Am I going insane?

Use this forum to ask or post about 11:11, 12:34, 2:22, 22:22 etc. The wake-up digital clock signals of our loving celestial friends. They also delight in flicking on or off street lights, traffic lights and ringing door bells.
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Am I going insane?

Post by Changing12 »

The past two years I'v e been seen 1234 on clocks how long I've been talking on the phone.... It was driving me crazy. I was looking for a solution then remembered phsychology that we will see these stand out once you make a connection that it is odd. Just like when my wife was pregnant I saw pregnant woman everywhere. So I thought "OH....That's it.". I was confirmed correct as the numbers stopped coming for a month or two. Now I am seeing 11:11 1234 everywhere again. Two years !

As an addict and alchoholic for 32 years I fought reality, fear, anything. Now that part of my life is past and I must face the past, the feelings, the terrible things I've done, and forgive those happened to me - abandonment, so much death, terminal cancer. I believe all these things are all lessons. But lessons for what. I am stuck where there seems no answer. And now I see 11:11 and 1234 as some kind of sign to do something to move to the next level of my being here.

This is seriously driving me crazy and need to discover what this is. My intuition tells me this is very important not just for me but people I touch in my life.

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Re: Am I going insane?

Post by Sandy »

Hello Changing,
Welcome to our friendly board! :hithere

These issues of life can feel like an uphill battle and I suspect all of us at one time or another have wondered why the heck do we have such lessons? I just was reminded of something akin to this thought last night. George and I were reading aloud a book written by Louise L Hay entitled, "You Can Heal Your Life' and we were asked to think about our lives, our views of ourselves, our expectations etc.. Anyway, in it she stated that it is easy to blame others..for instance our parents, friends, partners etc...for the situations we find ourselves thrown into but in reality it is our own thoughts, decisions and actions which provide these things, situations and people to come through our life... so in a way perhaps we choose the lessons to a certain extent... and so eventually in this life or the next realm these lessons provide a strength unfounded as we become strong beings who with hard learned mortal experience are able to provide much of what we learned to others who struggle as we pass by. I know some would dispute these ideas I've just thrown out for consideration (Lord knows I haven't figured it out) but that's okay and even healthy because finding the solutions and peace is a very personal business and it is our responsibility to ever grow our souls. And so, we sometimes travel interesting and various spiritual, physical and mental "roads" in this pursuit. You have learned and are learning some very hard lessons...and if I may, I would love to tell you about one of my best friends ever who also had a hard “road.” She was true “soul sister” who passed away a few years ago of the terminal disease ALS. (Lou Gehrig's disease) As sisters, she and I shared this time and I watched her battle and nearly win the physical fight but as circumstance weakened her ability to overcome, I saw an inner fire burn ever more brightly. She found something so much more precious then physical health... she found her Faith, her Eternal self...Her Spark of God Within, who shared every moment of her life with her. She explained to me that she had healed in the only way that really mattered, and she did indeed win the battle as she discovered innate faith in The Great Spirit of the Universe. I was amazed as I too was able to experience her reflected peace, her Love and faith that touched all who dwelt within her life force. This is a blessing we can all share with each other simply from our own life experience as we grow in spirit.

So this is, in reality, the message of the 11:11s that you see. It is a call from old "friends" who wish you to know you are not carrying this burden of life alone... That you are “oh so loved” by the Source that created the fabric of the much so that a small part of this unimaginable Infinite Being is given to you and resides within you. By fostering what brings us closer to our God within, who will at some time is destined to become fused with us, we discover the ability to overcome anything Time/Space can throw at us and in the process be ever so helpful in sharing, encouraging and helping those around us to experience this peace as well. How we do this of course is unique to each of us as there is no other being just like us in the known universe.

Okay I have gone on and on... sorry :oops:
Here are a few URLs that may help you in your search for answers.

11:11 Background and Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

11:11 signals are driving me nuts!

11:11 - more questions about number sequences

It is a pleasure to have you join us.

P>S. I almost forgot in all my chattering. :oops: For me when I see a 1234 prompt it means personal progress. It is a very encouraging and precious prompt I think... You are doing well! :D
“We measure and evaluate your Spiritual Progress on the Wall of Eternity." – Guardian of Destiny, Alverana.
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Re: Am I going insane?

Post by jack6251 »

Hi Changing12 :)

I can say for sure you're not going insane seeing all these numbers, I've said before on another post, it can't be true that we're all nuts, we're all seeing the same stuff and having as near as damn it, the same experiences and synchronicities.

It's funny you should mention you saw 1234, I just happend by chance (oh yeah, as though there's such a thing :P) to peek at my clock the other night, and there it was. I hardly ever see this sequence in any area of life (that I know of), and here it is, popping up in some capacity twice within a week.

