
Use this forum to ask or post about 11:11, 12:34, 2:22, 22:22 etc. The wake-up digital clock signals of our loving celestial friends. They also delight in flicking on or off street lights, traffic lights and ringing door bells.
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Post by CityLight »

Hello all, I am new to the boards, but have been absorbing as much information as possible. I finally decided to sign up and participate in this most prolific experience. I've come for help. i have recently over these past three months come to realize the prompts that have now come to transform my every breath. My entire life i have been what i used to call oversensitive,emotionally. As a 6 foot tall man at 250 that combination can become quite the experience maker in a predominately material viewed world. the way in which i came to realize the numbers was astonishing. i was restless for about 2 weeks. Up late, searching for something. Being up late had been a habit I had broken a while back. It was very unusual for me to break self discipline. I searched for an unrelated video and i looked briefly to the left where i saw a video post entitled. 11:11 2:22 5:55 4:44. Every part of me said. "this may be it"
A month prior I had been absolutely baffled as to why every time i seemed to look at a clock it would be 9:11 then i would glance an hour or two later and it was 11:11. It came to a point where i mentioned it to family, but no go.
Clock, Treadmills and even caller ID numbers. There were a few times when i felt compelled to glance and just caught The :11 switch to :12. That made me smile,it was almost playful. it made me really wonder. But it never came to me that it would be a shared experience even though i felt deeply to ask others, as i did. I came across this video, i know now not by accident. I have found such an almost unbearable love for our guardians and what they do for us. I vowed now to live the rest of my mortal days in love and in honor of all they have done for me, without a thank you from myself and so many others. i speak now with tears flowing as I take upon myself their tremendous patience in this evolution. I think of all the difficult times where I wasn't really as alone as I thought. All the times they whispered to me stay away from something or later on, to never take for granted the core of this vessel. I was once a very angry and empty person. Not only was i clueless as to the true self that is the driver of this vehicle... i 'hated' anyone who believed so. Things got very dark at one time, where the friends and family that would visit me became silhouettes in a blur, they were shadows. it was their love and the love of our unseen dear ones, that sustained my life. This life is a gift, I understand that now.
Prior to watching the video, the numbers had ceased for about two weeks. I felt anxious that maybe i missed it. It was on this site where i read to speak aloud. I asked rationally but not skeptically if possible to once again see these numbers. The very next day, every time compelled. i saw :11's and a few :22's.
I started taking care of my physical body a year ago and became almost obsessed with transforming my body as if it would bring completion and peace. Upset when things didnt go well, angry at others for using equipment i "needed" upset at family that were occupying the kitchen because I "needed" to have my 6th meal. just awful. I mention this to you because at this time before any other numbers appeared i was swarmed with the numbers '666' I told no one because of the obvious biblical tie in. (I am not really religious but have made spirituality and science my teachers and melded something that has brought me to this point of openness and receptiveness.) Quite a while after reading on and understanding the meaning of the prompts i came across the meaning of those 6's. The accuracy of how i was living at the time and the realization of how very real this is, brought a wave of emotion so profound it was as if I let go of something so old to me. But it was a feeling of freedom. Ive been attempting meditation daily as vow to our dear ones. I hear thoughts saying "its ok to ponder us and what is behind all of this, but try and focus on what you must do to better yourself and enrich the lives of ALL who ever come across you.your job is small but beautiful" The current numbers are many :55's lots of :22's and :44's.
I am here because i hear also that I am overwhelmed and have pushed aside, fun and laughter. that i may be trying to take in too much information at once. But the feeling of urgency to do this work is so strong that i forget to unwind lately. Things are changing so beautifully and rapidly that i am losing focus on being a person as well as a form of living love. i value humor so much, why have i drifted to such a serious state? Thank you for allowing me to share this here, it was becoming uncomfortable balled up inside. though we may not know each other personally, I somehow miss and Love you all to a point of lonliness.
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Post by CityLight »

excuse the heading 'Over', It is meant to read 'Overwhelmed'. Thank you. :)
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Re: Over

Post by Sandy »

Dear Citylights,
I was very moved by your first heart felt post and can identify with some of what you wrote and the intensity and sensitivity of your being. Many of us here probably can to some extent, as these wonderful prompts and messages, and those connections with our beloved celestial friends often lead to more questions as life progresses in awesome new levels and ways. It comforts me to know that we are never alone as you also stated. Our Greatest and Best friend and Guide too dwells within us and walks the way as well... with our every step.

