A Newcomer's Story

Use this forum to ask or post about 11:11, 12:34, 2:22, 22:22 etc. The wake-up digital clock signals of our loving celestial friends. They also delight in flicking on or off street lights, traffic lights and ringing door bells.

A Newcomer's Story

Post by JohnR »

I had an experience last week. I found this website and sent a message through the "contact us" link. About an hour later I received an email from Sunny & George Barnard. The first line read "You got a message all right." In the next 4 paragraphs you can read the email I sent and which the Barnards replied to.

I was recently married. My wife had some odd talents. For example, one night I was driving and having a VERY HARD TIME staying awake. Without describing all of my symptoms I will just say that my situation was critical- I was really out of it. She called me and her first words were "I know you're in trouble, what's wrong? Talking to her woke me up fully and I was able to drive safely to my destination, approx. 45 miles away.

We were married on 10/31/2011 and 11 days later, on 11-11-11, she passed away. I thought these numbers were a little odd, but didn't give it a whole lot of thought.

We had not yet had a chance to get her moved to my place of residence. On 11-11-11 at noon I found her laying on the kitchen floor in her apartment. She was dead. Many hours later, after the police had finished investigating the scene and her body had been removed, as I had my hand on the doorknob to leave and go back to my "home", I glanced at her Bose WaveRadio, which was setting on a small table right by the door. The display looked weird, It looked like lines because I did not have my glasses on. My thought was "What's wrong with the Bose"? So I pulled my glasses out of my pocket and could then see that the odd-looking lines was the time display and the time was 11:11. Now I am REALLY WONDERING "what's up with all these 11's? FYI the Bose WaveRadio had not been set to the correct time, but was several hours and some minutes off, so I know I did not leave at 11:11 unconsciously hoping to see more 11's.

So I Googled the number 11 and was shocked to discover all of the material on the internet which is related to the number 11, or perhaps more specifically, the number 1111.

What is your take on all of this? Do you think this could have been some kind of a message from my wife, who had been lying there for around 12 hours (11?). She could easily have died at 11:11PM on 11/10, although this is just speculation. If Rudolph Steiner is correct, then my wife's ego would likely hang around her place of death for up to 3 days. Could this have been a message from somewhere/someone else? What should I do about this remarkable coincedence? How should I proceed?

The next two paragraphs is an excerpt from Mr. Barnard's lengthy reply to me:

You got a message alright, from the 1,111 Secondary Midwayers.

However, I see no reason why Guardian Angels, keepers of human personality after death, must wait around for 3 days,
instead of moving on to Mansonia TOGETHER with their 4-winged Seraph ensconced soul charge.

At the end of his reply to me Mr. Barnard provided me with some links that I'm sure allya are familiar with. I am pasting that info below in the event that even ONE of you has not seen this:

Your best approach to meeting them halfway would be stillness meditation.
See http://www.1111angels.net/old_files/E_Desk/GB51.htm or http://www.1111AkashicConstruct.com only if you happen to have difficulties stilling your mind. We make the CD available to you from Australia, and it is rather inexpensive. It's a service of the 11:11 Progress Group.

I have ordered the CD and have started the stillness meditation.

It seems that the Urantia Papers is the key to everything that is going on here. I have learned that the text is over a million words, which makes it more than 25% longer than the bible. This fact by itself is, IMO, quite extraordinary.

Here are links to the Urantia Papers, in the event anyone is unaware this material can be read online:
Read the Urantia Papers online: http://urantiapapers.freeurantia.org/index.html
A history of the Urantia Papers: http://www.freeurantia.org/AHistory.htm Chapter 1 of this article describes in minute detail the source of the Urantia Papers. I found it fascinating.
FreeUrantia.org http://www.freeurantia.org/ The homepage will fool you. Click on the "Contents Of Website" link and a new tab opens up in your browser with A TON of info.

Here is a short excerpt from the Introduction to "A History Of the Urantia Papers", written by by Larry Mullins with Dr. Meredith Justin Sprunger. This, to me, is incredible:

I have spent more than thirty years studying the Urantia Papers. I have had dozens of discussions with many people who had personal knowledge about the events that culminated in the materialization of the Papers. As a result, I am utterly convinced that, circa 1906 - 1955, non-material beings of super-human intelligence and maturity interfaced regularly with a group of (eventually) six mortals for the purpose of providing a religious revelation of epochal significance.

