11:11 - more questions about number sequences

Use this forum to ask or post about 11:11, 12:34, 2:22, 22:22 etc. The wake-up digital clock signals of our loving celestial friends. They also delight in flicking on or off street lights, traffic lights and ringing door bells.
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Re: 11:11 - more questions about number sequences

Post by raregem »

This is cut and paste from a previous post. ( Still trying to figure out quotes )

A. A number sequence is only a prompt if you NOTICE it. There is a difference between NOTICING a number sequence, and SEEING it. This is especially important if you are driving around LOOKING for numbers. It is very hard NOT to keep looking at the number plates of other cars… but in the interest of driving safety – keep your eyes on the road. Your Celestials are very capable of turning your head and making you NOTICE a prompt. Ditto for time prompts, I would say.

Hope ya'll (southern accented you all :D ) don't mind..I want to tell you about a letters instead of numbers incidence.
I worked in hospice and the lady I was caring for was named FERN. I really liked her name. I never once heard her speak. One day I was let off work early so her family could stay with her through the night. On my way home I saw a personal license plate with the word F E R N on it. I was told the next day Miss Fern had passed away. I felt truely blessed and at one with the Spirit to have received this particular message. :loves
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Re: 11:11 - more questions about number sequences

Post by 555 »

Hello Raregem,

What a beautiful experience! I also would feel blessed if had happened to me.

Now, please, let me disagree a little bit about looking or expecting promptings. I agree with you that drivers must be careful on this issue, but I don't think that seeing a number sequence wouldn't be a prompt just because you are expecting it, our even looking for it. I say that because I don't think that we have absolute control of this. Sometimes, I look at the clock and say that is 1110, and I say to myself, "OK, I will stay here looking at the clock until it turns 1111," and, incidentally, my attention is diverted to another thing and I "lose" the prompt! Also, I think that after a while, looking or expecting the prompts, becomes a way of you to "communicate" with our friends. You wish to know that they are with you and you "ask" for a prompt and look for it, and guess what? many times they really come! and this is a pleasurable re-assurance of the caring of our friends for you, or at least it is for me.


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Re: 11:11 - more questions about number sequences

Post by Sandy »

Hello Raregem,
Thank you for sharing that letter prompt... I got the tingles all over when I read it. How comforting that they allowed you to know in this manner.

I have to admit I have been guilty of wating for the prompt and sort of like Jose mentioned it is a back hand way of remembering our "friends"... Is it possible for us to prompt them? :lol:... sort of like "Hey, guys! I'm thinking of you right this minute anybody there?" ;)

Hello blutru, Nice to meet you! I'm sorry about missing you earlier but I am just back from major computer problems.
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I like that. :) A friend of mine told me once to "Pick a door..one of the many before me and simply go through it." (In regards to spiritual progress :D ) Yes, we should definitely choose wisely but follow our own heart... what feels good and right to one person may not ressonnate with another. Of course that doesn't make either person right or wrong they just are following different paths that all take us to the same wonderful place.... Unconditional Love.

Hope everybody is feeling good and enjoying the moment! :hithere
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Re: 11:11 - more questions about number sequences

Post by harvey escolano »

hi everyone Im harvey from Philippines

I always see 11:11on my wall clock and in my cellphone and even im walking on street with i see numbers 11:11 and always denying on it whats mean on that and thru searching on it and asking, I knew it so their reason why im here. I always tears of drop on my eye sudden no reason and their suddenly feel sad and their comes in mind something bad will happen, I just pray for it many life will save.

your loving friend
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Re: 11:11 - more questions about number sequences

Post by Geoff »

Dear Harvey,

Welcome. Yup this happens everywhere, to anyone at all. But we LOVE our numbers.

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Re: 11:11 - more questions about number sequences

Post by Sandy »

Hi Harvey, :hithere
I love the idea that you pray for the well being of others when you see the numbers. :D
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Re: 11:11 - more questions about number sequences

Post by sammy »

HI Harvey! :hithere

Welcome to the board!