Yet, these changes often can incur other symptoms within us...and it is extremely easy to wish to live in our heads in meditation, forgetting that our journey in life is lived on other levels as well. Achieving a balance is important...nurturing our bodies and what is needed to sustain health and form also nurtures the other intrinsic systems as well... as does nurturing our mind and intellect. Yet we often completely ignore another side of our being...our spiritual side. For many of us, our spiritual being has been somewhat neglected and so as we open those incredible "spiritual doors" and view the wonders beyond and within and understand the reality that "anything is possible," we often find ourselves "flying a spiritual high" for awhile...enjoying the spiritual winds and with great enthusiasm pouring all we have in to the most serious of matters. I experienced this... and thankfully like waves on the oceans, I generally roll with the highs and lows now...it is part of the learning I think, the personal progress, leading to the progress that effects life around us...as we are all One... and our peace affects other's sense of that same desired harmony. For how can we expect the world to know peace if we ourselves are not peaceful within? :)
So please be who you are with your own unique personality, your beautiful sensitive and your most humorous self as you explore all that you are capable of enjoying, learning, thinking, saying and being on this beautiful planet of ours. As our dear brother, AJ, just reminded me this morning... just being Love is all that dear "celestial friends" ask of us. You are a beautiful living breathing example of Created Love. You have much to offer this world in the simplicity of living Love and in the living, "effecting" a longing for something more in those around you. It is true, we are all beginners... searchers, students, as well as teachers as we live our lives. We roll with the flow of life, knowing at the end of the day it was simple Love that nurtures and sustains us.
Enjoy and relish who you are, every aspect of your wonderful self as you are a unique one of a kind being, much cherished by the Divine On High.

It is a joy to welcome you to our 11:11 family board, Citylights. :hithere
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Re: Overwhelmed

Post by Sandy »

I fixed it for you. :)
XX Sandy
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Re: Overwhelmed

Post by CityLight »

Thank you so much Sandy. I have to be honest, after reading a few post, i became familiar with your words and was hoping that you would possibly reach out to me. And yet another situation for me to be grateful for! Thank you for the welcome. And the fix. I feel understood. :sunflower:
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Re: Overwhelmed

Post by CityLight »

I must head to bed as it is late here in ny. Bless you.
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Re: Overwhelmed

Post by Sandy »

Good Night over there in NY! :hithere
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Re: Overwhelmed

Post by CityLight »

Thank you so much again, it can sometimes get very lonely and confusing when one is experiencing something seemingly all alone. I'm sure you've felt this too, perhaps in the beginning.
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Re: Overwhelmed

Post by CityLight »

I think my meditation has been ineffective, I believe it has broadened the clarity of my thoughts and sometimes when not meditating i ask questions and before i would finish a question I would get an answer in my mind. the answers sometimes surprise me as I did not see it in that point of view. And the answers were correct. Is this how it works sometimes? I really feel my meditation is lacking. I am aware that it will take time to make any kind of contact but i feel I am going at it wrong. I've tried Different ways and audio to no avail. although there almost always seems to be a moment where i feel a wave of emotion, enough draw out tears, but I dont understand why. Love,Daron :loves
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Re: Overwhelmed

Post by Sandy »

