post box 11

Use this forum to ask or post about 11:11, 12:34, 2:22, 22:22 etc. The wake-up digital clock signals of our loving celestial friends. They also delight in flicking on or off street lights, traffic lights and ringing door bells.
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post box 11

Post by Gabbriellini »

A friend of mine who is crazy about number 11 since at least 20 years, goes to the post office the other day, he is after a post box, and he requests he be given box number11. They tell him that it''s impossible cause it'S already taken and the owner didn'T check it since months but the officials cannot touch it up until a year or so. So he goes mad, with a bit of too much loving maybe, he insists, he offers the post office guy options; that he could change the lock, that he would pay double the price, that he be given the name of the keyholder of the postbox number 11 so he trace the name and find the guy and finally get a chance to obtain the little key for the box by convincing him. My friend doesn'T speak English and is not aware of this 11:11 phenomena on this message board, he didn'T think that there were other people on Earth who experienced the same thing, and I told him that it's on the internet, this list, free to join, he was excited hearing that.He couldn't get the postbox, (he got number 54, he says that'S his door number at least), but he was reminded he wasn't alone.

Years ago, he had to go out of the city for a couple of days and he asked me if I could take care of his cats and kids. He is only calling his two dogs kids, he got a kid called Costa, he only call him Costa, one of them were called Janis, a Spanish cocker with honey hair and long ears, and the other one wasn'T around yet, so he asks me if I can feed them exactly at 11 AM. I asked him why that is, what do you expect his answer was?

He said that his kids were aware of the time too. And I was gonna do what he said, but at the last minute, he changed his plans, and left his cats and dogs to another friend of his. I feed my cats, on time, always but not exatly at 11. For me,
each hour, minute, moment, is precious. We shall love each other and feed each other with love whenever and however we can. My cat just nodded when I written that down, a moment ago.
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