I am not religious in the traditional sense of the word, but at the same time I am deeply religious, preferring instead to think of myself as an "independent thinker". Skipping around in Part IV (The Life & Teachings Of Jesus) of the Urantia Papers I went to the part which describes what happened after Jesus was placed in the tomb and the door was sealed. The rest of the story is absolutely incredible.

Unless I am missing something here, all of what is being taught and learned on the 1111angels websites concerning the prompts which are trying to wake people up is directly linked to the Urantia Papers. It seems that around 65-100 years ago celestial entities much more evolved than ourselves decided that the human race had progressed to a point where we could handle, but more importantly understand, a detailed synopsis of The Truth.

My plan is to do the relaxing and meditation excersises, communicate with these entities who are existing in other dimensions right next to us and find out for myself firsthand what is going on!

Does anyone have a comment or suggestion to make regarding my recent revelation?

All of this makes me wonder have I stumbled onto The Truth? Have I, in fact, been pointed to what is The Truth? :idea:
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Re: A Newcomer's Story

Post by Geoff »

Dear John,

Welcome, and I am very sorry to hear you lost your wife so recently.

The Celestials that are regularly channeled and distributed on our mailing list do certainly "use" or "recommend" the Urantia Book. But, like every source ever provided to man, by God, it is important to read with your "soul senses". I am not saying that it has a great deal of error, or even that any error it might have is important, but don't get fanatical about it.
If Rudolph Steiner is correct, then my wife's ego would likely hang around her place of death for up to 3 days.
This is an example. The Urantia Book also suggests three days, but other sources, of which there are many, indicate its often almost no break in consciousness, and its actually not desirable for recently passed over souls to be "called back". A good friend of mine who is an excellent medium lost his mother about a year back, and had a communication from her literally within minutes. I also have a favourite source (not the U Book) that has a similar communication.

Enjoy the trip, there is a ton of information once you start being open to it. On our site, both here (on the MB) and at http://www.1111angels.com/archives.html we have over 2,400 communications. A heck of a lot.
All of this makes me wonder have I stumbled onto The Truth? Have I, in fact, been pointed to what is The Truth?
This is my point, and we have a recent communication on that. We don't have the minds to begin to understand any sort of precise Truth. But enjoy what we do have, and don't get fundamentalist about it, is my suggestion. There are many folks specifically within the U Book circles, but typically like moths around every "revelation" who get themselves all fundamentalist. I have seen it within my favourite "revelation" its everywhere. I guess some folks are only comfortable believing their "book" has no error?

"Slip your hand into the hand of God and you will never walk alone"
said Chief Flaming Arrow.

Re: A Newcomer's Story

Post by JohnR »

All good advice Geoff, point taken. Thanks very much for bringing it up. Keeping your suggestions in mind is bound to be helpful along the way!
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Re: A Newcomer's Story

Post by True »

I am sorry to hear about your wife’s passing. I pray that you are able to find exactly what it is you are seeking.
Warm regards

Re: A Newcomer's Story

Post by JohnR »

Thank-you True. Actually, the story of the 2 of us is pretty unusual:

We had been high-school sweethearts. She was only 15 and I was 16 when we met. It literally was love-at-first-sight. We were inseparable, went steady and dated for about 4 years before college separated us. I had told her I was going to date other women in college. About a year or so later I called her parents house and her mom told me she had a boyfriend at college and was very happy. I never spoke to her personally or called back. 41 years later, last July 12, we were re-united on Facebook through a very unlikely set of circumstances and got married on Halloween. I hadn't realized how broken-hearted she was when I left her in 1972 or I might have stayed with her then...