Dear Daron,
As I read you last post I am getting in a way a kind of mixed message. :)
I am thinking, from what you describe, that in fact, your meditations are effective and furthering the inner progress desired...Perhaps the "troubles" lie in your expectations of what the meditation and its outcome should be. We all have a tendency to do this and I must say I am one of the worlds worst in this respect as "the grass is always greener "in someone else's meditation. :lol: and I find myself wishing to experience what they experience instead of celebrating what I do experience and not the least of that is the Love and peaceful feeling that often draw out the heartfelt emotions... those tears that clear and clean some of those inner pipes as long help hurts and thoughts flow out and intuited answers flow in with the "waterworks". Meditation is much like physical exercise. You must exercise the muscle and sometimes it is a little sore at first but as you build strength the exercises get a little easier and you can then extend yourself a little more and a little more.

Be determined to go into your meditation with no expectations...no wishes for this or that... and NO self judgement on the effectiveness of the outcome. Just revel in the knowledge that without a shadow of a doubt that what occurs even if it feels like nothing at the time is progressing your soul and stoking those inner fires. May I make a suggestion?.... Keep a meditation journal and after each meditation session write down what you experienced, what you felt, how you feel...any thoughts or questions... or if nothing else...what the weather was like LOL I'm not kidding...in my first journal I did just that a few times. ;) Honestly though, you will be amazed as you look back on it later and you will begin to see the progress that is so easily ignored and unnoticed as we drift back into the forgetfulness and business of life.
Just this week, I was reading back through one of my old journals and there was so much written that I had forgotten all about... and in the re reading I experienced that inner thrill and a sort of friendly assurance that indeed progress abounds... so much so that even when life knocks us around a bit and we feel a bit confused and dazed... sure footing abounds... we have lots of help and it does not matter in the least on whether we can hear, see or feel them about us. The help is there and working in the back ground and even in the fore ground regardless. Thank God for that! :D

So in reality, hearing, feeling and seeing...how important is it anyway?...Does it signal progress? Somehow...as nice as these things are...I doubt it? ;) No worries my dear new friend... You are exactly where you should be inside and out on this day in history.... There is no time limit to our eternal learning... relax and enjoy what the moment brings. What your heart and soul long for are already yours within and they come to the fore when the Infinite One knows best. :happy

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Re: Overwhelmed

Post by 3721 »

Hey :hithere
I have read your post and I have been trying to see from your point of view. When I finally did that I understood that I have been where you are in a way. You seem to be pushing yourseld where you cannot go. I tried to do that myself. One day I understood how complex the world is. There are so many reasons, point of views, rights and wrongs. I started seeing patterns about how the world works, trying to learn everyones point of view, everyones feelings and I was mixing it to a coctail of knowledge. I added the views of many religions and science, trying to understand everything. It became like my own religion or belief system. I became closed to friends and family (I still am a little) because I didnt care anymore about those simple things like feelings or everyday doings and even my hobbies and all. I just wanted to understand everything. I didnt sleep much, I ate very little because I thought I had so much work to do. But then one day, I hit my limits. I got depressed from all that. I then understood that those little things are most important. Yes, we all want to learn some kind of a truth or gain some great understanding but we also need to learn from practice and mistakes that we do in everyday life. As Sandy said, balance is important.We should sometimes just let go and go with the flow :D
I still see the world differently thanks to what I have learned from my researching. Those patterns and how it all works, it is beautiful. And most amazing is how so little things or beings can change everything. I dont know if you have heard of butterfly effect but it is something like that. If you google it, very interesting. :D

About the metitation, If you meditate for your body and peace of mind then I think usual meditation techinques are great. If you are trying to achive something with meditation, well then you have to find your own way to do it, i think. I myself have been trying meditation. Sometiems nothing really happens, sometimes I have felt a weird feeling in the middle of my eyebrows. It should be the third eye, I think. But whatever it is, it feels strange and at the same time it feels great, I havent never felt anything so good in my enitre life.
If you are trying to connect to higher power then what I have heard meditation is not the only way. There are quite many ways if I am correct. Few of them working through peace and there are those what work through chaos. I read somewhere that our brains work like chaos, so it should not be anything bad, just different. But I am still searching for answers myself, and my information is very limited.

