Am I crazy?

Use this forum to ask or post about 11:11, 12:34, 2:22, 22:22 etc. The wake-up digital clock signals of our loving celestial friends. They also delight in flicking on or off street lights, traffic lights and ringing door bells.
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Am I crazy?

Post by Summertime »

Hi everyone.

About 3 years ago, a man came into my life. Not long after that, I started noticing the 11:11 phenomenon. Before he was in my life, I noticed street lights would go out a lot as I passed under them. I finally got curious and started researching this. I found where some people believe that if you look at the clock and it is 11:11, your thought at that moment was good and pure and meant to be. However, it it's 11:10, it's too early for that thought and 11:12, too late, etc. Also with 1:11, which I see quite a bit also.

As well, I read that street lights going out represent the same thing. It is your spirit guide or your soul telling you that the path you are heading on - whether physically or mentally - is a good or bad one. I noticed that during the two years I spent with this man, I saw 11:11 constantly towards the end and not once did street lights go out. Not a single time that I saw.

We broke up in March, and I've stopped seeing 11:11 so much. I was broken-hearted because we had wanted to get married on 11/11/11, obviously. However, I've recently met someone new and have started to see it again. However....I've noticed that street lights are going out. I'm feeling stuck, because I feel as if I will never love someone as much as my ex, but I'm developing feelings for this new person. Am I crazy or are my spirit guides really trying to help me?

Any help is appreciated. I'm kinda in over my head here. =)

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Re: Am I crazy?

Post by sammy »

Hi Summertime! :hithere

Welcome to the board.

Ya know...a lot of people come here with stories that seem to link love or heartbreak to 1111. I don't know what to tell you...we do believe that these number prompts are celestials trying to get our attention...wanting us to meditate and learn more about our spiritual side. Why they often tie to love or heartbreak...well, I just don't know. The best I can tell you is to try to meditate...sending you comfort and love...

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Re: Am I crazy?

Post by Summertime »

Hi Sammy.

Thank you for your words.

I do not necessarily think that the 11:11 is a direct reflection upon my relationship with him; however, a direct reflection upon my relationship with MYSELF. Does that make sense?

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Re: Am I crazy?

Post by Sandy »

Dear Summertime,
Our relationships and the love swirling all around and through them can sometimes break our hearts when they come to an end. Some times it is hard to release those moments such as the one you experienced in March and at other times peace comes much more quickly. Why this is I do not know. There have been moments in my past interchanges between those I loved that have ripped at me for some time and has taken years for me to fully release. In your case, it seems you loved this person with your whole heart and if you think about it, very little time has passed since your break up so I think It is quite natural for you to feel this way and to perhaps even be a little wary of beginning a new relationship. While this new person in your life may not be at this point, living up to what you experienced and your feelings towards your former Love...the jury is still out...the story is yet to be written.
All that you experience in life and every time you share this love within, that beautiful part of yourself that is far greater than mere physical love... more selfless perhaps... this love comes back to you, nurturing you as well... and I am not saying that it necessarily comes from the person we love so deeply. Yes this does occur but we are also more able to feel Love around us... in the air we breath and in the sounds, smells and the touch of of life around us. Love takes on a brilliant form of its own and the world benefits when we are at peace when we are reflecting this love.

I think you are onto something here.
I do not necessarily think that the 11:11 is a direct reflection upon my relationship with him; however, a direct reflection upon my relationship with MYSELF. Does that make sense?
You see many of us are discovering that we all have angels and celestial friends called Midwayers that prompt us with these wonderful numbers. Why? They wish us to be spiritually wise and at peace with ourselves. In this effort we become a reflection of love and light for others and this is good outwardly for the world at large. It is their desire to assist this planet, their home too, into an era of Light and Life. Now as you can imagine, this isn't as easy as the words make it sound. Life has a way of complicating our efforts but it is in the trying and the intent and the desire that we progress and grow...that we become self knowledgeable and find our place not only on this world but in the Universe at large. And all this can be derived from such a simple beginning... ten minutes of quiet stillness and attempted meditation. (I say attempted because even in the efforts whether we feel successful or not we have made progress)

Well, I have rambled on like a proper "know it all." I'm sorry. I like your screen name by the way! It reminds me of lightening bugs or fire flies from my home country that were always brightening the night sky with their tiny lights. I like to think of each of us much like those tiny fireflies. :D
I hope you find this is a friendly place to come unwind and relax and share your own wisdom, experiences and thoughts.
Welcome! :hithere
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Re: Am I crazy?

Post by touchedbyanangel »


Welcome to the board, Summertime

When it comes to heartbreak, I'm the master of misery. So, I guess that qualifies me to toss in my two cents worth.

