New, Cofused and a bit Scared...

Use this forum to ask or post about 11:11, 12:34, 2:22, 22:22 etc. The wake-up digital clock signals of our loving celestial friends. They also delight in flicking on or off street lights, traffic lights and ringing door bells.
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New, Cofused and a bit Scared...

Post by Marcy »

I was hesitant to start posting here because I'm really not sure what to believe or not believe....

I started seeing 11 after the hour last year...all the time. It's like I was programmed to look at my clock precisely on the 11th of the hour..any hour. Well I remember a few years ago an internet friend of mine posted about how he would see it also, he didn't know what to make of it. Well he made a thread about it on another board and linked it to a video about 2012, the mayan calendar and things like that. I really didn't pay it any mind until it started happening to me. So I reached out to him last year and asked him was it still occuring for him, told him my situation and wanted to know what else should I prepare myself for. He informed me that for HIM nothing else much was going on, except the fact that people were always coming to him for some type of help, like Strangers were flocking to him all the time and he didn't understand why...

So then I got to thinking about other things. Is it a coincidence that my first grandson was born 1-11...and I wondered how much does Astrology play into it. (I'm an aquarius). I started doing an internet search which lead me to a site talking about the Urantia book, Midwayers etc...

So the numbers stopped for a few months, and now they've started back up again...11 after the hour. I also notice that animals (squirrels) mainly just walk up to normally they've been very timid animals and not real people friendly. You walk up to them..and they run away. But mine walk up on my porch...while i'm sitting there. Its' the strangest thing. Been alot of depressing moments in my life....failed jobs...failed relationships. But I have a neighbor that always tells me "Marcy, God has something big in store for you". And I don't really no what that means.

Also lately, my dreams have been terrible. For the past two weeks even though I can't recall every aspect of the dreams, when I wake up I'm upset and its always some type of confusion between me and someone else in the dreams.Every night my dreams have the same bases...conflict with SOMEONE. I don't know what to make of it. I'm not at odds with anyone right now so it can't be some type of suppressed issue I don't believe. I didn't know if the dreams were linked to anything out the ordinary or what.

I've always been the type of person that is open minded about things. Especially when it comes to the Spirit world. I know there are good and bad spirits. I always figured that if God or whoever was trying to get a message to me they'd do so in a manner that wouldn't scare me half to death because I have bad nerves due to a disorder that I have.

My question pretty much is what else can I expect, besides seeing the number patterns over and over again? Should I brace myself for anything. Should I worry about the Mayan calendar ending. Or does the mayan calendar play any part in this Spiritual Awakening? I walk around in a daze wondering what my purpose in life should be....knowing its something but simply can't quite put my finger on it. And I get frustrated because I'm 43 yrs old and is it sad that I haven't came to this conclusion at this particular point in my life.

Back in 2001 my aunt passed away and her and I were extremely close. She raised me. Well right after she passed when I'd be laying in the bed I'd have the strangest feeling that someone was in the room with me, observing me. Wanting to tell me something but never did. It happened over and over again. so I said to myself that if it happens one more time I'm gonna simply just speak out and ask "them" whatever it is you want to say to me please do so, just don't scare me." Once I had it in my mind to finally say something to "them" I never felt the presence again. I still don't know what to make of it...

I've been reading over on this site about Still Meditation...I don't really know how it works exactly but I'm just trying to find answers because the uncertainty of things has me totally confused and a bit nervous.
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Re: New, Cofused and a bit Scared...

Post by Sandy »

Dear Marcy,
I think it is understandable to be nervous and a little curious about some of these things you have just recently experienced with the 11:11 number prompts. Many people are a little worried when they arrive here but I am hoping as you read and get to know the loving people who post here you will feel more at ease and even welcome these prompts and where they lead you.

There really is nothing to fear from these wonderful beings responsible for the time prompts. They are our celestial cousins also resident on this world and yes they are called Midwayers. They do most of the prompting, yet, there are others such as Our own Guardian angels which prompt us as well.
There are many joys, many good things, and experiences that have added to my own security and confidence in the guidance and nudges these being provide. It has become clear they love and adore the Divine Source as much if not more than I do and doing this Infinite ones will is utmost in their minds as well.

