How do any of us really know?

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Re: How do any of us really know?

Post by KizzleKat »

Hi, Lloyd. You may wish to read about the Lucifer Energy-Grid Legacy on Urantia (earth). I think some of your questions may be better explained as to the whys and wherefores of what happens on the planet currently.

I don't know if it's (the Lucifer Energy Grid) addressed on the 11:11 board (Geoff?); however, I read about it on the site. It helped me understand why there's so much negativity on earth and what's being done to correct it.

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Re: How do any of us really know?

Post by sammy »


Could you pm me with a brief synopsis? I would love to hear an abridged version.

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Re: How do any of us really know?

Post by KizzleKat »

Hi, Sammy. The words "brief synopsis" and "abridged version" are rarely applied to my novellas on here. Also, when I tried to put down in words my understanding on the concept, I realized I didn't know enough to be able to provide an adequate explanation that would do it justice -- and it is an important concept in understanding human nature.

So, Geoff, can you step in here and give a brief overview?

Otherwise, Sammy, alot of information is available on

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Re: How do any of us really know?

Post by Geoff »

lloyd wrote:Which brings me to another thought. If you believe in these being of love, does that mean
you also have to admit there are beings of evil?
Dear Lloyd,

Yes there are evil dead discarnates who in life were evil men and women. We do not focus on them here. There is no need to.
lloyd wrote:And on subject that I have not read others
touch on is the Executive Order JFK signed which was to abolish the Federal Reserve (a few
months after he signed it, he was murdered.) Do you know what the # of that EO was?


You see, this is why I don't think you can isolate the 1111 phenomenon without also including
thoughts on other activities in the world that seem sought by evil people. .
Lloyd, lloyd I am telling you, we do not plan on this board being a place focused on conspiracies. It is a place focused on love. And individual spiritual growth. We can indeed ignore those things, they don't touch on us directly. And we will. If you want to discuss those things, you will have to find another place. You can even find messages where George has been told to stick to things he can impact, and to stop worrying about events across the world. (George likes to keep in touch with things in the middle East.)

Yes its curious that EO had that number. Yes that EO was important. Move on.

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Re: How do any of us really know?

Post by Sandy »

