Guardian Angels

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Re: Guardian Angels

Post by Sandy »

Hi Viv,
I hope you have a relaxing week end in store. :hithere

You asked some interesting questions and some I wonder about myself... just recently when I thought of Wingzie. Like you, I would hate to think that my missing our passed on loved ones or the" not so nice things I do" :oops: would cause them any discomfort in their current placement in the next realm. I wonder sometimes if our comfortable adjustment on the other side may not boil down to each of our own personalities and lessons we have learned in this mortal life which we take with us as we pass over. It would seem that some people who pass on most likely have a broader understanding of the scope of our human life and so look at their still mortal friends and relatives with the keen eye of understanding, allowing much that is unsavory to wash away in the knowledge that understnding will arrive. I do believe our intial grief could be rather painful for the freshly deceased. Lets face it, there would be much "reckoning" to do as we establish a morontia equlibrium and a new way of being. I still believe the afterlife is filled with as many lessons and adventures as we can possibly obtain and so, with time, perhaps knowledge grows and with it our ability to reach back and help those on other worlds who struggle with understanding their own special place in the universe.
Yet as with humans, I wonder that maybe some adjust easier than others and sometimes looking back can cause difficulties in adjustments as we may live still in regret and looking back as is so common a problem with us humans.

I definitely believe they can give us messages, at the very least, with the many people's experiences this seems to be the case. Some people have a natural ability to interput precisely these messages or hear the particular vibes of their passed on loved ones... There have been times our Midwayer friends, who are angels of a sort in my mind with the love they hold for all of us, :D have actually acted as message bearers as they either pass on the message or facillitate communication in some way. They did this for George and I on our wedding day and allowed us to speak with several late and loving relatives who longed to wish us their best. I must say it was a powerful gift. :happy

Some people would love to dispute these kinds of experiences, providing all kinds of practical and purely human reasons why this is not possible, but having gone through it myself and knowing the amazing impact of those moments...something very hard to explain...I can say "I'm sorry", to the naysayers..."but there is absolutely no doubt in my mind that communication is possible between these two amazing venues of mortal development. :lol:

Hmmm not sure I've answered any of your questions Viv, :lol: but I am wondering if they are best and will be answered by your own experience and in ways that will make you jump with joy! :sunflower: I hope so! (((HUGS)))))
...and lots of love,
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Re: Guardian Angels

Post by Sandy »

Hi Viv,
I just saw your Pama's photo. Oh she is lovely! :sunflower: I wish I could reach right through the internet and give her a big hug! (I could use a grandmotherly hug about now. :D ) Actually I got one a few days ago when I happened on a little elderly lady walking slowly along a narrow path. Bless her she put her arms around me and held me while she spoke about her life and believe it or not some simple lessons she has learned. It made my whole day. Changed the sadness into sunshine it did! Gosh, you just never know from where direction and help will come do you?

Anyway, I am wishing your grandmother a very happy 93rd birthday. :cheers:
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Re: Guardian Angels

Post by vivrider »

Wow, Sandy, this is like chatting. . . . across the world! You absolutely answered some of my questions, more than answered them with descriptions of your personal experiences. What an amazing wedding gift. I like to think that my grandpa and mom are still kind of hanging around, at least checking in, and maybe watching us through rose colored glasses. That they can feel it when I send them love.

You sound like you're having a hard time. I wish I could reach through the internet and give YOU a hug. Thank you for everything you do. I always LOVE to read what you write.

Love, Vivian
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Re: Guardian Angels

Post by Sandy »

I feel it, Viv! :D Just now...when I read your post! Isn't it amazing! You cannot stop Love... It happens and is felt thousands of miles away and flows between demensions as easily as water fills a glass. It always follows its directed course. :happy
Thank you my friend. :kiss:
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Re: Guardian Angels

Post by vivrider »

:kiss: :bana: :loves
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Re: Guardian Angels

Post by smartin1969 »

Hello all,

I appoligize for any mis-spellings in advance.

I ran across this board yesterday. The asking of the white feather intriged me. So I had asked for a sign of the white feather. Mind you I have not come across any feathers in some time. I was anxiously awaiting to see my white feather as my sign. So yesterday, the very same day I asked for the sign, while out breifly practicing a little baseball with my son, I found a feather. I was and still am shocked :shock: , amazed :lol: ...disturbed :o . It was black!?! Anyone???
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Re: Guardian Angels

Post by sammy »

Hello Smartin!

Welcome to the board!

Hmmm, I have no idea what to make of the black reminds me a bit of the time I was TRYING to meditate and heard "maybe she should try meditating at Hamilton Beach for an hour or so"...sounded a bit sarcastic! :?

Maybe some of the other's in the "feather club" will have an answer for you!

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Re: Guardian Angels

Post by luvinlife »

Hi Smartin! I get feather prompts a lot. We have a member (Lucky) here who got a pink feather (his favorite color)! Our angels sure do have a sense of humor sometimes!

