My 11:11 story, possible psychic connection...

Use this forum to ask or post about 11:11, 12:34, 2:22, 22:22 etc. The wake-up digital clock signals of our loving celestial friends. They also delight in flicking on or off street lights, traffic lights and ringing door bells.
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My 11:11 story, possible psychic connection...

Post by Joe2JS23 »


My name is Joe. I am a new user of this site, and I wanted to offer my personal experience with what I believe to be the 1,111 celestials. About two weeks ago is when i received my first 11:11 prompt. I was on the computer, and all of a sudden, I felt a jolt of energy go down my spine from the base of my head. I looked at the clock and it read 11:11. Bewildered, I did research online, for I had heard those numbers held some significance. At first I rationalized against this notion. My gut told me this was real, but my mind fought against this and said no.

After deciding that I wasn't convinced that these beings existed, I left that evening to go to the store. In the empty parking lot, there were various arrays of sodium lights, the lights emanated that eerie amber color. Behind them was a row of "neon" store signs still lit, even though the stores were closed. I thought, if this was going to be real for me, I had to have extraordinary proof. I remembered the advice I heard from researcher that I respect... "In order for god to hear you, you have to get in tune with the divine presence in the universe" or something to that effect. So I looked up to the pitch black sky and simply asked for a sign that I was being heard by the Celestials...and sure enough I got a sign alright. It was then that the whole row of lights in the parking lot, along with the lit up store signs blacked out. Instantly I remember reading that the 1111 routinely will flicker street lamps as a way to get your attention. Well they did!

Although I felt I had plenty of proof of the "angels" existence, I soon was faced with another challenge. Connection through meditation. Ever since then I have progressively experienced what seems to be the gradual opening of my third eye. When I first started meditating, the results were as i expected, none. However, through increased practice i soon began to see faint traces of blue light during "closed eyed" meditation. This progressed to, in one case, a golden pulsating light in my right peripheral visual field; eyes closed. I was able to actually feel the energy of the light pulse pattern in the right hemisphere of my face. I've even began to see full 3d scenes in my minds eye that i was able to manipulate. For instance, I would think of a garden scene, and I could view this scene at any angle, albeit the image was very vague. Still I could see it! I would open my eyes and I could see the faint trace of this image projected in my visual field....Is this some sort of remote viewing? Something else? I don't remember seeing this in my research of the 11:11... :?

Just when I thought things couldn't get more beautifully bizarre, I had an experience last night that just blew me away. This was the greatest affirmation I have ever received, and the most powerful and other-worldly experience I have ever had in my life. Last night I began my meditation session, beginning with what I call a "warm-up" just focused breathing basically. At some point, the blue light field I usually see began to get very intense. In addition to this, I began to feel a magnetic force around my arms that grew very thick, almost like honey. Gradually the light grew brighter, as my body fully relaxed, and two unusual things happened....Just like with my arms -which now were held out palms up- I felt a strange energy force cradle my head, and the energy was so intense my eyes could barely stay shut. For lack of a better term, it was as if hands were holding my head....Needless to say I was bit scared. Was this a mid-wayer? Angel? Something else? At some point the experience was so insane, I had to open my eyes...I could go on from here but I'll cut it off for right now.

As it stands now, I am unable to fully explain the meaning of the events I have described to you. What I have offered here is a true accounting of these experiences. I am reticent towards drawing any definitive conclusions at this point. However, I am open to all interpretations offered by the wonderful people of this site and board, especially if I can learn something concrete. In addition to this, I thought that I should mention that like others here, I have experienced alternative number prompts. Here are the more frequent ones: Double: 33, 22, 55, 44, Triple: 3:33, 4:44, 5:55, 2:22 Quadruple: 3333, 1111. I would appreciate any insight from anyone who might be able to shed light on what i have described here. I appreciate your time and attention. Thanks :)
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Re: My 11:11 story, possible psychic connection...

