Guardian Angels

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Guardian Angels

Post by vivrider »

Hi Everyone! I haven't been around much, but I'm always thinking about you, and my 1111 emails are the first ones I read when they appear in my box. I have really enjoyed reading the recent ones about guardian angels. I have so many questions! Just thought I'd ask if anyone has more to say about them. Do we each have one guardian angel? Or a group? Does one guardian angel watch over one human or many at once? I have known so many instances where I got celestial help or inspiration, and I want to understand more about that being. Like I have discovered a secret admirer and I want to know more about them! Are they happy with how I'm doing? Can we communicate in meditation?

An update about my life: the kids and I are doing great. I left the megacorporation medical clinic I was working for and joined a small private pediatric practice. All the "coincidences" that led to me finding that job make a wonderful story!! I absolutely love it there, I have time with my patients (what a concept) and I have so much freedom to actually try to help people rather than just run the gauntlet every day. I think lots of great opportunities are going to present themselves there.

Great to be back here!

Love, Vivian
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Re: Guardian Angels

Post by Sandy »

Hi Vivian! It is good to see you back and with such good news too! Your new practice sounds wonderful! Just what the doctor ordered! ;)

I too love the message's from George's guardian angels. In fact, it was my desire to start a communicative relationship with my own angels that started my feet on this journey of a lifetime. Years ago I came across a book called "Ask Your Angels" and I was flabergasted...yes, flabergasted :lol: that such a thing was possible. I decided to give it a try and started doing the first of the series of meditations daily. The meditations were geared to place your consciousness in the right place as to facilitate this delicate communication. For instance, you began with a meditation to teach you how to physically relax and then when comfortable you moved on to the meditation that relaxes your spirit body. After that, when ready, you begin releasing exercises and looking within and understanding and letting go all the uncomfortable stuff that has accumulated as it surfaces in your consciousness. You know, those little fears, grievances, hurtful situations etc. .. anything that might come between you and the communication you desire. (This was a little difficult at times but it was well worth it and I felt so much lighter afterwards. )Finally, you begin exercises and meditations geared to align you and your angels. For me it was a long process but I was making spotty contact...when I came here and began using the the Akashic Construct cd which really opened up the celestial channels. I would like to think we all have these abilities of communication. I have said this before and I'll say it again, if the likes of me can do it then I believe just about anyone can do it. For some of us though it does take real effort and dedication.
I finally achieved communication with my beloved pair of angels and the funny thing came out of the blue when I was relaxed and at a very deep peace but not even asking for their attention. I about fell off my chair but it was wonderful. I discovered over the years it was a little harder for me to hear them then it was my Midwayer friends. But when we did communicate I knew I was in the presence of beings who loved me beyond my own comprehension. :happy

You asked a few questions about angels... I'll see if I can get George to talk a little about what he knows. ;)

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Re: Guardian Angels

Post by Paul »

Dear Viv,

Each of us receive the services of a destiny guardian when we are showing signs of true spiritual growth. The seraphim look forward to such an assignment. To assist a mortal to ascend the psychic circles is a causes for joy for these seraphim. We are then assigned a seraphic pair. The seraphim are created in pairs and they function as such, but they are two distinct individuals. There are times when this seraphic pair separate and go on to perform other duties. When they do a cherubim and sanobim pair fill in for them.

Typically when a person has shown the desire to become one with his Father fragment a seraphic pair will be assigned to that one until the end of his life. But that mortal will be reunited with his angels on the mansion worlds after his death. Then we will meet our beautiful seraphic pair face-to-face. We will ascend with them together. They will be with us in the system worlds, the constellation worlds, the local universe capital worlds. They will journey with us to the minor sector worlds, the major sector worlds and the superuniverse worlds. Then we will go to Havona together, but there we will separate. While we go through our mortal training in the central universe, our seraphic pair will go through the seraphington training circles in the central universe. When we cross the shores onto the sphere of Paradise where our Father dwells, our seraphic pair will be waiting for us. We will be reunited yet again.

I do not know if any of us will continue to work with our beloved seraphic pair after we have entered the ranks of the finaliters. I hope so. I hope that there is a purpose in our age long association of mortal and angel. I for one am very grateful for my seraphic pair. I just found out recently Viv that the name of my seraphic pair is Gabriella. That is a composite name of course because there are actually two individuals that keep guard over me. When I made the decision to become one with my Father fragment I was assigned the attentions of this beautiful seraphic pair. I do not know if I had different angels watching over me prior to that decision. I suppose that I will find out one day.

