How do any of us really know?

Use this forum to ask or post about 11:11, 12:34, 2:22, 22:22 etc. The wake-up digital clock signals of our loving celestial friends. They also delight in flicking on or off street lights, traffic lights and ringing door bells.
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How do any of us really know?

Post by lloyd »

OK, new member here. Have all the signs as everyone else. Been seeing 1111
since I was a teenager and still see it all the time - many times weekly. Also,
street light regularly go off or on, depending on their state, as I go by.

I thought me seeing it was unique to me. Never told any one but my wife. Then,
a few years ago I googled it and found I was not any where close to being alone
with this.

I've been reading around, on this board and others. Here is my basic question:
How do we know it has anything to do with these angel-like entities? I would
like that to be the case, but I wonder how anyone - with any certainty - can
believe this is the case. Also, it seems to me that the goal of these notices
would be something more than being playful. Is it not a sign to put us into
action? Would be nice if they would give us more clues than just repetition of
#s, etc.

Up until now, I always just accepted I would be seeing these things without
ever knowing what the point was. Now I wish to actually understand what
the message is, if any. And I do know this: coming this fall will be the date
11:11:11 - if some kind of event happens, I won't be surprised in the least.
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Re: How do any of us really know?

Post by Geoff »

lloyd wrote:Here is my basic question:
How do we know it has anything to do with these angel-like entities? I would
like that to be the case, but I wonder how anyone - with any certainty - can
believe this is the case.
Dear Lloyd,


I guess each person will find their own "proof". For myself, I had already come to the conclusion many years ago that some people can "hear" angels and spirits. The problem is, there are certainly some people putting out crazy stuff, and whether they are making it up or not, I don't know. So, just because someone SAYS they can hear celestials, you can't assume that it is so, you have to apply judgement.

You can apply that judgement to about 2500 communications. That's a lot of evidence? Now to make the job a bit easier, I have sorted through those 2500 communications, and put all the ones to do with 1,111 into one thread : here. Celestial Messages about 11:11 and related things

Now there is third party "evidence" too. In other words, sources that are not associated with "us" who will tell you there actually are MIDWAYERS. The real 1,111. You can find that here: 11:11 signals are driving me nuts!

Then we have the Akashic Construct. Read here the testimonials of folks who have made some contact: Testimonials regarding the AC

There are probably other proofs too. But that should keep you busy.

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Re: How do any of us really know?

Post by lloyd »

Geoff wrote:
lloyd wrote:Here is my basic question:
How do we know it has anything to do with these angel-like entities? I would
like that to be the case, but I wonder how anyone - with any certainty - can
believe this is the case.
Dear Lloyd,


I guess each person will find their own "proof". For myself, I had already come to the conclusion many years ago that some people can "hear" angels and spirits. The problem is, there are certainly some people putting out crazy stuff, and whether they are making it up or not, I don't know. So, just because someone SAYS they can hear celestials, you can't assume that it is so, you have to apply judgement.

You can apply that judgement to about 2500 communications. That's a lot of evidence? Now to make the job a bit easier, I have sorted through those 2500 communications, and put all the ones to do with 1,111 into one thread : here. Celestial Messages about 11:11 and related things

Now there is third party "evidence" too. In other words, sources that are not associated with "us" who will tell you there actually are MIDWAYERS. The real 1,111. You can find that here: 11:11 signals are driving me nuts!

Then we have the Akashic Construct. Read here the testimonials of folks who have made some contact: Testimonials regarding the AC

There are probably other proofs too. But that should keep you busy.

Thanks, Geoff. Although I have had decades of experience in seeing 1111, I don't have
that much time invested in trying to figuring out what it means. I will keep reviewing
stuff like you gave me and see where it leads me. Has anyone brought up how some believe
the elite are tied into the occult (for lack of better word) and use numerology to enhance
their power? Those who believe that feel a big play will be made in the upcoming 11-11-11.

Thanks for your time.
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Re: How do any of us really know?

Post by Geoff »

Dear Lloyd,

We don't have any time for numerology, and while I don't doubt there are various groups of mortals who work to protect their power-base, we also are not into any conspiracy theories. (For example, the military and politicians do cover up about UFOS) What I can say, from personal experience, is that there is no group that could be said to encompass "the occult". People who are willing to research "the occult" are individuals, and not given to being willing to submit to others, ie groups.

