New and slightly skeptical

Use this forum to ask or post about 11:11, 12:34, 2:22, 22:22 etc. The wake-up digital clock signals of our loving celestial friends. They also delight in flicking on or off street lights, traffic lights and ringing door bells.
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New and slightly skeptical

Post by Serenity »

Hi my name is Jade, I'm 18 and a current college student. I was brought to this site because a while ago I realized I caught 11:11 quite often and I wanted to know what the correct way to wish on it was, but then I found something about being an angel if you seem to catch the number at the right time frequently..that puzzled me because I wasn't sure how I could be an angel, so I looked this idea up yesterday and came across all of your posts and was stunned. I 've gone in and out of believing in God, and not believing in him, and now I'm trying to get back into being a believer because I have this strong urge in my being that I want something more. I see beautiful places and images in my head and hope that one day I will be able to visit the places I see and may have even created(if that's even possible) but that's beside the point. I see 11:11, 2:22 etc. and I never really thought anything of it til now. I actually tried to speak to my celestial beings yesterday but nothing really happened..I felt as if I were talking to myself..even posting this now makes me feel stupid, but I don't want to feel stupid about something like this. I've had anxiety and OCD since I was 12 and sometimes my mind takes me on emotional rollercoasters that just make me want to die, and I've been held back in life so many instances because of it, but I always feel like there is something else. This can't be it. I know too many people who are too beautiful, intriguing and passionate to just be a flesh-like being. There's something deeper but I've just never been able to convince myself that what I feel is true.

I have to admit that I am 85% a believer of the supernatural but I am still a bit skeptical when it comes to receiving messages from supernatural beings. I read some of what Monjoronson said and it was so insightful and made alot of sense, but for some reason my mind just went straight to "What if this is just a regular human pretending to be a celestial being so that others can listen to him?" and the thought is still in the back of my head. How do you all know that these postings are really from celestials? Without a doubt, if you've seen one or they've spoken to you then that's another story, but other than that..I find it hard to believe and I'm actually a pretty gullible person. I just hate that there are so many teachings and religions all over the world and not just one straightforward way of knowing. I mean, if Christianity is the real religion then what happens to muslims when they die and realize they've been praying to the wrong God and vice versa? I just feel like so many people are unknowingly doomed, and it hurts me because I want us all to go to the same place. I hate to see these lively and vivacious people and think that they may not end up where the good go.

Long story short, I just need some guidance. I feel like the end is near, and if it's not 12/21/12, than its another date that's coming up sooner than we know. I would just like some insight, from anyone, on any of this, and maybe about connecting with the spiritual beings. please don't be offended by anything I've said, for this is just my thinking.
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Re: New and slightly skeptical

Post by Paul »

Dear Serenity,

You are being prompted by a group of beings called the secondary midwayers. They have often been confused with the angels. These persons exist on our world, but live in another band of time. They are able to dart into and out of our linear time frame. They are electrolyzed beings and they are able to manipulate electronic devises such as clocks. They manipulate things so that you look at the clock at exactly 11:11. In this way you begin to realize that these things are not just coincidences.

They want you to know that inside of your mind there dwells a piece of the Infinite Father. This is the way that the Eternal One connects with his finite children. When you discover this Father fragment dwelling in your mind you have discovered unconditional love. You have discovered truth, beauty and goodness. This is the One that initiated the process that has resulted in your existence. This One loves you unconditionally. Having this One guide you in this life is like having the kindest, most compassionate, most loving person that you can imagine cheering you on. This Father fragment has all of the knowledge that stretches into the eternal past. There is nothing that will be impossible for you because infinity is standing by your side.

Please take some time to read the FAQ section. This will provide more details about the secondary midwayers and some of the other celestial beings that are invisible to our eyes. Welcome to the board Serenity.

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Re: New and slightly skeptical

Post by vivrider »

Dear Jade,

You sound so much like me, about 30 years ago. In lots of ways, for one thing I suffered terribly from anxiety. One of the results of this was that I learned how to meditate, and that has made such a difference in my life. The other thing that reminds me of myself is that feeling of searching, that there must be more to all of this, and also a desire to help people. I clearly remember one night after my second child was born. I couldn't sleep, and all I could think was that there had to be more. I had accomplished most of the things I wanted to do--made it through medical school, had children, had a nice house, and it just really hit me then that this couldn't be all I was meant to do. I started reading lots of books about spirituality. One kind of led to the next. I went from being active in church to despising all religion to now attending a church which is all about love and helping eachother. I read Deepak Chopra, studied Buddhism, read the Conversations with God books, watched "The Secret." It wasn't until I found this group that I knew I had the real thing. I totally understand your skepticism, as well as your desire to understand it all. I know it will take some time for you to realize it, but I hope you hang around here, start getting the emails, read George's books. I would also recommend that you try to learn to meditate. Even just sitting in silence is helpful, but learning to get to alpha state can lead to so much more for you. It does take time. As far as actual contact, I have only heard a voice once. But there are so many other things that have happened in my life that I know are because of my spirit guardians, or other celestial help.

So nice to have you here!

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Re: New and slightly skeptical

Post by Sandy »

Dear Jade,

It is perfectly understandable and even healthy to be skepticle of things you read, and come across especially when completely viewed from other peoples perspectives and not yet experienced by you, yourself. And on that note, we the members of this site, do not expect you to simply take our word as to what to think and believe. The best lessons and knowledge does not come from others but from that deep well of God wisdom that dwells within each one of us....

