I was born at 3.33 am and ever since is wow...

Use this forum to ask or post about 11:11, 12:34, 2:22, 22:22 etc. The wake-up digital clock signals of our loving celestial friends. They also delight in flicking on or off street lights, traffic lights and ringing door bells.
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I was born at 3.33 am and ever since is wow...

Post by Shredder »

Ok hi everyone Ive just registered after having a little chat withhh my son last night who told me that for the last month he keeps seeing 11.11. This blew me away as I had just started seeing 11.11 in the week immediately after my partners death last november. I was born at 3.33 am and ever since I can remember I will see 3.33 ( am and pm ) at minimum 3 times a week every week for ... well I'm 41 now so for years. Its also pyramids etc just way too many for coincidence ) Oh and the other phenomena of putting out the street lights. On one particular occaison I put out 10 in a row as I drove under them. I once hhhad the experience of meditating one night and my friend who was sleeping over sat bolt upright in bed to see a white lady hovering over me at the foot of my bed, she saw him looking at her "looking" at me and then promptly inverted herself and passed throught the bedroom wall. As you can imagine he was a little shaken, however as I was meditating at the time I felt as though I was exchanging some sort of cosmic knowledge ( for want of a better expression ) with a female entity. Years later this sasme entity cowered a black force that had attached itself to my partner from a previous oija board gone wrong. I've also had many UFO encounters ... And here I was thinking I was the only crazy one ... so yeah I would love some others thoughts on all this as I am a little unnerved which is bad enough as I have serious anxiety issues to deal with as well :finger:
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Re: I was born at 3.33 am and ever since is wow...

Post by sammy »

Welcome to the board Shredder :hithere :hithere :hithere

Interestingly I opened your post at 6:33 am! I just spent a few minutes looking through the old posts trying to find where it mentions that when a loved one passes, they can make a request on our behalf that we be "prompted" with numerical codes (one of several reasons that you may suddenly find yourself being prompted)...but of course I can't find it...maybe Sandy remembers where it is.

At any rate, as you read through the board, you will find there is nothing to be afraid of with these prompts. That said, you mentioned use of a Ouija board...that is one thing that has been specifically warned against as far as "self protection" goes. You can read about it here: http://board.1111angels.com/viewtopic.p ... ja#p138658

And here is a link for some more info regarding why you may be receiving prompts.

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Re: I was born at 3.33 am and ever since is wow...

Post by jack6251 »

Hi Shredder, welcome :hithere

That's a nice account of things you gave there, it's great you have someone to share your 11:11 experiecens with, I'm the only person I know to have them from where I live.

Years ago I thought I was the only person to se 11:11, it's great to be part of a community who have similar experiences!

See you around the forum :)

Jack :pig:
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Re: I was born at 3.33 am and ever since is wow...

Post by Shredder »

Hi Jack and Sammy :hithere

Thanks for the links ! Luckily for me I myself had not played around with a ouija board but my partner had before we had met - perhaps that was why I was drawn to her ? I have been practicing meditation now for about 28 years ( to help with anxiety ) and have been aware of and "talked" with other beings now for quite a few years. I once went to a seminar by James Van Praagh who shared many wonderful thoughts on these beings and cleared many things up for me. He also had a great "grounding" technique for meditation preparation. That said I have been aware of a sort of a "universal library containing all knowledge/thought/??? " and have felt that these beings have helped me tap into that library through medition and then turning these concepts into reality through mindful medition. Even still I had been either waking up or seeing .11 .22 .33 etc times ( ha I just looked down at the clock and its 1.11 pm ! ) for years before starting meditation and had I not stumbled across this forum I would probably be still in the dark as to the relevance of these times, not forgetting about the lights and other (not so) weird things now. Thanks a bunch ! :D
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Re: I was born at 3.33 am and ever since is wow...