Post by Geoff »

Joe2JS23 wrote: My gut told me this was real, but my mind fought against this and said no.
Welcome Joe! That is one of the most useful sensations you can learn to recognise. The "gut" reaction is actually your soul telling you something is true, which it can do, without reference to anything at all.
Joe2JS23 wrote: In addition to this, I began to feel a magnetic force around my arms that grew very thick, almost like honey. Gradually the light grew brighter, as my body fully relaxed, and two unusual things happened....Just like with my arms -which now were held out palms up- I felt a strange energy force cradle my head, and the energy was so intense my eyes could barely stay shut. For lack of a better term, it was as if hands were holding my head....Needless to say I was bit scared. Was this a mid-wayer? Angel? Something else? At some point the experience was so insane, I had to open my eyes...I could go on from here but I'll cut it off for right now.
Sounds like a healing or a download of some type. All is good.

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Re: My 11:11 story, possible psychic connection...

Post by sammy »

Hello Joe and WELCOME!!!

Sounds like you are off to an amazing start! I look forward to hearing the rest of your experience.

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Re: My 11:11 story, possible psychic connection...

Post by Sandy »

Hello and a big welcome Joe! :hithere
I found myself nodding my head over and over as I read your post because my meditation experience followed a very similar path. I too experienced much of what you described...except the street lights going off or on...for some reason they've never used lights with me... You said something that really perked up my attention. You see, I believe our very thoughts and expectations can limit our experiences if we aren't careful...
Although I felt I had plenty of proof of the "angels" existence, I soon was faced with another challenge. Connection through meditation. Ever since then I have progressively experienced what seems to be the gradual opening of my third eye. When I first started meditating, the results were as i expected, none.
Just so you know, I am guilty of not having faith at times...maybe it is not so much in the celestial beings we rub shoulders with as much as faith in myself. Self worth issues are some of my biggest struggles. Your post proves, though, that with patience and persistence we can achieve contact and eventually all the aswers we desire even if we are a little unsure. We just keep plodding along and do not give up! You are making enormous progress in this area...and it just keeps getting better I think, as we continue. Just like the amazing experience when you felt a celestial was craddling your head, things happen and progress and often when we least expect it and are simply going with the flow. I suspect it was a Midwayer or Angel but how did the energy feel to you? You said powerful, but was it loving too? Did it leave you feeling enegized, thrilled, awed, joyful? There are many beings that assist us and lead us into deeper communication with our own God within and help facilitate communication with our Guides and Teachers. For instance, I have seen a strange benevolent energy for years now. For lack of a better term, I call this energy/energies the Purple light Creatures because I saw them once, crystal clear, and they are actually yellow green energy that emmits a conical purple light from the front. They travel over and over again at times, one after the other, through different parts of my body...usually my head and sometimes my heart area. I believe they are asisting my connection, possibly making helpful adjustments...or perhaps even healing as in a couple of instances I have actually noticed a soreness from where they flowed through my body afterwards as if something physically has been changed. I will have to check my notes because my memory is fuzzy now...but it could be a physical healing of some sort at this time. ??? At other times as I watch them my concentration and focus improves naturally and experiences of some sort occur afterwards as my vision completely clears and a deep awareness of things "within" materializes.
As it stands now, I am unable to fully explain the meaning of the events I have described to you. What I have offered here is a true accounting of these experiences. I am reticent towards drawing any definitive conclusions at this point. However, I am open to all interpretations offered by the wonderful people of this site and board, especially if I can learn something concrete.
To tell you the truth, I believe the best answers will come from your own meditations. Things have a way of clearing and clarifying themselves as we continue this wonderful practice of meditation...It is a progression and builds grows and changes as we continue to practice. The things we experience and feel, see and hear and intuit become ever more a natural part of our being... And so it sounds like you are well on your way to discovering that which you wish..and finding the answers.

I enjoyed reading your post, Joe and I am glad you have joined us! :D
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Re: My 11:11 story, possible psychic connection...

Post by memawlaura »

:hithere Welcome Joe.

It sounds very familiar when you reach the alpha state you can feel the tingling and thickness you expressed. You will have great success with your 3rd eye opening already, it sounds like you have some blocks so ask to be protected from anyone or anything that may wish to harm you that should relax you during your meditation.
Love and Peace Always,

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Re: My 11:11 story, possible psychic connection...