Hello Lloyd,

I cannot speak for anyone but myself, but yes, I do believe we do not have all the right answers for past blunders by those in authority. Human nature, no doubt, is hard at work covering up plots and old guilts, aimed at promoting some while diminishing others...usually those who can ill afford more hardship. There is much misery out there. And so your frustration is perfectly understandable and even acceptable....As you write:
Also, I do believe there is a connection to CT and to 1111. If there are those who seek to
kill and hurt so many other souls, I think there would very much be a connection to those
events and to light forces. I believe there is a reason that I had so many dreams featuring
jets wrecking into buildings _and_ have been seeing 1111 since my early teens. I believe
my sensitivity to one is related to my sensitivity to the other. If those beings related to 1111
are pure and full of love, then they must also have some feelings towards those who pursue
such evil things as creating event in order to pursue war. We are talking about millions of
lives either ended or made to suffer. Millions.
I guess we as a species have much to learn not only about how to live together amicably on this world but also about life after we leave this mortal sphere and where each and every human, good and bad, fits into the realms to come after death. You see, it is our eternal future...the spirit soul we are growing that is of most importance as we live our lives and not just for us but also to those gentle overseers the Midwayers and Angels. Yet with that said, we must make this place in time as pleasant as we can for all people. It is important that we evolve to a sphere of Light and Life. It is hard to feel God when your stomach aches from days upon days without food. It is hard to feel the benevolent Love of the Creator when all you hear are bombs and screams and death and destruction is rampant. We want action we want change and we always look to someone else to blame or to do the work for us... when in fact the is within each of us... this Love, that so many sneer and scoff at. It seems so simple..."blah blah blah Love this and blah blah blah Love that!" Love is not a word! It is not a simple after thought or a mere emotion. It is intangible and within every atom, cell and element in the known and unknown because Love is God in its purest form. Think about it for a moment... think of a condition that is ugly and sad and follow that condition to its root source. Inevitably it will come to a lack of Love, a feeling of being diminished and invisible and perhaps unimportant. Love is not impotent! It is most powerful! Sadly though, many people rely on methods that history has proven time and time again are ineffectual to heal the wounds of our planet. We set up organizations made up of representatives of world citizens and say we have done all we can. And we sit back with our feet propped up in our easy chairs and with a big ole bowl of buttered pop corn on our laps as we watch World Wrestling Federation while these appointed and elected "officials" argue and fight and carry individual agendas to the selfish extreme ...and people are still hungry and people still die! Why can we not stand up as a planet and say, " Enough is enough! Let's give Love a try!" Love and it's resultant emotions...caring, compassion, understanding, forgiving, appreciating...yes appreciating those qualities that hate and anger hide. In each of us,deep within us, we have the power to transform and change slowly that which seems changeless. We tell ourselves this will not work when in reality we are too dern lazy to follow through, and so we fall back into old habits of self centered forgetfulness! But we demand change now! This very minute! As long as it doesn't interfere with Sunday's football game! We think anger is our best weapon... anger and so called righteousness... but what does it bring us? From all I have observed in my 52 years...just more of the same! Anger breeds war and all the ugliness that affects generations upon generations to come. Anger is no solution!
If those beings related to 1111
are pure and full of love, then they must also have some feelings towards those who pursue
such evil things as creating event in order to pursue war. We are talking about millions of
lives either ended or made to suffer. Millions.
The beings behind the 1111 prompts are of Love much more so then most any human can attempt to claim but not yet Paradise beings and not yet perfect. They have observed humans for thousands upon thousands of years and they know that a hand slap will not change a thing, and even interference can make it even worse. Until we change as individuals from the inside out... choosing to abandon the darkness of our evolutionary animalistic ways nothing will change and we can rant and rave all we want about the ills of this world but that doesn't make it go away.
George in a fit once, asked Midwayer Chief Bzutu why for heavens sake the Midwayers with their abilities could not destroy the weapons of war that were killing the innocents in war torn areas of the world! His reply is on a transmit some where but... essentially it is our responsibility to fix this world...each one of us..not theirs. If they do our home work we will learn nothing...and people continue to die...generation upon generation. How badly do we want peace and for children to grow up with toys rather than machine guns in their hands? How badly do we want families in drought and disease ridden areas of the world to have fresh water, food and access to medical supplies. How badly do we want to eradicate said diseases that are a constant enemy to countless millions? It first begins with us...We will take a long hard look at ourselves and say what will change me for the better... then what follows... will change this Planet. Yes, I feel too that making those pay for the crimes they have is important and needed but to think that that will change the world? Well, that is like putting a band aid on an amputation. The root cause is still bleeding and festering...poisoning the system.

And so, in our own small way on this site we are working on stamping out the "root cause" with effective weapons of Love...assisting those who are and will become Light welders to heal within to become strong in what empowers themselves and others and in effect, help manifest those ways to staunch the flow of blood and regrow that missing planetary limb. As for myself, I am pleased to "try" to weld love and to assist those in what puny skills I have been given. We do what we can with what is before us...each of us. Some may be destined for great things..some small but in the end we all win! Love grows all the more powerful the more it is given away. It is always the right way. It is the only thing of lasting eternal value.

So no, Lloyd, the Midwayers responsible for the 1111 phenomenon are not ignorant of our human plight and condition as they assist and encourage us to work out the dastardly details for the betterment of all. But in the end it is our responsibility to do our own home work so we learn the lessons and teach our children and grandchildren the eternal values that really matter... That all people are important and all people are loved and cherished. Otherwise, there is no real change. Yes the Midwayers help where they are allowed but never interfere with human free will and they are NOT involved where Love is absent...

Well that is my two cents. We can learn from the past and its mistakes and successes. But we live in the present and it is these present moments that make the future. So it is up to each of us to make each of our moments count...What kind of future do we wish for this world? Think about this, please...everyone.

With Love,
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Re: How do any of us really know?