Love, Clare
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Re: Guardian Angels

Post by smartin1969 »

Thank you for the responses. I "feel better" now. I would say that I am somewhat sarcastic at times (depending on the situation) and I also consider myself to have a silly sense of humor. That being said, it wouldn't/shouldn't at all surprise me my angel(s) do as well :)
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Re: Guardian Angels

Post by Sandy »

Hello Smartin,
Welcome to this friendly bunch of "do-gooders". :D Not long ago I was given a was a very pale bluish gray and I knew the bird it came from, one who was a dear friend of mine who is now long gone but in a good and happy sense. As I look at this feather today, the meaning has become clear...That love still persists even if we cannot see it between us anymore...and on a grander scale, Love persists from places unseen. So despite the fact that my feather and many of the feathers we may find, be given, have a compleely non magical origin, It is in the way we perceive them...the opening up of our hearts towards our Divine inheritance, that produces the magic in our lives. So whether black, pink, green, purple or white, these gifts of feathers always have the ability to lift us from the mundane and into the more loving spiritual realms.
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Re: Guardian Angels

Post by 2ndmoon »


I'm new here, from Portugal so don't mind about my english

Feel good and in peace with myself, helping others and altruistic all my life even when someone tries to take personal or material advantage on that - which as always annoyed me by the way

I came here because for many years know I've been prompted with number 22:22 and have a mysterious connection to numbers 7 and a minor thing with 8

May someone please help me with some guidance?

I understand that all the answers are in me, but could still use a little help

Thank you and Love

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Re: Guardian Angels

Post by sammy »

Welcome to the board Nuno! :hithere

Ah...the 2's! They were my first "prompt" for MANY years (long before I found this board!). Funny, I haven't seen my 2's in a while, but I had several 22 prompts today! YOU must be why!

Here is a link to get you started toward finding answers!

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Re: Guardian Angels

Post by Sandy »

Hello Nuno,
Your english is very good, Nuno! I believe Jose, another member on the message board also speaks Portugueses.

I often see the 22's. For me they are an indication that our friend Midwayer Chief Bzutu is with us.. Sometimes he wishes our attention on something and sometimes he is just saying hello. There are celestial messages from him in the Celestial message forum of the board and in the Portuguese message forum too I believe. This may not be what the 2's mean for you though.

Some people enjoy the meanings that a spiritual writer, Doreen Virtue, applies to the 2's...
She says:
222 — Our newly planted ideas are beginning to grow into reality. Keep watering and nurturing them, and soon they will push through the soil so you can see evidence of your manifestation. In other words, don’t quit five minutes before the miracle. Your manifestation is soon going to be evident to you, so keep up the good work! Keep holding positive thoughts, keep affirming, and continue visualizing.
it usually just takes a little time and dedicated short daily meditation and the answers are more apparent. Hope you discover your own answers the ones that resonate with you, Nuno. Enjoy the spiritual journey. Welcome! :hithere
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Re: Guardian Angels

Post by 2ndmoon »

Thank you all for the good vibes

Its much easy to keep the path with some support :bike:

We'll be in touch



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Re: Guardian Angels

Post by bubble_ov_light »

hI ALL....

i have seen spirits in my past but this was different. I woke up and it was bright but still not time to wake up lol and at the end of my bed was a white mist thick, like a human shape but as if you drew around a person. Which i have seen before the only difference is this had a golden aura all around it.

I shouted '' not tonight i need to sleep '' and went back To sleep as I have seen spirits before but this was different because of the golden aura light around it. the only thing was i found out that my cousins step son had hung himself that night so I don't know if it was him. I only met him once, may his soul R.I.P. or if it was an ange OR A guardian angell. know he is a angel in heaven now but spirits have came to me in the past but without the golden ray.

Also i saw golden sparkles like flashes on a different occassion a few times. Aint seen them in awhile though :)

If you can help it would be appreciated. :sunflower:
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Re: Guardian Angels

Post by Light1 »

:loves Greetings everyone...

This is a very interesting thread my feathers, Sammy black feathers in Shamanisim are to do with what is know as the void...another dimmension if you like, the tribal peoples here in Australia have a belief when a Black Cockatoo feather is found is a sign someone is passing or spirit from the other side is attempting to send a message. Usually in other places around the globe black feather are from Crows or Ravens, messengers from the void, so I guess it would be appropriate to increase your meditations to help divine if you are being prompted in this way.

As for mists...lights and colour, I too experience this often and have come to understand this is through the expansin of the third eye energy centre. There is so much we do not undersatnd, much wisdom has been lost down through the ages due to Church suppressions and conquering invaders destroying Temple and Sacred Libraries.

Developing our gifts through meditation, Yoga, reading wisdom books and through sharing our experiences in places like here on the board help us to know we are not alone and that we are being spiritualy supported to help us all awaken to higher planes of consciousness..

Much love to all...

Anne (Light1)
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Re: Guardian Angels

Post by bubble_ov_light »

my third eye is open as I do psychic readings for people. If I am in danger in anyway my angel calls my name. Its scary as I know I have to battle down the hatches lol

bt this was different I used to the spirits coming as a mist and ecoplasma this had a golden ring, I sensed it was an angel due to the fact the boy had died and he was around my age and without the beliefs of angels around me I would have mostly likely done the same in my bad times.

So to me it was a message to say were here watching you! :loves
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Re: Guardian Angels

Post by bubble_ov_light »

wow.....okay it's begin I posted that post on GMT TIME 11.11 I know it says 12.12 but the time was exactly 11.11 pm hahaha what have I let myself in for!! I love you angels. I am going to sleep feeling blessed. Love and lIGHT to all :love

the post above!
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