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Re: How do any of us really know?

Post by sammy »

:hithere HI Lloyd, and welcome to the board.

I have to say, that may be the best first question I've seen in a long time. How DOES one know? Geoff has been kind enough to share a link with quite a lot of information. But I have to admit, the way you really know is to search your heart. Read what you can, and then listen to your heart.

I look forward to hearing more of your thoughts and questions.

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Re: How do any of us really know?

Post by Sandy »

Hello Lloyd,
It's nice to meet you. You have indeed asked some very good questions, questions I suppose at one point or two many of us have considered either openly or from within. At first glance at this website (cannot speak of the others you may have visited) it may seem we are all following one school of thought or even on the same page. But as we each dig deeper the answers become much more individualistic. On the surface yes...the wonderful Midwayers are responsible for the 11:11 prompts we receive but the meanings behind it are far more reaching then a frivolous hello. There is the hope of action on your part behind those simple numbers. They have watched us make a mess of things for thousands upon thousands of year and you'd think they'd completely be fed up with us by now. I'm sure I would good reason I suppose I am not an Angel or Midwayer, eh? :) But when they reach out to you it is with a knowledge of what is possible from your standpoint. They believe that you can make a difference in the lives of others be they a few or many. You see all people deserve hope and love as they navigate their lives and each one of us are important and can make a difference as we reach out one by one to our fellow humans in love and caring, giving what is needed in that moment to make life seem more palatable... A smile perhaps for the busy mom with three restless kids in tow, a friendly chat with the lonely elderly lady on the corner, stopping to help a youngster pick up a spilled load. Oh my, I can still remember the face of the construction worker who readily assisted me to right my grocery cart and replace the bags of items spilled all over the road when it became off balanced on an uneven surface. It made a difference...well got me out of harm's way a bit faster, but there was something else. I think of that when I see someone else in need, remembering that showing you care can turn a disaster into something that continues to be passed on years later. It's all about creating "ripples" of the good kind.

And so we arm ourselves with as much knowledge as we can and learn to feel the answers from our own heart. You are the only one who will know the rightness of the path you choose. But please do consider responding in some way to the angelic call, take a few minutes...ten minutes a day perhaps to quiet your mind and listen for the answers...that come through, just you and the Divine, knowing there is no great material reward for light workers...there is no company car, bonus checks or diners cards...but the rewards to spirit and soul last an eternity and are beyond price. It is all about Love... just Love.

... and so with love I welcome you to our board and hope you find the answers that make you smile with delight! :hithere
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Re: How do any of us really know?

Post by sammy »

Sandy wrote:
It's all about creating "ripples" of the good kind.
Wouldn't it be fun if we could track these ripples and see what happens as a result? I wonder what these ripple look like from above!

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Re: How do any of us really know?

Post by Sandy »

Hi Sammy,
I found this transmit from Teacher Armesh and Helen. So lovely! :happy
Cheshire, England, July 20, 2004.
Teacher Armesh.
Subjects: "The Butterfly Emerges" and "Life-Grid."

Received by Helen Whitworth.

Armesh: "Dearest sister, we welcome you today with joy and happiness. It is our intent that you should be well in mind and body, spirit and soul, and so we offer you a blessing of energy, which will assist you in re-balancing as you integrate recent changes in your internal energy structure.

"For those of you who read this message, you should know that the times of change are upon you now. There is no more ‘when’, for it is here. And always has been. You are ready now to stand up and take responsibility for yourselves at an individual and collective level, to stand up and be counted.

"The game of chess has progressed well and the winning moves are laid in front of you, with a certainty now that you can and will be the victors. It is still difficult for many of you to accept this, as the fear has hung over you for so long as to the alternative, that you have difficulty seeing the situation as it already is.

"The opponent has always been of your own fear, created by the limitations of human thinking that allowed your species to abdicate its own responsibility.

"You have grown though, have felt the calling, the yearning within your hearts to be whole again, and all that remains now is for you to reclaim your sovereign right, your right to stand with the love of God and All Beings, to stand alongside Us, who are encouraging you now, as Galactic Citizens, with full responsibility for your own lives, your own destiny.

"The casing has cracked, the cracks get wider, and soon they become chasms. Then bit by bit the shell disintegrates, falling away to reveal the beautiful butterfly that you have become, all of you, whilst hiding behind your curtains of fear.