Post by AJ »

I am a conspiracy junkie and believe there are bits of truth in all of those, but I for one would not want to be on this board disucssing those things in great detail. It is one thing to believe in HAARP and the dangers and baddies behind them, but I don't see the benefit or point to discuss it in great detail on this board. There are places all over the internet (and I visit a lot of them and have lots of intereactions in many of those sites) to discuss and read about these things but I feel this board is special. This board is full of truth and love. I am getting to the point in my life where I am getting tired of reading so much daily on all the conspiracy sites like Steve Quayle, or Jeff Rense, or Stan Deyo etc, etc because all it does is add to the fear and negativity of the world. It is one thing to be knowledgeable of such things but the moment all that negative, fear based reading starts altering your own ways then it is time to move on. That is where I am at now. I am moving on because what good has all those sites done for me and my spiritual growth these past 10 years? If anything they have detracted from my spiritual growth because such an influx of daily fear can not be good for me and my own personal moods and spiritual development. Does that make sense?
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Re: How do any of us really know?

Post by KizzleKat »

AJ, it makes perfect sense and you expressed yourself very clearly.

From the Monjoronson site, Magisterial Mission Update, Unofficial Series, Document G (dated August 13, 2011), Section III, "Encouragement to Release Spirit Poisions", heading "Make Resounding and Positive Choices for Yourself", paragraph 4:

"The only things that can thwart this divine love are the spirit poisons that make it impossible for the divine light to work with and in you. Holding energies such as conspiracy, egotism, anger, hatred, fear, envy, violence, turmoil, anxiety, confusion, entitlement, and greed make it all but impossible for the divinity of God consciousness to work through and in you."

I don't read this as turning a blind eye to the offenses in the world, but I do read it to not let those offenses control my thinking, my feelings, my life.

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Re: How do any of us really know?

Post by Geoff »

KizzleKat wrote: I don't read this as turning a blind eye to the offenses in the world, but I do read it to not let those offenses control my thinking, my feelings, my life.

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Re: How do any of us really know?

Post by Geoff »

AJ wrote:because all it does is add to the fear and negativity of the world. It is one thing to be knowledgeable of such things but the moment all that negative, fear based reading starts altering your own ways then it is time to move on. That is where I am at now. I am moving on because what good has all those sites done for me and my spiritual growth these past 10 years? If anything they have detracted from my spiritual growth because such an influx of daily fear can not be good for me and my own personal moods and spiritual development. Does that make sense?
Absolutely, and that is 100% in my view. You can be a wise as a serpent, yet choose not to live amongst serpents.

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Re: How do any of us really know?

Post by sammy »

I found this in the "Messages From Celestial Teachers" section, it may be helpful:
Urantia, June 3, 2011.
Christ Michael.
Subject: “Inner Peace.”

Received by Lytske.

Michael: “It is with great pleasure that I find your mind open to receive a few words from me. I am your elder Father-Brother, but also one of your most intimate Friends. You and I go back a long way, whilst you had no idea that it would be me, speaking with you and giving you inspiration.

“Due to the fact that so many changes are going to come about on our beloved Urantia, it is a joy for me to clarify a few things for you as you are in a quandary as to what might happen to each individual on this precious planet.

“You know some of what is transpiring in the earthly corridors of power, and you are not impressed with what you are finding, so you’ve begun to believe that some people are scheming to enslave the world. Might I respond to this that God, the ultimate Creator of everything, is still in charge of His creation and His arm is not so short that He cannot intervene in human affairs if need be.

“Such a time has now arrived, due to plans in some hearts filled with negativity, and that have lost sight of the unconditional love, which God has for all his children, created and evolving.

“It is my desire that you pray for these 'lost' ones, who need to have their spiritual eyes opened so they may see and learn, that God is not mocked by puny mortals.

“The most important prayer is to be for peace in each human heart, especially, and firstly, for yourself and then for all others, for inner peace in each heart will reap untold benefits for the planet, as it will have repercussions in relationships towards one another.

“Work on this peace child, so you may become more tranquil in your comings and goings. It is by osmosis that this inner peace will have a beneficial influence on those around you, who may themselves be inspired to seek for this inner peace, and so this benign virus of inner peace will end all wars as they spread around the planet.

“Inner peace is to be had when the most important connection to God is established. God is waiting for all his mortal children, so gifted with free will, to open their link to this precious connection, so they can experience the riches of inner peace, whilst feeling God’s unconditional love washing over them and cleansing them from the inside out.

“Do not doubt that it is I, Michael, who speaks to you now. Be in my peace.” ... el#p161964

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Re: How do any of us really know?

Post by Sandy »

Thanks for that Sammy! It is just what I needed to hear today! :D
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Re: How do any of us really know?

