For people who think 1111 is evil or demonic

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For people who think 1111 is evil or demonic

Post by MichaelXavier »

I love the prophet Daniel and the writing he conveyed to us today.
“Go your way, Daniel, because the words are rolled up and sealed until the time of the end. Many will be purified, made spotless and refined, but the wicked will continue to be wicked. None of the wicked will understand, but those who are wise will understand.

I'm not saying that we are wise in the least bit, that is for God to determine. In my experience, those who humble themselves will be exalted and those who exalt themselves will be humbled. Those who think they are wise and know in a certain ignorance will try to stumble these little ones who reach for something greater than this world, and aspire to heavenly heights with the blessings of our Beloved.

This is a big universe, and we have even a bigger family, with many many personalities and talents. What works for one may not work for another in regaurd to knowing God more fully. That is why a lot of us are here. It is ignorant to think in a limited view that out of all the spheres and all the beings in the universe that one has it right on this little planet. We bring positive messages of love and uplifting that ring true to the inner self.

Our own Mothers and Fathers do not show favoritism to one child and shun the rest, so why would our all loving Mother/Father do that to all his children. If they are not against us, they are for us. We all have the same goal in essence, and that is to know the Spirit of the Living God better. Thats why there are so many different ways to come to know Spirit.

In my own personal revelation in my conversation with Gabriel I was told this.

I’m not even religious and I don’t even go to church.” I said desperately.
“Church is something that humans use as an outlet to God. There are many other ways to connect with Him.” The angel said and then raised it heavily cloaked arm and put it on my shoulder. His hand was flawless, without even a wrinkle, It looked like he had a smooth marble glove on. Immediately my body was filled with warmth and I stopped trembling. It filled me with peace unlike anything I had ever experienced. It washed over me like crashing waves bombarding the helpless sands inland. It was as if time and space had all fallen away and energized light was filling in my empty spaces. Everything seemed to make sense now. The feelings I felt were so overwhelming that I began to cry. Then the angel spoke again. “It is the spirituality of a person that gives their soul’s connection to God not a church.” Gabriel explained.

I can say without a shadow of a doubt that there is nothing malicious here, and nothing harmful spiritually.
You will know them by their fruits, and these fruits are peaceable and loving. Since coming here, I have been embraced and loved without judgment, and guided along in a way that I cannot truly express. Sometimes God pours out his love in magnificent ways, and for me and for the ones on here it has almost come to mean helping one another in different ways. We do unto others as we would have them do unto us. When you start getting into fear, judgment, and limitations then you know that it is not light. The Creator of the Universe cannot be limited, if anything He bends to help us understand His love for us.

I love to look at the examples of the great Masters in the past who did not judge others. It could have been very easy for Jesus to shun the Samaritan woman at the well because that's what most people were taught to believe even though it didn't ring true in Jesus soul. When we help one another and uplift one another we are truly helping ourselves. That will allow the spirit to work even more freely in our lives to guide and direct us to greater wisdom and understanding.

Father Bless these words and this endeavor and all those involved in it, for truly it is a loving and peaceable fruit.
Michael Xavier
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Re: For people who think 1111 is evil or demonic

Post by theunim »

Hear hear, Michael! I think what you posted needed to be said, almost like a reminder (to me, at least) about the condition that we exist in on Earth in general.

Reading your conversation between yourself and Gabriel was also very soothing. I've always fought myself with this, and even with my parents as I grew up. They insisted I needed to go to church and that I was very bad in not going, but I really saw less and less of a point to go as time went on, especially if I couldn't feel a personal connection to the church they insisted that I go to, and eventually I couldn't feel a great connection to the religion with which I grew up with. But, I always felt there was a Heaven, spirits and angels, and many other things that wouldn't be acknowledged by the Roman Catholic Church, but would be noted within others, that I felt needed to be acknowledged and its existence remembered.

Thank you for your words.
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Re: For people who think 1111 is evil or demonic

Post by Sandy »

Dear Michael.
Thank you for your inspired words...As I was sitting here allowing both yours and Theunims posts sink into my tiny little brain...I had a thought. From my long ago Sunday School days. I remember the story about the Tower of Babel and how all the people who had been gathered in one place became dispersed when in groups their language and ways of communication abruptly changed. In a way, our beliefs seem much like the tower of Babel...We lift them up before us reaching to the heavens thinking we are the only ones who know how to build the biggest and greatest temple to God, while completely ignoring the different but lovely graceful arches of the neighboring tower so intent with ferver and righteousness are we. It is something that threatens even the seemingly enlightened spiritual outworkings of millions all over the world. (myself included. ;) ) Our own "paths", they always seem the best lighted,the most impressive, the fastest, and perhaps they are for us because we are a product of our own upbringing, life, desires, abilities, intent and goals within.
At this point we are all responsible for building the scaffolding of the Correcting Time and with any good scaffolding it is important to lay strong planks between the supports so that when we reach the higher recesses of the building or civilization if you will, we can observe the many paths that have allowed us this pinnacle. So in gratitude, I am thankful for every step of my path and can easily put aside bits and pieces of it now as they are no longer needed or applicable. But for many they still need a particular plank and that is okay... I may find myself in a future situation where in light of new revelation and Truth, it becomes clear I am ready to give up another most cherished plank, understanding with gratitude where it has brought me. This is all natural and all part of the eternal process to better knowing our Parent Creator. In time, we all will be united under the banner of Love, God...and the past will seem so unimportant so busy will we be in reveling in the Love and Joy which is God. Then all the scaffolding will be unnecessary and thrown aside as absolute Truth is forever ours.

You are a beautiful soul and your inspired words often ressonate strongly in my soul. :kiss:
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Re: For people who think 1111 is evil or demonic

Post by luvinlife »

Beautiful posts. Exactly how I feel. Thank you.

Love, Clare
"Wheresoever you go, go with all your heart." - Confucius
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