Such is life. I am grateful for the 4 months we had this year.
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Re: A Newcomer's Story

Post by fmspirit39 »

Hello John,

Thank you for sharing your touching story. Your personal insights and leadings toward more education for yourself are the keys to your new chapter. I believe that independant thinking is what Spirit (midwayers, celestials and God) want from you. It seems to me that the unique translations that we all contribute is the desirable factor in all stories. Everything that you stated about Urantia and its authors is what I was told by Spirit also. There is another pinnacle book that was given to me before Urantia (at the begining of my awakening about six years ago), and that was A Course in Miracles. I think that this book was also given to us by Spirit (ie.. clelestials). It is not as practical as Urantia because it is more towards teaching control of mind, matter and reality. I would suggest this book to you because you seem very quick on the uptake, and the way you described your speedy understanding of what is happening leads me to believe that you will benefit greatly from its teachings. I have been given books by Spirit regularly for the last six years, and I have come to understand that I am being retaught the history of the world and mankind. It is truly sublime! God bless you and your new journey of Truth.

Re: A Newcomer's Story

Post by JohnR »

Fmspirit39, I'll check that book out. Sounds like something which would be right up my alley. Since you're interested in physics, as I am, I'm going to throw this out:

Regarding the classic quandry over why light behaves both as a particle AND a wave, I learned from an educational program on TV that the current thinking is light may be a particle which is carried by a wave in other dimensions. There is experimental evidence to support this. I have a feeling at last we are on the right track! :)
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Re: A Newcomer's Story

Post by Sandy »

Dear John,
I am so sorry about the sudden death of your beautiful wife and am amazed and awed by your channelling what could be overwhelming grief into such a soul enriching effort...the journey towards Truth. I guess in our own way we all think we have it... this truth and I suspect that that is the way of it for some time to come... I have always loved this Urantia book passage relating to Truth...
http://www.urantia.org/urantia-book-sta ... nature-god

All finite knowledge and creature understanding are relative. Information and intelligence, gleaned from even high sources, is only relatively complete, locally accurate, and personally true.

(42.3) 2:7.2 Physical facts are fairly uniform, but truth is a living and flexible factor in the philosophy of the universe. Evolving personalities are only partially wise and relatively true in their communications. They can be certain only as far as their personal experience extends. That which apparently may be wholly true in one place may be only relatively true in another segment of creation.

(42.4) 2:7.3 Divine truth, final truth, is uniform and universal, but the story of things spiritual, as it is told by numerous individuals hailing from various spheres, may sometimes vary in details owing to this relativity in the completeness of knowledge and in the repleteness of personal experience as well as in the length and extent of that experience. While the laws and decrees, the thoughts and attitudes, of the First Great Source and Center are eternally, infinitely, and universally true; at the same time, their application to, and adjustment for, every universe, system, world, and created intelligence, are in accordance with the plans and technique of the Creator Sons as they function in their respective universes, as well as in harmony with the local plans and procedures of the Infinite Spirit and of all other associated celestial personalities.

(42.5) 2:7.4 The false science of materialism would sentence mortal man to become an outcast in the universe. Such partial knowledge is potentially evil; it is knowledge composed of both good and evil. Truth is beautiful because it is both replete and symmetrical. When man searches for truth, he pursues the divinely real.

(42.6) 2:7.5 Philosophers commit their gravest error when they are misled into the fallacy of abstraction, the practice of focusing the attention upon one aspect of reality and then of pronouncing such an isolated aspect to be the whole truth. The wise philosopher will always look for the creative design which is behind, and pre-existent to, all universe phenomena. The creator thought invariably precedes creative action.

It sounds like the quest for Truth as it flows directly from the Divine One will keep all of us busy as we enjoy our eternal adventures! Truth as we prayerfully pursue it gives us flight here in our mortal form and in realms to come...

Welcome to our board family, John. I look forward to your inpute! :D
“We measure and evaluate your Spiritual Progress on the Wall of Eternity." – Guardian of Destiny, Alverana.

Re: A Newcomer's Story

Post by JohnR »

Sandy I appreciate the welcome and your highly relevant quotations in answer to my questions! Thanks so much. I will post as I make progress down the spiritual path.
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Re: A Newcomer's Story

Post by butchir »

Hey John

Sorry about the sudden loss of your wife. It looks to me, and I hope you take great comfort from this, that meeting back with her and getting married you made her truly happy before she passed. It sounds like it is what she really wanted in life is you by her side. Soulmates if you will.

All this is a whole new learning curve for a lot of us so welcome aboard the journey. You will find a great deal of love and support here.


