Imagination or is it Real?

This is a forum for those who want to share the Akashic Construct, and their experiences of it. The AC is a structured meditation designed specifically to enable contact with celestials, and also humans for the purposes of teaching or healing.
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Imagination or is it Real?

Post by Jhartsock123 »

So I bought the CD and have been using it for 3 days, I have good visualization skills, and am able to read and visualize better than hear and visualize. (If I read a book, its easier for me to really see in my mind what is being explained, rather than listening to someone explain it out loud, like on the CD). Visualizing the rose bush is partially difficult because I'm being told to visualize, not reading words. But I am still able to visualize it in my mind, I see the rose bush in a garden surrounded by a white picket fence, and in the distance is a house on a hill, and a mountain in the background, this is how I see it. Now If I read words on a page telling me to visualize a rose bush in nature, it would be much easier for me, because that is how I developed my visualization skills in the past, by reading.

For the first 2 days, I took the time to listen to track 1 only, and felt that my visualization skills were up to par, and continued to track 2, and then 3 just to see what I'm getting into.
I listen to this while laying in bed because I can be comfortable and still at the same time, I usually do this before I go to bed each night.

I do have alot of questions, since this is my first time meditating, ever.

1. During track 1, when I'm relaxing, Do I really have to feel myself become numb so I cannot move at all? Because I still move around in my bed during the CD, I don't feel any weird meditation feelings like buzzing or anything like that...yet.

2. When visualizing things in my mind, its fuzzy like in a dream, it doesn't feel real, is this normal?

3. Am I actually going to be leaving my body to go to the Akashic Library, or is this all apart of my imagination?

4. During track 2, there is no way I'm going to be able to count from 5000 to 0 in tens, so I always just let George continue what hes saying, and I remain silent in my body and mind, must I follow each direction to receive success?

5. I still see alot of blackness when relaxing, but I am able to switch my consciousness like as If I'm dreaming as a part of daily sleep, and thats how I visualize everything, is that normal?


I was able to construct my scene in nature, and my akashic library on the first try, during day 3. If I were an artist I would surely draw it on paper for all to see, its vivid now, and I can see it in my mind any time during the day. My scene in nature is just as George told me to visualize, the only difference is mine had a white gazebo near the small creak. I walked down my 12 white cobblestone stairs, into my foyer/shower which is a simple square room with white stone walls, and some kind of golden Celtic trim in the middle of the wall, and the ceiling is pure white, and past my shower is a tiny library with books within the walls. My table is to the right, next to the right bookcase. My barometer is a simple glass tube with some liquid in it, and the numbers just float 3d in the air. I have a simple round ball globe, and a clock on a wood stand on my desk. The world map just appears in front of me when I was told to visualize it, and disappears when I'm done using it. My medicine cabinet and tool table have no place in time, and just pop up when I visualized them, and disappeared when I was finished. The elevator was at the end of the hallway, it was a cylindrical metallic elevator with some weird design.

All of this was what I visualized instantly, I didn't think about it. It just appeared in my imagination. When I was told to say what I wanted to do like talk to a celestial or a patient, I said celestial in my mind, and then the elevator came down, and I saw a bald faceless figure wearing a white crusader tabard with a red cross in the center, that I greeted, he walked in to my library, and then when George said your on your own, I just opened my eyes.

It doesn't feel real to me, It feels like I'm just making this stuff up.
Is this just a phase, am I gonna actually feel like its real? am I going to hear voices speak in my head other than my own?

This is how I envisioned my place in nature, I did some googling to see what a gazebo looked like in nature, and found out that this actually looks like what I saw. I never seen this image before. ... mbnail.jpg

This is what the landscape looked like in my rose bush visualization, I did see this before, I guess this is why I chose that landscape. ... lpaper.jpg
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Re: Imagination or is it Real?

Post by Sandy »

Hello Jhartsocks!

Well, I must say I absolutely love your Gazebo and chosen house on the hill in the first track!... simply stunning!
While you may not think your hearing/visualization skills are all that "crash hot," I am very impressed that you visualized so beautifully so early in your Akashic Construct exercises. Still, I believe it is beneficial to do the exercises as recommended, as there is a reason for them. They are building the foundation for the growing spiritual muscle and help in subtle ways as progression is made throughout what unfolds for you.

So it is reccomended that you spend at least a week and even longer if you feel the need on each of the first two tracks. As I have said before, spirituality progresses and grows as we meditate in some way and exercise this spiritual muscle. Just like an athlete, we begin at the beginning gently stretching and flexing our muscles to prevent injury and perhaps confusion. There are no definites though... No definitive answers when dealing with aspects of the Divine. We go with the flow with love and with an openness that allows for this coveted growth.

