Repeating numbers and coincidences

Use this forum to ask or post about 11:11, 12:34, 2:22, 22:22 etc. The wake-up digital clock signals of our loving celestial friends. They also delight in flicking on or off street lights, traffic lights and ringing door bells.
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Repeating numbers and coincidences

Post by monkeymia2413 »

Hi Everybody

I just wanted to share my experiences and see what you all thought.....

About a year ago I started seeing repeating numbers and wondered what was going on 222, 555, 22, 333 etc then one day when I was feeling a bit low I lay on my bed and was having a little cry to myself, well I looked up to the ceiling anf the most beautiful thick white feather was just hovering in the air in the same position for ages, I wasnt scared or worried it actually felt treally comforting then very graudually the feather fell on to my left shoulder. After reaseaching what that meant I discovered it was linked to angels, I have since done a test with a feather and it fell quite quickly when I dropped it, nothing like this one that stayed there in the same position for ages and there was no logical explanation of where it came from.

Anyway now a year on I see 11.11 a lot and 333 and lots and lots of repeating numbers EVERY day, I also have now started seeing mirrored numbers a lot, by this I mean 21.12, 14,41 et etc

Not sure if this is a coincidenece either I have 2 girls but they were named before I believed in angels etc Mia and Ami....the letters in their names spell "I AM", our puupy that wee bought has a kennel name of santo padre (not sure if thats the correct spelling) but translates to holy father, one of my daughters was born on 1st november so 1.11, there are so many things I would love to get opinions etc on but I dont know anybody else who believes or sees the things I do.

I get shivers A LOT as well..

Any feedback is appreciated

Thanks x
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Re: Repeating numbers and coincidences

Post by Sandy »

Hello Monkeymia,
I am so pleased you shared your experiences with us.
Your story about the comforting Angel feather was very moving. :happy What a blessing to be encouraged by your beautiful angels in this manner. This same comfort is our 24/7 although I must admit that sometimes in my haste to rush through life I forget this unconditional love that surrounds me. So I thank you for this timely reminder.

How I love the names you choose for your two girls. They are very beautiful and with your discovery of the hidden reminder of the One within their given names an encouragement and blessing for you. :sunflower:

Many of us can nod in agreement as we too have experienced the same type numbers both mirrored and otherwise and sometimes the meanings for each of us are unique and different as the number prompts are personalized for our benefit. It is part of the extraordinary experience as we search and begin to realize that we, a little dot on an amazing planet floating in space are so very important to our celestial and Divine Kin despite our stubborn (speaking of myself here. :mrgreen: :roll: ) personalities.

I tend to rattle on but I will give you a break from my nonstop chatter and just say, it is good to have you among us. Here are a few URLs that you might find beneficial as you continue your search for answers.
A big welcome to you Monkeymia! :hithere
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Re: Repeating numbers and coincidences

Post by sammy »

Welcome Monkeymia! :hithere

Add another to the White Feather Club!

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Re: Repeating numbers and coincidences

Post by jack6251 »

Hi Monkeymia, welcome! :hithere

Great story there about your feather too! I haven't ever seen one myself, but one thing I saw one day a couple of years ago when getting some exercise, I was walking a 7 mile route to go see my dad here in the UK and passing through the outskirts of a village, half way to his house. I just happend to notice a "bubble", floating along the path next to me. Now, this wasn't an "orb" as one might see on these ghost documentaries, at least I don't think so, it seemed to be a distinct bubble. When I spotted it I stopped in my tracks to watch it, then off it went floating off over a section of moorland and finally vanished, didn't pop, just kinda disappeared. I turned around, looking all over to see if any kids were playing with those bubble making tube things you blow through, nobody around at all, only me.

To this day I don't know what (or who) it was, but maybe I had a companion on my journey to my dads in some way, who knows.

Welcome anyway :)

Jack :pig:
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Re: Repeating numbers and coincidences

Post by monkeymia2413 »

Thanks for the feedback :) I am really enjoying my "new" existence with my guides and it's very reassuring to know that they are with me helping me along the way, I don't worry about things any more and enjoy life a lot more knowing they are there, my feather experience was amazing I will never forget it...

When I went out later on that same day after seeing the feather I was in my car and I said out loud "if there truly are angels around me give me a sign that you are here" about 20 seconds later a van drove past me it was a company van advertising carpet cleaning I think, their company logo said in big huge writing "you are our number one priority" and I was totally amazed that this appeared just after I asked for my sign, I 100% believe and I love it, I hope you all continue to have beautiful experiences with your Angels too x x
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Re: Repeating numbers and coincidences

Post by monkeymia2413 »

Jack your bubble experience sounds amazing as well maybe your angels prefer bubble to feathers :-)
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Re: Repeating numbers and coincidences

Post by Sandy »

I enjoyed the bubble experience you reported, Jack. I see no reason why we couldn't be awed, inspired and humbled by something that gives the child in us so much pleasure...bubbles! :cheers: How joyous is that! :sunflower:

Nice too that your angels so brilliantly accomadated your desire for direction, Monkeymia. In a way, but not exactly the same way, something similar happened yesterday when George and I went for a doctor's appointment. We were waiting awhile in the lobby and I spotted a large revolving rack of those little medical pamplets... you know full of all the shoulds and should nots in regards to our health and illness. I was bored so I reached for one...It was about the flu vaccination...something George never wanted to do. I glanced at it half heartedly and then we were called into the office where the Doc seemed relieved at George's progress after his recent bought with serious heart related problems. Out of the blue he said, "I am going to give you a flu vacination and walked out of the room. I was sort of shocked ...amazed...and surprised that he said this is what he was going to do rather than ask. What I didn't see was him pause at the door and look at George who was reclined on the table. George said his eyes said, "If you do not want it speak now or forever hold your peace." :lol: Anyway...I know this could be seen as a stretch...but I felt like we got a bit of encouragement by first seeing that little booklet before seeing the Doc. After all, out of the dozens there on the rack, it was the one I mindlessly reached for and had time to absorb before being ushered back. So I am seeing this as a little nudge in the right direction. I wonder how many other little nudges go over my head during the day. How many of my questions were answered but I missed it because I was too busy lamenting about one thing or another. ...But today I am so thankful for all our angels imput...and too of course our free will to either accept or deny and go our own way in regards to the decisions that make our journey what it is...a real learning experience, eh? :D
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Re: Repeating numbers and coincidences