Re: A Newcomer's Story

Post by JohnR »

Ian, thanks for writing. You have it figured correctly. We always felt like soulmates, even way back when. When we were together the rest of the world didn't matter. At those times we both felt like we didn't need anything else. Any time we sat together or laid in bed together there was always physical contact between us somewhere. She was entirely everything I am not and vice versa.

I apologize to the board if this thread has turned into a discussion of a love between two people, but telling the world this story has helped to fill the void in my life that is there now with her gone. It is still blowing me away how I received the prompt and was pointed down a spiritual path on the day of her passing.
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Re: A Newcomer's Story

Post by butchir »

Hey John

Don't apologize for anything. It is such a heart warming story, I for one am glad you told us it. If it helps you through this time feel free post more.

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Re: A Newcomer's Story

Post by Sandy »

Ian wrote:
Don't apologize for anything. It is such a heart warming story, I for one am glad you told us it. If it helps you through this time feel free post more.
:D I couldn't agree more, John. I never tire of hearing about love. :sunflower:
“We measure and evaluate your Spiritual Progress on the Wall of Eternity." – Guardian of Destiny, Alverana.

Re: A Newcomer's Story

Post by JohnR »

Thank-you Sandy.

Right now my burning question is will I be able to see her and/or communicate with her personality in another realm after I die? So far, I can't locate the text which would pertain to this.

I have always felt we are inextricably tied to one another in some way. This goes all the way back to how we met as teenagers, which was unusual. Recently I came across a reference to souls being created in pairs. Does anyone know anything about this? Makes me think that's where the term "soulmates" may have originated.
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Re: A Newcomer's Story

Post by Geoff »

JohnR wrote:Thank-you Sandy.

Right now my burning question is will I be able to see her and/or communicate with her personality in another realm after I die? So far, I can't locate the text which would pertain to this.
Geez mate, that's spirituality 101. Perhaps that's not in the Ubook, but its in just about everything else. In fact here's one immediately on death, a mother and her daughter: Helen explains the sudden passing of their daughter, Nita, as a result of a serious operation, and the great progress she is making in the spirit world.

How many sources do you want to read. Ok, try this one: Through the Mists by Robert James Lees, which has a pdf and is halfway down this page: http://new-birth.net/books_life_after_death.htm To be honest all those books will tell that you will be able to interact. The reason I chose that one, is its a story of a child who lost his mother very young, perhaps in childbirth, I don't recall. But they reunite, because there was a very strong love bond.
JohnR wrote:I have always felt we are inextricably tied to one another in some way. This goes all the way back to how we met as teenagers, which was unusual. Recently I came across a reference to souls being created in pairs. Does anyone know anything about this? Makes me think that's where the term "soulmates" may have originated.

Yes I do claim this source is "good" http://new-birth.net/soulmates.htm

"Slip your hand into the hand of God and you will never walk alone"
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Re: A Newcomer's Story

Post by JohnR »

Thank-you Geoff.

I had read the article about the passing of Nita the other day, but was still unclear what normally happens regarding contact with loved ones after the death of both. If I thought I could communicate with my wife again in another realm after I die, it would be a HUGE comfort. It would make this life bearable- right now it's pretty hard.

Going to be reading the other links you suggested. Continuing my attempts to contact our spiritual brethren, so that I might learn from them.

I have not received any more 11:11 prompts, but to me it makes sense. I was wide awake, listening and investigating after the first one, and the spiritual entities know that it led me right here.
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Re: A Newcomer's Story

Post by Geoff »

JohnR wrote: If I thought I could communicate with my wife again in another realm after I die, it would be a HUGE comfort. It would make this life bearable- right now it's pretty hard.
Dear John,

Do not hold back now, the only thing to be careful of, is excess grief. You can absolutely right now communicate EVERY single thought that you direct, to your wife, and she will get it. But dont do what I did to my mother. I lectured her so frequently that the first time she was able to communicate with me, via a trance medium, she asked me to let her find her own way. So make no mistake. ANY thought you DIRECT, hits home.

"Slip your hand into the hand of God and you will never walk alone"
said Chief Flaming Arrow.

