Taking time

This is a forum for those who want to share the Akashic Construct, and their experiences of it. The AC is a structured meditation designed specifically to enable contact with celestials, and also humans for the purposes of teaching or healing.
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Taking time

Post by theunim »

Thought I just got the CD a few days ago, I'm choosing to take some time off from meditation for now now, just to slow down and catch up on what I've gotta do around the house and for myself and my husband. I was becoming overwhelmed with a number of things lately, and a huge part of it was my fault. But, I'll fix it! Anyway, I'm sharing with you all what I wrote down in my meditation journal, from my second day of the AC CD, with the first exercise, from yesterday, or the 13th, if you're already onto the 15th when you read this. (Note: I did not go and play the other parts yet, as I am making my conscious attempt to slow down. ;) Oh, I chose to lie down on the couch, but this may change when I restart again.)

"The itchiness! Had to stop the AC & restart! But the second attempt was much better, less itchy, could even ignore a bit of it as the meditation went on. Saw flowing purple, slower than other times. The visualization - it is interesting to note that I had a couple of moments where it felt like water and that I was truly adrift. The feeling was kind of nice, actually- no anxieties about it or anything on my part. I also remember the rosebush details again. Oh, the drifting - some bits of it during the rosebush - definitely felt like I was listening but not exactly there to listen. Reminder: take it slow."

I'd like to make some notes about this.
-There are times when I see the colors flow pretty fast, like it's zooming in and out of my vision, when I meditated other times and during a past reiki session.
-I wrote about the rosebush because it was a note to myself that I remembered exactly how I wanted it to look...though I don't think I really imagined a proper, real rosebush, it's what I thought of right off the bat when it got up to this.

Thanks for reading, everyone!
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Re: Taking time

Post by Kenneth »

Hi theunim,
My cd arrived today! I just listened to it and did the first segment a moment ago. Pretty awesome so far.
I found I was twitching all over the place and had to do the same thing when I got itchy eyebrows, second attempt was alot better.
My "rose bush" setting was rather bleak (on top of a bare looking cliff) I managed to see my rose bush, a white half opened bud with a ridiculous amount of thorns, immediatly I felt my concious mind coming back in to analyse what it meant. From that point on I failed to "see" any other rose bushes around me, then George mentioned the counting back from 5000.

I look forward to doing this segment every day before I go on to the other two tracks, it's so tempting to let it play right through, but I'm reminded to practise dicipline and patience, another two things I really need in my life right now.

My hands were really hot. I "woke" feeling quite heavy in my limbs, sort of floppy like jelly. My head feels floaty and nice, a welcome change for me right now. Is it normal to have this weighty feeling on standing up?
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Re: Taking time

Post by George »

Hello you both,

Meditation/visualization is a way of life.

The method is anyone's friend on almost all inhabited worlds say ABC-22 and Teacher Samuel.

Doubt and Impatience are its enemies. And yes, doubts can give you the itches -- irritation -- a feeling of heavy-ness --
when the only relaxation you ever enjoyed was in sleep.

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Re: Taking time

Post by Sandy »

Hello T and Kenneth,
You know, you guys have me "itching" to do the Rosebush" myself again. :) I remember when I first started the cd and even meditation in general I experienced some slight physical agitations to. They may have been related to excitement or perhaps more likely, tiny apprehensions and doubts as George mentioned above. Hmm... understandable I think, though, as I/we may be beginning a totally new path of enlightenment. These things mostly went away as I got deeper into the meditations and felt comfortable and at peace with this exercise and others. Yet they still surface from time to time if I have, “issues” or am avoiding something within...

Yes...I think I am going to do the rosebush before going off to bed tonight... Hope I don't get too comfortable and fall asleep.
Love and hugs to you both,
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Re: Taking time

Post by Kenneth »

George and Sandy, thank you.
For some reason I just started crying right now.
I feel so far away from 'getting it', like I get close, then I feel something and as soon as I do, it slips away.
I will keep on.
Thank you for your guidance and words.
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Re: Taking time

Post by theunim »

George and Sandy, thank you for your thoughts on this. I really appreciate the input that you two have provided so far with my recent experiences in meditation. :loves :loves After thinking about it for a while when I first received your words, I came to agree with you that these were itches from anxieties and what not as of late, so that's why I am self-imposing a break until I get my mental and material parts of myself together again. The break is not a complete break off from the spiritual side of life, though, especially study. (I started to read the UB and the Bible, though that's all going slowly, too.) In the meantime, I feel I'm still getting prompts and assurance that I'm loved and watched over. :kiss:

Kenneth, I was sort of tempted to play the other two tracks, too, but I didn't - just personally felt like it really wasn't time. I didn't want to push myself anymore. I was already having anxieties from regular sit-down meditations as of late, becoming itchy at times during those moments!

I think you are well on your way to practicing discipline and patience, especially since you are aware you need more of the two in your life. :) I always think that's the first step to successful life changes- the step where you become more aware of yourself. :loves Your meditation experiences will only get better with time! :sunflower:

Love to you all and those that come through here,
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is just a shell,
and the rest belongs to love.