"Stand tall, proud, victorious, with love shining from your hearts and speak with the wisdom of truth. Claim all that you are, firstly within your own being, telling yourself how perfect, how wonderful you are, and how perfect this world is you have helped to create, then allow others to see your beauty as you see the beauty in them.

"Each has different gifts, each different challenges, but all are of infinite potential, part of the glorious dance that is the Light Web of Life.

"When you feel down, imagine yourself at the center of a sphere, with strands of light emerging from each fingertip, each hair strand, each corner of your body.

"Imagine these strands flowing outwards in all directions until they meet another human, or a tree, an animal, and see your light merge with theirs, and then on in all directions from them. See yourself and each spark of life as a hub, forming the most beautiful web across this Earth, and as you see each entity be touched, see them light up to continue their own piece of the web.

"Imagine now the strength, beauty, power and love on an Earth surrounded by such a web, and know that this web already exists, fuelled by hearts such as yours that yearn for the light, and who can stand tall within themselves and proudly proclaim, "I AM THAT I AM".

"We wait with growing excitement for the day, so soon now, that the entirety of the life-grid of this planet lights up together, and becomes a hub itself within the web of the universe; the day when you will truly know again who we are, and we can find each other in totality within our souls.

"We await this day with joy and anticipation and cannot wait to share so much with you. My dear ones, you are coming home. I leave you with all the Love and a jubilant cry to the rooftops. I am yours. I AM Armesh."

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Re: How do any of us really know?

Post by AJ »

I don't really know for sure, but I do believe. We all have to listen to our on inner thoughts and truth bells to know for sure. With such a rigid and strict Catholic upbringing and absolute Love for Jesus, it was hard for me to come to this belief, but something inside of me just knew it to be true. There will always come a time for doubt for me and I can't ever push away the whole, "What if this is all a great deception and the true evil to pull me away from Christ" but at the end of the day I always go back to Jesus's words of "you will know them by their fruits." The fruits around here have always been perfectly ripe and the best, sweetest fruits I have ever tasted. There are countless number of transcripts in the archives and not once, have I ever read one promoting fear, hatred or evil. They are always about love and that is how I know. I was meant to find this web site when I did and I feel I was meant to be called to action to help my brothers and sisters to come and know this truth and thus here I am posting and helping to spread love in any way I can. From a small boy on, I was always taught that you must have faith. I feel that applies to this knowledge as well and I do have faith. It takes an awful lot to give yourself to this belief. To blindly trust in your heart that this is true. At the end of the day I trust in the true power of the divine love of God, my father and as long as I have that in my heart I have no fear. This site and these people are all about love and all seek to be in the love of God as well. I have only felt love from this site and that is all I need to have the faith that this is true. Now, tomorrow that could all change and the moments the fruits turned sour I would walk away instantly but I truly do not feel that will ever be the case. Listen to yourself and trust in your own thoughts! Only you could ever know what is true. You have that power inside of you. Nothing I or anyone can say could alter your beliefs if you trust in yourself, trust in that divine love of God and seek to give yourself and do the Will of your creator, then you too will know the truth and you too will begin to feel that Divine Love that God is so desperately wanting you to feel. It is up to you though and you have to come to him!

Welcome friend and may God truly grant you the peace, love and truth that you seek!
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Re: How do any of us really know?

Post by sammy »

Double Huh! Lost in cyberspace...I posted this and it disappeared, so if it shows up twice...please pardon!

Huh...When I typed that I wondered what the ripple effect may look like from above, it was thinking about the term "Butterfly Effect". This beautiful message Sandy posted gives a whole new meaning to "Butterfly Effect"!

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Re: How do any of us really know?