Most important thing I was trying to say is that, you should feel the joy of life. Have fun, laugh. Love those around you. That is the most important in life. Everything else is secondary. Those are the things that give meaning to life. What purpose does your life have when you are trying to understand or learn something that you may or may not achieve.
I hope my post makes some sense. :lol:
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Re: Overwhelmed

Post by CityLight »

Dear sandy and 3721, you have touched on a part of myself that i cannot see at this point. thank you so much. That is beautiful sandy, Perhaps the tears are like perspiration during physical exercise. 3721 you have basically outlined my current experience, and i AM reaching where i may not be meant to reach. If i needed to know such things then they would be taught not grasped for. sandy I will keep that journal, I do in physical activity why not for something that is supremely yet equally important. The overwhelming feeling has really knocked me off balance a bit, but im looking forward to stabilizing and walking a simpler path. Love is everything I am. I will always nourish that. It is my every moment. I feel truly blessed to live in New york City. It is a challenging place, But here there are hundreds of people per block radius, and each and every one is an opportunity to show love and kindness. And i do daily. I witnessed a woman today helping someone with directions very lovingly and when i got close enough, I said "Thank you". She smiled and said "why?' I said that was a gift to me as well, Her face lit up and she replied "really?", I said"yes, just witnessing that helps me grow inside. She understood me. We went on to chat a while in which she said "it's sad not many others see it that way". But for the first time in a long time... it didnt feel sad to me" i said "We'll all get there, as i get older i see it as, the way you lifted my spirits today, you and i will reach other hearts one at a time, and if it takes 100 years we'll get there." it was the most lovely conversation I ever had waiting for the bus in a bad storm. :)
want you both to know that In my life there are few eyes and ears to sympathize with such a situation. And although i know those things are not necessary, your wisdom is valued very much by me. I feel your willingness to connect and help me. I am very happy to have gotten involved. it is evident in your words and love why you were prompted. Your wisdom is truly a gift. Thank you both.

:loves , Daron
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Re: Overwhelmed

Post by jack6251 »

Hello Daron City Light, welcome :hithere

I see so much of myself in what you've posted and both Sandy and 3721 are right on and the journal idea, I did that during my college years and recently found what I'd written. At the time I thought it was me vs the world most weeks, I had a lot of relationship issues too, but after reading back through what I'd written, I could hardly recognise myself in places. Having time to grow beyond where I was has given me the ability to now visibly see how far I've come. I say these things with my guitar lessons for those who begin to kick themselves in the early phases of development, to be patient and after so many months, look back and you'll think to yourself and will wonder for sure, what was all the fuss about back then!?!?!

I look forward to hearing your number stories as they happen, all the best! :sunflower:

Jack :pig:
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Re: Overwhelmed

Post by CityLight »

Hello and thank you Jack6251! :hithere Thank you for sharing your wisdom and experience in this current stage. I would love to share prompts sometimes. Since it's pretty big here in the city, there are so many ways this occurs. In a way it is a part of what caused the overwhelming feeling(not to blame reasons other than myself and my current infancy of understanding what is happening here).But there are just two very important ones that I feel i should really share. I know in my heart that if there were ever a place that I should reveal myself, my love, my dreams and my 'shame' it is here.
The first one i mention, because for me it is new and I would love some information of the significance of these groupings.
It's been about 2 to 3 months since i became aware of the prompts. I rarely see 11's much anymore but i am getting many 22's, 44's a lot of 33's as of late and 55's very often. I see these as beautiful 'we are with you always' prompts, but this is not unusual, what is unusual is only recently (these past 3 days)have i started to see 2244's 3355's , Twice today phone numbers on the t-shirts of people at my Gym 2 seperate people in a few minutes time(it really encouraged my workout. Billboards, restaurants, license plates. I feel i really shouldnt look for deep meaning in these prompts as they are in a way a heads up or a means of getting my attention, but now that the message to get involved has been received by me i should focus more and relax on these numbers. There is so much happening in a small time, The seeds in which i planted erupted very quickly, Fresh fruit and vegetables for my neighbors, gifts for no reasons to friends in the gym(the look I recived from these people who know mostly fear and intimidation illuminated my heart so strongly). But the after effects of the many offerings of love that i gave erupted into full swing so soon after. The right people at the right times, the right moments and situations that would help me in bettering myself came in abundance it was so engulfing. I didnt know what to do with all the joy i was feeling.