There is a person that channels angels and she brought Gabriella and my son Jim through. Gabriella told me that my wife and I were surrounded by angels when my son Jim died. That was awesome. She told me something that was very exciting, but sobering at the same time. If things develop I will share that with you. I told Gabriella that before I died I wanted to give my love back to my Eternal Father. She said, "Blessed you are my child for saying that." That was so encouraging and heart stirring.

Dear Viv, you are assigned a seraphic destiny guardian pair as well. The fact that you are here is evidence of that fact. Call out to them and ask for a sign Viv. I asked for a white feather to appear as a sign that they were with me and I have now received close to a dozen white feathers. Just recently I went to McDonald's to have some breakfast. I sat down to eat, but I dropped my utensil. I bent over to pick it up and on the floor, right in front of my outstretched left hand was a white feather. I picked it up and thanked my angels for that. I put the white feather in my left coat pocket and went about my business. The next day I went to look for the white feather and it was gone. I put it there in my pocket, then it disappeared. The reason that the white feather was manifest this time is because I asked if they liked the project I am working on. That was my answer.

If you go to paper 113 of the UB you will get a lot more information about our seraphic guradians. It is really cool. We earn the right to receive destiny guardians as we advance spiritually. As we ascend the psychic circles with the purpose to become one with our Father fragment we receive them. Those humans that are not so spiritually inclined will be presided over in a group. For example, one destiny guardian pair may be assigned to watch out over a thousand separate humans. Now, if some of those humans show signs of advancement then those humans will receive their own seraphic pair. I pray that our Viv will receive the sign that she is being watched over by her own seraphic pair. Do you like white feathers Viv?

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Re: Guardian Angels

Post by vivrider »

Dear Sandy and Paul,

This is so incredibly exciting! There are many things that I want to tell you about, but right now I don't have much time to write. For the past few weeks my life has seemed very different. I have had so much energy, ideas for projects have been flowing into my mind, and I have felt very happy, even in the dead of winter which usually starts to get to me by January. I have had UB for a couple of years but didn't know where to start with it. . . now I do. Sandy, do you think I should try to find Ask Your Angels? Or just meditate and tell them I want to communicate? There is one thing in particular that I would love to have a sign from them about. It's kind of personal so I think I will write to you tomorrow in a message rather than post here. Not that I worry about 1111ers, just the internet in general. Thank you both for writing, I will be back tomorrow!

Love, Viv
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Re: Guardian Angels

Post by Sandy »

Hi Viv,
You sound just like the Vivian who came to our board a couple years ago chock full of ideas and artistic energy. ;) I honestly don't know how a busy Doctor like you has the time for all the things that you do but I am in awe of you and the impact you have on those around you! :sunflower:

I found the Angel book very helpful even though I didn't agree with everything they said about angels. The book is full of meditations of all sorts so it would be hard to go wrong in purchasing it. It is especially helpful in getting to the bottom of things harbored inside...sort of giving you a method to follow that helps release, which I needed at that time. Once the connection is made/felt it progresses on it's own and you may find you no longer need any method to propel you into the right "place." I think that is one thing that has been so beneficail for those who use the AC cd regularly (daily) It helps you to sense/recognize when you reach this alpha level and in no time flat it happens easily without prompting and without much "adoo" throughout your day.
The bottom line is that it is always a sort of a personal thing as to what we should do to further our spiritual growth.. . And certainly you can ask your angels and they will respond...just be open to the methods the answer arrives in. ;) They will always hear us, our Angel friends, regardless of our abilities to communicate with them.

I'll be on the look out for your pm. :D

P.S. The authors of Ask Your Angels' are Alma Daniel, Timothy Wyllie and Andrew Ramer. (Thought that bit of info might be helpful for you or any who are interested. :lol: )
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Re: Guardian Angels

Post by luvinlife »

Very exciting! I'm enjoying these posts very much! I have always "felt" a guardian angel. It's not anything I learned or read about....just a feeling.

Love, Clare
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Re: Guardian Angels

Post by Paul »

Dear Clare,

You have a pair of seraphic Destiny Guardians. The fact that you are here confirms it for me. The really cool part is that when we reach a certain level of spirituality these seraphic pairs choose us. They volunteer to steer us towards our Father in Paradise. Just as we grow by ascending inwards towards the Father, they grow by helping us to become more spiritual. They regard their assignments with great joy. My Destiny Guardian (actually two individuals) Gabriella loves me very much. I feel her love very intensely. Last night when I was writing a very moving poem I noticed a shaft of light out of the corner of my right eye. I think that it was one of my angels manifesting. There have been many times when I have been writing in my room that I sensed that someone was present. Awesome!
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Re: Guardian Angels

Post by luvinlife »

Thank you, Paul. I got goosebumps when I read your post. That, to me, is an affirmation. I feel blessed.