Post by fmspirit39 »

The only way to know for yourself, about the absolute reality of divinity, is to experience God within you and hear Spirit teaching you. The only way for that to happen is to do the hard work of being a child of God. It is in the daily dedication and the hardships endured that you will find your proof. As God and Spirit are eternal, all things in all good time. While one insists on more and more proof from Spirit, one could miss the manifestations of evidence that already exist everywhere. I can say that the Kingdom of God is indeed within me because I live there! If a person wanted an outward proving then it can be found in Quantum Physics and the study of Symmetry, for these are the contexts Spirit uses to give me physical proof. If one wanted historical proof, they only need ask themselves why no other animal has ever evolved in the ways that we have. Not one! However, the real proof for me has been in each of the countless moments I am with God in my mind and shown the gratitude for that dedication in too many ways to list. However much love you express and genuinely offer to God, Spiritworld, another human being, other creatures or the earth, you will feel it back from God and Spiritworld. To be quiet of mind and open of heart is the only way to see the gifts that are given to you in return. Lastly, there is one sure way to get proof for yourself: just ask God for the Truth in the most sincere state of mind possible and I bet you will get what you want. Much love and luck to you.
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Re: How do any of us really know?

Post by lloyd »

Sandy wrote:Hello Lloyd,
It's nice to meet you. You have indeed asked some very good questions, questions I suppose at one point or two many of us have considered either openly or from within. At first glance at this website (cannot speak of the others you may have visited) it may seem we are all following one school of thought or even on the same page. But as we each dig deeper the answers become much more individualistic. On the surface yes...the wonderful Midwayers are responsible for the 11:11 prompts we receive but the meanings behind it are far more reaching then a frivolous hello. There is the hope of action on your part behind those simple numbers. They have watched us make a mess of things for thousands upon thousands of year and you'd think they'd completely be fed up with us by now. I'm sure I would good reason I suppose I am not an Angel or Midwayer, eh? :) But when they reach out to you it is with a knowledge of what is possible from your standpoint. They believe that you can make a difference in the lives of others be they a few or many. You see all people deserve hope and love as they navigate their lives and each one of us are important and can make a difference as we reach out one by one to our fellow humans in love and caring, giving what is needed in that moment to make life seem more palatable... A smile perhaps for the busy mom with three restless kids in tow, a friendly chat with the lonely elderly lady on the corner, stopping to help a youngster pick up a spilled load. Oh my, I can still remember the face of the construction worker who readily assisted me to right my grocery cart and replace the bags of items spilled all over the road when it became off balanced on an uneven surface. It made a difference...well got me out of harm's way a bit faster, but there was something else. I think of that when I see someone else in need, remembering that showing you care can turn a disaster into something that continues to be passed on years later. It's all about creating "ripples" of the good kind.

And so we arm ourselves with as much knowledge as we can and learn to feel the answers from our own heart. You are the only one who will know the rightness of the path you choose. But please do consider responding in some way to the angelic call, take a few minutes...ten minutes a day perhaps to quiet your mind and listen for the answers...that come through, just you and the Divine, knowing there is no great material reward for light workers...there is no company car, bonus checks or diners cards...but the rewards to spirit and soul last an eternity and are beyond price. It is all about Love... just Love.

... and so with love I welcome you to our board and hope you find the answers that make you smile with delight! :hithere
So eloquently stated. I _do_ feel a charge by knowing I help others. My wife kids how I seem
to be the "listener" for others to tell their problems, and I end up serving this role always. But, I
don't do enough. And I think they are trying to tell me that. Do more. Make more of a difference.
I appreciate the time you, and others, have spent on responding to my post. Much food for thought.
I might hang out here for a while :hithere
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Re: How do any of us really know?

Post by True »