I have come to know there is nothing to fear and that the prompts are never meant to disturb or scare us although sometimes it happens as human reaction can be so hard to predict. They basically are reaching out to you, saying hello as perhaps you have a much needed skill or great desire to help others. There are many reasons they prompt us... yet there is no rush to begin meditation or stillness, not until you feel safe and comfortable. You see, it isn't out of curiosity we contact these celestial friends. It is through a deep desire to get to know our place in the draw closer to our celestial kin and most importantly The Creator of all...This does happen. It happens differently for each of our own time... sometimes slowly, sometimes in what seems an amazingly quick study. But regardless of how it begins, the journey goes on and on with each decision we make as we create a fabric of learning of asking and of finding those sometimes elusive answers.

It sounds like you have already done some reading on the site...that is great. In a nutshell, we generally encourage living in the moment...appreciating what the present brings as we learn from the past and look forward to the future. We encourage and follow a path of Love and caring that extends to all beings on earth. Of course that is not easy to put into practice but as "light workers" we continue to try to incorporate loving ideals in our daily outworkings of life. Frankly, some days that is a lot to manage...

You have lots of company in trying to understand your life purpose. and truly 43 is still quite young... :D That is something each one of us must determine for ourselves. Life takes a lot of work at times...we get caught up in the "managing" of our physical affairs. But we actually have an eternity to discover these things as life goes on and on...There is so much to discover... So no worries.

Well I have rattled on and on in an attempt to sort of answer a few of your questions.
Here are a few URls you may find helpful as you search for answers.

11:11 Background and Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

11:11 signals are driving me nuts!

11:11 - more questions about number sequences

It is nice to meet you, Marcy. I hope you enjoy the site and the friendly people who post here. :hithere
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Re: New, Cofused and a bit Scared...

Post by jack6251 »

Hi Marcy welcome :hithere

I love what you said about the animals, you must have a peace around you that they're comfortable with. This time of year it's pigeons that love me. They try and nest on my balcony in my high rise appartment, they're a bit of a nuisance at times but it would be great if they'd go to someone elses balcony one year instead of mine lol.

About the mayan calendar, I'd take all that with a huge pinch of salt. There's a lot of "hollywoodisation" relating to end times and some of the mayan calendar information is just pure speculation and cannot be proved one way or the other. Whether it's intentional or not, it goes into the pot of scaremongery for me and should be treated with interest and investigation, not fear and fact as not one person knows the whole background to the mayan intentions with their calendar. I'm realllly not one to quote Bible scripture, but in regard to the mayan calendar and the whole blanket of their calendar and end times, this came to mind: "But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only". I take this to mean, don't believe the hype and I run with this over the pop culture of the calendar. :sunflower:

Whatever it is, it's nothing to worry about. :)

Jack :pig:
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Re: New, Cofused and a bit Scared...

Post by k9angel11 »

Hi Marcy and welcome! :hithere

I am only a newcomer to this forum too though have been seeing 11:11 for many years now. I see it almost every day without fail, both morning and night.
I have also seen spirits, and experienced ESP on more than one occassion - oh and I too am a magnet to animals. Whether it be a stray dog or injured bird, they are sure to turn up here... :)

I was really curious when it started happening to me all those years ago. I wasn't scared though. By that age I had seen all sorts of things...
However I thought I was all alone and the only one seeing it up until recently when I discovered I was not alone at all. There are many of us. :)

It has also led me on an incredible and amazing search as I look for answers and question my existence. I've always known I was different, ever since I was a little one - but it's only now I am beginning to realise how different I am.

Anyways, just wanted to say welcome and hello. :)
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Re: New, Cofused and a bit Scared...

Post by JAT229 »

Hi Marcy,

Not much more I can add to what's already been said. Simply accept the phenomenon happening in your life and know that you're being selected for something special. You know, all my life I always knew that I had something important to accomplish. But it wasn't until I started seeing 11:11 that I knew I was finally getting close to discovering what it is. You, too, are in the midst of that discovery. Embrace it! You are a special being in this world being called to a higher purpose.