Love, Clare
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Re: Guardian Angels

Post by Dragonfly »

TY.. Love, LIght & Lotus. :hithere
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Re: Guardian Angels

Post by Dragonfly »

Well, thanks for the inspiring information shared here. A strong read.. well, as well i sense Angels and admire their work. Many times it is in the small, that they are noticiable and even present. Like here is an example. I was visiting a café by late evening, and some were upstairs and drinking a beer, later some of the guests coming down from the stairs were a bit loudmouthed, and suddenly a bump was heard and a younger lady had tripped and almost fell, but somehow she composed herself and never fell face on floor. So,this could have been a supporting Angel, cause she only tipped and then regained her balance.The same had happend with a younger man, at a different step and he kept looking down as if to say to himself "what was that??". :-)

Personally, i am back to the street lights thing. Them going out and then sometimes on anew. And electromagnetic disturbances. I received a parcel from my brother, just a day ago and the postworker, she kept saying "this is odd", as the electronics would not co-operate with her. Untill finally said "should i hold the parcel" and it was like a word of magic, cause then everything worked. Parcel had a barcode which needed it´s scan in red!

So, well hopefully i`m clear in my expressions here, been a while since i have made a reply post in these active forums! :-P Brightest Blessings, Dragonfly :viking:
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Re: Guardian Angels

Post by Sandy »

Hi Kwame :viking: ,

I loved your post and the memories it brought up of a discussion with a friend of mine a long time ago. I felt the tingles then and now as I read your post describing what seems a sort of angel support preventing a nasty tumble until human balance is restored. I have always wondered why they are allowed to act in some instances and not in others. I am pretty sure permission comes from on High and by Those qualified to know the ins and out of our future (Hmmm I am thinking Thought Adjuster perhaps) I have heard our angels work closely with our Fragments of God.

I smiled at your experience with the postal worker. 8) These little unexpected surprises make life very interesting. :D
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Re: Guardian Angels

Post by Light1 »

Greetings to all... :hithere

I am 100% convinced that Angels walk amongst us...there are so many stories of folk having Divine intervention...whilst driving through the floods getting home from Queensland I felt Angels were with my mum...puppy and myself the whole way. We missed by just hours becoming trapped on the highway by swollen rivers...missed pot holes threatening to swallow our tiny little grandchildren gave me two beautiful presents for Christmas...A white Angel feather and a gorgeous blown glass Guardian Angel...symbols of love and protection which they picked for me when out shopping with thier mum...

In love and Light

Anne (light1) :loves
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Re: Guardian Angels

Post by Artisanlady »

Loved reading this thread, I have a question too. . .I have been experiencing scalp rushes (tingling), almost like someone caressing my head. Would that be the angels? the spirit guide? a loved one? or any/all of the above?
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Re: Guardian Angels

Post by Sandy »

Hi Lisa, I get them too. Aren't they wonderful! :D I always assumed it was my angels and Teachers making their present known as it often happened just before a connection... That sounds silly in a way doesn't it?... because in effect with that stoking we have already made a connection with the sense of feel. For me it is very healing so something is definitely going on. :scratch:
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Re: Guardian Angels

Post by luvinlife »

I get my face stroked, especially when I'm upset.

Love, Clare
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Re: Guardian Angels

Post by vivrider »

I found a white feather today. I don't know if it was from an angel because there was a logical explanation--I was waking up my son, and he turned over and had a little white feather on his eyebrow. He does have a down comforter that the feather came from. But I'm still hoping it's the first of many! :finger:

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Re: Guardian Angels

Post by Sandy »

I sort of had a similar experience today, Viv. I was walking out to the compost bin with a few vegetable items to add to the smelly collection (a most disagreeable job as I never know what is going to be staring at me when I lift the lid. :shock: ) But anyway, as I was walking across the yard, there was this perfect little white feather directly in my path. Of course, I couldn't help myself and I picked it up and contemplated whether it was a gift from my angels... I suppose it doesn't matter though, as to whether one of those large white cockatoos dropped it while chasing each other across the yard or my overworked Destiny Guardians placed it in the precise spot to get my attention. Which ever is the right of it... it still caused me to pause in my busy day, to smile and think of my tireless angels and the "Big Boss" they work for. :D I added it to my angel feather collection, just in case. :) Maybe some day when I'm in my nineties, I will have enought to fill a pillow. What a good night's sleep that will provide, huh? :D
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Re: Guardian Angels