Lloyd and all
Lloyd, I totally understand where you are coming from. I know with my initial post a few days ago some thought I was probably making up most of it. I am a true lover and follower of Christ. I have heard his still small voice many times in my lifetime. From something so simple as to give my sister my favorite sweater just because she asked to wear it. Clear as day the still small voice speaking into my left ear said give her the sweater. There was also a time in the wee hours when he spoke to me in 2008 saying that I have entered into the appointed time and that the appointed time was upon me. He began to say that he was doing a new thing in my life and to keep my eyes and ears open, he said “shall I perform a thing, least you say it didn’t happen”. I am a person who is quick to say something didn’t happen because I didn’t see it happen. I would always say I didn’t see it!
When I actually started noticing and truly paying attention to the number prompts which was very recent that I actually started noticing and decided to see what it was about. I can recall seeing 12:12 for quite some time but dismissing it like it was nothing because I thought it was just a coincidence that I kept seeing it. Then I started noticing the 1:11 and 11:11 and 12:12 so I went to Google to see if there was something to it. WHOA! I was like get out of here with all this madness I was reading. Then I started seeing 4:44 and I read what it supposedly meant and I was still uncertain if it rang true. So the 4:44 continued then the 44 alone. So of course I keep reading because for some reason I cannot shake it.
This past week something happened that I could no longer doubt. I was visited by multiple angels’ right around the 4:44 time frame (4:46 when they stop talking and I looked at the clock). One healed me from a throat problem that antibiotics did not. There others took turns telling me things. One even said that he flew around the sun 4 times. I have no idea why he said that, but he did. The next day I found in the kitchen while cleaning a lone white feather while I was sweeping the kitchen floor. The next morning around the exact time frame because it was 4:46 again when I checked and another angel visited me. The reason I know I wasn’t going crazy is because this time I asked his name. The conversation was totally different this time than the first time. This time it was all done in my head in my voice. The first time in different voices. When the conversation was over I asked his name and he said Uzziel. I had never remembered hearing that name before ever. I have read the bible multiple times always skipping over the begots and who begot who etc lol. So I would not have pulled that name out of thin air.
I have had times when I would be doing something and hear my name called when I am alone and turn to see no one standing there. As you can see I am very long winded and pretty tired as I type. I hope I don’t have too many errors. I just wanted to share my testimony with you that the angels are very real because I have seen them last week standing outside of my bedroom door. The good thing is that my mother also saw them the same time as well. Thank God I am not going crazy. I forgot to mention that the first thing spoken to me by the angels was that I was surrounded by love and light.
I hope that this helps you to believe because it is very real.
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Re: How do any of us really know?

Post by Sandy »

Hello Lloyd,
My wife kids how I seem to be the "listener" for others to tell their problems, and I end up serving this role always. But, I
don't do enough. And I think they are trying to tell me that. Do more. Make more of a difference.
Ahh you are already a brilliant Light worker. :sunny: It is easy to under estimate the role of a caring ear. Sometimes that is what is needed... to unburden oneself and know that someone cares. The answers to the problems seem to come easier after that as we find our way. :D
I appreciate the time you, and others, have spent on responding to my post. Much food for thought.
I might hang out here for a while
Oh that is good news and puts a big smile on my face as I start a new day! :D
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Re: How do any of us really know?

Post by Sandy »

And a hello to you too lovely True. :hithere
I am glad you are settling in and have pulled up a comfy chair in what we jokingly refer too as our 11:11 livingroom. Over the years it has become that to me, a place I can call home and find love and support when needed as I go about my own version of "what seems" a busy life. I think each of us brings something special, gifts of who we are, to the wonderful mix of family/friends as you may have noticed from the many loving thoughts and comments offered on this page alone. We joke, we laugh, and we sometimes cry as we find our way and link arms with others, walking beside us for a time too. You bring something special as does Lloyd... and many others and with that, we are blessed.

Isn't is good to be alive? :)
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Re: How do any of us really know?

Post by Sandy »

Okay me again... promise last time just now...but I just have to say how moved I was by AJ and fmspirit's posts. ... just beautiful! :sunflower:

AJ, yesterday on another thread Sharon was speaking of calling these interesting and seeming coincidences we experience from time to time, "God's anonymous miracles" and I think you sort of were an instrument of that for me. :) You see for the past couple days I have been contemplating the term, "fruits of the spirit" and remembering a little book of transmits by Teacher Thomas on this very thing. Of course, in my usual, not so organized way, I have placed it in a very safe place, so safe that I haven't been able to find it in a cursory look...and so I put it out of my mind. But then, next day. Here you are speaking of fruits of the spirit and so I think I may be asked to look a little harder. :lol: It's here somewhere and with it, something, I suspect, I need to remember. ;)
Love to all you busy “Light Welders”!
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Re: How do any of us really know?

Post by lloyd »

I appreciate everyone's replies and have read them all. A few questions.
Geoff said you guys don't believe in numerology but isn't seeing 1111 kind
of part of that? Or what am I missing. Also, Geoff said that you don't
believe in "conspiracy theories" but I find that very hard to accept. You don't
have to go any further than you workplace or home association to discover there
are conspiracies all over. And a theory is a "coherent group of tested general propositions,
commonly regarded as correct, that can be used as principles of explanation and prediction
for a class of phenomena: Einstein's theory of relativity. Synonyms: principle, law, doctrine."