I can understand too your confusion as to whether the messages are from a celestial being or from a human even a well meaning human. Yet, once again personal experience and searching within provides the needed clues. Transmitting these messages from the celestials takes some dedication and skill and if care is not taken our own prejudices and religious/spiritual preferences can also mingle amongst the words the celestials provide. If you would like to know more about this process you maybe interested in reading in the FAQ's the first section about celestial messages. Granted they are Celestial messages yet some of these messages explain what is needed to channel. Channeling for a group can be very taxing and some of our dedicated Receivers are some of the best in the world...yet even the best can sometimes slip up and so it is up to the individual to ask for help in discernment and understanding... I always look for love in regards to the flavor of the messages and the spiritual groups and religions I encounter. If there is love, they are in fact following some type of path to God. But to recognize this perhaps we need to dwell on what exactly God is? He/She is the infinite Creator of all substance that exists even the nothingness of space. God occupies every cell in our body and every molecule of what we view as inert matter. God is the air we breath the sustainer of life who can create whole galaxies with a single thought. Yet there is much more... many religions touch on the Love of God but it becomes terribly overshadowed with their ideas of harsh judgements of God. I simplify this in my own heart by thinking of this vast being as the perfect Parent. How would you expect a perfect parent to act?... to react? A perfect parent loves thier children despite the mistakes they make as they grow and mature. They do not cast them remember...I said a perfect parent. Many human parents in their struggles to live their life fall fall short of this mark...Yet our God, Source and Father always knows where we are coming from...the way we think and act and say the things we do. And yet despite us falling far short so many times of the "loving goal" we are still loved and cherished beyond any possible comprehension. So we pick ourselves up and continue to try to be the best we can, to love the most each day despite the set backs and our own perceived failures... If this world were the end all before our heavenly home I suspect not many of us would pass the test. Yet, our mortal life is just the beginning...The beginning of an eternal adventure to know God and accept our divine inheritance as children of this same God. Some of our journeys may be long and drawn out...others may be much shorter as they zero in on the most perfect of "coveted prizes." But throughout our eternal journey we will never be beyond the Love of God. He/She will travel with us enjoying our wonder and surprise as we view worlds and places of such wonder and beauty. You very well may have viewed some of these already. I have traveled through the cosmos at times and nothing compares.. .it is different from a day dream there is a strength and reality hard to describe and you are moved in ways that forever are remembered (soul felt) each time remembered.

The door that opens to the knowledge and direction pertinent to each individual comes from our desires and intentions and this important inner contemplation. It is called various names most common perhaps Stillness mediation. All these things our heart s desire begins in this lovely and life sustaining way.

Well Jade, I am sorry for my lengthy ramblings but I do hope you will stay with us awhile and contribute via your experiences, questions and your own personal knowledge...Each of us are students as well as teachers as we climb ever higher towards the understanding of things eternal.
Welcome to our 11:11 home! It's good to have you join us. :hithere
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Re: New and slightly skeptical

Post by Serenity »

Thank you Sandy, Vivian and Paul for taking the time to read my post and I appreciate your words. I guess I've just realized that this is the beginning of my journey and I'm going to try and make the best of it while I can. I will take all of your advice. I'm glad I was prompted to come here and it's nice to know I'm being protected :)
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Re: New and slightly skeptical

Post by pattym »

hi jade;)
my name is patty and im new here, too. i just saw sooooo many 11's i HAD to google it, and here i am, too!
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Re: New and slightly skeptical

Post by luvinlife »

Welcome from me, too! The best thing about this group is the diversity. Everyone here as something positive and wonderful to contribute. Follow your heart. That's what I do. That is what is meant to be (as long as it's loving).

Love, Clare
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Re: New and slightly skeptical

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Thanks Patty and Clare :) I'm glad to know I'm accepted here.
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Re: New and slightly skeptical

Post by AJ »

Welcome Serenity and Patty. I think you will both find nothing but good positive people around here.

Sandy....I love you! What you wrote was so absolutely beautiful and such a great way of describing it all. So complex the whole idea but yet so simple! You better watch out George...Sandy may be writing the next book. ha ha!
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Re: New and slightly skeptical

Post by LurkerAbyss »

Hi Jade :hithere :love

I know what you're going through. I am 21 now, and just started going through the "number thing" about 6 years ago.

I, like you, am a skeptical person but only in the sense that I am always asking questions and trying to see all sides to all things. It is this skepticism that has turned me into a stronger believer today than I ever have been. Growing up, I was very heavily influenced by Christianity and then Buddhism, but today the "religion" I choose for life is Love. Just love. That's my religion.

What's already been said in this thread is really important, and I can't stress it enough. Find the answers yourself, discover the meaning of YOUR life, because at the end of time that's the only way to do it. God and Truth will never be something that somebody else can make you "know" or understand.. it is up to every human being to look deep within and develop their own wisdom in this life.

To quote a lyric, "you don't have to feel safe to feel unafraid". That's how I feel about spirituality, and the changes going on in our world. Love is the key, not fear, and it's not about how or when things will end.. it's about how and when they begin. That's up to all of us.

Love always
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Re: New and slightly skeptical

Post by Sandy »

((((((AJ)))))) Thank you my friend! I love you too! :kiss:

Lurky wrote:
To quote a lyric, "you don't have to feel safe to feel unafraid". That's how I feel about spirituality, and the changes going on in our world. Love is the key, not fear, and it's not about how or when things will end.. it's about how and when they begin. That's up to all of us.
Lucky, that is quite profound! :sunflower: Thank you! You called it perfectly! ((((( a hug for you too!)))) :kiss:
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Re: New and slightly skeptical

Post by Serenity »

Thanks Lucky! that's a wonderful quote actually, I think that will be one for me to remember. Thank you to everyone for all the warm welcomes :)
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