Paradise Trinity Day

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Re: Paradise Trinity Day

Post by LurkerAbyss »


I am no expert, but of the many subjects I am interested in, dabble in, and make connections between, geometry and numbers are right up there. Mathematics is one of the most beautiful things in existence, in my eyes. Geometry is also very sacred to me and I just wanted to say that this is incredibly fascinating following what you are doing here. In fact, as we speak, I am almost achingly compelled to do a little "hands on" myself. I have internet tabs upon tabs of random information and searches, ranging from 4-D cubes (the keyhole is also a tesseract) and 4-D hexagons (I even have it in Adobe so that I can draw lines all over it to compare to the freewill image!), to measurements and studies of the Great Pyramid (I know it's not a hexagon but hey), right down to astrology and Jesus and pi.. yes I'm crazy but you have me hooked on this now.

PLEASE do not hesitate to continue searching, progressing, and POSTING!

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Re: Paradise Trinity Day

Post by LurkerAbyss »
Multiples of Seven
70 x 7 = 490 "Perfect" Image
The Number Seven & Scripture
From the Seven days of Creation to the Seven Seals of Revelation, Scripture is saturated with the Number Seven. Just listing all the occurrences would take several pages.


One of the most significant uses of the phrase seven times is found in these words of the Lord Jesus (Matthew 18.21):
Then came Peter to him, and said, Lord, how oft shall my brother sin against me, and I forgive him? till seven times? Jesus saith unto him, I say not unto thee, Until seven times: but, Until seventy times seven.
There is a an entire constellation of reasons why the omniscient Lord Jesus Christ chose the number 490 = 70 x 7 to represents the perfection of forgiveness. First, there is the immediate, double integration with the meaning of Seven as Perfection and Completeness. The duplication emphasizes the meaning, as when Jesus says "Truly, Truly" to emphasize the importance of what He is saying. But the integration goes much deeper than this.

Returning to Genesis, we find that the seventh occurrence of the name Noah is used in the phrase (Genesis 6.9) "Noah was a just man and perfect in his generations." The word translated as perfect is (Thammim). We have the identity:

(Thammim, Perfect) = 490 = 70 x 7

Consider the degree of integration represented here: The Hebrew word Thammim literally means perfect, which is the symbolic meaning of Seven; Thammim first appears in conjunction with the seventh occurrence of Noah's name; the numeric weight of Thammim is both a multiple of seven and exactly equal to the value the Lord chose to represent the perfection of forgiveness! There is no end to the wonder of God's Wisdom!
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Re: Paradise Trinity Day

Post by Amigoo »

Thanks for the comments and BibleWheel information, Lucky!

This geometry design now reflects the common trend of these explorations: when the design begins to lose its "purpose" (at least in the mind of its creator), it's time to allow artistic creativity to make the final statement (the changes are subtle - here's one clue: a star was trying to emerge at the top of the center pyramid ... and may be the result of the foundational geometry being ready to support the star that now appears).

With a bit more editing this design would make an attractive poster ... and might stay intriguing as well as inspirational for years. Some day this might also qualify as the enduring "cave art" of our generation's journey on this planet.

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Re: Paradise Trinity Day

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Apparently, "fading purpose" was not going to be tolerated by the x:07 prompters. I was encouraged once again to go looking for "07" in the geometry ... and found it. I'll consider how to display this in a posted design some other day.

The "07" is created within an aligned (not diagonal) inscribed square within the primary circle (a 247.5-degree line from the right upper corner of the square forms the side of the "7". A line bisecting the angle created by the "7" crosses the design's center horizontal line ... and specifies the exact center of a 7.07107 diameter circle (the "0" is nested in the "7").

The circumference of this nested circle crosses two points on the primary circle (which touches one corner each of the two magenta inscribed squares). And this line appears to define one side of the "square of the circle".

And now, a x:53 prompt appears as I'm typing (X:53 seemed to be a recurring prompt, a reminder to keep checking the "Squared Circle No. 53" geometry for more clues about the x:07 location. Following this prompt just now, and after editing the text of this message, 11:01 appeared (x:01 has been a recurring personal prompt indicating "progress").

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Re: Paradise Trinity Day

Post by LurkerAbyss »

Ever interesting, Rod.

Are you going to post an edited version of the design soon, hopefully?

I'm also wondering what you make of the star you said was "trying to emerge" and what it means to you.