Let's talk about Tract 2. This part of the cd teaches/helps you to relax body and mind so that you are prepared for the third track. In the beginning you may not feel anything... no numbness, buzzing etc... These feelings are truly not what one is shooting for but rather a complete relaxation of body and mind. If you are concentrating on feeling something instead of allowing and flowing with the exercise chances are you will not feel anything. Yet, this is not to be a worry as many of us, myself included, have a little trouble sometimes in the allowing department. :) Just keep trying. Remember by their nature, these are exercises. The way you feel/experience these now may not be the way you experience it tomorrow. So begin again and relax and immerse yourself in the tracks especially track two. Concentrate on the counting as George asks you to do. Believe me, he does not expect you to make it to 0 from 5000. Yet, while you are counting things are going on and as you concentrate you will gradually move away from the numbers naturally and feel an openness, a depth that hopefully you will soon be able to immulate on your own easily in meditation without a cd or guidance from another. This track is training you to go deep, to feel what alpha feels like so you will easily recognize it when you are in your Akashic library.

But despite your lack of preparatory exercising you have done very well. What you visualized is the way it begins. It feels like imagination at first. Yet it progresses into something far grander and things happen as you are ready and as you are willing to allow and go with the flow without complicating the results with question marks...such as, "Did I really view this?" Did this really happen?... etc. I suspect you will find that before you know it something will occur that will "wow you" and make it perfectly clear that you are surrounded by wonderful guiding friends as you continue to work to further your own spiritual growth and perhaps assist others with problems of the mind and spirit.

So please put out of your head your belief that you are not good at following hearing/visuals as you have proved you are by your very first experience. Instead go back to track 1 and 2 and prepare your foundation, shoring up a few areas where you feel a hesitancy or weakness. Then jump in with both feet in your library and enjoy this fabulous place that is all your own!

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Re: Imagination or is it Real?

Post by happyrain »

hi j
ty for posting this thread

and ty sandy for the response
It feels like imagination at first. Yet it progresses into something far grander and things happen as you are ready and as you are willing to allow and go with the flow without complicating the results with question marks...such as, "Did I really view this?" Did this really happen?... etc. I suspect you will find that before you know it something will occur that will "wow you" and make it perfectly clear that you are surrounded by wonderful guiding friends as you continue to work to further your own spiritual growth and perhaps assist others with problems of the mind and spirit.
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Re: Imagination or is it Real?

Post by Wild River Rose »

Hello JHartsocks - thank you for posting your experiences.
And Sandy, I'll second HappyRain - that was a great response!

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Re: Imagination or is it Real?

Post by blue nova »

"Imagination or real ?"

i had this wonderment a while back.

maybe...when it comes to should not bother with trying to differentiate between the two.....just go with the flow. imagination can act as a fuel. it can help form our Reality....

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Re: Imagination or is it Real?

Post by 555 »

Hi all,

I have created my Akashic Library in the second or third time I used the CD.
My Akashic Library is HUMONGOUS! The access to it is the sole entrance by elevator, although I don't need the elevator always to be taken there. When you leave the elevator you will see a space like a check out counter and behind it is my desk. On my desk I have a lamp at the left, and on the top, the akashic calendar, digital and touch-sensitive. Touching it with my fingers I can go to a year, month, week, day even hours and minutes. I can't help but see a computer on my desk too. it is at my righ. Behind me, I have shelves with the books of my life. Now, my Library, apart from this little department of my life, has almost infinite number of shelves with books, distributed towards the front and the right of my desk. I havent used much my Akashic Library, but the very first time was there, using the CD, I met spiritually with my friend 555 and was so emotional meeting, because not knowing who he was, in the past, I had mistreated him very much. But he remained with me throughout those years of ignorance, and now I can appreciate his presence wth me. He has already helped me in several situations. I love him so much! To tell you the truth, I don't have human best friends. But I have a midwayer that is my best friend, making me company so often and helping me to realize the leadings of my Adjuster. I am so grateful to him. He is a great soul!
It was a memorable encounter, when I invited him to my Akashic Library. I am using my Akashic Library with moderation because I don't want to be deceived by own desires. I know that as I grow in spirtual sensitivity I will be able to make a better use of it. I still need instruction. My adjuster knows that and he will lead me to the right source.
Thank you all.
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Re: Imagination or is it Real?

Post by Sandy »

Dear Jose,

You library sounds fabulous! Mine too is large and filled with just about anything I could possibly need. I have found that if I need something it is already there without any worry or stress. I too have a computer in mine and it has been very useful. Sometimes when I have been out of sorts in life I have come to my library workshop and began typing on my computer. The words seem to mirror what my soul needs to hear. This may sound funny, but I also have a little garden and a small pond in my AC. I have found that it is a peaceful place to take those who need to talk about what is hurting them in life. There is just something about the sounds of water and the quietness of nature that calms and soothes the soul which allows some perspective on our life situations.

I love hearing about everyone's Akashic workshops. They are all so wonderfully different! Just like us, huh? :sunflower:
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