The second is very difficult for me to write. I do not wish to lose the interest of so many wise people on these boards, but i cannot hide what I am, i must dissolve this shame. I have been a marijuana user for many years. I have, in these years drifted into moments of complete abuse and dependency and back to moderation. The 1,111 have changed my outlook on all things. I VERY slowly started to see that it was in fact a hindrance to any improvement i wish to make, spiritually and evolutionary. About one week ago, when everything started to become so very big, i pulled closer to marijuana, it was as if my physical and psychological aspect were telling me that more and more of this would bring me closer to understanding, it was indeed a dangerous crossroad. it began when a family member mentioned briskly that i had been smoking a lot more than usual, I did realize this as i heard those words but not until the next day did it 'floor' me. For months before the prompts, I made it a rule for myself not to smoke four hours before bed, because of the extreme grogginess i feel when i awake. But those past days i had started before sleep again. After a smoking binge i get up very early very groggy, eat breakfast and for the first time in 7 months i smoked before going to the gym. I headed out to the bus stop, the bus pulls up, Bus number '3666', I get on thinking that it is coincidence as i have become more relaxed on every physical aspect, no more fear of missing a meal or relentless workouts that i "must keep to" no matter what. As the bus ride proceded i take a look at all the very different and special people on this crowed bus as i do everyday, And as if i heard someone call me(not really) i pull my head to look out the window and out of all the trucks and cars and people and stores and signs i could have looked at...the very first thing i saw was "6366" on a repair shop window sign. I think to myself "Ok, i'll keep my eyes open today because the 6's ceased the first weeks. I said in thought as the bus went on,"what could this be about? really big I thought "THE MARIJUANA", "MARIJUANA". I arrive at the gym where only once did i see 66 only on a repair number for gym equipment, but i said maybe i'm just to excited about all thats happening lately, "Dont see signs in everything,Daron' So i head home wanting to smoke again. When i get in to my apartment i go straight for the phone as if i were expecting a call, i dont usually do this but I really did feel like my friend was gonna call me for some reason. The only call on the phone was a random NY number' 'New york (***- ***-6667). I got the message, and although i feel my physical aspect stomping and saying i dont wanna stop, I know what should be done now. I have barely gone near it. i wish I could say completely But For someone who smoked all the time, i figured i could maybe get a little slack. :oops:
I hope this helps someone out there. Because you are all really helping me as well.
What do you think of all this Jack6251? I hope Sandy understands.
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Re: Overwhelmed

Post by jack6251 »

Hi Daron :hithere

Thank you for your kind words! :) Does your forum name, City Lights come from you being in NY? I can see that if it is heheh. If I were to do the same for my city, my name would have to be City Lights That Don't Work Too Good, which is a bit long so I'll just stick to what I have :D

With you saying 11's not occuring too much, I noticed then the list of numbers you gave were all multiples of 11, such as 22, 33, 44, 55 etc. They're still there, but in a sneaky fashion. For me that's kinda how my relationship can go with the 11's, they're sometimes blatantly obvious 11's, or somehow wrapped up in a more complex and less obvious manner, such as with 23's that're mixed in with 22's, 33's, 44#' etc. This is the 24 hour clock thing that can be easily overlooked and actually, if I don't click into a hightend state of spotting this, I'm probably missing the numbers altogether even though they may be right there. I've had some perculiar ways' they've occurred and somehow managed to workout and say, "hmm that's an 11 sequence" somehow. I don't think there's anything wrong if they don't show for a while either, such as with the 3 figure sequences of 444 & 555 etc, they'll always be around and come back. It's not only about 11's, but quite often it is possible to see the 11's as a lowest common denominator (applying a mathematical twang to them) where after even though the prompt may not be 11:11, the 11's can still be factored in. There's some great posts people have made about their numbers, spooky, but it's a good spooky! :)