Post by Sandy »

Hello Shredder,
I had to smile when Sammy spoke of reading your post at 6.33 am... Well I glanced at the clock when she said that and I got a prompt of 1:33.(pm) I have been seeing 33's all morning and so I suspect our friend Midwayer Mathiew, who uses that number to prompt George and I and others, has something he wishes to talk with us about a bit later. I love the 3's, for me because of knowing this powerful small foreign midwayer who has meant so much to our lives these past years. But other people accept other reasons for this particular prompt and I suspect they are all good and proper as they lead us into closer commmunion with our celestial kin.
This is one of them, something a wonderful angelic author, Doreen Virtue, says about the 3's...
333 — The Ascended Masters are near you, desiring you to know that you have their help, love, and companionship. Call upon the Ascended Masters often, especially when you see the number 3 patterns around you. Some of the more famous Ascended Masters includes: Jesus, Moses, Mary, Quan Yin, and Yogananda.
You wrote:
I once went to a seminar by James Van Praagh who shared many wonderful thoughts on these beings and cleared many things up for me. He also had a great "grounding" technique for meditation preparation.
I would love it, if you would be willing, for you to describe your grounding meditation that was learned from James Praagh. Unless you feel it would be breaching copywritten material. Grounding can be beneficial in so many ways to meditation as it calms our human energies and balances the earth and the cosmic energies around us so that we have a more peaceful inner platform from which to meditate from.
That said I have been aware of a sort of a "universal library containing all knowledge/thought/??? " and have felt that these beings have helped me tap into that library through medition and then turning these concepts into reality through mindful medition.
We had a dear friend, wingzie, who has now passed on to the next realm, who mentioned once some years ago that she learned how to tap into the wisdom of the akashic library. I wish now, of course, that I had quized her more on this subject...but at the time other things were more pressing between us...
It seems there are so many wonderful and beneficial avenues for us to explore as we follow our spiritual path under the guidance of course from our TA, our God within... we are throughly and without a doubt blessed as we walk our own individual and group "walk". Oh I just had a funny little human vision as I pictured all of us at one of those old fashioned cake walks. For all of you "youngins" out there who haven't a clue what I am talking about...At old time benefits and such there once was this activity called a cake walk. A lovely assortment of special cakes were baked much like for a cake sale and sat on tables in a big hall and people who wished to participate would buy a ticket for the opportunity to win one of these sweet prizes. and so it would begin... The music would play and the participants would march around the room in a large circle. There was an X or a box on the floor that everyone passed over in this processional and the one who was left standing on the special mark when the music stopped won one of the spetacular cakes. Well, basically that is how it worked anyway... not sure about the particulars... And so I see all of us with all our interests and thoughts on spirituality marching around in something like a cake walk with a very wise and knowing celestial stopping the music at just the right time for the right person to win the right prize... It seems those in charge seem to know what is best for each of us and our journeys, be they long or short...( with mine seemingly going around in circles and loop de loops :lol: ) whatever we win..intuit etc... in the long run will bring us to just where we long to be. ..and that is something we will all know at just "the right time."

I love your name by the way... Shredder. It will always be remembered by me as the wise and loving rat who nurtured the teen age mutant ninja turles. :mrgreen: Don't want to mention any names WHIST but it seems some of us will always remain a kid at heart... :mrgreen:
Well what a chatter box I am today!... :shock: I really just wanted to say, Welcome to the board, Shredder. :hithere
Sandy :tongue: (aka a kid at heart)
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Re: I was born at 3.33 am and ever since is wow...

Post by Shredder »

H ha ha Shredder, yeah I liked ninja turtles :) but my nickname actually comes from a style of guitar playing :) AlthoughI do feel quite an affinity to the all wise shredder rat. Music was Something I had to take up instead of art ( which I hope to get back to )because
I kinda have like a "radio" playing 24/7 in my head the most incredible music - actually a song called "midway creatures" by Steve Vai now has new meaning to me
and seems very fitting whilst writing in this forum - in my head that I pretty much can't turn off so now I spend a lot of time trying to play it.
I used to teach guitar and music theory but stopped for 15 years to look after my now passed partner full time.
I am 100% certain it (the music)comes from
"place of of all knowledge" I bought a guitar years ago with a pyramid inlay, on close inspection when I got it home on each coner of the pyramid was a tiny 7 :)
But its not just the music, I seem to know a lot of things I ( or anybody ) otherwise would have no way of knowing,
like who's about to call on the phone or what someone is going to do or happen to them,
"predicting" and dreaming things that will happen (and often do ) and making connections between things that seem totally unrelated but are
later found out by the mainstream are totally reliant upon one another. Animals and kids seem to be
fascinated by me which is kinda unnerving when a young child hellbent on getting his/her mum to buy him chocolates just
stops and stares at me like in a trance of some sort - i sometimes think " what on earth have I got stuck to my face" lol I have to remind myself
that the young are more open to other realms and possibly see that Im connected to them in some way.Babies are the worst, oops that sounded bad,
babies are beautiful but I meant when they might be screaming and they set eyes on me the just stop and stare transfixed ( as you could imagine my late partner loved this with our kids ;) Peoples pets that are protective of their owners just always come straight to me for affection.
people also have a habbit of passing on or either side of my birthday - also a nerve racking time, as well as Good Friday where I have suffered a significant injury on many many a yearoccaisions. The list goes on and on just like me now, I guess I'm still rather on a high at finding this site and finally making the
time connections with my celestial friends that Ive had for so many years now :) I think I overlooked this connection because to me once we evolve
to that state I figured well travel is at the speed of thought and being that the speed of light itself has a limit but thought doesn't, time to the celestials would have no meaning - but now its becomming clear.