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Re: Paradise Trinity Day

Post by Amigoo »


I've spent too many hours at the computer (the total project actual began in the summer of 2008). An effective break should help me recover creative energies sufficiently to consider how the final geometry needs to be incorporated (if at all, since I just described the steps).

I may even wait until geometers and mathematicians had a chance to restate that the geometry is "impossible". My only evidence to date is the long and consistent Midwayer prompting experience and the many hundreds of CAD drawings and measurements which evaluated the various lines as the project evolved.

Yet, I still suspect that the developmental past will not be as important as the future. A new and unrevealed adventure might be unfolding! And unlike crop circles, there seems to be significant evidence that Midwayers have been involved (primarily as motivators and guidance) ... and will continue to promote the "project" if that is celestial will.

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Re: Paradise Trinity Day

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I posted the image which shows the "07" pattern:
but will restore the more decorative design tomorrow.

:hithere I was prompted to notice that the image was posted online at 9:07 am.

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Re: Paradise Trinity Day

Post by Amigoo »

Another interesting (and related) type of prompt:

I sensed a prompt at various times last Fall when passing under these North Texas Tollway logos (orange circle with a black T). I understood the prompt to be related to the geometry exploration, but I never found a significant relationship ... until today. This "T" shape is somewhat related to the geometry of the "7" pattern.

But the greater significance became apparent today when considering how a geometric proof might be developed. The formidable Pi constantly reminded me that a proof would probably require a comparison of related geometric objects (specifically, circles and squares).

So, today's analysis, with the reminder of the "T"prompt, is suggesting that the "square of the circle" is related to the "circle of the square". And somewhere in that relationship may exist the proof of a solution.

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Re: Paradise Trinity Day

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About two years ago (March, 2009) this young plant (now planted in soil, 4" tall and still with only two leaves) sprouted from the bulb at its base. The leaves are no longer solid green and are less vibrant, but apparently they still provide sufficient conversion of light into nutrients. This week, sprouting from the same bulb is a small white shoot, about 1/2" tall. If this growth occurs as the first, its leaves may appear within a few weeks.

On the web page, "found in an office hallway" refers to October, 2008. The reddish-brown leaf at the base of the plant is the decayed remains of the original leaf found in that hallway. Before decay occurred, that leaf had created the bulb from which new life appeared six months later.

While not necessarily related to the geometry project, the parallel development of both is intriguing! The geometry exploration began in July of 2008, several months before the leaf was "rescued". Now, along with the recent geometry discoveries, this mysterious plant is once again producing new growth.

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Re: Paradise Trinity Day

Post by LurkerAbyss »

That story about the leaf.. that is incredibly inspiring!

And truly, does it reflect our place in the Universe and the work we do in the gardens of creation.

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Re: Paradise Trinity Day

Post by Sandy »

Dear Rod,
I agree with lucky. The story you posted about the leaf is very inspiring... Thank you for sharing it...It is good to know this little plant is still doing well. :D
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Re: Paradise Trinity Day

Post by Amigoo »


I have taken a photo of the plant with its tiny white shoot appearing at the base. I'll send this and current information about the geometry project (the recent images and dimensions really help the analysis) if you'll provide an email address privately. This information can be shared.

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Re: Paradise Trinity Day

Post by Amigoo »

Continuing geometry exploration has produced little progress and the purpose of the "07" pattern is becoming mysterious - it may be just a prompt and not a pattern within the geometry. But this may be the important plateau: this current design ( ) seems to confirm that two inscribed squares within a circle can be aligned perfectly to identify the square of the circle. How to align those squares is still the challenge.

And equally mysterious is the "Tree of Life" plant ( ) that is now the host to a 1/2" white shoot growing from its base. After two years of existence as a 4" potted plant with only two leaves, the new growth is fascinating to observe! New leaves might appear within 2 or 3 weeks.

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Re: Paradise Trinity Day

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I tried to put the creativity crayons away, but they kept rolling back under my hand ...

I was puzzled why the Midwayers' "T" prompt did not seem to have any particular relationship to the geometry. I kept sensing that this NTTA orange/black logo was a "prompt" as I drove under it many times last Fall: .

Yes, a general "T" shape can be found at various places in the geometry, but a significant mathematical relationship to the geometry was not apparent ... until this evening.

This updated design now highlights that probable "T" in orange:
The vertical part of the "T" is 4.43113 units in length - one half of the 8.86226 length of one side of the squared magenta circle.

Treat yourself to some Texas tea with a slice of orange when you meditate on this design.
What does it prove? Only that you're having tea with a slice of orange.