About your smokes,

I mentioned in another thread about my brother using marijuana quite a bit as it goes, he's using it as a coping mechanism in his life (no jobs in our area and he's going through what I went through at his age). The problem he's currently facing with its use though is that it's now pretty much firmly become a lifestyle choice that's become a routine he's now dependant upon to get him through his weeks. As the days cycle through the week, he'll know pretty much when he'll have some and how much he can get away with, weekends more, mid weeks less, or if there's nothing to get up for the next day, an increased amount if he feels the day before. I don't think it's really any bad thing anyone smoking it from time to time as a more recreational occassional treat, the danger in my experience with my brother, is not that it's addictive, it's that the routine of smoking it can make you dependent on staying within the routine, it's prison bars in life we don't really need to be putting around ourselves I find. I think there is something good to be said of the south american tribes people using various tea's with their rituals to commune with spirits etc, the responsibility they take within their culture is something I think we in the westernised countries could do with following (you never hear of them going hunting out of their faces or wading into rivers under the influence, it's only done at specific times and for specific reasons...and by specififc people in their community), but I think it's something governments would never allow, just in case the masses suddenly found a system to become more spiritual with a deeper realtionship to nature and the universe (who would go to work then and be trapped into buying garbage we don't need in the first place if lots of pieces of the puzzle fall into place?).

It's as much as I can really say about marijuana Daron, it's a personal choice you'll have to make with your own observations in your life, linked to whatever decision you make about exploring the more "spiritual" aspects in life and where you want to take that. For me it's a question of clarity, anything that fogs my views of where I want to walk nowadays, is gradually phased out once I'm aware of it. I used to be in Heavy Metal bands throughout my 20's, we were quite often paid in beer as well as money, then we'd use the money to buy more beer, pretty nuts lol (wouldn't have noticed a prompt if it had dressed up in a prompt suit, waving a big prompt sign and doing a prompt jig under a great big neon prompt sign saying "PROMPTS RIGHT HERE!!!" in that period to be honest). These days, I only drink alcohol if it's a special occassion, like a birthday or something like that, no wine, no beers, no smokes (not that I ever did smoke really, only normal cigarette's from 16 - roughly 22).

I think my only vice is pizza actually, which is great for my lungs since they' proved to be very hard to light up so far.

It's great you found this forum though because there's a lot of guys on here with similar circumstances to you that you'll be able to relate to and them to you. It's pretty amazing just how many people are now coming around and seeing 11:11 and other sequences, it never ceases to fascinate me how people see them and in what manner the numbers appear, thank you for your posts City Lights, very nice to meet you! :sunflower: :D

Jack :pig:
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Re: Overwhelmed

Post by 3721 »

Hello daron :hithere
It is great to hear how you share your kindnessv with other people. Keep doing that ! :)

About the second thing. I agree with Jack. Many of my friends smoke it and they are quite normal (at least when they are not high :D). And people drink coffee what is not very differnt but nobody feels shame aobut that...:D And many young people who drink alcohol, think its "cool".
About addiction, I know what you mean. I kind of started drinking very early. I got drunk first time when I was 13 thanks to some "good" friends. And started drinking after that for some time. When I was 14, I got caught. And when I went home with police, that was not a good surprise for my parents . At 15 I didnt really drink much anymore. And few months ago I thought I should give up all kind of drinking entirely because I need my brain cells. I turn 18 this year. For me this is quite shameful thing to admit. But besides alcohol, I havent smoked or done anything else and I dont even drink coffee. I think it is all in your own hands. When you think it is something that you should be ashamed of then get rid of that addiction because no one should live in shame.
Good luck ! :finger:
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Re: Overwhelmed

Post by Sandy »

Hi Daron,
it takes a brave person to take a look at themselves honestly and with compassion and caring understand what really fuels their behaviours and even their habits..those desirable and undesirable things we do. I truly appreciate your thoughts and those of the others here and the reasoning behind your determination to eventually let go of this habit that was becoming a little more dominant in your life. It is a process of sorts many of us can identify with because all of us most likely at one time in our life have harboured a less than healthy habit.
You wrote:
I hope Sandy understands.