Thus I find it impossible to NOT believe in conspiracy theories. They are way too obvious
to deny. All it takes to conspire is to have two or more people to have a hidden agenda
or plan. I will give you a real-life example. Our past home owners assoc. president used
assoc. funds to supposedly buy software to help manage the job. I thought that was odd, in
that anyone who already has a computer already has your basic software that could be used
to keep track of things. In reality, a note book and pen was all that was truly needed. But,
she took $200 out of our funds to supposedly buy a brand new Windows Office package.
Now, it turns out, when the new president came in, there were no computer files, no spread
sheet, no nothing. All there was were scraps of papers and it was so disorganized that
the incoming president said she can't even figure out who paid the dues. So, she is
being forced to not ask anyone to pay past dues, knowing many did not pay, but without
records, she can't figure out who did and who did not pay.

Now, my "conspiracy theory" is that the past president pocketed the $200 - among many
other questionable things - and her and hubby made some $ off such trickery. They

Now don't get me wrong, I am not hung up on this. I barely care at all. I am just using
it was an example that denying conspiracy theories seems like denying something that
is so very true.

Also, anyone else in here have dreams that offer a foreshadowing of future events? I
barely tell ANYONE about these, as I know the vast majority of people will just think
I am crazy. But the morning of the last space shuttle accident, I had a dream of looking
up in the sky seeing a space shuttle exploding. No, there was no TV or radio on that
I could hear in my sleep. There is no explanation that I can think of. Just pure
coincidence? Skeptics would say so.

Also, before 911, I had re-occurring dreams of jumbo jets crashing into high rise
buildings. I must of had dreams with that 30-40 times leading up to it. Coincidence?
That's what most people would say.

Any how, I might have turned some of you off with this stuff, as it is not quite what
most of you post about, from my short experience here. I won't harp on this stuff. Just
wanted to get some feedback, being that these are my experiences along with a very
high repetition of seeing 1111 and street lights turning on or off when I go buy. That
happens at least 50% of the time we go for walks around the neiborhood. I Already have
seen 1111 today. And, no, I don't subconsciously seek out seeing it. I don't have to, as
most of you know is possible.

Some thing is at play with me. Unlike some of you, I don't have the history and research
to be so confident as to what it is exactly. But I respect all of your views and beliefs. I
am still working on what I believe all of this is. But I will say this: I get a very strong
feeling that you are all loving, quality human beings. And I just can't get too much of
that, in a world so full of things that are polar opposite of that. I am beat down every
day seeing the opposite of those things creating so much misery in the world. Those
responsible for creating wars, misery, torture, starvation, etc. purely to gain power
and profit just weigh so heavy on my heart and make me feel hopeless.

Sorry for the rant. I am just posting straight from my heart. If you guys don't like
these topics, just let me know. I do NOT want to ruin the comfy confines of your
board. You are just too good of people to annoy. If we had more people in the world
like you guys, it would be such a better place.
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Re: How do any of us really know?

Post by KizzleKat »

Hi, Lloyd. Actually, this is the best place to post your thoughts and ideas and questions. There are lots of folks with different experiences to share that can give you food for thought as to other ways to see things ... doesn't change an event, merely (gives you the chance to) change perception and open up to different avenues of experience. Your questions are valid questions and ones that many others have sought to answer.

There is no such thing as a "dumb question" when seeking God; that you're asking is a first step that needs to be taken.

I'm surely not one to give advice as I'm as earth-bound as can be; however, I do understand your questions and encourage you to ask on this board.

~ Sharon
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Re: How do any of us really know?

Post by lloyd »

KizzleKat wrote:Hi, Lloyd. Actually, this is the best place to post your thoughts and ideas and questions. There are lots of folks with different experiences to share that can give you food for thought as to other ways to see things ... doesn't change an event, merely (gives you the chance to) change perception and open up to different avenues of experience. Your questions are valid questions and ones that many others have sought to answer.

There is no such thing as a "dumb question" when seeking God; that you're asking is a first step that needs to be taken.

I'm surely not one to give advice as I'm as earth-bound as can be; however, I do understand your questions and encourage you to ask on this board.

~ Sharon
Thanks Sharon. I appreciate your input. After 2 decades of feeling like I was the only
one who experienced this stuff, it is quite thrilling to realize I am not alone. Also, something
I just found out from here: Ear ringing is part of the possible events. I have been experiencing
that trend for the last year or two and didn't think it was related to 1111 or the lights going
on or off. I am 3 for 3!
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Re: How do any of us really know?