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Re: 11:11 - more questions about number sequences

Post by mavrick49230 »

Hey folks seems like things are pretty quiet now that 11/11/11 has passed and nothing earth shattering happened on that particular day, but as I commented a month or so ago I believed that 11:11 was referring to the whole month and the month is not over yet. Many things have happened though already for instance: major earth quakes in Oklahoma and many smaller ones in other states; an asteroid passing between the earth and moon; Greece and Italy get new Prime Ministers ( a prelude to many other governmental changes started by the financial crisis); Libya gets a new start; Syria on the brink; Paterno and others lose their jobs. All this in less than the first 2 weeks of 11/11. Yet to come and this one may be a biggie the super committee to propose or force unpopular changes to the US budget deficit; the price of oil hits $100 a barrel again (must be all those people back to work) and honorable mentions happening in late October include the death and spectacle of Mu-mar Gaddafi plus my favorite the rare aurora borealis seen as far south as Georgia when the sky turned red, man that was great! RED ALERT 2 weeks to go stay tuned. :roll
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Re: 11:11 - more questions about number sequences

Post by karmastar13 »

So I have been seeing 11:11 in various ways for the last 7 or 8 years... I don't believe in coincidence... I believe everything happens for a reason though I do think things happen a few times such as the clock revolving lol... but the fact that my eye caught 11:11 so frequently was very exciting but mysterious to me because I knew it meant more than just the time but had no idea what. Thinking I was the only one in the world that did this I never thought to google it until about a year ago... I found this site and read through it and unfortunately completely forgot about it amongst the life events that have happened and well... life...

Aside from 11:11 I have had a thing with numbers... for example, when I got pregnant with my son I thought to myself if I see a number sequence of 666 in the next call I will go get a pregnancy test - sure enough I did and I found out that day (9/23/08) I was pregnant. Wow... and as I am typing this I just realized if you add those numbers up it is 22 / 2 is 11... 11/11 yet again... then because I didnt know how to use the number sequences I would just ask questions and that determined things... like signs for me...ex because of 444 I knew I was having a boy... it may seem silly but it has been right so many more times than wrong that it's hard to explain.

Over the last 8 months or so I have noticed when I walk/drive by street lights flicker or dim or go out... too many times to be chance... That is when I started noticing the "signs" again and the 11:11 started popping up again a lot...

I am very grateful for your site and I am sooo glad I am not the only one that sees this stuff because though I knew it meant something, the close people in my life that I confided in I think secretly think I am crazy :oops: lol

Thanks for all your time and my only question would be the signs seem to be hitting me hard lately - what am I missing... should i be asking/doing something different?

Thanks- V
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Re: 11:11 - more questions about number sequences

Post by Geoff »

Dear V,

Welcome. Its a big start to be aware that the Universe is there, wanting to walk step by step with you.

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Re: 11:11 - more questions about number sequences

Post by Sandy »

Hi V,
Good to meet you!
It sounds like you'll fit right in with all of us here since we experience many of the same or similar things in regards to the number prompts.
Welcome to the message board! :hithere
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Re: 11:11 - more questions about number sequences

Post by crowoman »

Hi guys :-) RANDOM question...is there a CHAT ROOM for US 1111ers? I need a connection..and am lonely..lol Can anyone help?


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Re: 11:11 - more questions about number sequences

Post by Geoff »

Dear Julia,

sorry we don't have one set up. But here's a hug {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{Julia}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}

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Re: 11:11 - more questions about number sequences

Post by Sandy »

Here's one from me too..((((((((JULIA)))))))))
In a way, the Secret Thread in the misc. forum is sort of our chat room. We talk about almost anything there...and is a good place to get to know some other chatty members. That thread has been a little quiet the past few weeks so it could use a nice wake up from you should you be so inclined. :D
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Re: 11:11 - more questions about number sequences

Post by happyrain »

wow mavrick that is a lot. thanks for that. i cant quote atm but wanted to bump your post. very interesting
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Re: 11:11 - more questions about number sequences

Post by happyrain »

oh and special hello to harvey. that is very warm and caring of you. welcome to the boards. . .: )
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Re: 11:11 - more questions about number sequences

Post by mavrick49230 »

A question to the moderators and or staff: I posted a message last night 12/2 and I know it was there because RAIN was nice enough to send me a reply but upon checking the site I see that it's not there, What happened to it? :roll
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Re: 11:11 - more questions about number sequences

Post by Geoff »

I pulled it, as its not suitable for this forum. Sorry, we steer well clear of fear based stuff.

take care,
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Re: 11:11 - more questions about number sequences

Post by mavrick49230 »

Well with 11/11 or 11/11/11 over and 11:11 happening twice a day good luck keeping the good vibes going! Non the less God bless you one and all. Mavrick signing off. :roll
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Re: 11:11 - more questions about number sequences

Post by Lorgy »

Hi everyone :hithere :hithere :hithere :hithere :hithere

I am a newbie on this forum. I have been seeing the many number sequences, as described on here, for quite some time, but it was only about a year ago that I was made aware what they were. There is so much information here, it has been an immense help, so thanks to everyone for your input.