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Re: Paradise Trinity Day

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The "T" image was replaced by one which includes the probable "7"pattern from the "x:07" prompts:

"O" is the primary circle
"o" is a dark blue circle
"7" is the right half of the large triangle

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Re: Paradise Trinity Day

Post by LurkerAbyss »

Amigoo wrote:Treat yourself to some Texas tea with a slice of orange when you meditate on this design.
What does it prove? Only that you're having tea with a slice of orange.

I smiled :D :D

Best wishes to you Rod. Any more thoughts at all on religious symbolism, particularly the Star of David, and its relation to the geometry?

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Re: Paradise Trinity Day

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Thanks for the reminder about the "Star of David"! As geometry (a hexagon with 6 equilateral triangles), this star still seems to be a foundational component ... so I included it once more in the design.

However, whether or not it it qualifies as a religious symbol is best left to the mind of the beholder. The inspiration for this geometry, as well as for many creative expressions by others, is often the influence of those celestial beings who predate what we call "religion". So in this sense, the star is not a religious symbol.

From the perspective of this symmetrical geometry, the 6-pointed star appears to "light the way" (via 45-degree increment lines from the vertices) to the creation of this "squared circle" design.

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Re: Paradise Trinity Day

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Also ...

The 6-pointed star in the design is not composed of two triangles, common components of a "Star of David" - it is a hexagon with 6 equilateral triangles for star points. The following information hints that this 6-pointed star may be known by another name some day which would refer to all of creation (heaven above, earth below and the 4 points of the compass (N,S,E,W)):

Re: ... avidSymbol

"The Jewish Star of David is one of the most recognized symbols in history. While most people only associate it with Judaism, it also has meaning for other cultures and peoples. In a sense, it “shines” on us all. It could be thought of as an earthly symbol of God’s heavenly stars."

"The Star of David symbol is unique among symbols. As a beloved symbol on earth, it is also like the heavenly stars shining in the sky, belonging to no one... and to everyone."

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Re: Paradise Trinity Day

Post by LurkerAbyss »

Ah yes, indeed, I personally don't associate the Star of David with Judaism specifically as I do as a general "creative symbol" in a universal way; perhaps "religious symbolism" is the wrong word.

I like your thought of possibly having a newer, more universally appropriate name in the future. Any suggestions? :lol: :D

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Re: Paradise Trinity Day

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First creative concept: "Tessellation of Creation"

With powerfully contrasting symbolism, this refers not to the bright star that is so noticeable, but to the universe foundation (symbolized as the hexagon) of material existence: our spiritual universe. The star shape and its brilliance symbolizes the material world - all that we see, observe and experience. The intriguing colors, shapes and geometric relationships within this star reflect the spiritual leadings and guidance which entice us to start upon the path to Paradise.

Here's more information on the concept:

"A regular tessellation is a highly symmetric tessellation made up of congruent regular polygons. Only three regular tessellations exist: those made up of equilateral triangles, squares, or hexagons."

"A tessellation or tiling of the plane is a collection of plane figures that fills the plane with no overlaps and no gaps. One may also speak of tessellations of parts of the plane or of other surfaces. Generalizations to higher dimensions are also possible."
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Re: Paradise Trinity Day

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A gentle touch of tessellation promotes stunning simplicity ...

Today's online design is a proposal of Proofe: The circle is squared when ...

- the sides of two facing right triangles equal the length of one side of the circle's square.
- the shared hypotenuse of the two triangles equals the diameter of the circle.
- the circle inscribed within the two triangles may be enclosed within a square
whose sides extend to points on the circle whereupon rest the square of the circle.

And most interesting is the abstract appearance of the 7:07 prompt in the design: each triangle (one backwards) forms the two 7s around the circle.

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Re: Paradise Trinity Day

Post by Amigoo »

Fascinating adjusted posting time (I posted at 1:07 local time and never remember the adjustment for site posting).

As with most prompts, this was probably a friendly "Hello" ... especially considering that the geometry is not finished (the Proofe needs more work to identify the true "square").

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Re: Paradise Trinity Day

Post by LurkerAbyss »

Hey Rod

Does this mean there is a new adjusted picture of the geometry or does that just apply to the link you posted before?

Which, btw, was posted at "11:11" on my time zone :)

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Re: Paradise Trinity Day

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Have you tried 7.07111 just a thought or 7.071111 or 7.070707 how do you know when you get it
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