Post by fmspirit39 »

Sandy, my world is a better place because you are in it! I am sending you love and energy for your prayers.
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Re: How do any of us really know?

Post by Sandy »

Your prayers and energy are felt this afternoon... so needed and appreciated, they are.
Bless you sis!
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Re: How do any of us really know?

Post by 11light11 »

Lloyd (and everyone who responded in this thread!), :hithere

I enjoyed reading about your experiences, and also your questions, very much. Like everyone's already said! - many of us have entertained the same questions. I was particularly struck by the following:
"Also, anyone else in here have dreams that offer a foreshadowing of future events? I
barely tell ANYONE about these, as I know the vast majority of people will just think
I am crazy. But the morning of the last space shuttle accident, I had a dream of looking
up in the sky seeing a space shuttle exploding. No, there was no TV or radio on that
I could hear in my sleep. There is no explanation that I can think of. Just pure
coincidence? Skeptics would say so.

Also, before 911, I had re-occurring dreams of jumbo jets crashing into high rise
buildings. I must of had dreams with that 30-40 times leading up to it. Coincidence?
That's what most people would say. "

I believe it's very difficult to 'hang onto' a brush with the other side. Like you, I've had dreams that later occurred in 'real life.' I haven't dreamed of major current events the way that you have, but I've dreamed of things happening to people that I cared about. What's funny is that while it's fresh, you KNOW you've had a brush with the great beyond. It's like Sandy was saying -- maybe our Thought Adjuster has an idea what will most attract our attention, or entice us into moving from belief or faith, and into knowing, and thus deepening in our spiritual growth. Growing up Catholic is a test of faith, because you're given a list of things that occurred, that you're meant to believe in. But it goes with or without any personal experience. I know I seldom "felt" anything sitting through mass! Though I longed for it. Others describe a moving sense of connection to the aspects of mass -- such as, a sense of the transubstantiation of the host actually taking place, spiritually.

When you had those dreams, what did you feel? How did you explain them to yourself? Have they "faded" in important? Is it easier to "dismiss" them as mere coincidence today? . . .What about the morning after, when it was fresh, or when you first saw that the shuttle exploded in 'real life,' complimenting your dream experience? Or 9/12, when you saw your dream made manifest (I'm sure to your horror)? If you're anything like me -- when these things were fresh, you 'knew.' There was no need for 'faith' or 'belief' -- whether you could explain HOW you dreamed it beforehand, or not, you 'knew' you were connected to something. Right? Where I trip up is wondering "Why that dream, and why me?" Again, I refer to Sandy and George's explanation, a beautiful thought!!! :shock: Maybe it's just what we need, right when we need it!

It's weird the way these things can fade, and how we can start doubting ourselves. I've read of many, however, who encourage us to remember that "doubt is the greatest gift of mankind." It keeps us open, honest, and searching. For some, perhaps 'knowing' with too fine a surety, might rob us of beautiful and eye-opening experiences. We can grow complacent in 'knowing.' Maybe searching is better for some. Who could say?

I'm happy for you that you've had these brushes with knowing - and I'm glad to have read your awesome posts!

Anything new happen lately?!

Michele :sunflower: :loves
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Re: How do any of us really know?

Post by Sandy »