I do have a query that I cannot seem to find an answer to though. The last couple of weeks, I have also been seeing huge amounts of 11, 22, 33, 44, 55, etc. While not the 'traditional' triple numbers, they are so consistent, that I am thinking they are related as well? They come mostly as digital time, (like 1:22, etc).

Any thoughts and help is greatly appreciated!!!!

Many thanks

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Re: 11:11 - more questions about number sequences

Post by George »

Welcome Lorgy,

The prompt #:22 when it turns up here is from ABC-22, Chief Bzutu.

Others can likely be of more use to you on 33, 44 and 55. :)

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Re: 11:11 - more questions about number sequences

Post by Lorgy »

Hi George,

Thanks so much for that!!!!! First snippett of info to guide me deeper!!!!!

Your help is greatly appreciated!!!

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Re: 11:11 - more questions about number sequences

Post by Sandy »

Hello and and a warm welcome to you Lorgy,
Often times, we, ourselves, can control the meanings of the prompts or be influenced by the meanings which others attribute to them and in turn the prompts are used by "our friends" to prompt us in this manner as a form of rudimentary communication often leading to deeper contemplation and thought as time progresses and we continue in our spiritual progression. (Whoa that was a wordy sentence. :shock: I hope it made sense when it was all said and done. :lol:
I see 22 a lot...during the day and often feel Bzutu's energy with us...and the same with 33...I feel Midwayer Mathew about. His energy is an easy one for me to distinguish as it centers in my nose and front of my face. The 44's remind me of my angelic team...a most loving prompt...and the 5's especially 555 reminds me of change afoot.
By paying closer attention to what is occurring around us in life as we view these prompts we are able to grasp ever more meaning and guidance as we make those important life decision. These are "coloured" with the strength and fabric of the Infinite One who is within us and the source of all intuited universe wisdom which we humans can tap into as we learn to listen to those "life changing whispers".

I am glad you have joined our little group Lorgy and look forward to hearing more of your own thoughts and experiences. :hithere
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Re: 11:11 - more questions about number sequences

Post by Lorgy »

Hi Sandy :hithere

thanks so much for your knowledge!!!!! it is good to be able to get deeper knowledgee about from everyone on here about what i have been experiencing.

i do understand completely what you are saying!!!

i actually found, through my searches recently, the Akashic Construct cd and purchased it, which arrived yesterday. i started listening to it, and found instant relaxation.....and knew that i had to get a copy for both my best friend and my sister. funny thing, our Universe.....my sister decided to pop over and we got talking about a book she has just finished reading which has her wanting to find her spiritual path again, i took my copy of my new AC cd, told her all about it and gave it to her. it turns out that she sees the number sequences all the time too. as we were talking, she looked at the clock and what did she see??? 5:55!!!!!
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Re: 11:11 - more questions about number sequences

Post by Sandy »

Hi Lorgy,
Your post reminds me of the connectedness between us all...humans and celestials alike. :) How wonderful for you that you have friends and family you are able to share these things of spirit with. :sunflower:

I am glad you are feeling relaxed as you listen to the exercises in the cd. The booklet accompanying the cd explains this but the print being rather small, it is often overlooked. Anyway, it is valuable to listen to the cd every day, doing the first exercise for a week before beginning the second and the second at least a week before beginning the third part, the Akashic Construct. I too found it helpful as I began the third part to do the second and third part together for awhile...It seemed from there, we as individuals intuit what is best needed and go in many different directions. All good, of course, and helpful to our mortal experience and spiritual path.
Sometimes I have felt I have done "loop de loops" as I progress...but in all cases it has reinforced something important and needed. Even when I have walked down what becomes a "dead end" I learn in the process, making it all worthwhile.
Enjoy that fabulous "path" that is yours alone! ;)
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