— Rumi

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Re: Taking time

Post by Sandy »

Hello you lovely people,

T when I read your post I was thinking that meditaion is all the more important...because it is meditation we often see what these agitations are. It is rarely a perfected experience at first. In fact, to this day, I find in my own spiritual inner work, that I too become frustrated and agitated at times. In reality, I believe it means we are getting close to solving .."it" as you mentioned Kenneth. Remember meditation is in reality an exercise that moves us ever closer to the Source. And it is at "the feet" of the Source that we will find all we desire...that peace...that purpose that understanding of ourselves and others. The trick in my opinion is to be extremely gentle with ourselves... To never say," I am not good enough!"..."Why would anybody want me or need me?"... "What can I, this sad little human, offer the infinite Being who has everything?" We are good enough! We are needed and we have the most precious of gifts that any child can ever offer our Parent Creator..our love... we get all this and more for the simple price of a few minutes of our time. :D If you think about it, meditation is a real bargain eh? :happy

Love you guys to bits! :kiss:
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Re: Taking time

Post by sammy »

George wrote:
Doubt and Impatience are its enemies
T wrote:
I was sort of tempted to play the other two tracks, too, but I didn't
Good advice and good choice! I purchased the CD quite some time ago now. At the time I was over eager and over confident and barreled through the entire CD in 1 sitting. It was quite relaxing, but "coincidentally" I didn't feel like meditating for months after. My impatience/eagerness to grow caused me to burn out.

When I first started meditating (quite some time prior to getting the CD), it took me many attempts at meditating to remember anything. I started with a chakra balancing CD, I would get to a certain point in the CD and go blank/lose time. It was as though I had fallen asleep (for an hour), but if felt like no time had passed. Finally I started seeing some interesting visual cues, and on occasion had audible statements come across. In my excitement I was reading everything I could get my hand on...and I burnt out. Now I am basically starting over, but taking it slow. Trying to let my guides actually guide me rather than dragging them along for a ride.

Sandy Wrote:
meditaion is all the more important...because it is meditation we often see what these agitations are.
THANK YOU!!!!! I seem to be wanting to avoid meditation, not sure why. BUT, how can my guides guide me if I don't meditate. I have been relying on waking signs and intuition (which are equally important), but it's time to meditate and ask them what they would have me know...rather than what I want to know!

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Re: Taking time

Post by Kenneth »

I listened again today, found it much easier to relax. I also realized that I must have fell asleep during the first track and came back when the second track started. The first time I did it, I remember the rose bush, then the next thing I remembered hearing was George talking about counting back from 5000, which after listening again now, I know that part is actually the second track.
The ipod just keeps playing right through all the tracks, I may be better off listening to it on the stereo instead of my ipod. Tomorrow I will try it in a chair and not my bed, like I have been doing.
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Re: Taking time

Post by Sandy »

Hi Kenneth,
You know, many of us have fallen asleep when we first start doing the cd. (I still do sometimes.) It could be that we have distorted sleep patterns and are much "tireder" (Hmmm don't think that is a word :roll: ) then we realize. The cd often corrects these messed up sleep patterns but sitting in a chair ought to do the job for you. I'm smiling now as I think of those times I have fallen asleep in the second track only to awaken to George's voice coming back after the "time to work" period in the third track! It always causes me to jump sky high! :shock: I like to think even though we have been snoozing that still good things have been happening for us... :finger:
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Re: Taking time

Post by Wild River Rose »

Hello All :hithere,

The itchiness and physical aggravations could also be a symptom of the Central Nervousness amping down. Most of us, especially those not used to meditating or deep relaxation (without falling asleep) go through our days with our Sympathetic Nervous System (Fight / Flight) activated - Unfortunately in today's world we're all stressed out - even when we don't realize it. (Just notce how it feels travelling to work after a couple of days off).

When we first start mediatating or relaxing it's difficult for us to switch over to the Parasympathetic Nervous system (Rest & Digest), since we've been used to going from Mac 3 to fast asleep (for those of us lucky enough to not have insomnia), so we get a bit of static. Think about turning off a Television - notice how it crackles and there is still light emanating from the screen - it takes awhile for the energy to power down.

The way the Akashic Construct CD is designed is perfect for training our Nerous systems to relax without falling asleep. By practicing only the 1st track until you can relax without all that itciness, you'll then be ready to go further with Track 2 and then onto 3. If you rush ahead, you'll probably be "in over your head" so to speak, &
miss out on a lot.

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Re: Taking time

Post by theunim »

Monica, thanks for shedding light into this! That actually changes lots of things now concerning my practice...I'm even more excited to get back on my meditation wagon now!
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Re: Taking time

Post by theunim »

Everyone, I just finished the first exercise for the first time again since stopping days ago! I actually had a dream two nights ago that lasted into yesterday morning (or at least that's my impression) that made me think about starting again, and seeing Monica's message today just kind of tipped the pile over. Also, the "Fools Gold, Real Gold" message also was a great big eye-opener as well!

I'll share with you all with another thread the dream itself. :roll
:loves Theunim
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Re: Taking time

Post by Sandy »

Oh that's good news T. I'm glad you're feeling good! :D
Thanks for thatwonderful post Monica. It has been very helpful to me too! :sunflower:
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Re: Taking time

Post by Wild River Rose »

That's wonderful news T :bana: , and Sandy - I'm so glad I posted - obviously Spirit guided me to do so - thankfully I heeded :)
Love, Monica
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