Creepy Growl in Hallway

Use this forum to ask or post about 11:11, 12:34, 2:22, 22:22 etc. The wake-up digital clock signals of our loving celestial friends. They also delight in flicking on or off street lights, traffic lights and ringing door bells.
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Creepy Growl in Hallway

Post by Jhartsock123 »

Just a few minutes ago after finishing listening to this song for the first time: I heard a creepy growl noise in my hallway, my door is shut, so I thought it was something from the song, so I played the few seconds back in the end, and found nothing. During this I was reading this page: I heard the faint noise again just after the song ended, and my heart dropped. I asked for the first time verbally 'Guardian Angel protect me' because I felt that there was some kind of evil outside my door. I see myself as a strong person, a Holy Warrior of some sort, so I tend to face my enemy because I know I'm protected, and decided to check around my house and found out my puppy who normally sits on the couch near the front door, overlooking the windows to the driveway, is not there, so I went to my parents room where his bed is, and found him under his covers, as if he ran from something. I went back in my room, opened my blinds, and let the light in, grabbed my Holy bible, put it to my forehead while looking out at the 9:00am daylight, and said in my conscience, 'Jesus protect me'.

I'm feeling slightly dizzy, like im rocking back and forth in my mind. I'm the only one home, and never had experienced something to this depth. An hour before this, I was prompted for 9:11.

I have correlated my recent experiences, and noticed I have about 7 or so symptoms of a 'Spiritual Awakening' according to this site:

Things are happening fast for me. I don't like feeling that sick feeling in your stomach when something bad is happening...I just hope it passes.
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Re: Creepy Growl in Hallway

Post by LurkerAbyss »

I noticed the second link you provided mentioned the shift from a fear based world to a love based existence.

Try not to think that something "bad" is happening instead of something good, but rather see it as the "good-bad" process happening and interpretation is up to you. I had a dream last night about what felt like malevolent spirits in human bodies that would not allow me to scream my lungs out what I wanted to scream, and my sense of security and harmonious being was gone. As soon as I awoke, I processed what I felt and 'gathered round with the Family' to make sense of it all and try my best to return to that harmonious sense of being.

We are living in a state of grace. You are Loved and protected as you so asked for, and don't think that fear and its machinations/manifestations have the power to overcome your being of peace love and beauty (unless you allow it to).
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Re: Creepy Growl in Hallway

Post by Sandy »

Hello Jhartsock,
I agree with Lurker's post...
We are living in a state of grace. You are Loved and protected as you so asked for, and don't think that fear and its machinations/manifestations have the power to overcome your being of peace love and beauty (unless you allow it to).
At these times when fear raises its head maybe a visualization might help. Perhaps something along this line. Close your eyes and envisage a beautiful heavenly light approaching you. Feel the beams touching your heart and filling you with a sense of belonging, peace and protection. Allow this light to encompasse your whole being and feel it grow until it covers the room, your home, your street, your town, your country, the world, the solar system, the galaxy and universe. Know that you are a beloved part of this light which emmanates from the Source of all. You are loved, warm and protected. Safe in the light of God's Love.

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Re: Creepy Growl in Hallway

Post by luvinlife »

shift from a fear based world to a love based existence
Yes, I have noticed many times that when I "shift" my fear to love and acceptance, all is well.

Love, Clare
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Re: Creepy Growl in Hallway

Post by AJ »

The Creepy stuff can be very creepy. I just watched Paranormal Activity for the first time and it kind of freaked me out a bit but I also got to thinking about the reality of the situation if it even could happen to me what would I do. I would like to think that even though I may be scared and my adrenaline would be pumping imagine showing love and expressing love in that situation versus fear. If a dark entity truly would feed on fear then imagine what it would do if you did not give it the satisifaction of fear and expressed love and concern for it instead. Praying to Jesus for protection is great but imagine after you asked for protection first what would happen if you then addressed out loud whatever you seemed to be frightened from with something along the lines of, "may the peace and love of Jesus and our Eternal Father be with you!" If you truly feel threatened in that situation or continue to feel fear due to this prescence then ask it in the name of Jesus to leave you alone and you could even go as far as praying for that entitity that it too finds the love and light of Jesus and ensuring it that it is never too late to ask for Jesus's love to help it find its way.

I believe all things are possible through love and through Christ Michael!

A nun of the catholic church recently ran into my family at a park one day and she did the neatest thing to my daughter. She traced a cross on her hand and while doing it said, "Jesus loves you and I do too!" I absolutely loved this gesture and expression and hope to extend that greeting to others I meet and would even extend it to a dark spirit looking to scare me.

Peace my brothers and sisters! Much Love always!
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Re: Creepy Growl in Hallway

Post by JJJ »

Just thought I would add my 2 cents, memory prompted by the others who responded. I used to have this character who always appeared in my dreams. Not a nice, fellow... pretty freaky. Anyway, as I learned about lucid dreaming many of the dreams became 'conscious' dreams. One time 'he' took the form of my husband who was standing outside of my parents screen door. I started to notice subtle differences in his gestures and knew that he was not my husband. He wanted to hurt me and at first this familiar scene scared me. It occurred to me that when shadows exist in darkness, they are difficult to make out unless light is shone upon them. I extended my palms to him and said, "I love you" several times. His expression changed (not to love or relief... more to neutral, strange, non-existent type of thing) and he vanished. It wasn't the end of him but I learned something from that dream. :)
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Re: Creepy Growl in Hallway

Post by LurkerAbyss »

AJ, you put that very wonderfully and I couldn't have said it better myself. In fact, I didn't, so I'm glad you did! :lol:

Your post made me smile, the very thought of being faced with fear and just "showering" it with love. As you said, I believe all things are possible through Christ, through Him, through Love.

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Re: Creepy Growl in Hallway

Post by Petra Wilson »

LurkerAbyss wrote:AJ, you put that very wonderfully and I couldn't have said it better myself. In fact, I didn't, so I'm glad you did! :lol:
:lol: Good one Lurker!
Your post made me smile, the very thought of being faced with fear and just "showering" it with love. As you said, I believe all things are possible through Christ, through Him, through Love.

I'd like to think I could do that to any negative entity. I had an encounter with one and I just
couldn't do it. I was frozen with fear for almost an hour, reciting the Lord's Prayer over and over till I felt calm
peace surrounding me.

Love, Petra xx
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Re: Creepy Growl in Hallway

Post by AJ »

Petra my dear I am sure you would have nothing to fear. I bet the good Chief would bring out his large weapon that George once spoke of to protect you or any of us if we were in real danger. If they wouldn't then hopefully I could find a way to astral travel to defend you myself. I hope you and your family are doing well!
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Re: Creepy Growl in Hallway

Post by Petra Wilson »

Awww AJ, YOU!! :love That thought will stay with me if ever anything like that
happens again. Thank you darlink,

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Re: Creepy Growl in Hallway

Post by linda1111 »


That stuff really happens, dark entities are just as real as light ones. I felt a dark entity one time and I was pretty scared at first, then I firmly said, "Jesus in front of me, the devil behind me", and said this until it was gone!

Linda :loves
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