet lol.

Your motorbike emote icon thing looks great. I read you ride a bike? Sorry to see you had an accident. I bought a bike in July but waiting to use it. I have some financial commitments just now but hope to use it by November, it's a 125cc, will upgrade in a couple of years hopefully:


Jack :pig: :bike:
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Re: 11:11, 1:11, 2:22, 3:33, 4:44, 5:55

Post by Philip Fong »


Mine look like the picture but with a luggage box, road accident involved biker's death is high in my country. People take life for granted because they are not considerate, to me if fate is preordained, only the soul know what to expect and the out come may not be as planed otherwise why need the descendant cycle? I see life as a game simply because we come and go empty handed and emotional memories and experience is the trophy.

People who make history are the noble and the crooked, if human behavior continue to self destruct, the end is imminent, perhaps that is why the higher level need to intervene and we see these number sequences. I have similar thoughts long ago but not convincing enough to take it seriously and ideas that pop out of no where, now I am beginning to think they are prompt signs particularly I have no religion, I don't make wishes but I do question the creator sometimes :lol:

Good luck with your life Jack!

Philip :finger:
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Re: 11:11, 1:11, 2:22, 3:33, 4:44, 5:55

Post by Xo.crazylove »

Hey guys I just saw te post about the numbers and this comment is more towards the person or persons who see the number 2;22 that's my main number I see there was a point of time that I had tosleep past 2:22 cause I'd get this crazy anxiety kinda somebody's watchin me type of feeling that effected me so bad that I slept through it and when it hit 2:22 at night oddest up and go outside ad look at thestars what does this mean? I also see 4:20 11:11 and 12;22 4:44 some ofthese nbers you do the math ad it goes back to 2:22
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Re: 11:11, 1:11, 2:22, 3:33, 4:44, 5:55

Post by Sandy »

Welcome to the message board, Xo.crazylove! :hithere
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Re: 11:11, 1:11, 2:22, 3:33, 4:44, 5:55

Post by Changing12 »

Hi everyone. If i make a bunch of typos....sorry not wearing my lost glasses.lol

I had to reply. My original post was "am I going crazy". The 11:11 experience started for my over a year ago. The year prior to that it was 1234. So for two years I saw that combination of numbers. At first I ignored "hmm that's interesting....oh well"

Given my past, which I will not get into here, I always felt alone...too sensitive...etc., I felt I was just victimized all the time.

The past two years, when I started seeing these pattens, I was in a toxic job and trying to keep together a relationship that going downhill rapidly. Things were not going well and I was very much alone and depressed. I had lost me - my core values. Everything came to make sense in a nano second. Everything was bad, I was exhausted and stressed out and not sleeping. I went to my office just not knowing what to do. Head in hands lost and confused and so alone I was ready to give up. I raised my head an on my computer screen the time was 11:11. In that second I got it. For two years I was sent these patterns but dismissed them. Everything negative about me dissipated immediately. I felt so light, and more importantly it felt like a tap on the shoulder...."You are not alone. do you get it now". 1111 for me is exactly that. A tap on the shoulder "remember we are hear".

I continue to see 1234 and 1111. As a matter of fact this morning I got into my car and the tripometer read 1111.0. I am not kidding. And why the heck did I even look at the tripometer? I was laid off from work 3 weeks ago. I know that I am not alone. I look for the signs to "choose" the correct path in my life. I mean getting laid off is stressful. But I am Liberated and free no matter what. I see 222 333 etc too. To me it's pretty much the same, just not as powerful as 1111 - to me. I am an analyst for a living...when working. I need proof, evidence and must be able to recreate scenarios. Some "Religious" groups have labeled me the "Doubting Thomas" in the Bible. I think I drove them crazy with questions :duh The experience above was what "I" needed.

Just one guys story, but I tell you I spent a life alone and I'm not anymore. As a matter of fact since this experience many people have come up to me..."Whats going on Kent. Something has changed. You smile all the time." :D

I hope this helps on this post.