Re: A Newcomer's Story

Post by JohnR »

Ok Geoff,
This is a whole new concept to me! There is a whole lotta communicating I'd like to do right now. Can you tell me more?
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Re: A Newcomer's Story

Post by Geoff »

JohnR wrote:Ok Geoff,
This is a whole new concept to me! There is a whole lotta communicating I'd like to do right now. Can you tell me more?
Dear John,

What is to tell? Consciously direct your thoughts at your beloved, and say what you want to say. If you couple that with meditation, its possible you may hear a response. Some folks do. I have, but only on rare occasions. Its hard to find published examples of this, I am trying to think of any, but all I can think of is "The Elephant Whisperer" which is not that parallel, yet its clear that a human and elephants can communicate remotely.

Aaah, there is a reverse example, in "Through the Mists". You can download that here: http://new-birth.net/books_life_after_death.htm about half way down that page. And there too you will learn the issue of severe grief.

"Slip your hand into the hand of God and you will never walk alone"
said Chief Flaming Arrow.

Re: A Newcomer's Story

Post by JohnR »

Geoff, thanks very much for your input, and the terrific link. Through The Mists and many others listed there are available there as .pdf files which can be downloaded for free and read. I am going to read it, and some others.

Re: A Newcomer's Story

Post by JohnR »

Hello again to everyone-

First I want to say I love this website. I have been using it as my homepage, which makes it pretty easy to read a little every day!

I have come back here today because I wanted to add that there were more 11's involved in my prompt than what I related earlier. At the time I didn't realize they were significant. What's more, today I think I may have had another prompt somehow revealed to me, but first I will summarize what led me to start this thread initially.

To summarize briefly (I hope): I married my high school sweetheart on Halloween, whom I had not seen for 37 years prior to our getting together in July of last year. That in itself was remarkable, since FaceBook is where we got together and we had both been urged by friends within DAYS of each other to sign up on Facebook. Keep in mind we hadn't had any communication with each other for 37 years. I signed up first, looking for an old friend, and only days later my baby was urged to sign up to see if she could find me there. We got married on Halloween and 11 days later, on 11-11-11 she died. I thought this was odd at the time, but didn't give a whole lot of thought. Well, the day I discovered her in her apartment, (we were in the process of moving her to my residence), as I was getting ready to leave and go back "home", my eyes were drawn to the Bose WaveRadio which sat on a small table right by the door. The time was 11:11, and this wasn't even the right time, as the clock in it had not been set. This tells me I did not unconsciously leave at 11:11 hoping to see more 11's. At this point I'm thinking "Whoa, wait a minute here! What's with all these 11's"? My wife had some clairvoyant talents (described above in my first post here) and I wondered if this had anything to do with her. Several days later I googled 11, discovered the 11:11 phenomena and arrived at this website where I told my story and asked questions. OK, nuff said. I have a hard time being brief, don't I? At least now everyone is up to date, and I can continue with what happened next.

After I left her apartment, less than five minutes later I was at the gas station where I always went to gas up for the drive back to my house. Before I could get out of the car another vehicle pulled in to the pump ahead of me and my eyes were drawn to the license plate. It was 3 letters with a space and then 111. I didn't mention this earlier because after arriving here and posting right away I initially was under the impression these prompts are always 1111, so I did not count this. Some time later, after reading more on this site I realized that these prompts can be anything, but are usually 1's. It was actually weeks later that it occurred to me the odds of seeing 111 in a sequence of three numerals is 1000:1, since there are 1000 possible combinations of three numerals. But what are the odds of seeing this 111 plate within minutes of seeing 11:11 on the clock on 11/11/11, which was the 11th day of our marriage? And just today I realized there is even more! Read on:

On 7/12/11 I noticed an email in my regular email account which said that my baby wanted to be Friends on Facebook. That is the day I confirmed her request and we talked on the phone for the first time after all those years. I will not forget that day because I wrote the date down in a text file and labeled it "Contact!". I was going to give her daffodils, her favorite flower, every year on that day. Today I got to thinking about 7/12 and wondered if there are more 11's lurking around somewhere that haven't been noticed yet. I looked at the Facebook conversation we had back in July. She had sent me the Friend request on, you guessed it, the 11th. Now I'm thinking about prompts again and the wheels are turning in my head and I'm wondering is there anything else here? Yeah there is, just slightly. From the day we first spoke on 7/12 to the day she died on 11-11 is exactly 111 days. In other words we had 111 days together. Kind of bowls a person over when weird things like this start happening to YOU!

