Can I get some input please

We will list here stories almost too amazing to believe - when our spirit brothers and sisters turn up physically here to help us. This forum is only about angels physically helping us.
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Can I get some input please

Post by robyne1111 »

I had an experience on 11/11/11 at 11:00 pm. Please go to

How this started was a voice came over me to go outside and start taking photos. I was directed where and how to take these photo's. They were taken on 11/11/11 date. I didn't know what I was taking photos of I just followed the voice in my head. As I began looking at the photos on my computer I'm amazed by what I saw. Almost as if the message was meant to be seen and shared. There is more to this than just angels as you will see in the video. There is an amazing message perhaps with ascension as there are not just an angel but portals and orbs as well. Please go to the link provided, view the series of photos in video form (rough draft though) and let me know if I am just seeing things. Thanks, Robyne
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Re: Can I get some input please

Post by robyne1111 »

Two things.. I was so intrigued by the photos I put together a little story in video form, still rough though. If you want to by pass all this the photos start at 4:13 on the video timeline.

Also I mention a website at the end of the video but there really isnt anything but a letter at the website. So many things are coming my way I havent had time to finish the project. Nevertheless would appreciate any insite to the photos. Thanks for any input and thanks for accepting and posting this post. Robyne
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Re: Can I get some input please

Post by Sandy »

Hi Robyne,
Please forgive me. I was rather pushed today and I meant to return and say hello and welcome you to our board family and I am afraid as often happens I forgot. :oops: So now, hopefully better a little late than never, I want to say hello to you and a thank you for sharing the lovely video exhibiting the inspiring photos you shot. Your emotion when speaking of that evening and the photos leads me to believe that you were given a precious sign of Divine love when viewing the night sky. It is interesting too as I write this that I am remembering a post yesterday by Shredder that spoke of our ancients human relatives being prompted to look into the night sky for their inspiration.
As I meditated on the subject of the ancient people of this planet my spirit guide rushed to me reminding me of how the ancient peoples were much closer to them, and at times walking among us in plain sight and prompting wasn't really an issue but if a prompt was necessary they were usually urged to look to the stars.
It seems as we loose ourselves in contemplation of the wonders that lie just beyond us in the night sky...we find ourselves as well.

It is nice to meet you Robyne. :hithere
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Re: Can I get some input please

Post by robyne1111 »

Hi Sandy :hithere and thanks for your warm welcome. And no worries, I was actually surprised to see a message so quickly.. : )

I appreciate your words and feel the heart and wisdom within them, so thank you!
It seems as we loose ourselves in contemplation of the wonders that lie just beyond us in the night sky...we find ourselves as well.

So true Sandy!! The Cosmos is so fascinating. This past year the Cosmos has provided me with so much direct connection I am in awe. There is a book I will be coming out with soon called, "Conversations with the Cosmos" narrated with hundreds of photo's. Simply amazing. The Cosmos responses to my questions and comments were captured in photo form. The first night, I spoke up to the Cosmos and said do you know who I am? The photos came back with my name written across the sky as well as symbols indicative of who I was. One night I said I love you and I captured photos of hearts and the words, "I Luv" and then a heart symbol. Many other messages were captured and on the last night I said I am going to miss you and I said good-bye and there was something in human form containing all the chakra colors waving good bye. Are these messages simply a coincidence? The ability to communicate seems very strong for all of us!! Almost as if they want nothing more than to communicate with each and every one of us. The greatest experiences of all are awaiting all of us.

There is so much to say. There is so much to share but finding the right words to portray all that I have been experiencing are hard so they are better left unsaid until the words can truly reflect my expressions. I appreciate your comment more than you know. Please know I feel honored to be a part of such a great group of people and look forward to growing with all of you. Robyne
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Re: Can I get some input please

Post by sammy »

Hi Robyne,

Welcome to the board! I also have to apologize (to you and Sandy...and the rest of the gang) for being so absent lately. This week my excuse is that my youngest son is on his last school vacation before he graduates. Sandy wrote:
It is interesting too as I write this that I am remembering a post yesterday by Shredder that spoke of our ancients human relatives being prompted to look into the night sky for their inspiration.
As I meditated on the subject of the ancient people of this planet my spirit guide rushed to me reminding me of how the ancient peoples were much closer to them, and at times walking among us in plain sight and prompting wasn't really an issue but if a prompt was necessary they were usually urged to look to the stars.
Now I have to go back and read all that I've missed...I often find on clear nights I stare at the sky and find myself in a "conversation" with my dad...not on cloudy nights though (must be a partly psychological component on my part there).

Your photos are lovely Robyne.

I look forward to hearing more about your experiences!

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Re: Can I get some input please

Post by robyne1111 »

Hi Sammy. thanks for saying hello and commenting on the angels. So many things here moving so quickly I just forgot to respond back to your message. I apologize.

I changed the heading to the video so I think the link may have changed so here is the new one:

Thanks again everyone. Many blessings, Robyne
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