Post by KizzleKat »

Hey, Lloyd!

See? There's always something new to learn. I didn't know about ear ringing and mine have rung for so many years I've pretty much gotten used to it. So, thank YOU for posting that bit of news!

Boy, talk about an exercise in futility on the part of our heavenly bretherin trying to get in touch with me ... now I'll look at that idiosynchracy (sp?) much different. Who knows? Maybe there's a subliminal message? I must be a prime candidate for all the newbie helpers "up there" to learn patience dealing with slow-witted humans.

You've raised many good points, Lloyd. Keep it up and then wait for the answers whether on here or elsewhere. I'm frequently reminded that communications as we (humans) know it is not necessarily the language of God, so be open to seeing answers within experience.

~ Sharon
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Re: How do any of us really know?

Post by sammy »

HI Lloyd,

I'll let the administrators speak more clearly about their views on conspiracy theories, but in reference to your questions being a "turn off", I am enjoying it. Most of us have had questions...I dare say most of us came here looking for answers and still do from time to time. You are right that what we have in common is love and a desire to share love with all to hopefully in some small way make this world a better place. And I dare say many of us have differing view on things, but that IS how we learn! ;)

It's funny, I was pondering your earlier question just a few minutes ago and came up with a question of my own. I also was brought up Catholic. I've never read the Bible in it's entirety, but many passages and quotes do stick in my mind and make me question what direction to take from time to time. My latest question evolved from reading "Correcting Time" by Fred Harris. In this book the Celestials state that one common theme among all (well most) religions is love. It is not our job to fight anyone's religious belief, but to act in a kind and loving manner to everyone that we encounter. Based on that, the Celestials state that there are many paths to God (meaning that no one religion is 100% correct). BUT, the Bible states that the path to God is narrow.

Now it seems very correct to me that a life filled with loving and kind gestures should lead to God, but the bible seems to disagree. It is very difficult to throw away those idea that have been taught literally as Gospel even when it seems so obvious that love should bring you to God.

Hmmm...I looked it up, the actual qoute is "the gate is narrow and the road is difficult that leads to God". (Perhaps this answers my question???)

Love is a daily decision ~ Mom & Daddy John
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Re: How do any of us really know?

Post by True »

Lloyd I also have the ear ringing from time to time. I never knew what it meant just thought it happens from time to time. I also dreamt about plans crashing prior to the 911 events. I kept saying to my mother why am I dreaming of plans crashing .Then days later we were jogging the park and I was listening to the radio and heard that the first plane had crashed then the second etc.
I don’t cause lights to go on or off thank goodness. That would weird me out lol. But I do experience premonition a lot.
I am going to learn a lot just from your post alone lol
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Re: How do any of us really know?

Post by Geoff »

lloyd wrote:Now don't get me wrong, I am not hung up on this. I barely care at all. I am just using
it was an example that denying conspiracy theories seems like denying something that
is so very true.
Dear Lloyd,

You have taken the term "conspiracy theory" to a new level I suspect. The prime reason why we have no interest, is that this board is about spirituality 101, and if we were to invest any energy in anything else, it would be a diversion. But, just to explain my perspective. A conspiracy theory is IMHO, the UFO coverup, or the issues surrounding 911, or the HAARP thingie, or the chem trails. Big issues, not the missing $100 from the local fete.

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Re: How do any of us really know?

Post by Sandy »

Hello Llyod,
You wrote:
Also, anyone else in here have dreams that offer a foreshadowing of future events? I
barely tell ANYONE about these, as I know the vast majority of people will just think
I am crazy. But the morning of the last space shuttle accident, I had a dream of looking
up in the sky seeing a space shuttle exploding. No, there was no TV or radio on that
I could hear in my sleep. There is no explanation that I can think of. Just pure
coincidence? Skeptics would say so.