Post by Dez1144 »

Hi. My name is desmond. I stumbled across this sight to find some i can talk about my experience with out being look at as crzy. Because a little over a month ago i would have thought i was crzy as well. This all started when i had drive by done on my house. I wasnt home but i had jist gotten off work and was on the way home it happened about 15 mins prior. I would have been killed. I had also just separated from my wife two weeks earlier.. so her and my son would have been in the house and killed. Thank god she left me. But ever since then it was more like a blessing in disguise. I u had a renewed since of purpose. Obviously it wasnt in gods plans for me to die that night so i must be part of his plans so where.. well anyway i was realy down after my wife left me but after the shooting i had start to look up . Looking for a better job taking better care of my self and actually started praying for the first time in my life. This is about when the numbers started appearing. CONSTANTLY. All day every day from about 3u weeks ago to now. 111 . 1111. 1114. 1144. 444 . 414 and so on. After about a week of feeling like why im i seeing this i start searching for explanations. I found out about angel numbers.. and the number 4. (Wich has been my lucky #u my whole life) it says that repeated 4s is a messages that there are angels all around me assisting me and that this is a time where i can manifest my thoughts in to reality. I was alittle skeptic atfirst but everything that was happen in my life ill give it a try .i start praying every night to look over my loved ones. And for myself i would ask for in opportunity to advance in the workplace. One day i just happeend to stumble across a job posting on craigslist i say what the heck i apply. 2days later i get a call for an interview. Well right now i work at a chinese resturuant .
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Re: Repeating numbers and coincidences

Post by Dez1144 »

Im waiting for the interview day and im at my current job. Cleaning tables i find a fortune cookie a customer lefft behind it says. A good position and comfortable salary will be yours. Lol i continue to see the numbers and continue to pray ..but in the end i end up getting the job over 32 other people. ..the mssage is in the number s u just have to see them
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Re: Repeating numbers and coincidences

Post by Sandy »

Congratulations, Dez! I am so happy that you got the new job. :D and very happy too that you have joined us on this friendly website.
In reality we have so much to be thankful for and your post is a big reminder to me that sometimes what happens in our life may first look like a disastrous hardship but then as the divine plan manifests we can see the blessings hidden within, that is if we choose to look. I am so thankful in your case that you and your family are alive and well after what could have been a terrible tragedy and that you chose to look at the light instead of the sadness within a situation. Yes, your post was indeed, a timely one for me and has helped me in a situation within my own life. Thank you, Dez, and a big welcome to our 11:11 internet home. :hithere
May God bless all three of you as your life paths unfurl.
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Re: Repeating numbers and coincidences

Post by ~*Star_Struck*~ »

Hi monkeymia :hithere
I loved the experience with the feather that you shared. That really is something, i have always wanted to receive an angel feather as a prompt, but it hasnt happened yet. ;) How wonderful that when you were feeling down you received such a loving gesture.
I also loved what Sandy said about our prompts being personalised. My thing is ladybirds, i find them so lovely and they invoke such good feelings in me. They land on me a lot. And i always feel that connection to my angels in that moment. Thanks for sharing with us and welcome :D

Hi Des :hithere
Welcome to our board! I too am very glad you're okay, and that you got the new job. :bana:
Prompts using the number 4 have always been special to me. As Sandy said about the personalisation of prompts, everyone is different. i personally have always interpreted regular double number prompts as greetings (11s, 22s, 55s etc) and reassurances. Its a little difficult to explain but its as if i feel the emotional impact of the love i receive before i see the prompt. 44s i have always interpreted as pure love. Their way of saying "we're here, and we're not going anywhere." When i get a 44 prompt i tend to feel this connection to the love that binds us all.

I'd like to tell you about my personal midwayer friend, Midwayer Sam. His prompts to me are characterized by the number 37.
When i was seventeen and had just joined this site, i would be woken up every morning without fail at 2:37am. I would awake with a bang, for seemingly no reason, and then his laughter would ring in my ears. I realized i was being had and loved him for it. This went on for weeks, and then things around the house started disappearing. Things weren't where i'd left them anymore, and as i would hunt for them quite angrily he would just laugh at me. For a long time i continued to get these 37 prompts, wake up calls and pranks. Over time i could sense him near me without a prompt, and would talk to him, and i began to receive an image of what he looked like. He appears to be about mid twenties, with unruly blonde hair and he wears a mesh armour suit. He also has a shield, and sometimes a sword.
I had not received a 37 prompt for perhaps a year, and i just received one while writing this paragraph about him. :shock:

Now i know the answer to the question:
Do dreams come true?
Still staring at the world
Through my rear view.
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Re: Repeating numbers and coincidences

Post by jack6251 »

Hulloo ulloOo :)

Lately I've been in sync with words. Today for example, I was reading through a document on my PC, got to the word "support" and just at that very exact moment, heard it spoken on the tv. I've had this a lot lately and it's been on going throughout my 11:11 life and still running strong.

Jack :pig:

:sunny: Welcome new people too! :sunny:
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