Post by stacie »

Hi everyone im brand new to this website :hithere
I would like to think im rather spritual and fell i have a lot of what do you call it, ... intuation without sounding batty i can sometimes sence when things some things are going to happen, or no someting bad is coming, not all the time but too much to be a coincedence. (appologies for spelling errors)
I would just like to ask, How do i know if i have a guardian angel? or could someone please send me one because i could really use some support and looking after at the moment??????? :cry:

I would like to think i have one, maybe i already have one and im just not listeing??????
I could sure use some help at the moment, so can anyone help me read my signs that maybe im missing, or can someone send me a guardian angel please or borrow me theirs?? lol i will look after it lol

:finger: :finger: :finger: :finger:
stacie xx

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Re: Guardian Angels

Post by vivrider »

Hi Stacie,

Welcome to the site! I'm just learning about guardian angels myself. You will learn more if you read some of the messages on this board. Probably someone who knows more will answer also. There is so much to learn here. Whatever problems you are having, know that there are many beings trying to help you, including your own Thought Adjuster. Mediation and stillness are ways to understand what they're saying.

Sandy, I loved your feather story.

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Re: Guardian Angels

Post by Geoff »

stacie wrote:How do i know if i have a guardian angel?
Dear Stacie,


You already have 2. We all have 2. But, those 2 may look after only one person, or a much larger group. As you become more interested in spiritual things, they start to focus their attentions.

But, thats not the end of it. You also have a fragment of God in your upper mind, and you may have one or more teachers. Help is all around.

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Re: Guardian Angels

Post by Sandy »

Hello and welcome Stacie :hithere
I smiled at your apologies for the spelling errors because in reality I am the worst speller on the board. :oops: I didn't notice your errors but rather a sweet personality that came through with your words. :) I suspect you have two very busy and very proud angels working along side you. They love you as all angels love their charges. Sometimes they will come across in little physical ways to let us know they are with us despite how we feel or what situations we have gotten ourselves into and sometimes with a little effort or natural ability we can learn to communicate with them too. Which is a blessing as you can imagine. :D Our angels are with us for the long haul and through thick and thin you are not left without loving guardians. :happy

Some times I get these quick little nudges of encouragement from my own guardians with the 44 or 444 number prompt or as we were discussing earlier, I have gotten a feather out of the blue. Then there are times I have received a penny...something that wasn't there before... If you scroll through the threads in this forum you may find other things people have experienced with their angels that will help you to smile and be comforted.
It is a pleasure to meet you Stacie. I am glad you have joined our 11:11 family message board. If I can be of help any way please feel free to call on me.
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Re: Guardian Angels

Post by stacie »

:D :D thank you to all ov you for your kind words and advise.
When i read your mesgs about having 2 angels, i was very pleased, i asumed i would maybe have one, but two :bana:
I have set myself a goal to read through the treads to understand this all a little more.
Its amazing feeling to know that your beeing watched over and guided, makes me feel very lucky.
:loves .
Next time i post i hope i have learnt to pick up on the msgs that i maybe reciveing, and will inform you all.
I already have a smile on my face looking forward to learning about all ov this.

thanx again for everyones help.

stacie :hithere :hithere
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Re: Guardian Angels

Post by luvinlife »

Viv! Great feather story! Sandy, you made me laugh with your story (as always). Geoff, thanks for that information too! Welcome, Stacie. Enjoy your journey, and keep posting to let us know what's happening.

Love, Clare
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Re: Guardian Angels

Post by vivrider »

I have another question about guardian angels. You know how a lot of people think that their loved ones who have passed on guard over them. And that cool story about the medallion in the covers. Today is my grandmother's 93rd birthday (still going strong, Yay Pama!) Today I've been thinking about her husband, my grandfather who died about 25 years ago, and her daughter, my mom, who died about a year ago. I wouldn't want to cling to someone and hold them back, but I always wonder, are they watching over things here on Urantia? Do they try to give us messages, are they happy when we make progress? Or do they just wait til we show up because watching us here would make them sad? (No tears in heaven theory) So anyway, I know that they aren't actually our guardian angels, but are they playing a part?

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Re: Guardian Angels

Post by vivrider » ... 1520744979

Trying to figure out how to post a picture. . . . after all these years still can't figure it out. Here's a link to my facebook page where you can see my Pama, I think!
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