There may be a reason for the revelation today, I don't know. Is this another prompt? If so, it has been a sleeper, sitting there waiting to be needed. Also, how in the world does something like this come to be embedded in the fabric of my life? I have been reading the U Book A LOT and other material as well. Last night I came across a web page http://www.letusreason.org/Cults17.htm which blasts the U Book pretty well. You only need to read a half dozen paragraphs to see they are making some good points. Well, I really shy away from anything fundamentalist and this website isn't sitting well with me. But some things they had to say keep nagging at me and now the faith I would like to have in the U Book is being challenged. So I am asking could this be another prompt? Why do I get an 11 and a truly remarkable 111 on the day after having my ideas about the U Book challenged last night? Am I making something out of nothing? What the heck is going on here?
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Re: A Newcomer's Story

Post by sammy »

HI John,

I too am so very sorry for you loss. I only found this thread this morning - My father died on Nov. 17 - your first post was the 18th...I missed many posts in the past few weeks.

As to your question in your final paragraph of your latest post....Personally, I have not read much of the UBook, but I do recall running into a site like the one you mentioned. So I understand your statement about about some "good points" being made...BUT...For me, "clarity" came down to love. What I mean is, with all my heart I believe our creator is about love...
1 Corinthians 13

1 If I speak in the tongues[a] of men or of angels, but do not have love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal. 2 If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have a faith that can move mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing. 3 If I give all I possess to the poor and give over my body to hardship that I may boast, but do not have love, I gain nothing.

4 Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. 5 It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. 6 Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. 7 It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.

8 Love never fails. But where there are prophecies, they will cease; where there are tongues, they will be stilled; where there is knowledge, it will pass away. 9 For we know in part and we prophesy in part, 10 but when completeness comes, what is in part disappears. 11 When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put the ways of childhood behind me. 12 For now we see only a reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known.

13 And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.
http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?se ... ersion=NIV

If you read some of the Messages from Celestial Teachers, you will find that love is what is asked of us. My guess is the prompt you received is confirming your thought that the site you mentioned did not sit well with you.

Just my humble thoughts.

Love is a daily decision ~ Mom & Daddy John

Re: A Newcomer's Story

Post by JohnR »

I am glad to hear from you. I love your philosophy. Thanks for taking the time to help me with this.

I feel LIKE AN IDIOT! The 111 days together I spoke of IS FALSE and I'm relieved noone noticed it before I could get back here and correct my mistake! I counted the days wrong not once, but 3 or 4 times. Please forgive me, I was tired and at the end of my day, is the only excuse I can muster!
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Re: A Newcomer's Story

Post by sammy »

John....We are ALL human...and we all make mistakes! No forgiveness required!

Glad I could help!

Love is a daily decision ~ Mom & Daddy John
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Re: A Newcomer's Story

Post by Sandy »

Dear John,
All I could think of when reading your beautiful posts was how much love is emitted from you as you speak about your dear one. And I too echo Sammy's sentiments.This Love, I believe is all encompassing and touches each of us in many ways not the least of which is as we share in your experience with your posts on the board. You have blessed our lives and we would never in a million years hold you to task for a simple mistake of mathematics. No, those things are not important in the accuracy of the 'Love meter'.

Your spiritual path is before you...and you will discover it a little more every day. It will be unique from each one of ours, yet, we still share that something special that creates bridges between all our beliefs and many world beliefs and that is this very Love. I know I harp on Love so much day after day but it is the simplicity of Love that generates the "bricks and mortars" of our eternal life soul, discovering for ourselves the greater and greater aspects of this very substance that issues from Paradise and is freely given and shared between all of this wonderful creation.
Trust your inner senses to lead you where ever you go... You are a very wise man and within you is a Guide beyond compare. There is no way you will get lost along the way.
With Love,
“We measure and evaluate your Spiritual Progress on the Wall of Eternity." – Guardian of Destiny, Alverana.
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