Enough of my waffling and to James Praagh. I would gladly relate my grounding exercise from him as it was a seminar and obviously given orally
( actually he got the whole audience to participate and talked us through it - just wonderful ) so I feel that I wouldn't be breaching any copywrite
and would go as far as to say that he would approve wholehearted in sharing "safer" medition practises. OK James suggested that as we begin to relax
we should visualize on making a connection with just what we are sitting/lying on etc at first. then as we relax more ( I use the shakra colours whilst I'm doing this )
"feel" and reach out through the chair ( almost like it is part of you ) or whatever to the ground then the earth and then as deep as you can go to the core. We don't have to get to the core first go just into earth is a good start. The visualization of the connections you make can
be anything you are comfortable with ie chain, rope, as long as its something that you can identify strength with ( I like to use a beam of pure energy directly from my soul. But yes as you said the idea is to balance your energy to that of this earth :) I try feeling for the magnetic energy of the planet and try to align with that and find it gives a meditation sitting a powerful kick in the rear but is also a direct relation to the energy in the space directly around our little corner of the universe :) The most important message that James had about grounding was that if we don't ground ourselves first we can leave ourselve open to malevolent beings ( thankfully well outnumbered ) Well yeah there really wasn't much more to it, yet a simple but extremely effective preparation and then its off to surf the universe/s safely.

Oh the realm of all knowledge ... I wish I had word but I can highly recommend any "book" from there, hard to read but the best thing is there's no late fees :lol:

I would like to eleborate further and tell of many other cool experiences but I feel that I've gone on way too long and it is time to sit back and enjoy the happiness at finding this wonderful site.

I went on so much that I forgot to mention that I loved the cakewalk analogy. :oops:

From another child of the universe
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Re: I was born at 3.33 am and ever since is wow...

Post by Zachary »


Thanks for sharing your meditation techniques. Im glad to have read your posts. Im new to meditating. I just started about two months ago so i have much to learn. Welcome to this board and thanks!

Much LOVE,
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Re: I was born at 3.33 am and ever since is wow...

Post by Sandy »

Hello Shredder,

I second Zachary's thank you for sharing the grounding technique. It is lovely and will be beneficial to many others, no doubt.

I enjoyed your waffleing and hope it continues... so you are a musician too? You will find others on the board are as well. In fact, I believe Jack teaches guitar. Is that right, Jack? which reminds me... I meant to post and tell you on the music thread in misc. how much I enjoyed your offering there... the music of Joe Satriani. WOW! there is good and there is GOOD! 8)
Well, I haven't much time today...we have a new unexpected and quite small arrival that I must feed every 20 minutes or so. Truly the little darling shouldn't even be alive but prayers seem to be having a positive physical effect.
The little feathered angel seems to be getting hungry again. :finger: hang in there little baby.
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Re: I was born at 3.33 am and ever since is wow...

Post by jack6251 »

Hi guys :)

Yeah I teach guitar on a Friday and Sunday at my local music shop and work as a Learning Support Assistant for the local kids at my nearby College the other days. The shop is Trad Music here in Wakefield where I live, not a big music shop but has everything you could want, caters for traditional folk music too which is where it got its name from.

I should've put 2 + 2 together regarding Shredders name and being a guitarist, shame on me lol (But I must admit all I could conjure up was a paper eating machine if I'm honest, sorry hehe, it never dawned on me about the ninja turtles either lol). Yeah Joe Satriani is one of those guys to take that style of guitar playing to another level, he's inspired so many to push the boundaries in their own field too, just a shame I don't get many people asking to play his stuff, I'm still aspiring to be like him myself hehe. I see you're a Steve Vai man, Shredder, both he and Satriani are pea's from the same pod, exceptional guys! :sunflower:

I'm applying for a teaching course today which will enable me to become a fully qualified teacher once finished. I've had to find my own teaching hours due to the type of qualification, I hope the kids like Satriani as I'll be with them for 2 years lol :)

Jack :pig:
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Re: I was born at 3.33 am and ever since is wow...