Hi Michele and everyone,
It has been a while since I read this thread, so I did a quick skim and realized something I read briefly apply at our dismay of those we deem evil in this world....
In the Urantia Book Paper 130: On The Way To Rome page 1430
One of the young men who worked with Jesus one day on the steering paddle became much interested in the words which he dropped from hour to hour as they toiled in the shipyard. When Jesus intimated that the Father in heaven was interested in the welfare of his children on earth, this young Greek, Anaxand, said: “If the Gods are interested in me, then why do they not remove the cruel and unjust foreman of this workshop?” He was startled when Jesus replied, “Since you know the ways of kindness and value justice, perhaps the Gods have brought this erring man near that you may lead him into this better way. Maybe you are the salt which is to make this brother more agreeable to all other men; that is, if you have not lost your savor. As it is, this man is your master in that his evil ways unfavorably influence you. Why not assert your mastery of evil by virtue of the power of goodness and thus become the master of all relations between the two of you? I predict that the good in you could overcome the evil in him if you gave it a fair and living chance. There is no adventure in the course of mortal existence more enthralling than to enjoy the exhilaration of becoming the material life partner with spiritual energy and divine truth in one of their triumphant struggles with error and evil. It is a marvelous and transforming experience to become the living channel of spiritual light to the mortal who sits in spiritual darkness. If you are more blessed with truth than is this man, his need should challenge you. Surely you are not the coward who could stand by on the seashore and watch a fellow man who could not swim perish! How much more of value is this man’s soul floundering in darkness compared to his body drowning in water!”
(1430.3) 130:2.5 Anaxand was mightily moved by Jesus’ words. Presently he told his superior what Jesus had said, and that night they both sought Jesus’ advice as to the welfare of their souls. And later on, after the Christian message had been proclaimed in Caesarea, both of these men, one a Greek and the other a Roman, believed Philip’s preaching and became prominent members of the church which he founded. Later this young Greek was appointed the steward of a Roman centurion, Cornelius, who became a believer through Peter’s ministry. Anaxand continued to minister light to those who sat in darkness until the days of Paul’s imprisonment at Caesarea, when he perished, by accident, in the great slaughter of twenty thousand Jews while he ministered to the suffering and dying.
The part bolded truly hits home for me.

Michele, I cannot possibly imagine the way you felt upon seeing the space shuttle explode and the terrible happenings on September 11th long ago... to dream of these things beforehand and see the reality...after getting over the awful shock and heart ache, it would truly encourage a person to take stock and recognize beyond a doubt the "Mysterious One" behind the creation and maintenance of the Universes is real..not a figment of our wanting imaginations. Proof beyond a doubt, that there is much more than what we see with our eyes and hear with our ears.
It's weird the way these things can fade, and how we can start doubting ourselves. I've read of many, however, who encourage us to remember that "doubt is the greatest gift of mankind." It keeps us open, honest, and searching. For some, perhaps 'knowing' with too fine a surety, might rob us of beautiful and eye-opening experiences. We can grow complacent in 'knowing.' Maybe searching is better for some. Who could say?
That is quite important and even profound I think...
If we grow complacent and stale... life looses its flavor in a spiritual sense perhaps... doubting and the searching well, it leads to confirmation for us at the very least, and this is an extremely important "least".
How wonderful that we all do not come up with the same spiritual deductions... especially if we allow others to enjoy and experience their own discoveries and shout it to the mountain top if they are compelled...whether we agree or not. (a recent lesson provided for me by a fellow board sibling. ;) :) ) and I tell you, it took the "mickey" and the worry out of having to state a position on what was troubling me.. The beauty...we don't! We live our own unique lives and follow Love, our dreams and spiritual leanings and eventually meet and greet the other "other fella" at the top some distant day.

Spirituality, I believe, is a very personal thing... a very individualized thing in its true essence between the child and the Divine Parent. Yet, we do enjoy company on our educational trek, forming opinions and groups among whom the opinions are similar... As much as I say this, I sometimes forget it... we are all sisters... we are all brothers. So maybe we will feel peace as we allow people their doubting and their searching, while at the same time singing our own joy and thanksgiving at what we have discovered to the mountaintops, eh?
Thanks Michele for providing some important thoughts for me to take into my own private meditation.

Geez I went off on a tangent there didn't I? :roll: :lol:

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Re: How do any of us really know?

Post by 11light11 »

Sandy I loved your beautiful response - you always give me so much to think about! I loved that passage from the Urantia papers, particularly that highlighted section which struck you!

I didn't mean to misspeak, I did not dream of the shuttle or of 9/11, but I was quoting Lloyd and his experience, as he'd written asking why this was happening to him, what it could mean, and also how board members 'know' that the Midwayers are truly in contact, that the transmissions are 'real.' I don't know how to use the function where you set a quote off to the side, so I simply cut and pasted his quote -- he was the one who had had those dreams. I quoted them and I asked him how he felt in realizing he'd had that brush with 'knowing' something prior to its occurrence. Since he'd been wondering how board members 'know' these things we take to be truth, I asked him what he did with his own 'knowing.' I was moved by his questions because I too struggle with doubt - but yet I am so grateful to have that doubt. It does keep me open and receptive and I appreciate it, in contrast to the struggle I felt with the dogma I grew up with. To me, it was never easy to simply take on faith things that had been given to me - I respond more to things I experience on my own. These things it seems you can't really define, at least not easily, and that is what I was sharing with Lloyd. We may never discover 'why' these things happen to us, yet it is undeniable, when they do, that 'something is going on.' Whether we ever manage to label it, we know we've had a 'brush,' for lack of a better term.

