I'm in shock!

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I'm in shock!

Post by True »

Hello everyone, Newbie here
For a while now I have been seeing the 111 and 12:12. I finally decided to look it up and came across many sites explaining what the phenomenon meant. For about two or more weeks now I have been seeing 444 and 44. Mostly 44.
To make a long story as short as possible. A couple nights ago I was visited by multiple angels. I was awakened to lights in the hallway. I sleep with my bedroom door open and saw multiple lights. I am a person who gets afraid pretty fast when it comes to things such as ghost spirits etc. However, I actually got up and headed to the bathroom while one light went down the hall and two stood at my door. I walked right pass them and went on the handle my business. I was afraid but not blood curdling afraid. I heard the words you are surrounded by love and light spoken to me. I said I know, but I am still a bit scared.
I went to lay back down on my bed when I started to hear them speak to me. It was multiple voices and a couple colors one with a silhouette of light. My eyes were closed the entire time they were speaking. The first color was red and said to me first things first let’s take care of that throat. I was suffering from a terrible throat problem that did not clear up completely with meds. I gasped from my fear but them immediately another voice and color yellow spoke to me. The angel said that he had flown around the sun four times. I have no idea why he said this to me. But I did feel my throat being healed and it has been since. The others spoke and one said something like why change when you are who you are or something likes that. I cannot fully remember everything that was said. I interrupted him and started saying because change brings you closer to God and he was silent. I did not allow him to finish his thought (unfortunately). I then started dosing off and heard this sound I never heard before and I rolled over and said I’m listening. When the speaking stopped, I prayed to the lord and looked at the clock and it was 4:46.
This morning I was awakened and this time it was different than a couple days ago. I was communicating but it seemed like it was just me talking to myself. I was actually kind of bothered by that. I had anticipated all night their return and I was still kind of afraid. So when it seemed like they woke me up but I was alone and talking to myself I was very saddened. I had a whole conversation with myself back and forth in my voice in my head. Until I said if someone is talking to me and not myself what is your name. Then I heard in my own voice say Uzeal(Uzziel). I have never heard that name before EVER! So I said un huh spell it lol. Then I proceeded to spell it for him but wrong. And the conversation ended with me ending it by getting out of bed and taking the dogs out. And the clock said 4:45
I still walked away thinking I had all of this take place in my own head this time because I was eagerly anticipating their visit. However when I got on the computer this morning, I decided to look up angel names and low and behold the name Uzziel was there. Why am I still questioning the conversation I had this morning. Could it be because he was telling me that I could have what I wanted? Or just because this time the whole conversation was done in my voice? I have never heard the name Uzziel before in my life. I could not have just come up with that on my own could I????

I also forgot to mention that the first encounter happened early Saturday morning. On Sunday morning I was cleaning the kitchen and a single white feather was on the floor while I was sweeping. No joke, how about when I went to get the dustpan the feather was gone. Maybe I should have picked it up instead of sweep it :(
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Re: I'm in shock!

Post by True »

I also forgot to mention that while I was communicating with what seemed to be myself prior to the name thing. I kept singing in my head different songs with references to angels. I would say now another and another etc to see how many this person could come up with. Then I mentioned that I was afraid and the song chicken noodle soup was said just that part. Kinda like calling me a chicken lol.

I don't know what to make of all of this! I pray all the time please Lord protect me and I also will call the Lord on anyone who I fear. This is all very new to me and a bit overwhelming :cry:
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Re: I'm in shock!

Post by theunim »

Hi True,

Welcome to the forum! What you've gone through, that's a lot to handle and take in! I would be a little apprehensive, myself, if I went through what you did, the way you did. I hope others on the board can provide you a little bit more information and comfort concerning your experience.

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Re: I'm in shock!

Post by True »

Thank you for replying!
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Re: I'm in shock!

Post by sammy »

Hi True :hithere :hithere

There are a few members of the board who will probably have more knowledgable thoughts on this, but I do have a thought...actually two thoughts...one may be out of place, but I'll leave that to the admins to let me know if that is the case.

My second thought first :lol: : It is possible that someone prayed for healing for you and the prayers were answered - and you were able to actually witness it.

The first thought was actually that you are the 2nd person in a very short period of time to come to the board with an experience with angels. It makes me wonder if our Celestial friends are "amping up" their communications.

Anyway, it sounds like you had a wonderful experience! I hope you can hold onto the joy you felt forever!

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Re: I'm in shock!

Post by True »

Thank you Sammy

However, I have no peace about it at all. I have been reading this board for a few weeks and now that I have had something to share aside from just number prompts I decided to join and speak up. I feel like running away from it all! I don't like to be confused or mislead. Today was kinda sad for me the entire day after this morning. I don't really know what to think anymore....