And about the Mayan calendar thing? Yes, the one side of it is doom and gloom, but the other theory on it is that it will bring a time of renewal to the world. One where we all come together as one consciousness, as it should be. It's said that a single consciousness is the sure sign of an advanced civilization. Hopefully, our world is headed in that direction, and hopefully, you will be one of the ones leading the way! :-)


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Re: New, Cofused and a bit Scared...

Post by sammy »

HI Marcy,

I did a quick google search for "squirrel animal totems" and found this...don't know if it will be of any help, but thought it was worth a shot.

Squirrel, Power Animal, Symbol of Gathering, Playfulness

By Ina Woolcott

Squirrel's Gifts Include ability to solve puzzles, resourcefulness, quick change of direction, storing for the future/planning ahead, balance in giving and receiving, power of rest during times of non-movement, warning, discovery, change avoiding danger by climbing to a higher place, action.

The idea that there are obstacles which cant be overcome is not part of Squirrel's outlook on life, nor is giving up. Squirrel is an almighty power animal to have any time when you feel you have reached a dead end in your life, or in a situation and ready to give up. We are shown that perseverance and the readiness to try different methods are the keys to success.

This animal also shows us how important it is to be prepared. Few, if any, animals are busier than a squirrel during the autumn. They gather enough nuts and seeds to get through the winter and buries them. For us this is not only important on the physical level - it can also mean being as flexible as Squirrel when it comes to allowing and starting change.

When squirrels prepare for the winter, they gather only what they require. This teaches us the importance of letting go/getting rid of unnecessary physical objects, and also negative beliefs, emotions and memories which limit our faith in love and abundance. We need to lighten our load, physically, mentally and emotionally.

As busy as these animals are, they always have time to play. Often in between gathering, they start to leap at each other and roll about in the leaves. They also seem to enjoy simply resting on a tree branch, enjoying the peace and quiet. This teaches us that there IS time for everything in life, that the balance between work, play, rest and contemplation is essential to our overall feeling of well being and harmony. We are also taught the balance within the circle of gathering and giving out. Our energy must not be wasted, but conserved for times of need. We are reminded that on our journeys to fulfil our goals, it is vital to make time for play and socialising.

Ask yourself are you too active, not active enough, too afraid, or hung up on accumulating and collecting. Squirrel people can sometimes be a little erratic, trying to do many things at once. Take the time to stop, listen and to heed your inner self.

It is probably not by chance (but a synchronicity) that squirrels are found wherever humans live. Perhaps they are here to herald a message for us all, not to give up, not to get stressed and as mentioned before there IS time for everything in life. Don’t forget to play, no matter what age you are!

Although squirrels are always prepared for what may come they have a tendency to forget where they store things. This forgetfulness is a reminder to those with this power animal to slow down, pay attention and to stop running several ways at once. I.e. don’t have too much on your plate at any one time.

Squirrels are sociable and communicative and can be pretty vocal in both work and play. Their non-stop chitter-chatter can disturb the silence, creating a sense of distraction and chaos. If the continual chatter of the squirrel disturbs you, this is telling you to speak clearly and effectively or to go within and be still, depending on the circumstances surrounding your situation.

Squirrels are very trusting and are one of the few (wild) animals that will eat out of a person's hand. This symbolises a need to let down your defences, and to learn to trust more. Trust issues can be present in all aspects of a person's life from personal intimacy to trusting the universe. Because the squirrel is always prepared, if this is your power animal you must realise and remember that you will be taken care of. Building a strong sense of trust where it is missing would compliment the power of this medicine.
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Re: New, Cofused and a bit Scared...

Post by Marcy »


And thank you all for your words. I tell you it can be a bit much to deal with...especially the not knowing what to expect and what's to come. I sit and wonder sometimes would I have the "mental" strength to deal with whatever it is yet they I have to learn. It seems that throughout my life my calling has been helping others...most of my jobs have centered around that..and even work in my community. But I always suspected that, thats not all I'm suppose to be doing, but i'm really not sure...Maybe this site can help me sort through the many questions that I have. And the links will also be helpful to me too i pray. And thank you Sammie for the Squirrel seems to make alot of sense because I can relate to alot of what was said regarding them in my own life.
Please keep my in your prayers ...

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