Sandy, you are so deep and such a joy! I love reading your messages. Thank you for responding to mine! I know Lloyd's post and questions were written some time ago, but I only just came across them and felt compelled to respond. Thanks for answering Sandy!

Take care love!
Michele :sunflower: :loves :kiss:
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Re: How do any of us really know?

Post by arleneangle »

Nice to see you.
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Re: How do any of us really know?

Post by Shaku55 »

Even after Einstein posited his theory of relativity it took years for the heavens to come into the right alignment through which he could prove his theory. Imagine the years waiting for validation, even though the truth had already burned a hole through his consciousness. And there were plenty of critics along the way who bet against him.

Welcome to the wait for your validation. Until that day, keep fear and doubt in thier place by being mindful of what resonates within you. Your truth, your experiences, nobody can take those from you.

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Re: How do any of us really know?


Shaku55 wrote:Even after Einstein posited his theory of relativity it took years for the heavens to come into the right alignment through which he could prove his theory. Imagine the years waiting for validation, even though the truth had already burned a hole through his consciousness. And there were plenty of critics along the way who bet against him.

Welcome to the wait for your validation. Until that day, keep fear and doubt in thier place by being mindful of what resonates within you. Your truth, your experiences, nobody can take those from you.


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Re: How do any of us really know?

Post by arleneangle »

I think everyone here is very friendly.
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Re: How do any of us really know?

Post by LurkerAbyss »

Hi arleneangel yes it is family here :)


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Re: How do any of us really know?

Post by arleneangle »

What you said it is so interesting.
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Re: How do any of us really know?

Post by Philip Fong »

Hmm... I am the latest newcomer and very interesting debate, somehow I am drawn to this kind of question & response.

Sandy, I felt related to you already :lol: your response is what I would say but my vocabulary is limited, so I learn English at the same time. :sunflower:

In a local forum I used to hangout, I always ended up teaching someone a lesson because I could not stand their stupidity, low moral and immature people, I simply cannot allow these idiots influence the younger generation to destruction. Those who know how I earn my post counts usually avoid me only the new idiots will jump like monkeys when I challenge them. Its a commercial site where traffic statistic attract advertisements, so these people posts nonsense just to maintain their status.

Come to think of it I started playing my role long before I realize it and I have the highest number of "prompts" when I respond to the posts, then I told my friend maybe the "prompt" remind me to mind my own business. I stop for a few months when there is nothing controversial until recently, I just had to respond. beep-beep, addicted :oops:

In my first post, I have described the bizarre things that happened to me and later found more resemblances here and there, the question of how do any of us really knowis answered by our own encounters. Only we know what has happen and the reason is to make us aware that we can make a difference, not in those events beyond our capabilities but take part in a noble course and I spent some time reading other websites before stumble on this one and I found "friends and families". :kiss:

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Re: How do any of us really know?

Post by 11light11 »

I really relate to what you are saying, Philip. It's neat to hear about how you took the prompts from your Thought Adjusters - that maybe it was a way to show you that you can bow out of controversy. But it's not easy!

As far as your comments that we 'know' based on our own experiences, I really relate. It's hard to transfer that 'knowing' to another person -- they need to have their own experiences to 'get it'! :roll

Peace! Thanks for sharing!
Michele :sunflower:
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Re: How do any of us really know?

Post by Philip Fong »

Hi Michele,
I thought of many things before I came here and feels like "home" a "universal thought" place that share thoughts and gain energy, reality questions demand realistic answers as the key to open the spiritual door, a non believer such as myself does not recognize these terms but I come to understand and accepted their existence with logical explanations.

The key words:
Think, dream, hallucination, imagination, vision, gut feeling... intelligence.

Define the meaning of these words and it will add up into a story of connectivity that explain what we are made of to found that we are living in the confinement of man made reality, I will offer my thoughts later, anyone is welcome to give it a try. :baby
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"Science cannot solve the ultimate mystery of nature because, in the last analysis, we ourselves are a part of the mystery we are trying to solve." - Max Planck
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