I also experience premonition a lot. I know certain things are going to happen prior to them happening. There is a lot more to tell but I am in a funk right now... :cry:
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Re: I'm in shock!

Post by Feathers »

Dear True,
How funny life is.
I have been praying for weeks for contact with a spirit of light & love to contact me. I would be ecstatic (where is the spell checker?) if I were to receive such a visit.
They have only your very best interests at heart, but I'm sure it could be frightning to see them all at once like that, upon waking up. I think you were brave to get up and walk past them.

Dear one, these are beings that love and only want to help and protect you. They have volunteered to work on this backward, slow to learn planet, to help us to reach our destiny of accending to Paradise. They think of us and little brothers and sisters, they are not to be feared. Please try to work towards an attitude of looking forward to hearing what they have come to say to you. Although it may have been their main purpose on that trip, to heal you.

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Re: I'm in shock!

Post by Sandy »

Dear True,

As I read your post I am reminded of the different reactions we all have for similar experiences... I think for many of us who have interacted with our celestial friends over the years...well, honestly, some would be rather envious of this amazing experience and be on a spiritual High for many days. Yet in retrospect, having gently been shown the love that exists for us by the the angels and Midwayers, ...I find a very natural relationship has developed...one where they encourage yet allow me to decide my path and my beliefs, what I accept and what I don’t accept. I want to make that very clear. The beings we speak with will not interfere with our greatest universe right, that of free will. They do not control our lives, our thoughts or our actions. They deal with us with the utmost of respect because they too Love the Creator Father. They do desire to do His will and to grown in knowledge and experience and closeness with this Infinite Being
There are many ways that communication can occur between humans and Celestial personalities. It often takes practiced listening but it seems you are fortunate to already have a leg up in this area.. I know right this minute you may not appreciate that...and it is understandable but if you remain fearful you will probably never see what happened to you as a blessing. I must say, in my honest opinion, the words you heard, these in particular were very uplifting...

I heard the words you are surrounded by love and light spoken to me.
And I am encouraged too by the healing you received in your throat. I have experienced similar healing within an area in my head just below the eye.

That phrase in itself, “You are surrounded by Love and Light,” has always brought me Peace as Love and Light are a reflection of the One God, the Source of all there is. In fact, I was reminded last night of this special bond of Love God shares with all His children as I sat in meditation and was shown many different environments from all over the world. Finally, we paused and I was told that there is no place I can ever go where God is not with me. It was a comfort to me as I work to grasp the peace of living away from home, family and country of birth. It is a promise I can reach out and grasp at any time when the pangs of fear wash over me. I can remember the Love and Light I have experienced and know that as close as the breath flowing in and out of my body... there is my help.. .there is my best friend...there is my God.

Please know that no one here expects you to believe anything. We simply speak of our own love and experiences and walk our own paths that lead to God. We are friends and a caring online family. Pure and simple...We follow Love, pure Love here and go each in our own way where it leads, knowing with all certainty as expressed and substantiated in many so called Holy books, that Love always leads to God.

I hope as you continue to search for the answers surrounding your experience that you feel a little better in time. Most of us here can understand as we have been there at one time ourselves, in the confusion, worry and fear. There is plenty of time...your angels understand as they have been observing human kind for eons of time. Nothing we do can hurt or upset them and they are above all things most loving and patient as we slowly take each step of our own universe journey.

Welcome to the message board, true.
“We measure and evaluate your Spiritual Progress on the Wall of Eternity." – Guardian of Destiny, Alverana.
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Re: I'm in shock!

Post by True »