Post by Shredder »

Hi guys and gals :hithere I've been nusrsing an impacted wisdom tooth ( comes out in 6 days woo hoo ! ) and running around after the kids ( 6 and 17 year old boys ) and all that entails has left me a bit beat but have enjoyed reading everyones posts :sunflower: Good

My thoughts are with your little one Sandy - my youngest came 9 weeks early and was touch and go there for awhile. I used to meditate next to him while he was asleep or back in the early days the humidicrib and surround him with blue healing energy to inhale - the same technique as you would do for yourself but simply move the energy over to surround the one your trying to help. I have found that sometimes when holding my palm close to the person you can actually feel the warmth of the energy grow ....oops waffle waffle lol but yeah a great positive effect was and is to be had. Hey Zachary if your reading this, I too am still learning ( as are we all ) and take heart and delight in these wonderful words from a great being " If we are facing the RIGHT DIRECTION all we have to do is keep walking " :loves

Good luck on your teaching course application Jack, Sounds like its all comming together for you :D I myself aren't fully qualified but "self" taught with help from our friends and was more enough to get me through an audition and a bunch of theory questions to gain a teaching position at my local music shop chain but that was many years ago. I love the spirital kick that sharing the gift of music to both young and old gives, to see that spark of realiztion occur in their eyes is just .... ahhhh, my eldest student was a spry 82 year old :) Now after my 15 year break I'm devouring the Reaper DAW recording manual and aim to to finish a song a week or so by the end of the year. It will be a vast improvement on my fumbling attempts on a tascam 244 some 20 years back :) I submitted those recordings to a competition and to my suprise managed to come in equal first out of 170 entrants. I never found out the results for weeks as I had a car accident just after entering in which I nearly lost my right arm, this accident occured at 4.44 am hmmmmmmm. So my students at the time had to suffer quite a few theory lessons. I only ever had a handful though that perservered long enough to start having a crack at playing some Joe or steve and boy was it fun to give those lessons. I had the misfortune of missing them at G3 concert in Brisbane last week but had the ultimate experience of attending Steve Vais Masterclass clinic at the conservatorium of music in Brisbane last year - Steve's message was uncannily familiar - visiualize, meditate and with perserverance it WILL happen. I managed to sneak a bit of video from 2 songs he performed - "For the Love of God" and "Building The Church" - I was sat 3rd row centre :)

Which bring me to recent prompts, one earlier today and a "double" prompt the night before. Today I put 7 albums on a random playlist, " Midway Creatures" began to play and around the second "verse" at 1.01 into the song he includes some excellent hamonizng lines to progress the song, as I was listening to the part I became overwhelmed with feeling of love and peace and had tears streaming down my face, when that section of music ended I turned to sit down ( couldn't stand lol ) I saw the clock smiling 3.33 pm at me :D. the night before my son and I were talking and mid sentence we both turned simultaneously to 11.11pm. We both smiled and acknoweledged our friends much to the bewilderment of his best mate who was in the room - I'm confindent he too will be prompted in due time, for they ( the prompts and the prescence of our friends) at least to me have had more of sense of urgency about them as compared to years ago.

oops went and waffled a bit again ;) Thank you Sammy ! Before my dear Em passed she would say to me with a loving smile "When I go I'll put in a good word for you" Then in less than a week of passing strong 11.11 prompts and now my son too. Very comforting to say the least.

I must head off now and embrace then release this wisdom tooth pain but before I go I was wondering if anybody knew where this saying/quote came from "Those who wander from the way of understanding will surely rest in the assembly of the dead" I'm kinda an info junkie so tend to forget little things of where I picked up something from so I can make room in my head for the next book or whatever but this saying or whatever it is has been stuck with me for about 22 years now and its been bugging me where I got it from.... any ideas ??

Peace love and good happiness stuff to you all :loves ( Jack might know where that one comes from 8) )
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Re: I was born at 3.33 am and ever since is wow...

Post by Krystalshard »

Wow, Hi Shredder,
Amazing that we travel our path thinking we are the only one on the journey! I am enjoying your posts. Our Midwayer friends are gently and firmly guiding us together here on this board. Thanks for your valuable insights, and as a guitar wannabe I take heart that I can remain a student even at my age!