Also, before 911, I had re-occurring dreams of jumbo jets crashing into high rise
buildings. I must of had dreams with that 30-40 times leading up to it. Coincidence?
That's what most people would say.
I sat here for awhile thinking about this as we have had a few others who saw some of the events you mentioned and other things before they happened. So as I was trying to dissect the facts, it went something like this... "Let's see... Lloyd definitely saw events before they happened in his dreams...Future events. So..Okay... what beings know about future events. Well future events are known in Paradise where there is no time as we know it here in the material universes. So on that note, what High Being was giving Lloyd through his dreams, future event information... High Paradise information? Many of you probably already have the answer... :)
But my thick skull couldn't see the obvious.. :lol: and what was right there in front of me. But George could when I asked him about it... This information in your dreams is spot on because it is coming from your Thought Adjuster, which is, in reality, your little part of God that is within you, a gift from the Infinite Creator to assist his lowly but much loved "children of time," helping them to grow in spirit, and in all ways eternal.
George then suggested that..."These visions of the future depend on what method the Thought Adjuster will use to entice the individual towards spirituality." So perhaps though these things you see in your dreams are disturbing... they have a purpose and they really are a gift and a method that will benefit you eternally towards spiritual unity with the Source of all. George is going to ask The Scribe, if he will speak a little about this. (It is my job to remind him to do this... so someone remind me if I forget to remind George eh? :lol: )
“We measure and evaluate your Spiritual Progress on the Wall of Eternity." – Guardian of Destiny, Alverana.
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Re: How do any of us really know?

Post by lloyd »

Geoff wrote:
lloyd wrote:Now don't get me wrong, I am not hung up on this. I barely care at all. I am just using
it was an example that denying conspiracy theories seems like denying something that
is so very true.
Dear Lloyd,

You have taken the term "conspiracy theory" to a new level I suspect. The prime reason why we have no interest, is that this board is about spirituality 101, and if we were to invest any energy in anything else, it would be a diversion. But, just to explain my perspective. A conspiracy theory is IMHO, the UFO coverup, or the issues surrounding 911, or the HAARP thingie, or the chem trails. Big issues, not the missing $100 from the local fete.

I understand, Geoff. What you are saying is you are focused on spirituality and having discussions
on CT is just veering too off course. I realized my example was a super microcosm of typical CT
discussion, but that was because I was trying to show an example that CT do indeed exist - and
do so all over the place. The establishment has fought hard - in conjunction with their controlled
mainstream media - to make us instantly scoff at anything that can be labeled as CT, and for
us to instantly call anyone who mentions them as a "nut." This mental state works to their
advantage and they have done a marvelous job at making it so. But fact is, to really not
believe there are huge, dark conspiracies at work would be naive. In order to believe that
you would have to believe that the most powerful do not seek to become more powerful,
and it that happened, it would be the first time in mankind that I'm aware of. Those with
the most wealth and power seek agendas to become more wealthy and powerful and their
plans to do would have to be pursued in secrecy or there would be an uprising against them -
since so much of their increased power comes at the people's expense. It is not a "win win"
but rather a one-sided agenda where the elite get more power at a detriment to our well

Also, I do believe there is a connection to CT and to 1111. If there are those who seek to
kill and hurt so many other souls, I think there would very much be a connection to those
events and to light forces. I believe there is a reason that I had so many dreams featuring
jets wrecking into buildings _and_ have been seeing 1111 since my early teens. I believe
my sensitivity to one is related to my sensitivity to the other. If those beings related to 1111
are pure and full of love, then they must also have some feelings towards those who pursue
such evil things as creating event in order to pursue war. We are talking about millions of
lives either ended or made to suffer. Millions.

Which brings me to another thought. If you believe in these being of love, does that mean
you also have to admit there are beings of evil? And on subject that I have not read others
touch on is the Executive Order JFK signed which was to abolish the Federal Reserve (a few
months after he signed it, he was murdered.) Do you know what the # of that EO was?


You see, this is why I don't think you can isolate the 1111 phenomenon without also including
thoughts on other activities in the world that seem sought by evil people. If you want to
totally exclude possible evil agendas from discussion, are you only covering an isolated
portion of the big picture?

In other words, if agendas of evil go without notice, are we not enticing the dark efforts?
We can say, "We don't discuss CT" but maybe that is precisely what the beings want: To
identify and combat that which is evil. I feel I am being persuaded to do just that. It took
more than just feelings of love to stop Hitler. If we are at a precipice - as many feel we
are - what should be our full awaking and what should we do after we are awake? I don't
believe we can make enough of a difference unless we acknowledge the full spectrum of
who is doing what and if there is anything we can do about it.

JFK tried he was murdered for it.
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