Sandy and all
Thank you so much for responding to my post. I was highly out of sorts when I chose to post it. Today I have made a conscious choice to trust God and the angels who surround me that I have nothing to fear. I have dealt with fear my entire life as far back as I can remember. I have always been afraid of the dark. I even have issues with watching horror movies and the commercials that advertise them. I can remember as far back as a very small child dealing with spirits bothering me while I slept. I know this is what has caused me to live in fear my whole life.
The crazy part is I so love the lord. I love the lord! I can encourage anyone other than myself, no idea why that is. I have had many experiences with the lord that most people would love to have had. Yet I cannot shake the fear. I am fine all day long until nightfall, then I start to worry and panic about going to sleep. I take sleeping pills just to make it through the night most of the time. I absolutely hate fear and hate that I allow it to control me. I struggle with it daily and I try very hard to release it. I have prayed and asked (begged) for it to go away. I have laid in bed and ask the lord to protect me and heard in a still small voice as I do when the lord speaks, “no weapons formed against you shall prosper”. You would think that would be enough to chase away all my fears. Yet the fear remains! I know it’s me and all me that is not truly allowing myself the freedom I desire. It’s not that God didn’t take it away; it’s that for some reason I keep picking it back up.
Well today after waking up plenty groggy from taking 2 sleep aids, I decided that I have to do something to live in peace at night like I do during the day. I decided that tonight I will not take anything to sleep and that I will trust in God and his angels to protect me from any spirits that are not of God. I negated to mention that I ONLY fear spirits, NOT humans or anything like that.
I also forgot to mention a few things in my initial post. The first being that I live with my mother and on the day that the angels came to visit she saw them as well. She told me the day and time frame. She didn’t know what to make of it so she said she dismissed it as her eyes not being adjusted since it was so early in the morning.
The second thing now that I am past my initial awwwwwwwe moment. I would have to say that the angel Uzziel had a sense of humor now that I think back. With the songs and the who told you so and so. I also remember another one could have been the same one I have no idea speaking in a rather relaxed manner like talking to one of my friends and I said are yall allowed to talk like that???? He didn’t use profanity or anything, just more of a cool friend kind of tone.
I will definitely come back and let you all know about my progress and experiences if there are more. I do however ask for prayer in releasing fear permanently.
Thank you all
Warm regard
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Re: I'm in shock!

Post by Sandy »

Dear True,
I too have had illogical fears that I try to release and then continue to pick them back up ... Please don't give up. Victory is yours. It reminds me of a commerical that airs over here in Australia that is speaking to those who want to quit smoking and have tried but can't seem to make it stick. The commercial encourages to continue over and over again because some day we will find the strength to do just that. It is so with that of spirit as well, I think. Eventually what we desire, be it peace or strength, a knowledge of well being will be ours.
I suspect you probably have already tried this but have you considered reading your favorite book of spirit, such as the Bible as you lay in bed. Continue to read until drowsiness sets in and then with the Bible or precious book close by, and with thoughts of the Lord in your heart, perhaps you will drift off with less fear remembering you are guarded and well protected.
I have always loved this prayer thought that Geoff posted from his website a few times in the Prayer section. I hope he will not mind if I post it again for you. As it gives me comfort in the dark. :sunny:
I am Light, glowing Light,
radiating Light, intensified Light,
God consumes my darkness, transmuting it into Light.

This day I am the focus of the central sun,
flowing through me is a crystal river, a living fountain of light,
that can never be qualified by the human thoughts and feelings.
I am an outpost of the Divine.
Darkness as has used me is swallowed up,
by the mighty rivers of light that I am.

I am, I am, I am Light.
I live, I live, I live in Light.
I am fullest dimension.
I am Light's purist intention.
I am Light, Light, Light,
flooding the world everywhere I move,
blessing and strengthening, and conveying,
the purpose of the Kingdom of Heaven.
You remain in my thoughts and prayers and I pray you sleep easy tonight and every night.
God bless you sweetie. :kiss:
“We measure and evaluate your Spiritual Progress on the Wall of Eternity." – Guardian of Destiny, Alverana.
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Re: I'm in shock!

Post by sammy »

True! I re-read your original post, I am not sure why I thought you were filled with joy.

It sounds like you suffer with a similar sleep "affliction" that I used to. For me, it was not every night, but it was often. When I had one of those dreams I would waken shaking to the core and not sleep the rest of the night. I STILL to this day sleep with a night light. I was able to put those "dreams" to rest for a very long time by making a plan while conscious...the plan was simple, to call on Jesus in my dream to save me. Somehow I was able to remember to do this in my dream state and it worked. I must admit that I had one of those "dreams", out of nowhere, not long ago (I'm not certain if it was a dream or not, I think I may have fallen asleep while meditating), and I didn't think to use the technique. (Making a mental note to follow my own advice :lol: )

I'll say some extra prayers for you to sleep well and have blessed dreams (if you don't mind).

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Re: I'm in shock!

Post by True »

Thank you all very much
I slept very well last night! I woke up numerous times during the night, but I talked myself back to sleep.
Sammy, whenever I have frightening dreams I ALWAYS call on Jesus. I scream his name as many times as possible trying to get his attention. He always protects me…. I am real quick at calling on the lord for help lol. But like you all it takes is one insecure moment (night) to ruin the rest of the week as far as sleeping.
Sandy thanks for the poem and the advice about reading the bible before bedtime.
To all, thanks for your prayers…
Warm regards
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Re: I'm in shock!

Post by Sandy »

Oh that's wonderful! I am so glad to hear you had a pretty good nights sleep, True. I hope each night gets better and better. :sunflower:
“We measure and evaluate your Spiritual Progress on the Wall of Eternity." – Guardian of Destiny, Alverana.
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