Post by Joe2JS23 »

Thanks for the warm welcome and great replies! And big hello right back! I can tell you that I’m really glad to be part of this site! Every comment thus far, has been very pensive and I have a response to each of them. “

“Sounds like a healing or a download of some type. All is good”

I think that is a great observation George! Thank you for your input! :) I feel the same way. The more that I think about, that’s what it felt like…data of some sort being transmitted. Wow!

Thanks for the warm welcome Sammy! I feel that I am making more progress than expected…it’s actually kind of unprecedented, but very exciting!

Sandy I really appreciate your comments and questions…there are some real solid questions that I’m happy you asked! Thanks! First I wanted to address the point about not having faith. This has been an odd issue for me, because I have always had a passion for both esoteric and exoteric knowledge. Despite these factors, my fence issue has always been whether “God” exists, even though I’ve always have been interested in certain spiritual concepts... Sort of a paradox. I’ll tell you I don’t sit on the fence any more…Now I KNOW there are powerful, loving forces out there, and the 11:11 have changed that all for me, for the better.

To your point about things progress when you least expect it…wow you are not kidding! Not just the when, but also the how as well…I did not think that I could achieve that level of physical connectivity…but I just “went with the flow” and let it happen. Woah :o

As far as the feelings associated with the “cradling”. Such a great question! Powerful in the way that nature can be so supremely strong, yet wonderful at the same time. It’s like trying to climb Mount Everest as a beginner, you are in awe of its power and beauty, yet know that if it truly wished so it could take you out of the equation very quick. The difference here is the energy feels protective and loving in nature, and the feeling is one of care and support, not harmful…Speaking of sensations I have notice that when I reach “alpha” state, my forehead doesn’t just tingle it tightens like leather, but not in a painful way. I was curious if anyone else experiences this tightening sensation.

Lastly I want address a point made by memawlaura. This is in reference to the “thickness” aspect of alpha state you mentioned. This seems to makes perfect sense. Here’s the part that interesting…I’ve gotten to a place where I am able to feel this “energy field” when I am not in a mediation. It’s much lighter in this state of course, but its definitely there. It doesn’t end there though…here’s the part that I didn’t even believe when I noticed it. There’s no easy way to say it so here goes…I noticed this when I first became aware of the thickness; I was making a game out of it, trying to see if I could use the thickness to sort of prop up my forearms…amazingly I could! The next part gets really freaky! I noticed that my hands, would repel each other like opposing magnets…Then I had an image in my head of my hands moving apart…and they did just by me thinking about it… I will leave it there for now,and probably go in to more depth later. Thank you all for your questions and comments; I really feel welcome, and enjoy such a diverse, yet unified set of views and ideas. Later and God bless! :)
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Re: My 11:11 story, possible psychic connection...

Post by theunim »

Welcome to the board, Joe! Hope to read many good things from your experiences as you recount them on the forum, and more! Love to you and yours. :)

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Re: My 11:11 story, possible psychic connection...

Post by sammy »

Hi again Joe!

Quite some time ago I "fell asleep" while meditating. I had a LONG weird dream, but in that dream an angel (well, I equated it to an angel at the time, it was some being I was not familiar with) stood behind me as I sat in a chair and massaged my head like I've never been massaged before. I awoke feeling GREAT!

The tingle...when I meditate, I place my hands facing up with thumb and forefinger touching. As I drift into meditation, I notice that it feels as though the thumb and finger are not touching (even though they are)...that is also the first place I feel the tingle.

WOW! to the energy usage! It has a theory popping around in my non-scientific brain...need to ponder this one.

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Re: My 11:11 story, possible psychic connection...

Post by luvinlife »

Welcome from me, too, Joe! Wow! What a wonderful experience you had. I remember in the beginning of my "journey" that things such as that would happen, but now that they have my attention, they seem to have slowed down. I need to get moving on the meditation. :bike:

Love, Clare
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