Peace and love......Kent :sunflower:
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Re: 11:11, 1:11, 2:22, 3:33, 4:44, 5:55

Post by Sandy »

Welcome Kent,

Ahhh... thank you for posting your thoughts. They have been a help to me today and I got goose bumps while reading your words. :) I too have felt that release from burdens as I feel that "numbers tap" on the shoulder reminding me that despite the heaviness sometimes of my life, I am not facing it alone and unloved. It is the love that seems to change it for me. For instance, yesterday I woke up to my usual prompts, my "friends" telling me good morning and so with a smile on my face I begin the routine household jobs. Shockingly, a major problem manifested as our "just had it for a few months" used washing machine went badly kerplunk with the entire wash tup dropping to the floor and ruining the motor workings. I should have been upset maybe even justified to let a few inappropriate words fly but for the strangest reason I couldn't stop smiling, knowing that all is well and even after washing 3 loads by hand today I feel energized and ready for more. I really don't know why misfortunes befall us but I'm trying to make the best of the situation and I am grateful for a strong back, made sturdy just this month by the exercise regiment I have finally started at the age of 53. :lol: Yep, been getting those nudges from many quarters to get in shape and I am so pleased now I listened.

All of us who are getting the numbers prompts are so blessed. Even if we don't realize it yet. ;)

I enjoyed your first post and hope this is the first of many. It is nice to meet you,Kent. Please make yourself at home here.
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Re: 11:11, 1:11, 2:22, 3:33, 4:44, 5:55

Post by Philip Fong »

Hi Kent,
Despite the "tap on the shoulder", what did you do to change other than perception?

After I called for "help / direction" I was led to my current job, someone in the company try to prevent that and resigned to protest, it was unintentional hoping the boss will give in, too bad for that person who would is due to collect retirement benefit end of 2012. Before that, I was challenged with ridiculous tactics to agitate me but they didn't realize I have nothing to lose and multi talented, they have not met anyone with higher skill and knowledge in their small little world. :roll:

My question is, was it luck or the "help" I am getting? I felt something is missing between faith & science and prior to this forum, I only thought of paranormal and found websites with such info but to my surprise, I was reading my thoughts in this forum to know so many have experienced the prompt and scenario that are quite similar, it is genuine not magic nor miracle.

PS: Why spell check don't work in here?
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Re: 11:11, 1:11, 2:22, 3:33, 4:44, 5:55

Post by Changing12 »

Hi Philip. I just wrote a lot of stuff and then pressed the wrong key and it all went away. So I'll try again in a shorter version.

What did I change. Nothing. Since my brothers died and me being diagnosed with terminal cancer I started thinking there must be more than this. It took a long time, however I just became aware. I searched and searched for an answer. Buddhism, became a Christian but there were no answers. Everything I looked at fit into a box. Religion just wasn't big enough. As I said the last two years were very difficult. At that moment when I was at complete despair I looked up and saw 11:11. I was so open to receiving HELP and I knew I could change anything so I just let go. Something else is going to send signs and the ability to choose with each sign. In a nutshell, I opened my stubborn mind, acknowledged I was not God and let go. At that point I got IT.

As for science and faith, for me they are the same. Everything in the universe produces some kind of energy and that energy emits differing frequencies. So really that is science. Quantum mechanics has been around a long time and is quite based on objects having frequencies. Now this is just my thought. Because of what I just wrote we all in this universe are connected via energy and differing frequencies. The Universe has laws. Law one is basically you get what you put out. If you are negative that is what you will get back. Sort of like Karma. Now I have faith that this science opened my mind - frequencies where I was ready. I was so searching and I put out HELP to the universe. I am now surrounded by divine intelligence. I got what I needed at the time I really needed it. So next is who am I then? I'm connected but what is it that is connected. I am just flesh and blood. What connects me in the spirit inside me. As they say. "I am not a human experiencing a spiritual journey, I am a spirit in this body experiencing a human experience.”

These words are just words and really there are no words to adequately explain how, why or what it was and is like.

I hope this helps. DISCLAIMER: LOL. These are just my thoughts and my experiences and do not reflect anything other than that within this forum.

Peace Philip.
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Re: 11:11, 1:11, 2:22, 3:33, 4:44, 5:55

Post by Philip Fong »

Changing12 wrote: These words are just words and really there are no words to adequately explain how, why or what it was and is like.
I hope this helps. DISCLAIMER: LOL. These are just my thoughts and my experiences and do not reflect anything other than that within this forum.
Haha... No need disclaimer :lol: its a public forum not replying to customer ;)
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Re: 11:11, 1:11, 2:22, 3:33, 4:44, 5:55

Post by Changing12 »

Lol. The disclaimer was meant to be a funny.

Have a beautiful day Philip.
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Re: 11:11, 1:11, 2:22, 3:33, 4:44, 5:55

Post by jack6251 »

Changing12 wrote:Lol. The disclaimer was meant to be a funny.

Have a beautiful day Philip.
hehe, yeah sometimes text doesn't always translate, what would've been great there, would've been if you'd added "batteries not included" like on the ads hehe :)

Jack :pig: :sunflower:
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