Once upon a time, when my heart was crushed by life's unexpected upsets, a man of the cloth told me something that has stayed with me.

He said, When people have a relationship with someone, many people tend to put that relationship above all else in their life. Then, later on in the relationship something may happen, and a heart gets broken. Life can then seem empty, and, can become full of despair for the broken-hearted. The broken-hearted may never realize what went wrong. He then said, If when a person first gets into a relationship, that person should always remember that there are THREE individuals involved in that relationship, the twp people, and God. He went on to say, if the two people acknowledge that God is part of that relationship, and put Him in charge of it, only good things can happen. Seeing your relationship in that way, means, God's heart won't get broken either.

We break God's heart all the time, and when we turn to Him in times of difficulty, His heart mends. I would like to think the 11:11 prompts you are seeing, are the Midwayers trying to tell you to keep God in your heart, and first in your thoughts, and He will take care of the rest.

Ever hopeful, that I'm helpful! :sunflower:

Crazy...I don think so!!

Touched.... :loves
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Re: Am I crazy?

Post by Mae »

Hugs Summertime!

I have been where you are more than once. I am new to the whole awakening and just able to open myself to the directions my guides take me. Meditation is proving to be the most therapeutic time with my inner self. Know that you are being beckoned to open your heart and listen. Do you think that feelings for this new person somehow diminish what you had with your ex? Do you feel maybe that the prompts weren't as significant since you aren't still together? I am reaching here! :) I had a time where I was certain that I had found my other part. What I found was a teacher and a kind soul. I have learned to take my prompts since then and use them as a reminder to reach out and bring light to someone else. What will be, will be. Love with your own heart!!! Trust that God will guide you, but only if you let Him. :)

Oh, I hope that didn't sound preachy. Ha!

Love and peace!
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Re: Am I crazy?

Post by Summertime »

Touched -

That sounds so accurate! Right after I wrote this post, I looked at the clock and thought "darn, too bad it's not 11 so I could have a chance of seeing 11:11". Then, I realized - it was 7:22. What is 7+2+2? 11. Maybe that makes me crazy to reach so far with that. However, just yesterday the new relationship ended. I guess I need to take the streetlights going out as a sign. Thank you for the kind words and also reminding me that God is in control. My motto this year has been "Live, love, learn and let God!"

Mae -

I think I'm struggling the most with what did my ex mean in my life? I swore that he was my twin soul. I still do. However, I read that sometimes one or both of half of the twin soul are not fully capable of embracing the relationship. I also tell myself that he obviously isn't my twin soul, otherwise he couldn't have hurt me so horribly without feeling pain himself. (For his part, he does state that hurting me hurt him to the very depth of his soul - however he hurt me a second time so I tend to doubt his words)....if this year has taught me anything, it is that actions speak much louder than words. Much much louder.

It makes sense - this is something much bigger than myself. Thanks for taking the time to listen to me. Any other suggestions or advice you have is appreciated.

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Re: Am I crazy?

Post by Geoff »

Summertime wrote: I also tell myself that he obviously isn't my twin soul, otherwise he couldn't have hurt me so horribly without feeling pain himself.
Dear Summer,

One of the Roman Emperors killed his soulmate, in the arena, because she was a Christian. She subsequently "rescued" him from the hells.


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Re: Am I crazy?

Post by Mae »

Hello Summertime!

For the love of oatmeal cookies, I am no expert here. I just did a bit of research on twin souls. I had no idea what that meant!

I will say that materialistic love is fickle. Self compromising love is fickle. Unspiritual love is fickle. Love should be unconditional, mamma. Your twin soul should carry the same love of light and peace that you do. You should have a mission together. Like Geoff quoted, you would go to anywhere for your soulmate.

Meditate. Ask honestly!
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Re: Am I crazy?

Post by Summertime »

Geoff -

Thank you SO much!! I needed that.

Mae -

Does it count that even though it has been a year, I would still rescue him from any fights or fears he might have? I'm not positive how he feels because we haven't been speaking.

I read that sometimes our souls, as mortals, can not deal with the unconditional feelings of a soul mate. Sometimes, especially if we are not at the same stage in soul-searching, we can simply not make it work with a soul mate in a lifetime simply because because our mortal selves can not handle the feelings involved. Thoughts?

Sorry it's taken me so long to repost. I'm struggling to deal and understand my feelings :duh - but I am absolutely seeing 11 more often than I ever have before. So...something tells me I'm on the right track.

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Re: Am I crazy?

Post by 11Prizms »

I never knew this about Caligula....interesante, indeed!
I am.
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