PS. just a little correction for the sake of the Rat... Shredder was actually his enemy, a mean misguided Asian who wore a lot of sharp metal on his costume! Lol!
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Re: I was born at 3.33 am and ever since is wow...

Post by jack6251 »

Hey Shredder :hithere

I always wanted to be a shredder too (for the other folks, it's a guitarist who plays fast guitar solo techniques) but I never could quite find true time to dedicate towards finally breaking the sound barrier lol. These days due to being so busy, I maintain my standard of playing, keep on top of theory and try and guide my students down the road to being able to giving themselves the tools to go on to become Satriani's or Vai's, or whoever their guitar hero may be. My journey towards being a teacher I feel has mainly come from being broke. I've been in and out of dead end jobs for years and one year thought "hmm, what is there about me that I could use to take myself to a better place in life?", it was my music. So after checking which hoops to jump through (qualifications, the UK is qualificationtastic, believe me, you cannot move unless you have the right piece of paper to say you know how to lol) I pushed myself down the road to achieve a teaching qual. It's the final hoop to jump through after many a year gaining experience and other quals. If anyone is in a dead end jump just now, I highly recommend doing this, sit down with yourself and find out how to change paths. There'll be something hidden in you, that if you can be patient and think long'ish term, things will eventually come to fruition. It's not easy to stay the distance, but, with my 11:11's etc, it's kept me focussed as it will any of you guys too! :) My ultimate goal is to actually leave the UK and take my skills abroad. My cousin moved to Australia years ago and he loved it, he met a girl and settled down to live there. Unfortunately he passed away while there due to a freak choking incident I think it was, but I've always thought about heading over and hooking up with the people he knew there. We also have some relatives in Canada, so who knows, the world is my oyster lol (once I pass it will be hehe). :sunflower:

How fantastic it must've been to see Steve Vai, wow! Because I live in the north of England, it's very difficult to see some of the top guys as they usually only do concerts around the London area, a couple of hundred miles away and getting there and back around my job at College can be a pain, but, as soon as I see Satch, Vai or whoever advertised in a place I can actually get to, I'm there lol.

As for your quotation Shredder, I'm not too sure actually. It seems on the Sun Tzu side of things to me, but then again, it's almost something that Vai or Satriani might say hehe.

There is a definite connection with 11:11 and music for sure, I hope you all have some great harmonic moments in life with whatever you're doing! :)

Jack :pig:
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Re: I was born at 3.33 am and ever since is wow...

Post by Shredder »

Hi yall :hithere

Krystalshard you are right on with the Rat and have set me me back on a good path in doing so. Its a little convoluted but here's what you've done :D Lately I have been forgetting my connections with the infintesimal as the flow of concepts as whole chunks from the place of all knowledge have been shooting through my head while meditating/in contenplation. I find I have been bathing in the knowledge of grasping these concepts as a whole only to be left clutching to retain it as a new wonderful insight enters my mind. By pointing out that detail you have reminded me that only by connecting even with the infintesimal do we gain a clearer understanding of how all beings are both one and the whole at the same time, thank you Krystalshard my next session will be greatly enhanced :loves

Hey Jack, yeah its getting the same over here with the qualifications and stufff.... have to have a ticket for everything. I too went for teaching because I was broke and had a young family too support. I basically walked into the store with a teaching leaflet that I wanted to hang in their window and as "luck" would have it they were looking and having auditions right there and then :o.

I had a little ponder on my 4.44 accident ( asked questions and got answers on my last session - I get whispers in my ear too but I guess thats another thread somewhere ) The nature of the accident without going into specifics is that there should have been no way that I kept my arm, although I'm left with limited mobility in the end it turned out perfect for my playing by kinda stabilizing it in different picking positions etc greatly enhanced anyway I figured well this is cool its time for me to get back on the horse after 11 months rehab and nail a notoriously hard piece of music called "Hot for Teacher" by Van Halen - I noticed only a few months ago that that song goes for ... wait for it ... you guessed it 4 min 44 sec.

Within us all are the keys to the doors of endless realms and possibilities, we must learn to use them wisely and have the courage to leave the seeds of love in the wake of our journey through these doors - This is the best and unfortunately lacking that I can articulate the message from my long time spirit protector and friend on my earlier session - Thanks again Krystalshard

Let us find one -together. :loves To all of you wonderfull people
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