Stay with things and keep coming back here, I look forward to hearing more of the numbers you're seeing :)

Jack :pig:

Re: Am I going insane?

Post by JohnR »


1111 or 111 or any number you see repetitively is a signal to you from another plane of existence that you are at a point in your life where you are ready to wake up and discover the spiritual side of your being. I am told, as Sandy suggested, that different numbers are used at times for certain people. You can easily find out who is causing these prompts by reading this board. Apparently this phenomena is affecting millions of people around the world today, and has been gaining momentum for over 50 years. And why not? Although this board does not discuss ridiculous prophecies concerning the times we live in, all of which IMO have been contrived as a way for the wealthy to get wealthier, we ARE living at the end of a 26,000 year long cycle which has nothing to do with prophecy and everything to do with ancient science that has been lost to the modern world for millenia. I'm rambling already. Getting back to the subject:

For me it is always 1111 or 111. It did not start until the day I found my wife "dead" on the kitchen floor. Prior to the day of my wife's transition I knew nothing of the 1111 phenomena. OK, so on 11/11/11 my wife "died", after we had been married for 11 days. That day, as I left her apartment (we were in the process of moving in together) my eyes were drawn to the clock by the door. The time was 11:11. At this point the red flags go up in my mind and I know something is up with all these 11's, but I don''t know what. My wife was a little (actually she was a lot) psychic, and I wondered if this was some kind of a signal from her. 5 minutes later I am at the gas station in my car and before I could get out a car pulled in ahead of me and my eyes were drawn to the license plate. The plate had 3 letters, a space, and then 111. Now I'm gettin' nervous. This can't be! The odds of seeing 111 on a license plate are 1000:1 (there are 1000 combinations of three numerals), so what is up with all these 11's??

It wasn't until a couple of weeks later I googled the number 11 and was led to this website. In my opinion, the fact that you were led to this website at all is very significant. A couple of months after I joined the forum here I again googled the exact same question I had earlier asked, which was "What is the significance of the number 11?", and could not even get the page to come up in my search results. I have since learned there are no chance occurrences in this universe. Everything that unfolds is happening as a result of cause and effect. Evidently, as Sandy already stated another way, all of your effects are a result of causes, which specifically are yours, mine, and everyone else's thoughts, but mainly your own thoughts and that's a whole 'nother story, so getting back to the matter at hand (again):

After joining this board I was curious why 11 had seemingly not only prompted me, but actually embedded itself in the fabric of my life, and realized that my wife had sent me a Facebook Friend Request on July 11. (We weren't married yet. She had been my high school sweetheart for 4 years when we were kids, and we had not seen each other in 38 years prior to this). I saw the Friend Request the next day and we talked all of that night long. So, contact was made on July 12, and counting out the days from there to Halloween when we were married you get 111 days. Coincidence? Not hardly. I don't have to tell you that when numbers start appearing to YOU in YOUR life it gets personal pretty fast and you become a believer.

I have had a couple of further prompts, which were not coincidence. A couple months back I had taken a rare evening off to do nothing but watch TV. In my defense of this I have to announce that I am only interested in learning something when I watch TV, OK? (Think Nat Geo or Planet Earth, etc). And even then, a lot of what is presented on TV as modern science, ergo true stuff, is baloney. Anyway, there is no clock in my TV, but there is a clock behind my head. After a couple of hours I turned around and the time was 11:11. I tend to blow off the first one. "OK it's 11:11, that's nice". But a couple of hours later when I turn around again and the time is 1:11 I don't blow this one off. It's like a shock reaction or a big tingle, and I'm now thinking "Whoa, now I hear ya! Thank-you"! This happened to me twice, so it's hard not to be a believer. Both times I have been unsuccessful at figuring out why I was prompted. All I have been doing for the last 8 months is reading constantly (would you believe around 60 or more books)? The only reason I can think of for the prompts now is that I should be balancing my reading with a regular time for meditation every day, but I am having so much fun reading and learning!

Meditation is the single most effective way I know of to elevate your level of spiritual awareness, of raising your level of vibration. You have to first still your mind, and then you will start to pick up on what's going on in the higher planes of existence. If you need science to confirm this, then check this out: Particle physics has been telling us for decades that everything we perceive as being solid matter, even what we think- our thoughts, are actually probability waves of energy which can collapse down into particles and create what we perceive as being reality. It's only now that our culture has changed to a point that they can safely begin to discuss these things without jeopardizing their careers. Furthermore, these probability waves can interact with each other over unlimited distances instantly with no external force being applied. And if that is not bizarre enough, this "spooky" action of particles at a distance seemingly exists outside of our normal way of thinking about time. Put another way, science has encountered the Universal Mind and nothing exists outside of that until you give thought to it. I am so tickled that scientists today are slowly starting to admit what spiritual folks have always said: There is much, much more "out there" than what we can measure and observe, and that life is eternal!