:) I do...but even should I not...it would not matter. It doesn't matter what I or anybody else thinks. What does matter is what you feel and think... how you feel about yourself. We cannot control what other people say and do. We just do the best we can at the time and then in that knowing we find the ability to continue to pick ourselves up again and again if necessary until the desired outcome is within our grasp.) You have my support and I hope I have yours as I work on decreasing my own coffee consumption.(my bane :roll: ) I'm getting there...but I have been drinking coffee for a very long time... ;)
I witnessed a woman today helping someone with directions very lovingly and when i got close enough, I said "Thank you". She smiled and said "why?' I said that was a gift to me as well, Her face lit up and she replied "really?", I said"yes, just witnessing that helps me grow inside. She understood me. We went on to chat a while in which she said "it's sad not many others see it that way". But for the first time in a long time... it didn’t feel sad to me" i said "We'll all get there, as i get older i see it as, the way you lifted my spirits today, you and i will reach other hearts one at a time, and if it takes 100 years we'll get there." it was the most lovely conversation I ever had waiting for the bus in a bad storm.
What an inspiring story. Some times these seemingly little things can touch us, change our whole day and even our outlook. So perhaps great and wondrous things are happening behind those simple gestures of kindness...the worlds are changing slowly before our eyes and the measure is yet to be taken...but that kindness and shared bus time talk will show up in time a thousand fold, I suspect ...as the ripples that you both began create more of the same. So I thank you for sharing with us. :D
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Re: Overwhelmed

Post by CityLight »

I haven't much time to really express what you Sandy,3721 and Jack have helped achieved here. I havent laughed as much as i would like lately, but i have made up for that in these few minutes. The sense of humor that you guys share with me is absolutely brilliant. It is the metaphorical "hug with the gift" the gift being Love and Wisdom.

"(wouldn't have noticed a prompt if it had dressed up in a prompt suit, waving a big prompt sign and doing a prompt jig under a great big neon prompt sign saying "PROMPTS RIGHT HERE!!!" in that period to be honest)." -Jack.

"Many of my friends smoke it and they are quite normal (at least when they are not high)" -3721.

"the grass is always greener in someone else's meditation.' - Sandy


I wish to reply to everything but, the most important thing is what you have done for me, and in so doing, what you have done for us all. I am your reflection, and i am aware of you as you are of me.. I really was heading down that depressed path 3271 mentioned. Things were so big. But it was the words in these pages that stoked the fire that was dimming , and so powerfully reminded me of what we all truly are. I feel loved, appreciated, respected, and part of you all. you are my very special secret friends. My spirit is free here to roam and express. I am living the magic you are helping create, And it WILL be making its way to Europe back to you very soon. The farewell to smoking Is going fantastic, Ive been seeing 888' and 88's for two days, i'm told that may mean the end of something? I thought of the smoke and of my 16 yr old cat, My dear friend and teacher who is winding down. Its ok though, She is teaching me that.
I am not alone on these City streets, You are with me, no exaggeration.
These intelligences really do choose wisely. I will get back to all your inquiries and to hear your very beautiful experiences and points of view as well. I can't wait!

