What is this?

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What is this?

Post by esuzanne »

Hi everyone,

I am new to this site, but am already very happy to have found you! I have started to feel very lightheaded reading all your posts. The funny thing is, that I have no idea how I got here.
I have a question for you. Something rather strange has been happening to me for quite some time now, and it is getting worse, or better maybe, I don't know how to classify it. I think it started after my mom died, 13 years ago. Right before I feel asleep, I sometimes hear her call me. But that has happened so often now, that I am rather getting used to it. But I hear other people now too. Just little bits of conversation, they don't mean anything to me. And I see images, like snapshots of other people's lives. Perfectly normal, everyday images, like 2 people I don't know on a bike, or a child in a street. It always happens just before I fall asleep, but the images and the voices are pretty strong. It seems they come from all over the world. They are usually very nice, and I have started to enjoy it.
Does anyone share this experience, and can someone explain this to me?

Oh, and I definitely share your experience of being touched. That has been happening for as long as I can remember, but was very strong after my mother died.

Does anyone recognize this?

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Re: What is this?

Post by Geoff »

Dear Suze,

Welcome. You have clairaudience - the ability to hear spirit. Almost certainly if you went into a meditative state, you might hear them more clearly.

I am creating a (new) pdf of Through the Mists, and came across a scene from the other side, where they try to make themselves heard, but generally folks wont believe it. Sad really.

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Re: What is this?

Post by Sandy »

Hi Suze, :hithere

I too experience those flashes of pictures that you mentioned...those seeming scenes of others people's lives as I drift into a relaxed state just before falling asleep and just before waking. I also get the occasional voice but in most instances it is directed at me. Some people do get bits and pieces of celestial conversations, even beautiful music and songs at this time as well. I think it is a good indication of your openness and receptivity. There are ways to develop this communication more fully and when both sides desire it. Some type of meditation is the key and I must say this has been a great blessing in my life. :D

It is good to have you a board! :sunflower:
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Re: What is this?

Post by esuzanne »

Thanks, Geoff and Sandy! I am very happy to hear that I am not alone in this. I have had other experiences as well, but until now I have tried to push them all away. But it seem that I have reached a phase in my life now where I am ready to pursue this some more, although it still scares me. How could I go about that? I have no idea how to meditate, I am afraid.

A few interesting things happened today. Over here our number plates consist of three letters and three numbers. First I saw a car with a number plate that contained 111. When I decided to check my phone it turned out to be 11.11, and when I did it again later on, it read 1.11. But the most interesting thing happened a bit later, although that might just be coincidence. I have been rather struggling with the fact that my boyfriend has been struck with severe depression quite unexpectedly and quite suddenly. Long story, very difficult. But whilst waiting for the bus, I was wondering to keep on trying, or just to give up. Then a car passed, and it's number plate read: TRY
It almost knocked me off my feet! A bit later, while I was still thinking about this, I felt a tap on my back. I turned around... and of course there was nobody.

Interesting though, isn't it?

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Re: What is this?

Post by luvinlife »

Wow, Suze! Great prompts. You are definitely blessed!

Love, Clare
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Re: What is this?

Post by Ang »

Wow Suze, keep at and learn more. I would love those experiences and I did have a strong tap on my should a few years ago. This brings to mind something that happened a few mornings ago when I was just waking up. I saw very clearly a Red Indian looking man, dressed in traditional clothes and I did wonder if he could be one of my guides.

Does anyone think he could be significant?

Ang x
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Re: What is this?

Post by Sandy »

Hello Suze,

You asked a question about meditation and how to go about it...Well, there are many, many methods out there all that seem to work well for some people. The important thing is to find a regiment of sorts that works well for you. Whatever method chosen, I believe it is important to practice it daily and with no pressure on yourself for results. Think of it as a day at the spa or at the least a 30 minute break from the hectic lives we lead.

Meditation is basically a calming of your physical muscles and a calming of your "mental muscles" and emotions which strengthens and builds your "spiritual muscles." It is a learned ability to just put everything aside and just be...Ideally you reach a state where you don't think and that is truly where the most amazing progress is made. It is at this point that you are tranquil and open, allowing you to access higher information from your Higher Self, or your Gift of God within...so in fact all the Wisdom and Love of the Universe is available to you.

Meditation is a progression. Just like physical exercise as your spiritual muscles grow your experiences grow and that most important eternal part of you grows as well.

One simple way to begin is to find a quiet place in your home or if you are a nature lover a calming place outdoors (Be prepared, though, depending on the season, you may have to deal as a beginner with the distraction of insects etc...) Some people find it helpful to create a beautiful ritual at this point such as lighting a candle, a stick of incense or placing a lovely flower in a vase...something that designates this as a special time. This, of course, is not necessary but as I said, some people find it helpful. Depending on the method you feel most comfortable with, you can close your eyes or focus on something as said candle while you concentrate on your breathing. Breathe slowly in through your nose and exhale slowly out through your mouth. I found the following visual very helpful. Imagine as you are breathing in that you are breathing in pure white light of the heavens and as you exhale you are breathing out tension and troubling thoughts and situations. Do this for as long as you feel it is necessary. ... until you begin to feel a little lighter and more opened. Know that you are safe and protected as you ask for guidance from those beings who only who have your best interest at heart. It is a good idea to ask for this guidance and protection as it will give you confidence and help dissolve away any leftover fear you may still be holding within.