Oh dear, it looks like I've written another novel, but I have a tendency to do that, as many will attest to. Just my 2 cents worth- I hope it has helped. :)
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Re: Am I going insane?

Post by Sandy »

I love it when you give us your "2 cents worth, John. I have this ...I guess you would call it joy and excitement within just now as I read your words. :sunflower:
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Re: Am I going insane?

Post by ~*Star_Struck*~ »

Changing12 wrote:The past two years I'v e been seen 1234 on clocks how long I've been talking on the phone.... It was driving me crazy. I was looking for a solution then remembered phsychology that we will see these stand out once you make a connection that it is odd. Just like when my wife was pregnant I saw pregnant woman everywhere. So I thought "OH....That's it.". I was confirmed correct as the numbers stopped coming for a month or two. Now I am seeing 11:11 1234 everywhere again. Two years !

As an addict and alchoholic for 32 years I fought reality, fear, anything. Now that part of my life is past and I must face the past, the feelings, the terrible things I've done, and forgive those happened to me - abandonment, so much death, terminal cancer. I believe all these things are all lessons. But lessons for what. I am stuck where there seems no answer. And now I see 11:11 and 1234 as some kind of sign to do something to move to the next level of my being here.

This is seriously driving me crazy and need to discover what this is. My intuition tells me this is very important not just for me but people I touch in my life.

Hi Changing12 :hithere
Welcome! I'm so sorry to hear of your struggles. It sounds to me as if you are making great progress. You have overcome great obstacles. To me, the sequence 1234 could be an indication of progress you are making in your life and in yourself. When i see 12:34, i feel really reassured, it's like confirmation that i'm on the right track.
Don't give up and know you're not alone :kiss:

Now i know the answer to the question:
Do dreams come true?
Still staring at the world
Through my rear view.
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Re: Am I going insane?

Post by nasra1996 »

yeah, you write interesting posts John... sorry to hear about your partner

much peace
"Only from the heart Can you touch the sky" Rumi

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Re: Am I going insane?

Post by JohnR »

I tried to get on the board all last night, but I think the server might have been down?

Sandy, thanx for your kind words. I am a little insecure, afraid some might think "OK, now he's been around for 6 months and thinks he's an expert". I will be the first to say I'm a beginner. But I try to speak with conviction and confidence. To speak any other way is to leave room for doubt, and there is no power in doubt. I do like to echo what I have learned! :)

nasra, you guys are giving me a big boost here this AM, thank-you! I am not trying to be a star, just trying to help a little on a board that resonates really well with me. I wander away from what I'm saying on purpose in order to make that light bulb go off in one's head, as it did yours this AM. :idea:
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Re: Am I going insane?

Post by Sandy »

We're all beginners in the grand scheme of things as we are all just beginning our own eternal paths and we all have important things to share and important things to take in that will progress us. So yes, we are all students...we are all teachers all on our way to Paradise. :D
There is a wealth of spiritual growth derived from this healthy "giving" and "taking."
I am grateful for each and every one of you and what you have taught me from your hard won "coffers of knowledge."
“We measure and evaluate your Spiritual Progress on the Wall of Eternity." – Guardian of Destiny, Alverana.
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Re: Am I going insane?

Post by Changing12 »

This board is wonderful. Where I thought I was going insane, I feel assured I'm not nuts.

There is so much said here and for a new fellow to these experiences, however I intend to hang around now. There is so much to share and learn.

Last week I saw 11:11 four times in three days and the usual 1234. That week was also a week with a life altering change, uncertainty, and fear. That said these tiny windows make sense to me.

Thank you to all for your words and also for making a newbie feel welcome.

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Re: Am I going insane?

Post by jack6251 »

Changing12 wrote:This board is wonderful. Where I thought I was going insane, I feel assured I'm not nuts.

There is so much said here and for a new fellow to these experiences, however I intend to hang around now. There is so much to share and learn.

Last week I saw 11:11 four times in three days and the usual 1234. That week was also a week with a life altering change, uncertainty, and fear. That said these tiny windows make sense to me.

Thank you to all for your words and also for making a newbie feel welcome.


Awesome, glad you found the forum! :D

Jack :pig: :sunny:
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Re: Am I going insane?

Post by Sandy »

Awesome, glad you found the forum! :D

Jack :pig: :sunny:
I second that, changing! :sunflower:
“We measure and evaluate your Spiritual Progress on the Wall of Eternity." – Guardian of Destiny, Alverana.
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