Prompts after my Grandmothers Funeral

Use this forum to ask or post about 11:11, 12:34, 2:22, 22:22 etc. The wake-up digital clock signals of our loving celestial friends. They also delight in flicking on or off street lights, traffic lights and ringing door bells.
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Prompts after my Grandmothers Funeral

Post by Jhartsock123 »

My Grandmother took her last breath around 8:00AM November 4, 2011 in the hospital, she was in ICU for her heart, and breathing problems. She was a very strong woman, she suffered about 5-6 heart attacks in her life, and survived them all, but this last heart attack that occurred during the night one day before her passing at my aunts house claimed her life the following day. I was not extremely close to my grandmother, but I can feel deep sorrow, and sadness towards the loss of her, knowing she is no longer on this plane of life with my family, and I. This passing was very unexpected, because my grandfather is a cancer survivor, but now is dealing with dementia, and lung problems at the age of 82, I surely thought he would be first to depart. Its hard seeing my family cry, and it just devastates me, being the Lightworker I am, this compassion hurts deeply.

On the way back from the Funeral, I would see number prompts all over the place, I saw 1111 as the last four digits on a cab, seconds later 2222 showed up on a license plate, then the dashboard clock would prompt me for 11:11, 11:55, a few minutes later I saw a sticker on the back of a car that said 'Jesus', which made sense cause a half hour before we were in a chapel blessing my grandmother while she was in her casket, before taking her to the cemetery.
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Re: Prompts after my Grandmothers Funeral

Post by sammy »

{{{{{{{{{{{J}}}}}}}}}}} I am sorry you and your family are going through this pain. But I am very happy to hear about your must bring you at least a little comfort right now.

Praying for love and peace for you and your family.

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Re: Prompts after my Grandmothers Funeral

Post by touchedbyanangel »


I'm sorry for your loss. My condolences to your family.

I first noticed the prompts after the loss of my brother in law, and, after the death of a friend. I don't know why it's that way, perhaps it's when we're at our weakest, that God sends us strength.

Much Peace and Love to You.

Touched... :loves
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Re: Prompts after my Grandmothers Funeral

Post by Sandy »

Dear Jhartsock,
I'm sorry to hear about your grandmother's passing so expectantly. It is hard to see our friends and family in any kind of pain and knowing there is little we can do to ease their distress.

Just yesterday I posted a message that arrived on George's desk from a subscriber that may bring you some comfort as you think about the transition your grandmother is making and the help that we all have as we take this huge eternal leap. It has given me a feeling of peace as I contemplate the journys ahead. The message can be found here.. .

You and your family are in my prayers tonight. I send you love. :kiss:
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Re: Prompts after my Grandmothers Funeral

Post by Jhartsock123 »

I just finished reading that link you shared, and while reading I thought it was my mother who wrote this, cause its so similar, but I know in reality its not cause my grandmother didn't pass in 2010.

The part where it says people woke up to feel a cold chill when their grandmother passed ties up to the way one of my family members felt the same day mine passed.

Here is a post from my family member directly from my facebook page regarding my grandmothers passing:

"Awe Chris I just read the news here, my deepest sympathies to everyone. She was an amazing woman... loving, talented, strong, tough, and versatile. I hope your Grandfather will be alright through this. I swear just the other day, I was thinking about your Mom's Parents...I even remember what I was doing at the time, in the attic and still thinking about them while going back down the stairs..and here I read this...her spirits were kicking everyone...:) Love to All...♥ "
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Re: Prompts after my Grandmothers Funeral

Post by Sandy »

Thanks for sharing that excerpt from your facebook page, Chris. It made me feel good and I still have those wonderful tingles as I contemplate your grandmothers welcome On High. :sunflower: "Your temporary loss is "Heaven's " gain. :kiss:
With love,
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Re: Prompts after my Grandmothers Funeral

Post by Jhartsock123 »

My Grandfather just passed away today at around 9:30AM, the day we told him that his wife had died, he stated "Okay, It's time to give up". He was hanging on through this pain and suffering just for his wife, because their love for each other is so true, and so strong that even through death, they could not be separated. They both passed within days of each other. His only wish was for the whole family to be present in the room before he departed, and that wish was granted. We told him "We are here Pop, the whole family is here", my cousin Allison stated "It's okay to go now Pop, We are all here", and we all watched his breathing get slower, and slower, he stopped breathing for at least 30 seconds, and then we looked at each other and nodded, saying that he was gone, but then he took another breath, and I stated "He is so strong!". A few seconds later, he was gone. The Hospice nurse was called in when we noticed he was no longer breathing, she pronounced him dead, and then the emotions flowed in like pouring rain.

My Grandfather was a WW2 Navy Veteran, he had seen war, and was present when the two bombs dropped in Japan, he was 80 miles off the coast when it happened, on his Navy ship. Our family discovered that Grandfather George might of been a Hero, the president during the time had said his name during a speech, and in his diary he stated that his ship rescued U.S Pilots who ejected out of their fighter planes during Pearl Harbor. He stated he was on one of the rescue boats during that time.
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Re: Prompts after my Grandmothers Funeral

Post by Sandy »

I'm so sorry! My heart goes out to you and your family with this news. I hope you and the family find comfort being together during this time, Chris, and in knowing they are together once again on the Mansion worlds.
I send my Love to you dear brother.
“We measure and evaluate your Spiritual Progress on the Wall of Eternity." – Guardian of Destiny, Alverana.
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