Love Daron
I was a seed once planted long ago, nurtured and showered with the Love of others. I now sprout to feed those who gave that Love...and return the favor, tenfold.
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Re: Overwhelmed

Post by happyrain »

hey daron
i like your interest in shaping your mind and body
very prominent i think, with this whole prompting business :hithere welcome to the forums
thank you for sharing your thoughts.

oh i like your name btw ! citylight :sword: :alien:
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Re: Overwhelmed

Post by CityLight »

Thank you very much for the welcome .rain! I like your name as well, Rain is always thought of as a downer but it is really refreshingly beautiful. Thank you for joining in this moment.
Love Daron
I was a seed once planted long ago, nurtured and showered with the Love of others. I now sprout to feed those who gave that Love...and return the favor, tenfold.
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Re: Overwhelmed

Post by happyrain »

hey daron rain is one of my favorite things to experience ! :loves
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Re: Overwhelmed

Post by CityLight »

hi .rain :), I'm still a little new so i haven't read through a lot of the post, so i'm not familiar with your experience. Would you like to tell me your story of what road led you here, however you wish.
No obligation. :bana:
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Re: Overwhelmed

Post by happyrain »

my names eric
i had some dreams that brought me here
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Re: Overwhelmed

Post by Sandy »

I love .rain too. (yep double meaning ;) ) Eric is my little brother. One of the blessings shared on the pages of this website. (((Hugs))) I remember you wandering into our lives quite a fair few years ago now, E. It was a good day! :love I know... I know... I am making you blush... okay this ole lady will stop embarassing you.
XX Sandy
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Re: Overwhelmed

Post by CityLight »

You know, Sandy recently brought up a topic that is indeed a social swelling point. I think in someway even though we may live very much in love and many negative things seem be repelled most of the time, I think that somehow there slips in, occasionally, a vital topic of news that involves us all. The current economic unrest. I really feel pulled to the screen and keyboard to project my observations from the, in a way,"frontlines" of the economic flux. I think New york was the birthplace of the title "Fat cat". Indeed there were many here in the days when men where desperate to prove how far from savage they had come. Many of these fat cats contributed to the current world state, they lead us down a selfish road back then. but the beauty of this is (and please really breath this in) it is echoing unrest in the words of each and every person i hear from. For years, and it is growing. Yes, i hear often people who enjoy their jobs, but always do they throw in the upset of living a life that is predetermined. Just yesterday, heading home from the Gym, i see a gentleman who had said hello to me on the weight room floor earlier taking the same bus as I, We smile and he says "Yes, im trying to stay in shape and be healthy yet still make it in time for work, its crazy,im trying to save up for a car, but i have rent and phone bills and so many things, I try to get up at 4am but its too hard for me." I remarked "that is smart! If your body says it cant, it cant...I learned that the hard way." I offered him a fresh banana and we returned to our personal ride. He, exited the bus giving me the "fist to fist" farewell, "ok, bro" he said. And with such a beautiful assurance that this was a wonderful seed that was just planted, i replied "alright brother, I'll see you on the floor." The funniest and most lovely thing was immediately after, A man that was sitting behind us gets a call and, I hear him say "Yes...yes everything is going crazy, with the economy and everything, theres not enough love in the world" Then he planned a get together for his weekend. It was great :roll :D It felt like, he was unconsciously saying "i'm with you brothers".
A day later my friend comes by we go to the roof(the only place close to nature) in which we somehow gravitate the conversation from jokes to how he has no time to even stop during the day and even see where he is at, he goes on to instill in me an understanding of how the current situation is very much like slavery, but the master is now the money and those who move it around. We by obligation have to do someone else's work for them just to survive. The illusion is in that we are free not do it. But these things will someday come to a head, hopefully wisely and peacefully, and you know what? after hearing many tales from friends and so many others i begin to see a pattern here. I believe we are outgrowing the old ways. They are simply not working for us anymore. We are evolving.
I fear not as well Sandy, because what lies within us here on the boards, lies in hidden and silenced in those "masters' and "fat cats" as well.

Love you all, Daron :hithere
I was a seed once planted long ago, nurtured and showered with the Love of others. I now sprout to feed those who gave that Love...and return the favor, tenfold.
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