From this point you may feel a quietness envelope you or as I have often found, there is still a little spiritual grounding that may need to be done...(I have a very busy mind that races at times and so this process takes a bit of effort for me on occasions. ) It is at this point then that I would go through a simple regiment of insuring my muscles are relaxed by consciously relaxing my scalp, cheeks, eyes, neck, shoulders, back chest, arms, hands and fingers, stomach, lower abdomen, legs, feet, and toes. I know it sounds like a lot of work but it truly doesn't take long and it is very peaceful and relaxing. Some people at this point would then work on clearing their energy centers... their chakras but I think at this point as a beginner it would be a good idea to take it slow. Too much information at first sometimes makes the whole process seem complicated when in fact it is perfectly natural and simple.

So relax in this state and allow whatever thoughts and feelings to pass. Enjoy this time and when ready, allow yourself to return to the world you know with gratitude and a blessing on your lips. It is very beneficial in these early exercises to keep a journal and write about how you feel afterwards and any thoughts and experiences that came to the fore ground. Sometimes this is part of a process of DE cluttering your insides. It never ceases to amaze me the things I have stuffed down deep inside of me that sometimes come forward to be understood and released at this time. And sometimes the issues have been a little painful to think about and sometimes there is emotion and tears. But it is good...good to clear these things and afterwards like a breath of fresh air on a beautiful spring morning...you feel wonderful!

I am sure other people will have other ideas for meditation as I said there are so many great ways to achieve communion... Some people listen to beautiful gentle music or to a meditation cd and some simply achieve this peaceful quiet by listening to the sounds of the world around them and narrowing their field to the sounds within them and then the sounds of the infinite universe...The choice is all yours and you will discover many ways as you research.

But one thing very,very helpful regardless of method, is to approach meditation as a child who is looking forward to an outing with their family because in fact...that is exactly what you are doing and sometimes when you least expect it the most wonderful "family members" and "adventures" present themselves...

I hope this helps, Suze. Please know there is really no right or wrong way to meditate... just go with the flow...and jump in with both feet allowing God to support, Love and guide you.

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Re: What is this?

Post by Sandy »

Hi Ang! :hithere

You wrote:
This brings to mind something that happened a few mornings ago when I was just waking up. I saw very clearly a Red Indian looking man, dressed in traditional clothes and I did wonder if he could be one of my guides.

Does anyone think he could be significant?
:sunflower: Yes...definitely significant! :D It could even be Chief Bzutu who looks like a Red Indian wearing traditional clothing. That is one of the reasons he is known as the Chief.
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Re: What is this?

Post by Ang »

Oh Sandy that would be amazing! Is there anywhere I could find an image of him? I'll never forget my image it was so crystal clear. :sunflower:
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Re: What is this?

Post by Ang »

Note to self: Of course there won't be an image of Chief Bzutu - he's hundreds of years old - doh! :oops:

I googled him and it brought me right back to this site - thank you George ;)
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Re: What is this?

Post by Sandy »

Hi Ang,
Bzutu is actually around 37,000 years old..but whose counting. ;) I do not know of any pictures(drawings of him. ) Lord knows, though, George has tried. He said once he battled for days trying to capture Bzutu's essence and still afterwards was not even close. :?
I hope you got to see him! :finger: But be assured, whether you see him or not. Bzutu knows you... He knows all of you!
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Re: What is this?

Post by Ang »

Hi Sandy, 37,000 years old eh? Well if this is my Bzutu he doesn't look it! This man had a magnificent bone structure, high very defined cheek bones, slim face. Good looking guy. He had shortish hair, straight, and would be a bob length. He wore a white headband with a narrrow feather sticking out at the back. It was mainly his face I saw and just a little bit of his shoulders which is how I could see he was traditionally dressed. What a huge honour if it is him, but even if not, this man showed himself to me for a reason and a good reason I think. :sunflower:
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Re: What is this?

Post by Sandy »

Hello Ang,
Midwayers do not age as we do and always appear as youthful adults. You have very much described the Bzutu I know and love. Yet, he could also very well be one of your guides as there are so many Midwayers, Guides and Teachers ready to assist us. There is no doubt in my mind that there is a very good reason you were shown this being. I have a feeling this is just the beginning of a long and fruitful relationship. :sunflower:
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Re: What is this?

Post by Ang »

Thank you so much Sandy. This is SO exciting! I've been asking for my guides to make contact with me for a few years now. A good friend of mine has suggested I email Deborah King (American healer) as she thinks she may be able to give me his name, so I'm going to do that. If it turns out to be Chief Bzutu, well..... I don't know what and if he is another guide, I'll feel equally privilaged :loves Ang
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Re: What is this?

Post by Sandy »

Dear Ang,
I think you have within you the ability to determine this information for yourself. Sometimes growth and self confidence is built in this way. Asking another is sort of robbing yourself of the thrill of discovery. ;)
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Re: What is this?

Post by Ang »

Good point Sandy! :)
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Re: What is this?

Post by Braenda »

:hithere Thank you Ang for sharing your story! Thank you Sandy for the helpful ideas on meditation. I started listening to a cd that has ocean sounds with dolphin and whale sounds. I was so relaxed after that, then I listen to the AC cd. I even pretend to swim with the dolphins and whales. It did make me feel like a child going on an outing! When people share thier stories it can really help so many people. Thank you again! Love Brenda :loves
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Re: What is this?

Post by Sandy »

Hi Brenda,
Ahhhh...The ocean sounds would have a wonderful peaceful affect. I love the idea of swiming and floating with the mammals of the sea... That's it...that's the idea...anything is possible. :D Once you realize this you open the door for some fabulous adventures. :bana: :sunflower:
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